Monday, 31 January 2022

Learning and Re Membering

'That was a warning Ren, don't fuck me off'  Wow.... Was wyrd too.   'Just work with me ok?'    Mmmmmmm 'Good bitch'  lol I still bite 'Yeh, that's good too' 



What did I do??  'What did we ask you?'    I forgot again... 'Dart to the heart Ren?'  Yeh...

'I asked you to pick fast and you said yes'   Mmmmmm 

I errrr wanted to not listen
'and' my heart sent something out... Front not back?

'You don't know shit from your perspective Ren'  

Prove it? 
'On who?'   Inka!  'WHO?'   me 😐.....   'See?'  Mmmmmm 

'Sheesh Ren, how much unwanted medicine do you need to get the message threw?'
IKR.... Can you make it astral this time?  

Kids don't need any pricks let alone 3!  'Don't tell me what fuckers need bitch' 


Oh I remember...
 'And'  Were gaming against crew??  'See why you drive me fucking insane Ren?'    Kinda yeh.... 

'I know Ren...  Think it doesn't fuck me off too?'   I know... 

First dream was games... PVP style learning games.
Really good fun, them dark style sofa hubs and we were all gaming blind for now.

We had a target location too, some people were really losing there shit trying to work out what the game was.. Most were just playing for fun.

Next up another packing up and leaving dream.  This was an unfamiliar kitchen.  I was waiting on the dishwasher and washing machine then would pack up at night and be gone by morning.
It was an old greenhouse with my stuff in... Daisy's on the floor and some old seashells.
I'd been trying to contact ann the vet.  She'd left a number 1.2.3.then a word.   I'd written it down but I didn't have the messaging service that the number worked on.

Inka took me to Darthdad... Reminding me why bickering with him is stupid.   He takes the fall out for my trouble and so feels what I feel too, then I feel guilty and it's a feedback loop of shitty!

They were showing me a prism diamond like they made me into then shattered me but also now a pearl.   Round and iridescent.

Shadow play of light... I see a mosquito too the females take blood for there eggs.

Inka took me back it was another version of being force medicated only this time I was resisting not giggling.

The pearl they showed me was like moon and illusion - where they taught me humility, remorse, regret, shame all our crew had shared all the times I'd fucked up and hurt them.
How much I'd had to forgive myself.... Only Inka shares it too then I feel worse cause he has to suffer my crap... Now I'm more whole it takes less aspects to balance too and can make a crappy feedback loop that's really not good.

They were showing me and helping my recall as I was sat on the checked game board still it was made of glass now and I could see how it could make a cube all aspects reflected the dark mirror and the pearl.   It was reality's of dream and illusion.

I knew Unity consciousness but I'd fractured over and over to learn and experience. 
I was flicking fast threw recalls. The tesseract grid that makes a hyperspace.

All symbolic rendering... Injections.  Little pricks into innocents.  They were reminding me of agreements I'd made and contracts.


The mosquitos and biting bugs are all part of Gaia feedback systems.. As is illness and infection.  'Yep'  The hive like collective of the wood wide web..  So what are injections?

What are injection? 
'I'll let you dream it'   Humm my foreheads doing that beep beep thing like when Zak booped me that morning.    'You're sending'

'Imbolc and harvest Ren nearly your birthday again'  Oh last year I was on blue check?   'Still fighting'  lol yeh I like a scrap 😏  'We know, you came back to learn teamwork'  Oh you showed me the fabric bucket dream 'You had to help a you at yellow'  I did that?  'Yeh Ren & more' 
The different layers? 
'Many crews Ren.  You're fractured but also whole' 
I remember yeh... Just forget in the day. 

'You're learning with your own gestalt'  That's why we keep it fun?  'Yeh, we don't want to hurt eachother more than we have to, we can all share the collective emotion'  That's like the vibes on different layers?  'Get up a bit Ren' kk

Oh you told me Amber fire... When I had to stop spiritual racing. 
'Didn't make you less impatient'  lol 😂

Haha you lot told me I had to collect aspects from outside earth reality!
 'And you did, you don't quit'  lol So it seems. 

Oh the yellow dream was before the meeting of 12... 
'Time Now Ren'  Hummm also the night I recalled Unity this lifetime.


 I'm pleased I gave bendy the feather 🤣

Sunday, 30 January 2022

Lazy Dreaming

Relaxing night, was just comfy and so sleepy.
After a while started dreaming with Darth Dad and Inka.  It was strange though.

I was laying on a checker floor and their were 2 of everything like 2 over lays.

2 of me and 2 of DarthDad I think only one Inka though.
I was being shown haw different games were made.
It was odd as all around was just black, I've been on checked bords before but they were like floors... This was just a floaty void one.  
We'd made the checks by making stripes first then duplicating ourselves, I wasn't playing I was dreaming threw the designs of 2 player games.

I'd been dreaming with Em again too, back in Sheila's dream house but she wasn't there.
Instead I was with Em and her family and we were moving out.
Her parents were there waiting and in the dream they were my parents too.

Her dad would drive but I had so much crap to pack. 

Em had sorted hers but I was packing for Zak and me and we had generations of stuff.  I didn't even want it, but was aware I couldn't leave it there.

I was pretty sure it wouldn't fit in one vehicle either so I'd need to arrange alternative pick up.  I was thinking of sending some of it south to collect later.  
It all needed to go north.

I was aware of my room in my main dream space too, it was how I'd had it when I was about 11 or 12 years old. 

Oddly Inka was in the dream too.  Just sitting round on stuff smoking and making sarcastic comments.   I was procrastinating badly about packing cause it was so much unwanted crap that I didn't know what to do with.

Oh yeh he kept chucking newspapers at me with headlines on of things he'd told me.
Also kept tripping me up!   He dose this sometimes if I try to go astral and it wakes me back up with a jump.  He wanted me to just stay in the crews hubs and was around too.
I don't know why but it was relaxing anyhow.

Him and Dd were showing me game designing but starting simple with 2 player stuff.


In one dream I'd been in a strange city, I'd past a news agents and glancing at the headlines I could hear Inka laughing. 
I'd gone to cross a road and for some reason sat down.

A massive yellow and black vehicle full of tarmac is heading straight at me - I recall thinking 'Oh shit! I'm about to get flattened'  but it managed to swerve and miss me.  I recall thinking bet I'm now on that drivers shit list 😶


Inka told me we were to visit Poseidon too I was to lazy so he jumped us there. 
Leon was with him and I was laying between them with my feet on one and head on the other I was swapping round feeling the different energy flow and they were telling me that we could act as elemental aspects too, a kind of dream alchemy.  Leon was being fire and Poseidon water..  Inka could be earth. 
I recalled back in 2016 a long dream where I'd integrated elements in a certain order.

Water was to be last as it would have been to painful to learn the shit I needed too if I was overly emotional.
'You needed a wider perspective Ren and many ways of grounding and not exploding!'  lol kk

While I'd had a dream with them I was in a kitchen.   It was back with another Leon I used to work with had a daughter with the same name, almost the same age lived in the mirrored house opersit us. 
I was supposed to be waiting tables but I was just lurking in the back faffing with the coffee maker.
I'd filled it with tea or something with green leaves.  He was annoyed as he's wanted coffee and I was trying to sort and clean the equipment back out.

There was a big machine I'd never seen before either.  Made of cast metal industrial in nature, felt like it was for a kind of meat processing but It was filled with leaves too... 

I think that was also my fault. 


Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...