Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Duplicate People


31st Oct
I was in a lift with a female who was a mix of Em & Fay.   She had a familiar that was an odd slug/worm.

The elevator was making her feel sick and the worm changed shape depending on how she was feeling.   (I did feel ill prolly why this dream) 






Zak, a beach party.   Deals and mania & odd accents.

A dream with Huntly, he was in my main dream house.  It was an afterparty as such and we were all chilling out.  The upstairs was Sheila's house, box's of clothes for a Son that Sue had had.  There were old clothes belonging to my boys there in draws that kept falling apart.

Zak was in this dream too,  he was locking something called 'thank pads'  little devises that you pressed to thank someone.  It was 5.53am on a Sat morn.


Odd long lucid dreams.  Started in main dream space on the south beach.   I'd gone for a swim late evening/dusk.   The beach was still busy and the water warm.

Large smooth rocks, I'd taken of my shoes to walk barefoot over them.
It was unusual in that the tide was coming in from 2 angles and this made me lucid as I knew that's not how it usual was.
Once lucid I take off and fly for a bit and when I land I'm in London.
Ian is there but there are 2 of him, neither of them look like him.
He was being odd and creepy...   I wasn't sure what was up with him, it was strange as I was lucid too so was well aware of the fact I was in a dream.
(I woke up to him still in a shit mood and now ignoring me- duno why)


Then I'm in another room, still lucid with a guy I don't recognise.  He had short blond wavy hair and spots. 
He kept duplicating too, first there was 2 of them then 3, right up to 5.  One of them was freaking out.. And I'd held his hands and told him to look at me, that it was ok it was just a dream.  That calmed him down.
The dream jumped so we were outside of the room now in what was like a ballcourt in the sun.   I'd decided as I was lucid I might as well try have some fun, but I couldn't seem to fly and the only way out of this caged court was threw a dog run.
I intended to climb out the dog flap but the dog owners in that area.... All female were being obstructive and difficult.  Not wanting to let me threw.
One of the dogs had tried to bite me and the owner thought it was funny.   I'd restrained the dog and asked her to please hold it off as I left.
It was odd, not dissimilar to the lucid nightmares in that I had little control... But it wasn't scary just odd. 
Then there was odd vibrations like someone was using a jackhammer or big drill next to me, it made me think about the vibrations people mention with an obe.  
Then I found myself back in bed.  I'd not moved but I was awake.


Next a hospital, it was a jumble of a mental hospital and a general.   Ken was there who I used to care for.  I was assisting a nurse Iba cleaning and dressing a wound where one of his legs had been amputated.  I'd gone to get a clinical waste bag and the blue hallway floors were covered in blood..   Like a body had been dragged across the floor out of one of the rooms. 
There was blood at other doorways too... It was a mess.
Wondering what was going on, I just continued with what I was doing untill Ken was comfortable and his wife came in to visit him.
It was my lunch break after that... 

I'd walked from the hospital to a near by market and was going to get some fruit and veg when a guy approached me and asked if I was on a break.  I told him I was and asked when I was due back...   I wasn't sure if my break was an hr from 1/4 to the hr or 1/4 past.  I knew I'd left around 10mins ago.  When I looked at my watch it wasn't working...  (This usually makes me lucid, but this time it didn't meby it's cause it was a digital watch... I was seeing only 1/2 the numbers)   I'd agreed to go to lunch with him, but first was looking for some carrots to make soup for my meal after the shift.


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