Wednesday, 31 January 2024

End of Jan 24


25th Jan

A public bed,  I was sleeping in it and I'd crapped myself!  I woke holding my shit in my hand 😆

The other dream was longer, I was a dog walker.  
I was walking a bunch of dogs on leads around Glastonbury and one of them jumped threw a hedge.  The queen was passing (She didn't look like the Queen... But was) 
I knew she liked dogs so I'd asked her if she could help and she did.

I bumped into here again later where she was sitting at a desk in some old stone ruins and thanked her for her help.
After that I got onto a coach, finding a seat at the back. 


26th Jan
Main dream space, it was holiday season.  Busy and warm, swings had been set up on the main street and kids were playing.  I was talking to a US artist who was renting a room in Bamburgh Castle.


Next dream was a care home next to a school, I was friends with the head at the school and would hang out with her between shifts.

Tim was working in an isolation ward there, only one person in it at that time.

Other surreal stuff, a family having sex and a bunch of Dogs.   Heavy rain and a London road... It was on a hill with the rain pouring down.  Cars aquaplaning for fun.  



27th Jan

A strange pully type of basket that wove it's way up and round a really steep town set on the side of a cliff.
I was pulling myself to the top while sitting in the woven basket.

At the top I was in a garden with chickens, it was a temple complex with monkeys.
The monkeys had breastplates of blue crystal.

A house bomb... Hearing it falling.   Hiding in a loft space but knowing we'd get blown up.

Layered dream.
It was a dream I was having at work.

I was at work and had finished my shift, the building was in my main dream area.
On leaving I bumped into a historian, he was watching a recreation of a battle.
It was small, 2 sides one group of riot police, the other seemed like some kind of Nazis one had a swastika tattooed onto his shaved head.
I'd gone into a café with the historian were we were going to observe the fight.

After I left there I was trying to get home....  Stuff got very surreal at this point with giant bugs the size of dogs on the street.
I became lucid at this point, and recalled work and that I was sleeping.....
Only I was confused, as I decided I must have fallen asleep on my way home. 

Stuff was really odd, giant lego stile Dinos and an exploding volcano.  I decided to try and find my sleeping self.  I did and when I did find myself I'd been hit on the head with something hard.
A cut with blood and the skull was swollen around the area.  My Bag had been emptied out and stuff taken.  
I'd found my Dad but he was just amused. 



First dream was a lovely swimming pool.
Wooden frame building and blue tiles, low lighting.  I was swimming in the still water with friends and tiny black and white ducks a little like mini Eider ducks that were pushing tiny piles of black and white floating pebbles.

Next dream I was living and working in a vape shop with some other students.
I was on a A level art course and felt way out of my skill set.
When not on courses we would sleep in a back room filled with mattresses and a kettle.
Taking it in turn to man the shop when we weren't at courses. 
I'd work on my course work between customers.

The first lesson I recall was a field trip of sorts, Rachel from uni with me.
We were in Craster before the harbour was built... Just the old sand slip and rocks.

The project was 'temples'  and brief was their geometric shapes.  
Me and Rachel had gone swimming too, jumping off the rocks into the sea.

The water was cold and clear, filled with sea life.


Next dream Hypno nails was giving birth to a baby for Adam and Neil. 
Then I was in a version of my shed..  An unfamiliar African nurse turned up there at the door and asked to come in.
I opened it, she wanted my help with something.
I invited her in where we sat together and I made her tea.
She wanted me to interview for a position too.... 
A huge stately home, so I'd gone for the interview there. 
Ann from the vets was working reception.
I was taking a bus home, the gardens surrounding it were amazing!   Massive other worldly trees, in orange and gold like autumn but it was spring and other trees were heavy with white fluffy trailing blossom, the sun was setting.  It was so lovely I didn't get the bus, instead going into the gardens to explore.

As I got back to the house I met Jo, she had an old truck converted into a camper van, she was going to give me a lift home.

Woke by my massive cat jumping on the roof so went in to pee, then back into the same dream.

I'd been given a position there and had uncovered a scam where a false will had taken inheritance from an infant... An older guy was syphoning it off. 
I'd presented the original will which was an ornate old scroll.
We allowed the older guy to stay with diminished responsibilities.


My parents were living in the house now too.   It sort of reminded me of an old fashioned stately home, with many families living and working in the same huge building. 
I was helping my Dad move his bed upstairs, it was an old 4 poster bed, he was going into a room high up someplace above my Mam.


