Sunday, 16 July 2017

Day dreams and Night dreams.

Sat Night.

A large table, I'm feeding people making sandwich's I make a grumpy yoga a tuna sandwich and they put vinegar on it but eat it.  I outside and go into a child's playground it's sunny....  there are big kids on the swings and they have tangled them so small kids can't play.    I go and untangle them  and younger kids appear and start playing.  I'm walking back the way I came it's sunny...  there is a dug out mine in a cliff face...  It goes down below ground level.   Full of small white stone chippings, a child loses a ball and I jump down to fetch it, there are 2 women below selling cosmetics.  I get the ball and leave.

Next dream is a holiday cottage on a cliff top my dad and his partner are there as are 100's more it's sunny always sunny no night.  The cottage has lots of windows and a balcony looking out over the sea.

We are singing together.

Last dream I was here on the green.   First we notice that there are puddles the dog goes and lays in one... the view is different  like the houses are missing and there is a view sloping down over countryside as I'm watching a wave/water is flowing in.  It's flowing uphill but slowly... it's beautiful  flat like glass reflecting the sky above no ripples.  

Sunday night.

First dream... a beautiful old terraced house with front and back garden and a wrote iron fence.    
It's evening/dusk   garden is dimly lit by as silvery moon and we are all in the back gardens.  The neighbour has done some work on the fence and taken it down... as they remove the fence we see there is a beautiful old stream/waterfall.    It's spring fed and the water flows down over smooth grey slabs of stones the grey stones have pink veins threw them that sparkle. 

We are renovating the garden... at the spring sores there a wooden open hut it's been hidden lost for 80 years or so and is kind of 'frozen' in time.. there is an old piano there and bottles of flowers and stuff.   I want to take it's piccy but I've lost a camera. 

At the front in front of the houses there is wired goo/mush/slime coming from the stream.....  it's hummm  some kind of run off.   We are clearing up and sorting out old plants sweeping up all in the moonlight.

Second dream was a similar garden.. this time there is a wet tent.. it's bit wired orange 70's frame/trailer tent.   It's in a park like  community space  it's raining and night.   I have special powers of shrinking things... or myself so small that we are just collapsing into molecule size.    Or grow stuff too making it huge. 

I can also echo locate...  I can 'see' sound vibrations and how they bounce back..   I can also see a wired bone structure that I'm using to do it.  I draw it in the air to show people.... I can use it to guide stuff in space

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