Monday, 25 July 2022

Concrete Room

A 60's style large city school.  Wide corridors, I had a dog and a vacuum cleaner with me so I think I was cleaning rather than attending.

My room in my main dream house again.   Once more it's totally different this time it has a longer window and the room is all concrete with a large high concreate bench.

It's filled with amazing house plants and I'm opening curtains to let the light in while watering them all.

There was another concrete bench for sleeping with a small lamp and more house plants. 

The concrete was mossy too, where the water from the plants had run.  A low sink was on one wall with a strange teddy that could talk, a talking doll too.

I'd picked up the teddy and looked into it's eyes. 

They were like swirling portals and made my vision go black when I looked into them.
As I turned away from the teddy to refocus the room I realised that same guy who had the robotic owl was hanging about.  
When I'd wondered who he is I got the impression of the name Lional. (Something to do with Leo meby)

There was a wardrobe or cupboard with a water boiler too, it was in the other corner to the plants.

Last dream was an odd festival and a medic facility.   Something about the KGB.  The medical facility had lots of bags of IV fluid and staff leaning large metal tables with rubber mats on.

More like veterinary examination tables.

I'd been trying to remake a low bed on a errr trolley thing, the kind that could be moved in and out of an ambulance.  The blankets were stained with dry blood and kept tangling round me.


Sunday, 24 July 2022

Battles and Games


Shop dreams.

A dark shop were D&D was being played, there was a back room and a shower block.  I think I was the only female.. Oh Dave Lawson was there and someone else I'd known from collage.  Everyone but me had a shower cubical and dave and the guy with him were leaving.   I was going to use his cubical for a wash while they were out.
Was a dark place with brown shower curtains, oh the silver shower heads of the two cubicles were twisted together and I was trying to untangle them.

Main dream area, a very old version of the newsagents the counter was wood and the wall opposite had a errr leaflet display that small people were sitting in.


Under the counter were box's of assorted and unusual cream cakes.  People were asking for the same 2 'sweets' from each box one was a hard swirl of something in different colours.

I was working there and we had sold the popular items from each box, I was wondering how to get more of just these items.

Next dream sort of followed on.   I'd gone into a gift shop further down the street.

In the basement were some odd items including a head-dress that was pink and blue silk with silk flowers.

I'd bought it and was being told I needed to take it to the castle.

I didn't currently want to go to the castle and so was reluctant.

I get a book too about old fables and stories. 




Main dream area front room, art group. We were painting grey blankets and still life types of scenes.  My paining had a reflection of half a cats face.


Train and robo / transformer machine war. 

I'd been captured and the guy who had me was hiding out in a cave with rail and road running close to.

Parts of the roads had been blown up.

We were going to be cornered and crushed by this huge rock grinding machine so I'd jumped.

I'd jumped to the closes relay station - the trains were electric and I wanted to turn of the tracks to stop the other guy getting crushed.

The station guard let me.  He told me they had their own problem on the station to sort out.   I could put the power off but he's turn it back on after 10 mins.

I hoped the other guy would have the sense to leave the cave.


I entered a house type of station where again everyone was dodgy. 

Zak was being heled hostage. 

A guy came to me pretending to be an old god not sure who.  He had with him a robotic talking owl.

I knew it wasn't real as had 3 red lights on.  He was pretending to help me, I was aware his intentions weren't honest but I didn't really care.


He could be useful company without being trust worthy.

Last dream my old room in main dream house.  Were the wardrobe used to be there is a white fitted desk.

I have a PC and a laptop.  

There was also a new house next door on the gable end.

A guy from the room there had given me his tablet, hand held consol.

We were chatting threw the wall, but I'd had to stop the conversation for a bit while I sorted out power supply to the screens.

I knew what my reply would be as it was a conversation about the nature of reality.

I had images of cells,  light intensity and saturations.  His signature was a black and red 3 spiral thing. 

Friday, 22 July 2022

Schools and Errands

Night of schools and errands dreams. 
Long dream in a dark forest school setting.   Towers with rooms in, running errands and a dark tree trunk that was rotten, it was covered in shelf fungus. 

I watched part of it fall close to a woman.

It was a school of magic and trickery.


Dream dust was like Arabic geometry. 


Next dream seemed to follow on only it was like an other worldly Tec collage. 

The setting was several campus areas in a town.  I'd been in a medical facility mixed with magic and I was moving to catering.

The place had priests and mentors.

I was being mentored by an Italian chef he was teaching me to make errr fruits be mer type of soup and we were sorting out rotors with the other catering students.

We catered for the other students too, I seemed to know how to prepare much of the shellfish but we were each doing one kind as it was for many people.

When I go back to sleep again it's a similar dream this time I've been sent down to the harbour office and am being asked to liaise between some builders and scaffolders with regard to the restoration of a tower on the coast.