Saturday, 20 January 2024

15-19th Jan


A strange globe, huge continent to the North with access to all other continents via underground rail roads, and roads.   The counties around the edges were named after the city they connected too.  
I was visiting for the first time.  It was an amazing place, areas of snow but ash and volcanic places too.  
A performance was put on for new visitors, this was done at sundown after watching an amazing sun set over a rocky laver valley...  The red sky matching the glowing rivers on the ground.
Then the performance with dancing and a play, tall people in elaborate clothing.
I was trying to avoid getting roped into the politics of the place that revolved around 2 factions there. 

Didn't get time to write the rest of this for 36hrs with only 2 hrs more sleep.

I did recall the other dream... But not so much now.
It was my main dream area with Andrew...   Snow and Sun and waving to a huge US convoy of sort of military trains heading North to Scotland....   Possibly to a gold course. 


Main dream space.   The infant School but it was a hostel / community centre. 
The building had been opened up inside with the option of a room divider.

Hippy types were coming in and out.  Some sort of event or class.  I seemed to have some kind of admin or maintenance role.


I was also going to collect Gran to bring her for a roast dinner. 


Next a dream with Em and my Bro, we had a VW camper and drugs.
I was cleaning the van and it's little sink for our next trip out in it.
Katy was in the dream too, we were all meeting in the Scooner.  

All young too.


Then I was in an unfamiliar town at night, a street of cafes and bars open to the street, the weather was warm and the places brightly lit.
We'd bought a cute china lobster plate , it was sort of Kawi in style. 


Back in main dream space, this time back in the camper van.  It's night, Adam is there too now.
We are driving North and there is a huge fire and smoke in the air over towards the Cheviot hills. 
Some kind of crazy air battle is going on with another huge Zeppelin. 

At this point we seem to transport onto it.
I'm lucid at this point as I was pointing out to the others that the Zep had been in another dream..... And that I knew dreaming now and I wondered what it ment.

The more lucid I got the more I seemed to jump about.
The same space but with different people. 
One was a Dad with his 2 young kids...   Wasn't happy about me just appearing and was going to punch me.
Another was an odd kind of vid game were I crawled threw to find a small fluffy white dog.



A university hospital.  I was studying there and it was time to take an exam. 
One of my teachers was warning me I may not pass. 

The paper they gave me was more like a birth or death cert, very formal looking on thick paper in a folder.


Odd dream, I was in the dementia unit at work with Abi & Mericel.   It was part of a huge complex.
We were evacuating onto a large black cobbled street that seemed to run threw the middle of his massive hospital type place.
All kinds of people were being on beds, hoists and trolleys. 
I was trying to find out what was going on, but the others were all staying.  Not keen to move.


Then a very odd dream....  
I was outside a thatcher's office in a large bed like a cot.
It was filled with blankets and some unfamiliar soft toys.
Inside the office I could hear the teacher on a conference call with a mother and daughter.
The girl was crying as they both chewed her out.

I was busy reading threw a large legal document, while sat in the cot. 
Pages and pages of it.

The teacher came out and grinned at me.  He needed to go somewhere and was going to teleport back to me.
He handed me what looked like a TV remote control and said he'd use this and me to port back when he was done. 
I'd commented he's squish me!  As he laughed I realised he could control better than me where he materialised.


Riding a small black and white pony,  we had no saddle or anything I was just holding onto the horses neck. 
It seemed to want to speed up all the time, and as it was dark I was hoping it could see better than me.

An odd parade with camels and kids dressed as kind of hairy dryads with wood horns


Friday, 12 January 2024

An Odd Family


The levellers playing live.  A white waitress shirt.
An odd dream with Rob Miranda and the boys.

A new project being rolled out, we were all in my main dream space under the newsagents.
A walk with rows of gardens and fancy bushes and statues.


Trying to go back.....
'Re.....'   It was a word I was told that helped me achieve it but I couldn't recall the word once I'd done it.
It was an unusual word.

A big old wooden house with a veranda, loads of black birds that I would feed.

A large game arcade too, one was like a walk threw story RPG, but I was playing it myself.


Then a strange dream. 
I'd gone to a chalet with Maricel.  Then in the chalet next door my parents turned up with lots of other members of the family, they were young.   Renewing their marriage vows only they were the same age they were before they got married.

I wasn't invited, and I was a bit miffed seen as I was only next door.
The chalet was a mess, strange bath and shower room where the plug holes were blocked with dog pop bags and sweet wrappers. 

