Wednesday, 18 January 2023

House Party



House party in a beach house.  Rachel there too.

Long gang turf wars.   Other stuff I can't read or recall.

A bedroom shop....  I lived in the shop, sold mainly house plants I propagated and strange art I collected. 
Amazing old stripped wood doors I'd collected all stacked up.   Big windows and lots of sun.   My bed was a platform in one corner.

The dream became lucid at the end when I was in the sea swimming with huge metal claws coming out of the water.   They were covered in marks and glyphs. 
A giant metal fish...    The dream just faded to bright white as I got more lucid and woke.

A concrete ball court with rows of concrete steps to sit on.... A film was playing on a screen and soldiers and storm troopers battling in front of the screen. 

It was the same city my house/shop was in and I was making my way back there.

A multi story shop selling clothes...  Hand made, mainly white coloured.   All different styles but mainly hand made, from various parts of the world.

A beaver and squirrels that followed me along a path, I'd fed them some brown bread I had in my bag.


A neighbour had a room full of fish tanks and bird cages, they charged a fee to go and view.

Meeting someone in a cafe for a brunch, we had a small table outside in a shady courtyard surrounded by old buildings.


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