An old sandstone tower, castle and bridge that was going to be repaired. 


Inside it was more of a puzzle game were I had to jump over the crumbling ruins while collecting stuff for Josh & Tabby who were at the media collage playing a role in a story.

The media collage was odd too tabby & Josh were being cast as kids it was the same show twice one with female and one with male.

The studio set was odd and automated and the floor turned round.

At one point I was in the wrong place stuck on a floor that was spinning round.

I realised I wasn't supposed to be there and didn't want to anoy people but a nice old guy came and found me, he only had one leg later on..

Anyhoo he was clearing up and was showing me the way round to get behind the scenes without getting in the way of the filming sets.

There was fisher price toys again - this time it was the chatter telephone.


I'd been dreaming with Inka and Malico, we are at Malico's house at the moment.   Inka is coming and going but my lucidity with them is low - they are keeping out of my dreams for a bit until after my shrink appointment next week.   They are sorry I got medicated again and want to bring my lucidity up gradually.



Thursday, 21 July 2022

Boat and Cart



Playing an MMO style battle game on a bridge I had an amazing thing made of light.

It looked like a bridge too but with bits on and was made of purple pink light.

It was mouldable too. 


Painting a mask it was white and Ian had put some suggested designs on it.

Lots of tubes of acrylic paint.

Decided on metallic blue and purple.

Wake at 333  been dreaming in my main dream space Marcus and my Mam and Em's Mam.  Marcus was living in Em's house.

A post man and a games consultant.

last dream was a huge games room... The dreams had all sort of followed on from each other in a mishmash.

I was cleaning the games room.   The games tables were large campaign boards but had been left covered in plates and spilt drinks.

I was clearing them and the few sink kitchen stations around the room.

I met Paul Bolton again he was also clearing tables.



3rd and 1st person dream.

A split family part on an old sailing boat in a rocky pass the other travelling at night in a horse and cart.
A grey cloak like a blanket.

Getting supplies for the boat people as they had nothing.  

Some tinned stuff and peanut butter.

Both parts of the family had young kids.

There was a war too or battles.   Some of the people had amazing eyes like lizard or cat.

There was a guy overseeing the cart group.


Next was a modern setting an open type of office, it was a mix of an art class and support call centre. 

Set up for help with people filling in forms for a charitable grant.

People were being trained to be call handlers there.

It was very surreal though magic with people laying around on the floor and wigs of sliver, white and blue.

It was somewhere around old stone close but the dream space is still strange and futuristic the building was tall with only 2 walls.

I'd gone to Irean's which was older and filled with clothes and outfits.

I was meeting a guy there from Tel Aviv who was going to take a group of us there.

Mel & Andy Sliver were with me.  It was to be quite a posh event and I was wearing a backless trouser suite thing that I actually do own.

We would be leaving from London, it was linked with the money for the other charity.

I didn't know much about the money, I was there for the ghosts I was experiencing.

We were traveling underground rather than flying and the stations were strange.

As I wasn't part of the right 'group' I could only use certain entrances.  The others were guarded by men with strange red blobby rash on their skin.

The entrance we had to use was a tiny tube slide...

My head kept jamming somewhere near the bottom and I was twisting it trying to get free while hoping the person behind me wasn't going to fast.

I could hear people talking so new I was close to the exit. 


Monday, 18 July 2022

Angry Trees


Lots of my dreams feel like conversations with myself. 

First one I'd been in a dream that I'd already seen as a play.

We were just playing roles we knew.


Sheila's dream space the kitchen and lots of food that had been prepared but left to go to waste.

I was going to clear it out of the casserole dishes and plates and wash up.  I had another female helping me.

We'd washed one lot of dishes already but the cupboards were still filled with cooked foods.

A large camping site in my main dreamhouse garden.... It was like the estate but the houses were fabric tents and the gardens all ran together.

A small gage toy like stream train ran between the tents with people riding on it for fun.


A large garden in the dark.  We could see the outline of trees and a limb had been cut off one of them. 

The tall trees at the border of the garden started chucking massive tree knots  at me and another person who had our backs against a wall.

The trees were angry.

Massive logs were following the knot balls and we were in danger of being hit so I'd gone towards the trees instead.


I'd been wrapped in living branches and pulled to the ground.  Branches holing my mouth shut and holding me down - though I had no intention of shouting or struggling.

After a while the tree turned into arms holding me down and I'm on the floor of a massive community centre or sports hall.

The floor is covered in many men, just a few women and sleeping bags and blankets. 

It has the feel of a refugee centre and we are supposed to stay there.

People at the door are watching us.  A guy I know is showing me how to commando crawl threw the bodies when no one is looking and we make our way to the exit.

The next part of the dream I'm listening to someone interview someone about Walt Disney.