I was cleaning the place up when Ian's family arrived,  His Dad and uncle. 
I was asking them about my feelings of being excluded from the vow renewals... And while talking my Family returned from the ceremony and came into to visit me. 
My mother carried my Dad out of the car.


An RV park with a library and a bunch of students.
A guy was renting or selling vans, they were way out of my credit range but he let me borrow the keys and look around them.


Then I was at Irene's.  I was washing up, a deep round metal sink, cutlery and plates.
Then I was at my cousin Sue's house.  She'd been keeping some house plants for me until I was ready to take them back. 

Then Berwick, the streets were all cobble stones.  No cars.
I was vacuuming the streets with an old red henry hoover.

I kept causing a flood too,   in a narrow street by a cafĂ©, it was at the bottom of a hill and the water was pooing there.


An odd place,  sort of warehouse / hospital storage area.  It was like a maze, but in the centre was a cafĂ© with people getting high. 

Odd race too...

Then a place with more plants.  Shared accommodation...  But also very odd.
I was looking for a quiet room.
Some of them had huge areas with meat storage or dishwashers full of blenders.



Long intense dream that was like a film plot.  I was young, and the adopted daughter of a mad scientist. 
He'd found me living rough in the city on my own and taken me in.
A strange earth like world, but way more futuristic.
We had a strange bunker lab where he did experiments with my help.
some were just odd and fun like new crisp flavours, others were weapons and flying machines.
We ended up in a shoot out.  We were in one of our flying things like an open helicopter and were shooting at political leaders of the land we were in who were on a massive zeppelin type of thing. 

We managed to kill one and I pulled another off so he fell far to the ground landing on a sort of stone column thing below.  The fall didn't kill him and we knew he'd hunt us down.

It was a female they sent to hunt us.  She was their best bounty hunter, at first she was just a normal looking woman then she changed so she was part glowing blue crystalline... A little like the borg queen  but with a white head attached to this blue glowing body with bright blue glowing eyes.

She's tracked us to our bunker but instead of killing us, she hit it off with the scientist and became a sort of mother figure to me.  It was odd as she was called Andrea.


Next dream was in my main dream space.  Makeys gift shop.  It was like a cave of everything... Bit like it is, but more surreal. 
Old VHS vids it was like a treasure hunt to find stuff. 
Clair T too,  we'd been sat out under trees where a sort of celebration fate was going on.
She kept chucking out and wasting my stuff and I was feeling really aggressive, was hard not to punch her!
There were army games too, we were playing in the dark.



Friday, 5 January 2024



2nd Jan

Large square glass house.  Amazing hieroglyphed walls and fire place.   Then odd corridors with hundreds of people moving threw.
The glass changing from pink to turquoise was like a sureal mall.   Loads of books too by someone called Ron Clife Vav  is what I've written...   Wonder if it was some guy called Ron Van Clief instead..

Next a dream with Clair Veal, a house with a platform, I was feeding Kef pig slops from a metal bucket.

We were discussing and extra organ, it was odd. 
Was like 3 umbilical cords that were normal for most people, one was in the head, one abdomen and another lower like a tail.
By birth evidence of the higher and lower connection had usually vanished but we had a person with us who still retained the higher one.  


Next a dream with Inka, he was in a workshop or garage tinkering with stuff.  Experimental.


A big woodland stretching along a canyon, Kef was there as a stray dog.  Zak too older with a girlfriend.

A large wedding & Christmas fare it was heled outside on a large green lawn.
Races too, my Dad was there with long grey hair :P
Celebration too with loads of grandchildren belonging to one person.   Making models with flymo.
The area was guarded by droids.

Next a dream of A levels & Uni, I'd left an A level course and gone straight to Uni.   I'd gone mainly for the social aspect and realised I couldn't even remember what course I'd signed up for. 


Last dream was a party house in London.  We had a bunch of drugs hidden under a lose tile in a fire surround.
We were looking after the place for the dealer who was in America for a year, his nice was with us too.
Also a bunch of guys I'd known from further north.  I was vouching for them.  We had a blind ginger cat too who'd been born with no eyes. 


04th Jan
Similar dreams all night.  I was with Mel at first, Carlos too. 
We were in a strange space with odd clothes.  Mel seemed to be dressed like a baby but was the age I knew her when she died. 

