Yday afternoon.
and Mayfield?? Protestant ?? Methordist?
1441 TIME NOW...
Help Inka... A tea party?? That's mad
hatter n the US thing??
'Weaving mouse' So I see...
Going to need unpack plx....
Errrr what??
'You know what I asked you Ren, no need
to play about'
Yeh ok...
'You didn't flinch last night... If
your up for strange games I know where to send you'
kk I'm in.... 'No surprise there
crazy bitch'
So?? I want recall too?? 'We can negotiate that'
Bloody hell man!! 'Your catching on!'
Hahahahah shit head... 😂
Wake and
the moon is still on my pillow? Inka
woke me telling me 'As the Crow Flys'
Oh them lines are straight ... I'm seeing so much from above
Stars and grids.
Roman Roads were straight hu??
Not the twisty lanes made by sheep driven to market?? Hummmm??
'Come here again mouse'
I'd been dreaming of a house it was to be done up but had burnt down, there was
only a chard front wall remaining.
A guy in a Barkley's bank in a blue sleeping bag, there one one teller and 2
cash machines in the building which was a fraction of what it had once
The guy had a GSD and also a very old fashioned hand held radio.
The radio was playing the same thing over and over and I'd retuned it
for him.
(Inka showed me this is linked to me being homeless in the US with a GSD)
FUCK... 6months ago!! https://mousedream.blogspot.com/2021/03/lost-in-time.html
The other Equinox... How the hell do you do that '😈' Hahah
- Anyhoo the night..
Sliver for a nose?
Burning once more... Burning of books Oh the name again Alexandria 'Alexander'
Oh it's like a mix of my bro and my names. This is the Casandra/ Sandra and who was
An Old English sheep dog?
Hair... Dreds.. Hmmm
Oh yeh I was in a medieval market town!
Hah I remember now I'd got up to
pee and Inka had asked me 'Can I take you to Market?'
It was after his earlier windy sheep lane/road images.
I'd replied I suppose soo... As meh! Why not 🙄
I was dream sharing from the start of the night with Malico, Kaylo Inka and me
in my main dreamspace but I don't recall much being there we had mainly
discussed where to meet, and then it was formless or dreams.
So we'd met outside of a medieval market town walking into it on the cobbled
He'd walked me to the stocks..
'Etymology that tomorrow
mouse, all meanings please' kk
I was recalling various me's being burnt...
'But never
Darth dad? And
Oh that was in the speaker for the dead book too, Protestant and Catholic well
Methodist... Baptise the child or
choice? Or something like
Font?? Eh? Text, part of skull and the birdbath thing in
the church??
'Another for tomorrow Ren'
Ok, also
the pool in the Maytree arch dream.
Oh... The Mayfeild too 👀 That was linked to the burning of protestants?
Show more plx??
'Lay down again then'
Hummm then guild hall again, I'd kissed that blokes Ring, they were pissed of
I'd got in!
'And you challanged them'
Oh yeh... Kk
This time it was Guildhall - weights and
measures and market value??
I'm with Kaylo for this.... What else
did you show I forgot now there was lots.
Oh yeh Math...
My Dad all my kids really good at it...
I'd asked what happened to me! 😂
Oh... I didn't come of that I'm hrrrrr
an intuitive? 'Half-brained mouse'
Ren, Deeper this time' Oooo
Scales, Adrenals this is now inside the body system weighing of the
heart like in Egypt??
finish what we've started lyrics...??
Then a long dream with certain symbology that stuck.. A guy crying about a film he had
Crayons like swizzle canes. Different
colour striped paper for each colour.
I'm meeting females who are all sectioned I'm dipping in and out for
We all have old fashioned watches but the face flips up and the cogs pop up vertical
In a line across the face... Looked amazing.A black magnetic board with rubber sheep magnets they were made from erasers cartoon style.
The coloured crayons could write on the same black bored... Perhaps they were oil pastels...
It was similar to the paint mixing but up write now with the sheep magnets too.
The sectioned females were getting framed for something done by men??
Medication too but it was animal not human.... It's 444
'Sleep Mouse, Still more' lol ok.
456 I forgot the other crayon message
'Should have written it Ren, your deep, find Malico and Kaylo next'
Then the colours again crayons with there twisty spiral wrappers.
Turquoise and purple also Blue and Red... DNA like the sex gametes there were 2 sets of each..
brown and gold... They were twisting together too the colours blending into a
warm metallic copper.
Sometime near morning Inka told me he'd do the prawn thing on me! Lol
He was glowing copper not white.. I kept
falling into dreams and he kept re-waking me to feel.
The energy feels crazy it's from sacrum up spine feels like an endo & exo
skelly merging into one but energy flow out threw all the nerves is crazy!
The dreams I was falling into was of my main dream space and childhood... Mel,
and the news agents were so many dreams have been. St Cuthbert's son?? He didn't have any he was a monk... Sandra
the other potential mama was a Cuthbertson
Mel I could.. She was showing me here recall from her drug induced
psychosis... She couldn't ground it...
Same soul fam... She wanted home.
------.... Errrrr
State - In Yer Face
Got up to run....
More homework? 'Yep, you need to learn to make your own Google maps'... pffff
'Use your timestamp's to ripple from birth and or any TIME NOW'
Pebbles in a pond ?
drops from a web Ren' Hahaha clever 😄 'and
you know it bitch' Hahaha
longitudinal and lat?? sea shipping routs? 'Run mouse '
'If your going to look for trouble Ren. I have much to amuse you' Hahaha cool sky!!
Rocks like yday! 'Good mouse Keep watching out... we are
playing NOW' kk
'You need that new cable connected to your
house mouse 🐁' kk... can sort that
of early morning geomancy Witch?'
Hahaha.... Who knows 😏