Monday, 30 January 2023

Labyrinth & Bus Trips



Same dream all night again, varying slightly in setting each time I went bk into it. 

It starts as a multi level labyrinth, a gaming dream.  I'm with a group but fall threw to the level below.   Falling and swimming threw layers of earth.

Magic and elementals and puzzles to solve.  

I'd locked the others out - but left a brother trapped.  I needed to make a save and go back for him.

Next wake at 333.    Same labyrinth but it's all in a huge cavern now, with a central layer of energy and disks around.   The gamers have turned into actors and prima donnas.
The 2 guys in my team are gay now, I have to fit into the role I find myself in.
The different layers of the labyrinth now tell a story, performance. 
I needed an outfit to wear.
The bottom layer is that of three sacrifices,    and one of the older actor/directors is injured on the dress rehearsal.
He loses his shit looking for anyone to blame and as I was new it was me.  
He's calling me a Siren.
The gay guys were telling me not to react, it was hard but I kept calm.   I woke at 333 as the injured guy was telling me in a creepy way 'You're a clever girl'.


Back into the same place again..
This time the people though the same have all changed roles again.   It's a space type setting, a bit startreck.   The gay guys are now straight again and one is very thin and blond, he likes me. 
I also had very short white blond hair.
I'd been in that setting for some time it seemed....  Only the dream me had just arrived there.    I recognised them both and they told me, 'We knew you had potential'   I'd commented that I'd not really been present before, I had the memories of the person who I was now.   They agreed I'd been like a filler person, background character.

The setting had the same layers, this time the lower one heled some alien species.  They had had offspring that were like tiny red masks or skulls, we were going to log the infants in our data base, but the adults were unregistered.
We also needed to fix water flow between the layers, an alligator had bitten/ broken some rusty old pipe work that used to carry water from above to below.

A costal town, soft sand that came up between the main town street.
Making sand castles on the shore.
A large carpark like service station with an underground mall.

Cactus shop.

Lots of dreams I didn't write down over the last 5 days.

Sneaking and hiding in a strange futuristic town, a larger and larger group of people are looking for me.
I was using bus's to get around.


Next I was in a version of my main dream space.   It's dark and McKay's is like a warehouse of bottles and liquids.... All kinds on pallets. 
I was looking for a bottle of tonic water, but they seemed to have everything but.

Narrowly avoiding a multi car pile up on a strange road layout. 

Snakes, bugs and lizards on a dark path... Consuming each other.


A guy with a portion of fish and chips, he was giving me a bit of his battered fish.


Next a dream with Jo&Jon  White dogs, like wolf hounds... Playing in snow.   Then they had pups with them too.


Jo took me to Westminster, she was working there.  Clair was there too.

In the dream Jo knew the queen... Who was still alive.  
She had a key to a secret island.

Westminster had a dome over it, glass a little like the British Museum.

I could see people with brown parcel tape over there mouths and asked her about it.
They worked for the department of intrigue.

We were looking for legislators.

In another part of a dream i'd been trying to find the date & time... But when I looked at things it should be on.  Like a TV and a boiler the digits for the date and time, were flicking and changing.

Next a lot of bus dreams.   Journeys between London and Northsunderland.    

I had my black coat and new green bag, and Juppy with me.... But no cat basket.
When we got of the bus in Northsunderland...
Which had changed alot.. Different shops in places that had been houses, and a main road.
I'd decided to go get some cat bicys to shake to get the cat back.

The mainsteet was different too.  Pinnacles was like a red brick old Wearhouse as we were watching the roof and section of walls were collapsing.
The street was crowded, I was recalling how the harbour had been when it was just a sheltered cove, the white sand were the boats would land.

Metal school lockers, different shapes and sizes.   Some very organised, large and filled with plastic draw sections.   Mine was small, with some stuff crammed in. 
We'd each been given the locker years ago at the start of our time there.
We were moving on now so needed to clear stuff out.


Climbing to a bus stop threw grass with pockets of sinking sand, toys in the holes.
Meeting a mother in a cafe in the bus station.   She was disabled, I was lifting her back onto the bench as her legs were small and deformed.

I'd also been a ref in a football match, the players were neurodiverse - many were autistic or had ADHD.


Last dream I had the care of 2 young boys.  I was travelling between London and the North still.   The boys lived with me Hoggy and Em in London, I'd come north for 4 days.
I met Jack in a strange silver spacesuit thing riding a digger.

He was clearing land on Kingstree, we were trying to talk to each other but kept getting interrupted.  I'd told him I was around till Thursday and I'd find him before I left again.


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