It morphed into a big party or rave that had different outcomes depending on which female producer was organising.   
Then more baby stuff, I had Zak with me as a baby and was looking for a nappy.  I was given an odd box with various bits in muslins, sleep suits, bibs and nappies. 


Then a surreal pop up book.. It was like a cloud blowing a dog out of it!  After that stayed odd, I was with Inka and we were watching someone butcher a pig while it was still alive. 
2 ginger haired dwarfs were coming to meet us.
I wound up working in a large hotel, I wasn't supposed to be table staff. 
Some how had ended up talking some drinks orders, the dining room manager was another dwarf, she was sort of cross but also amused and decided she would take me on as waiting staff.

Last dream was or neighbours lab Billy, he was in my main dream space digging up sand in the lawn and making a den.


5th Dec

Woke at time stamps all night.  101, 202, 303, 404 then 503 so missed that one.

First dream was odd, body building and then a huge wave and a sort of small encased metal canoe thing, it had a really small window made me feel very claustrophobic. 


Sheila's house again, out the back were large bins filled with loads of small metallic balloons and loads of old books.


Last dream I got really angry in, it was to do with a heating system like the one I had to replace in Stone Close.
Inka gain was in the dream with me.  We were in a coffee shop.
I'd been given a PIN number and a chip thing for it by a guy called Graham and was trying to write it down in a note book.  But the waitress had moved all my stuff and it had got lost. 
I was really angry with her, and Inka was amused at how pissed off I was.

Thursday, 28 December 2023

Christmas Week 23



A post Christmas shop sale.

A girl with ginger curly hair, with a ginger spaniel laying together. 

Polecat's & Ferrets.


A guy who took my wallet and ordering tappas. 
I took him down, carried him around abit... then we ate it together.
Christmas horns, wrestling and results...

Then a dream of planes..
Was flying to Bali with Em.
Organising a party,

A busy unfamiliar city with peach alcopops and convenience store. 
I was expecting a baby I was going to call George.
While walking on my hands up cobbled streets.


Last part was my main dream scape at duck, huge walls of waves that were black...
Then fractalized before breaking at once. 
This looked very cool. 

27th Dec

Packing up from Aunty Sheila's.  I was sad about it, lots of clothes and old toys.  Felt like wasn't coming back.

Strang black metal silhouette things too, 4 of them they changed a lot, sometimes animals sometimes just art.

Taking a waitress job too, it was my main dream space.  Mainstreet not a building that is there in any real way.
It was where Lewis' is, but was a dark old fashioned room with deep red walls and old dark wooden tables.
I was starting the same time as another female.
I cleared some tables on my way threw and the owners wife met me as I was going threw to what I expected to be the kitchens.  She was dressed in gypsy style skirts very old fashioned.
She pulled aside a heavy velvet curtain and took me threw into another smaller dinning room and up onto a raised platform where she told me they held seances.   The room had old deep red and cream velvet wallpaper, with a large abstract pattern.
She brought us a pile of aprons to pick from, short stripped ones.
The other female picked first. 
I'd gone for one I thought was white with blue stripes.  But unfolding it, it was sheer flowered lace skirt.  I'd checked my pants which were rainbow tie dye and decided it wouldn't look right, so I'd returned it for a normal apron to wear over the long black skirt I had on.

28th Dec

An old wooden wardrobe and a wooden chest too, was very old and crude the wood crumbling.

Huge crystals, all kinds. Massive insects too, bigger than a hand. 
I was with 2 guys just sitting round looking at stuff and falling asleep.

The dream in dreams were odd, a guy who was werewolf and another guy made of purple crystal.
The purple crystal guy I was firing light at, he was absorbing it and glowing.  It was cool and looked amazing.

Next dream I was making acid blotters, they had the ace of spades on them.  Various sizes and different card designs but all the Ace of Spades. I was dropping the acid on from a brown glass bottle.
My cat Carry was there, she had a problem with her back legs I was trying to sort out.

A pile of 60's photos of kids.   Then a really strange thing with odd drone type robots.
I was in a room, in an apartment building and the drones were at the window outside.
One at a time, odd robot like things that were big and didn't really look like they had any business flying.

I was waving at them.

Last dream was a student house, I was cleaning up cold chips from the night before.  I still owed one of my flat mates cash for them.
I'd gone threw to the kitchen to get kitchen roll to wipe up a mess.  Em & Wayne were there I was suggesting inviting my bro and his friends round for a house party.

Then I was bouncing in the air really high, Wayne grabbing my leg n trying to pull me bk down. 

