Monday, 3 July 2017

A night dream..

Light is dimmer. 
Smells expand. 
Quiet of dusk falls over the land. 
Bat's a companion to flit  threw our moon light. 
Sounds carry further when robbed of our sight.

Pause now.


See with strange eyes.

Earth steps into her power and drops her sun guise.

Damp air to feed my senses with smells,
flowers, growing, laundry, traffic.  Tells.
All hidden from eye sight when all is so bright.

'I' step into the magic of shared moonlight.

Like beast, 'I' am one with sound and with smell,
shadows shifting a powerful spell.

So fragile, so soft, our senses so weak.
We surrender to to night when the goddess we seek.

No furr to warm us, no claws to defend.
We just melt into evening and hope that we blend.

Surrendering to all that we will never control and falling with longing into earths soul. 

(Piccy from

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