Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Pope and a Morphing Creature.

Not had time to write dreams propperly

So night before last I think was of a red London bus, I was on it with other family's.   Upstairs deck had no seats but wood floor and was set out as a toddler play room.

Last night....   First was a conflict dream.  I was arguing with my selves.

Then it skipped Me standing over the body of the Pope!  
He was crumpled on the floor...   old and white in his robes.     I was standing over him...   when I thought forgiveness loving thoughts he glowed with a golden light.    When I stopped the light went, out...   It was like a ritual  was practising with different intentions...  I could make him wither and age faster with bad thoughts.   I think Trump was on the floor too.    It was wired...  I'm not sure what 'I' was I didn't seem to be in any kind of body but was big.

Then another dream were I picked up a thing...  it had the legs of a beetle...  large hairy body of a moth with delicate wings to small for it's round body.   It was red, white and grey.   In my hands it started to transform, first it was like a hairless chick/squab but also seemed to have feet like a pinky baby rodent,   it kept morphing and changing getting feathers then fur, then claws getting bigger and bigger.   I eventually set it down and it was a pair of big cat's Lynx prehpas with spiked tufted ears.... they were a male & female pair and the male was protecting the female.  The other DC with me was scared but I smiled/shook my head and teleported us threw the cats far to the other side of them leaving them in peace together.     I'll need to check what I wrote down for more details but them are the bits that have stuck all day.

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