Thursday, 23 November 2023

Wires, Time & Weightlessness

22nd Nov
Had many dreams... Didn't make notes as was so tired after 48hrs no sleep just needed to rest.
One dream I had in the morning was interesting.

A time travel dream.. It was set in a school a little like Balifgate.
There had been a coat hook with a  clock on, the clock had a cracked face.
I'd hung some stuff up and gone to look around.
The building was corridors and I kept finding coloured ribbons on the floor and collecting them up. 

When I got back I went to put them into my bag, wich dropped link an anchor and was attached to a line.......  the coat hook they were on started to turn and unscrew as the cord unravel and then stuff got odd, like I was watching time go backwards.
I was watching entropy in reverse.
When it stopped the clock had repaired and then vanished, and the room was different.
I stood confused as people started arriving at the school, hanging up their coats and asking if I was new.
I knew who they all were but non of them seemed to recognise me.
Suzan introduced herself and I smiled as I knew she'd been my first friend when I'd done this before.  I was trying to see if any of them remembered me.... But it seemed my history was gone. 


Others were more of an outdoor estate where the gardens were decorated with different festivals scenes.

23rd Nov
Another school dream, this time with my Bro and Izza.  A laundry and a bathroom and a posh girl that I got annoyed with, there was an odd boss bloke too.
The toilet was haunted.. I recognised it from other dreams... Like there is something I can interact with outside of my flicker rate.

Back into a similar dream - once more with a laundry. 
An issue with maintenance doors and things been locked down. 

Sylvia from work... She'd come and got into my bed. 
I didn't really mind as she was just sleeping - I was watching security cameras and her room where something odd was going on.
Similar to the bathroom ghost only this time what I was seeing was a mechanical thing - but made of light.  

A chat with a GP who was trying to tell me I had depression.   I was explaining I didn't but not being herd... It was like they were a recording just playing back what they knew. 

Then watching a strange dance/yoga thing where people were on a circular frame attached by a thin wire. 
It gave them a sense of weightless ness to move in different ways. 

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