Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Flying and Falling


11th Dec

Nice dream about jumping, falling and flying.  Went on for ages, I was teleporting too.
Massive stone needles with a tide that rose hundreds of feet. Others were better at it than me, but they were helping and teaching.
Stone ruins topped the massive natural stone pillars.

I had another long dream, but got up and was busy all day yesterday so don't recall it now.


Again dreaming that I did recall....  But no time to write dreams before I'm launched into day shit.

Dreams were of huge houses, friends and shifting rooms.
A biology class...
Rats and cats



Crazy time with broken hot water pump and very little sleep.

Was dreaming but no time to recall.


A vivid dream with Gran and her house.  It was the kitchen over full.  Some foods spoiling
We'd driven to stone close where a kid was running up the side of a house. 
He got his foot stuck and sort of pulled his hip joint out. 
I'd wanted to go help, but my Gran was telling me not to, woke up retching cause it looked horrible.



Much more vivid dreams and a proper nights sleep! 

A massive city I was in, a team game. 
An entity named Balthazar resided in a raised stadium.
It was like a mass of floating eyeballs.
The thing could shoot lasers and balls of light and for some reason I was it's main target.
I didn't mind, it was kind of cool fun.   Lots of running and dodging.

When I was hit I received electric shocks. 
Amazing old buildings too, but the city was also modern.

A huge corn beef pie I made with cheese on top.  

A conversation about a séance with a priest,  dancing in the rain.

Next a lucid dream.   I knew I was lucid and I asked to see someone from my Mam's side of the family.
A guy appeared, great grandad I think.  Dead long before I was born.
He looked sort of familiar from a photo I've seen..... But he looked different as he was smiling, his beard was longer too. 
As I watched him smiling at me his beard fractalized looking like waves, until it spread and he sort of crumbled away into fractalized light.. Was a cool looking sight!

Huge piles of stuff, falling down.  My Cat came and peed on a book I was reading.

Last bit I was flying over the coast up north.  Coming from Berwick south, it was odd as it was like scrolling on a tablet, but at the same time I was having the experience of flying just over the rocks and water surface.


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