Making Carrot and coriander soup. 

A punch up on the beach.   A flying car and sparking headset.

Punch balloons.

The spears twins & Em.   A code like food that was display food.  

Tripping using odd bits of metal from an old grail uniform.  It was a strange experience to trip on, like we were reliving experiences the outfit had been threw.   


Friday, 22 December 2023

Split Reality


21st Dec
Should have written this earlier in the day.  
Stone close dream...  Cracks in the ceiling with water coming in.

22nd Dec

Strange version of Seahouses Harbour.
Very large and busy, water is warm too.
Loads of traffic and Belford has a plane station with flights leaving south every hr.

I'd visited a strange harbour office where the Wyvis should be then walked North, out of the village to where I could see an ever changing view. 
I knew I wasn't perceiving the same as the others, I could see woodland with toadstools and stuff.


Some women walked past me carrying food, one was potato cakes in the shape of dino's.  I'd followed her to see where she'd got them from and found myself in a busy space, where sort of women's institute types were having a meal.
I wasn't welcome there, but I wanted to know where to find Potato Dinos.


Then an odd dream, I was sort of hallucinating.  Sitting on a bus with Dom.  I'd been enjoying watching changing shapes and stuff.  A sort of MTV like channel was playing, and I was tripping out.
He'd got of the bus for some reason, and I'd been sat beside a rab coat he was wearing with his car keys on top.
When all of a sudden I vibrated and the coat and keys were gone, the drop down seat folding back up as he re-entered the bus.
I was puzzled...  And explained to him what had happened.


We find ourselves in an odd mental hospital where I'm again perceiving a split reality.  One is really funny and surreal.
I'm seeing stuff behind glass, like an odd TV studio, they know I can see them where as most people can't.
The people who could see them too had been classes as very insane. 
A group of them were being moved threw, and I grabbed Dom and we tagged along, aware we were getting into more trouble but curious all the same.

We follow over piles of old feather pillow cases, then bags of lego.  Toy trains and such.
There is a locked unit we need to get access too,  I find myself standing outside with a bird in a jug.
They agree to let us in.   The people in their are interesting.  I chat with a few while Dom looks around.
We end up in a bus, Dom driving this time and me up front too, we have the other crazies in the back.
End up driving round a huge red brick complex, the whole place was surrounded by tall red brick walls with barbwire on top. 

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Flying and Falling


11th Dec

Nice dream about jumping, falling and flying.  Went on for ages, I was teleporting too.
Massive stone needles with a tide that rose hundreds of feet. Others were better at it than me, but they were helping and teaching.
Stone ruins topped the massive natural stone pillars.

I had another long dream, but got up and was busy all day yesterday so don't recall it now.


Again dreaming that I did recall....  But no time to write dreams before I'm launched into day shit.

Dreams were of huge houses, friends and shifting rooms.
A biology class...
Rats and cats



Crazy time with broken hot water pump and very little sleep.

Was dreaming but no time to recall.


A vivid dream with Gran and her house.  It was the kitchen over full.  Some foods spoiling
We'd driven to stone close where a kid was running up the side of a house. 
He got his foot stuck and sort of pulled his hip joint out. 
I'd wanted to go help, but my Gran was telling me not to, woke up retching cause it looked horrible.



Much more vivid dreams and a proper nights sleep! 

A massive city I was in, a team game. 
An entity named Balthazar resided in a raised stadium.
It was like a mass of floating eyeballs.
The thing could shoot lasers and balls of light and for some reason I was it's main target.
I didn't mind, it was kind of cool fun.   Lots of running and dodging.

When I was hit I received electric shocks. 
Amazing old buildings too, but the city was also modern.

A huge corn beef pie I made with cheese on top.  

A conversation about a sĂ©ance with a priest,  dancing in the rain.

Next a lucid dream.   I knew I was lucid and I asked to see someone from my Mam's side of the family.
A guy appeared, great grandad I think.  Dead long before I was born.
He looked sort of familiar from a photo I've seen..... But he looked different as he was smiling, his beard was longer too. 
As I watched him smiling at me his beard fractalized looking like waves, until it spread and he sort of crumbled away into fractalized light.. Was a cool looking sight!

Huge piles of stuff, falling down.  My Cat came and peed on a book I was reading.

Last bit I was flying over the coast up north.  Coming from Berwick south, it was odd as it was like scrolling on a tablet, but at the same time I was having the experience of flying just over the rocks and water surface.


Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...