Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Long and odd dreams...

Sunday 1st Oct...

I had an odd dream about Iri & Me

You'd had a baby, it was very new I'd asked to see it so you'd mailed me over your newborn baby.   It was lovely and I'd put it on my pillow and slept beside it.     When the courier came back after a couple of weeks I'd gone up and got the baby of my pillow and packed it back into the box to return to you.

After the courier left I realised I'd not fed the baby at all in the time I'd had it, or changed it's nappy  (the baby had seemed fine when I'd packed it into it's box.    I was watching it's tracking move across the UK and back to you in Norway and I'd suddenly felt bad I'd neglected it and was wondering if it was dehydrated or had nappy rash.

Monday 2nd Oct.

I was in London and I was swimming in the Thames.   It's not like the real one it's a version of the Thames I dream about occasionally though...  it has sandy coastal banks with marram grass and it flows East to West into the sea....rather than West to East.  

At first I'm swimming alone and nekid there are small cute animals like octopus and things, there are also barriers in the water that creates deeper slow moving waters then shallower rapid areas.   I'm playing and making my way slowly down river to where it meets the sea. 

At some point I realise Zaks with me, he can't swim so I need to keep hold of him... it's less fun.   I keep him above water.     At the end of the river is a strange concrete structure I guess meby a tide dam or something.. 

At this point I find myself in a room, it's a place I've been staying but it's time to move on now.  
It's a little like a shopping Mall, there is a posh boys school next to it and lots of kids hanging around.   I'm packing up the stuff to leave, but the stuff I'm packing isn't mine - It's Ians Ipad, and Zak.    More people arrive I have an odd feeling about them so start to take Ians stuff

I need to swim back up river with it, holding it above the water...  part way there I feel I need to go back  for Zak so I out Ians laptop onto the shore (I'm pritty sure it will be taken but I need to collect Zak)  SO I go back for Zak...  

When I get back there's is a guy who holds me and tries to rape me, I'm annoyed with him and take Zak and leave swimming back up the river this time keeping Zak about the water..   I find the bag but Ians laptop has been taken.  

I think next bit was Ian going down to the room too  (everyone but me seemed to be walking but I was always moving in the water)    When we got to the room Ian wasn't annoyed about the laptop but about the guy who'd tried to rape me When he re-appeared Ian went of to attack him, I was surprised.

Next bit of the dream was a school type area with corridors and a huge wall, with a drop on one side.

Tues 3rd.

I'm dreaming lots, long detailed dreams that I can't seem to shake when I wake I go back into them... but then don't have time to write them up... or what I've written makes little sence :stuck_out_tongue:

So night before last my dream was of a large rented house, It was familiar but not from this life.  It was large Victorian terrace with big rooms with high ceilings. 

It has the typical kitchen out back, I'm in it and I get a delivery it's from 'NAMBLA'   (This is a pedo thing)  In the dream the acronym was slightly different but tI knew what it was.   They had sent 'goodie' bags for my 2 boys with a logo'ed pen, t-shirt and a drawstring bag.  

I was wirdly conflicted and then put the items into the bin.    In the house I go into one of the rooms,  it's got a bed but along one wall is a large shelf with old electrical appliances, several old ovens, a refrigerate and atari games console that said 'plug'n'play'   - I remember thinking I should tell the landlord to clear out his stuff. ??

Then I have a dream about a large dead tree, it's bark has gone it's just a white skeleton...   It's massive it splits in 2 and I call to people further down the valley to watch out for the sliding branches. 

Then last nights dream

I'm in a huge camp site/field and I'm cooking for many many people in an open kitchen over fires. ...   taking orders and trying to have various things ready at the same time.

Next part I recall is that I drop a lit match and it sets fire to a dogpoo bag, but as I bent to get it - it falls threw autumnal vegetation setting fire to it.    There are shrubs and bushes and the leaves are all catching on fire, it's to big for me to put out now....  I watch it thinking it will burn it's self out soon.  

Wiredly it doesn't the vegetation keeps burning I'm confused that live plants are burning so freely.  Next a building catches alite...    It's a very old cottage it's 100's of years old Tudor style and the old timber frame is catching.

Then the house belongs to my Aunty and uncle  (this is one of my main dreamscapes) thought the house is very different.   I feel terrible I've set there home on fire so I try to call the fire brigade my phone doesn't recognise my finger print - when I get my phone to work 999, won't work either...  or the local fire-station number.    I eventually manage to contact them but the house is being destroyed   (I'm recalling places inside it from other dreams)  
The fire brigade come, but they are kids in normal clothes... they don't seem to know what they are doing...     I'm watching trees catch alite too, big oak, sycamore there leaves are glowing gold/red and burning. 

They put out the fire and leave....   I go in, I can still see bits alight, I try to put them out and I wonder why the fire men left. 

I wander round inside the house.   It's oddly undamaged inside but very unfamiliar it's layed out in a very old fashioned scandi style  - it looks like it's been decorated for Christmas, there are long embroidered table clothes, candles and evergreen plants.

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