Thursday, 12 October 2017

Serving and another metal compacter.

Last night I had my first dream were I felt 'fear' in ages! 

It was familiar...  the whole world I was in the settings and life/friends.   I've had other dreams here. 

I was working as a waitress first part of the dream, I'm good at it - serving many people food n teas/coffee ect...
I'm leaving though and taking a train to London  (though sometime I bury under the track and go below the train)  sometimes I'm on it. 
It's a sleeper train, I have a rucksack n sleeping bag with me.    There are 2 trains running parallel on parallel tracks... I leap from one to the other to wake a male who's travelling with me and tell him we are close to our destination.  

Next I'm on a bus, I still have bag n rolled up sleeping bag we are at my stop in London  (This is a wired dream London I have)  It's dark and the bus doesn't stop so we need to just jump out of it.  I do this and I'm in the centre of a busy road.  
I see a guy get hit and killed by a car a little way away from me.....   I run waving my arms about so I'm visible to the oncoming traffic and make it to the path. 

The cars are driving over the dead body and this seems normal.  
I see a local friend of mine here getting a seat and a meal in a restaurant and decide I'll pop into the hostel I'm staying in then go and say hello to her.   I think I was meeting someone els in the city too.

At this point I realise I dropped my sleeping bag in the road and as I need to cross decide I'll try grab it on my way back over...   Again cars don't stop.  It's like playing frogger :stuck_out_tongue:

As I get part way across I'm scooped up by a 'road cleaner'  Metal compacter 
***(This is the second dream I've had about something like this in the past few months,  last nights dream brought back a fear I had as a kid of rubbish vans and large motors/endgins)   
At first I'm in it avoiding the bits of metal, It's magnetic and round inside,  large bits of metal are moving round and getting crushed.    I can't see any way out, over head is a claw thing that grabs, but it's shaped like a birds beak and it acts bird like too like a black bird eating worms.    Next was the bit that was a bit scary as It was all compacting together with no obvious way out... then a door /crack opened and I walked out re-leaved.  

I'm on a large platform with workmen walking about they have hard hats an stompy boots,   One of them comes and grabs me round the waste and pokes his fingers into my mouth in an odd erotic way - at this point I was so glad I'm not been squished I hugged him and woke up. 

Last dream, in a town sunny and clean streets I'm meeting people I know and hugging them as I'm hugging one I relize I'm naked but it's fine. 
I'm doing something with 'retro toys, giving them to people... I also go into see a group of friends eating a meal together but don't stay with them I think I was going to visit other people I'd not seen for a while. (woke up after this)

Ohhh   After the scary dream I was getting wired images visions as I went back to sleep one was of a massive metal spider made out of magnetic tin cans :smile:
Another of a rainbow metallic flying bug these were cool :sl

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