Next dream starts with an outside accountants firm.

There is to be a wage appraisal.   Ian is there at the start of the dream nekkid from the waist down but didn't realise.
I'd left him there to go to a Christmas party but we needed to climb up and threw narrow windows to get there.

Threw the window into a large old shed/greenhouse and then down a hill along the side of a railway line.

I'd found a kid alone there and recalling how fast the trains come along this track and my own nightmares I took his hand to walk with him.

As we reach the station the boys 2 older brothers are waiting for him.

They have holdalls of hand made Christmas things.

The kind of stuff you'd find at a school Christmas fair.  I was looking at flymo nativity characters and meringue snow men. 

Last dream is an amazing looking version of my main dream area, it's linked to the other dream in that it's now the night before the party.

We each had a gift bag to take with us that a friend had prepared. 

Some sweets and 3 tins with an alcohol drink, I think I had a cider, mixed Malabue thing and something else.  They were in a pink paper bag and I'd put them somewhere to collect before the party.


In the meantime we were cooking Plaice only not fillets. We had the whole fish. It was a Sole type of fish anyway it had red splotches on it's scales.

We were cooking them on a large flat hotplate.  Lots of them. 


I visited a café with a sloping floor were the chair would slide from the table and then explored.  First by running with a guy then sitting out on the front of a bus holding on.

The buildings were medieval in style but looked like they had been made of layers that had partially melted.

The melted rock gave them a sort of organic look.  


(Dream recall was much better I tried some Huperzine A to see if it would help and It did!)


Saturday, 16 July 2022

Tower Defence

A tower dream.

A tower block... It's old like old cheep housing.

It was due for demolition but it was cheep, nasty but nice too.

I was working with someone to protect it for a little longer.

He was a sniper although we didn't have much in common other than the towers protection for now we found it easy to work together.

Oh I was a dreamer.... He was a sniper

(Ego defence meby) 


Getting ready for a holiday with Em & Marie we were going to Greece by the sea but I couldn't find my passport and was running out of time.


Main dream area, my dad telling me about and accident involving lots of my cousins and how they were all dead.

A brick oven buried in sand.

A large chimney cooker.. Part of a bakery it could be used to make waffles on a massive scale.

Was old though hadn't been used for ages.   People pushed it round.

A red iron clock like a cuckoo clock with chains hanging from the bottom.



A school that was letting kids down.   I was part of the football club.

Gift of a blue teapot lid, my pot was brown.

Odd very real dream of being in the small room in stone close.  Across the closed door was a parade of bug's frogs and toads it reminded me of an ugly bug ball, or a bug Noah's arc

They were mating  as they moved and were very detailed and coloured.

Then Jack and my Bro were in the room too.

All squashed onto the single bed top to tail like sardines and I was thinking how squished I was.
We were all looking at amazing coloured slugs they looked like sea slugs and then Andrew was in the room too. 

I'd decided to try open the door as it was getting crowded.


Long dream of a carnival like holiday park, various rooms some very messy.

Marline was cleaning.

There was a whole village one thing that was going on was a competitive shark fishing in the harbour, people using their trained sharks like hunting dogs.


Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Futuristic Cities



Sent to a nursing job and told to go in uniform but when I get there the staff all ignore me.

Not welcome or wanted. 


A bed in a shared room, large room with a jumble of single and double beds all shoved so close you can crawl across the patchwork of duvets.


Someone had been having sex in my bed... I had a dark patterned duvet.


Wake and am in the same dream this time someone has left a pile of jewellery on my bed.

Also dark, mainly black stones and gems.


We spent the days in a school a mix of children and adults.

I was with Marcus taking him back to the room share place.

The city had a canal with a scrap yard beside it.

I was taking a guy called David back too.... Oh it was Dave from London.

Coaches run between the school and the room.  I was on a bus when I realise Fay has forgotten to get on.

The driver lets me off and when I find Fay I tell her we are keeping everyone waiting.
She runs ahead taking the bus without me.

I recall wondering how I'd get home as the bus depot is now empty and the school closed.



Wake at 222

I had a gremlin type friend.   Small with claws that would cling to my foot.

I was standing on my arms and doing hand stands. 

There was 2 of them but one had run of and hidden, the other stayed with me though, clinging on with it's little clawed feet.

A house in a city strange future version of London.

It was on several layers with gardens and lawns the house open to outside with only a few walls.
I was walking with my Mother threw the city, she was heading to meet someone at que gardens and I was heading to see someone else.


We crossed a massive bridge and then onto some moving art/machine where I lost her.

It was made by JCB and amazing looking like being inside a folding fractal fairground ride.

The sensation was similar to that sky boat I was on the other night that was doing loop the loops.

I think the medication is still effecting my inner balance.... At least it's no longer mental ping-pong.

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...