Monday, 23 October 2017

City Roofs and Huge Skys.

22nd Oct

I had wired dreams...  One was my old school best friend.   Her dog had been killed and decapitated and then put on social media but hunt sabs... this was wired as hunt sbas are normally antiviv too.   

They'd taken the head n paws of her dog then taken a piccy of it with writing on it  (like you would mark a pig/stock animal)   The writing was dog one....  dog gone.

It flipped a bit and I was with a guy young in a science lab coat, he wanted to do a science degree and had been shifted onto a BCA   - we were comforting him but he was very up beat, saying he'd do his BA in art then could bring more creativity into his science degree. 

Next flipped to my main dreamscape...  I'm trying to get to my home but there are puppies allover!   Very cute :smile:  

I'm wading threw puppies and notice a other stuff going on, camera rigs ect.   People tell me there is a puppy comp going on... like the bake off but a cute puppy thing.  

Next dream I'm again in my main dreamscape.... it's a school field trip,   We are with a teacher out and about on the main streets of the village I grew up in. 

The teacher is Josh's nursery teacher...   Kim.   I tell her she's my fave teacher so far and we look up into a massive night sky.... this is really lovely.  

Hug sky scape milky way type thing from one of the main roads into my dreamscape

----- Today October 23rd, 2017 -----

Dream about the same school friend.  

First I'm making lots of batches of cakes...  cup cakes they were for a celebration or a fundraiser or something. 

Then my school friend again...

This time she's in a bed at my Auntys house... she's had her uterus 'sucked'   like you would for an abortion but she wasn't pregnant.  She's staying at the house to rest and I'm making her tea and toast for breakfast.   ( I can't think this is tied to the fact she's just published her first novel  it's due for proper release in a few days is for pre-order atm) 

Not sure how it fits with the night before's dream of headless dog :stuck_out_tongue:

Last dream was really cool looking.  I'm in a large Victorian city (I'm modern me)  but the rest is like a time hop.   I'm investigating something at my first recall is being in a huge city square it's bustling with typical looking Victorian people.   I'm looking for something or someone.  The police/authority's arrive too they are investigating the same thing and they are locking down the square to interview people.   
I'm keen to remain anonymous to them (I'm also aware I have purple/blue hair in the dream so it's hard to blend in :P) 

I'm staying in the crowds and trying to slip away before it's locked down.   I jump a barrier and a female police woman calls to me to halt I can't leave.....  but it's a typical Victorian city with narrow streets and I'm hard to follow. 
I head into a tavern with stained glass leaded windows... inside it's more like a tea shop.   I'm looking to pass threw the building and get out again. So I push threw the crowded room quickly aware I'm likely still being followed. 

Next I head up a narrow spiral stair well it's slighty squared off and is thin,  like a service staircase corridor for maids..  I head up and up until I reach a glass attic room that opens onto a small roof garden..  there are 2 glass doors the one to the right is locked but the left one is open so I pass threw.  The metal handle comes off in my hands so as I leave onto the roof garden I post the handle back threw a letter box in the door, and it lands on the mat back inside. 

I'm on a flat roof space with a neglected roof garden..  I make my way along the tiles of the roof, it's a terraced street so the roofs are like another world - the view is great a city skyline in hazy smog filled afternoon light. 

I keep walking along the side of the roof to my left are large dorma windows I look into the attic room as I'm walking past.  It's layed out formally and reminds me of a modern church or similar congregation room.     I pass the windows and head up the pitch of the roof on the tiles still.  At the end of the terrace I climb up onto the chimney stack to take in the amazing view

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