Sunday, 2 July 2017

Skates & Cat's.

Odd dream..

Again T May in it!

Not at first..   I'm  in a city/town.   Beautiful sunny day and the town is full of steep hills and valleys.   I have some 80's roller boots they are very well worn, Kef is with me too.  

It's fun, wizzing down hills... the uphill is harder I'm often crawling on my hands and knees but other dream characters are happy to help me.  Dog pulls sometimes too :P  

There is a wired communal house/hotel/Stately home/garden in the center of the town.   I'm trying to find a door that leads to the flowers in bloom  (An archway of them)    The people in the building are friendly and help me try the various doors/windows and exits. 

I end up up on a  massive hill where there is a farm, it's so steep that some of the vegetables keep rolling down the hill.  They have kept me a 'palm' tree it's young... it will grow bit, it's got a vine too and it's self sustaining.

Next I'm heading to a new home when out of the car gets the British PM (May)  She's coming with me.  I tell her I'll show her then she gets 2 massive hold all's out of the car and wants me to help with them.  I grumble with her about baggage and how I like to travel light.

While she's unloading a green bouncy ball rolls out of the car,  I skate after it down into a old watermill garden..  there are gorgeous damp mossy banks and wild flowers.  I can't see the ball but the garden is filled with cats... it's very beautiful and I know the ball will be here when I come back.

I go back to Teresa May..  but we move at different speeds and cause I'm on wheels I decide it's just easier if she piles her baggage on me and I take it uphill.   So I skate of with it to dump it at her destination.  

Next dream I'm sleeping in an alleyway  - It's concrete and night, I have a sleeping bag.   They sky is a mass of grey/blue storm clouds, it's quite beautiful.   I'm watching lighting - but it's cloud lighting...  hard to describe but like cloud shaped puffs of smoke....   I know snow will fall before morning and I'm excited.    The dream area is an ancient mine.  The 3 story communal buildings are made of large grey stones but have fallen down, the ancient timbers are still round the windows.   They are unusual I can see the new chimney pots that have been cast, they are like grey terracotta with patterns on dates and gargoyles.  I go into a building full of cat's the owner tells me how hard they are to look after..   she's doing 'everything' for them.  I'm confused and tell her to let them be cat's she's doing them no favours, she also runs a sweety/party shop?? 

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