Saturday, 28 October 2017

Shower on a bus, and a wired wedding meal.

First dream... 

I'm in a school class with all females.   We have a wired lol it's like a beauty therapy class or something.  I was aware there was a clique of females in the class  -  or project was to team up and wash each others hair?  
Anyhooo they all paired up really fast and I was left alone but still had to wash my hair... next bit was totally bizarre, the shower was on a bus!  

In a wired pull out thing and the curtains round it were like heavy old fashioned drawing-room curtains  ??   Someone had used the shower before me and left it full of mushrooms?   I couldn't work out how to get into it, I had to kind of pull myself up onto a platform but it was wobbly as the buss kept going round corners... the curtains were soaking wet and slopping water all over.   

Someone had left behind some shower gel so I used that to wash my hair....  then I realised I had no clothing  only a wet towel that had fallen on the floor and got all mushroomy!


As if that was wired enough they next dream was that my Dad was getting married to a random woman.   I was at the wedding meal...  a black whirlwind came along and sucked me up  (It was fun, going round and round)  as I plopped down the food was ready. 

I was sitting inbetween my Dad and his bride and the meal was served.  It was the open chest of a human :stuck_out_tongue:    Cooked,  Heart and lungs.... and in stead of intestines were sprouts cooked still on there stem  O.o
The garnish was a cooked human hand ......     the brides describing the meal to me telling me how it's her fave.

I'm thinking what a wired thing to serve up at your wedding and wishing I'd gone for the veggi option :stuck_out_tongue:  Vegg option was bread dipped in pureed zucini and then fryed in batter :stuck_out_tongue:     

Then I was confused as to why I was sitting inbetween my Dad and his new wife :stuck_out_tongue:   I told them I felt like a bit of a gooseberry so would move further round the table.     (I left my human chest meal there .... and the bride ate it too )  Then I got sucked black into the inky whirlly wind again. (edited)

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