Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Unusual Gallery and a New School


29th Nov

First dream was main dreamspace.  I was sharing my room with Jack, we had twin beds one on each side of the room.
Was set up like a kids bedroom I suppose.
I'd washed some clothes and they had shrunk to doll size.  Couldn't work out how or where all the fabric had gone.
We had a large old fashioned printer/ copier in the room too.

I was using it to fold more clean laundry but the laundry had these odd black blobs in that caused an extreme exothermic reaction when they fell out.  
Burning holed threw the fabric and melting the copier plastic.  
It smelt nasty. 
I was confused were it was coming from, Jack seemed content to stay in bed n watch me figure it out.


Next 2 dreams were long.  Started with me having a toy cuddly dog, it was on a lead and a ladies real pet dog came to say hello.  The real dog had a kind of automated flea release med at it's neck and it came out in a squirt of purple foam.   She gave me some for my toy dog too that I applied.

Next I slide down a steep grass bank, into a mobile home half buried in the hill.
I was to stay there while I visited the building next door.
It was an odd busy communal space that seemed to morph and change the longer I stayed there.
At first it seemed it was a hospital where I was there with Ian, Fay & Dad... But then more of a gallery with an art exhibition on.
The art was visionary hippy stuff, and the visitors colourful and unusual too.
The layout of the space was hard to navigate with one way stairs and paths.
But I wanted to revisit places and was doing this by jumping and clambering about over railings and stairs.
I'd met a female with a bag similar to mine, she had 3 and had left 2 on the floor.  I wasn't sure if they were hers to begin with so I kept checking to see if they were just abandoned as they were appealing and empty.
We all looked intreasting too,  me and her seemed to have a harliqueen type look with pennywise style bunches and colourful panels of shiny fabric on our outfits.
Before she left she explained her friends had been using the bags before they had gone home... She was pleased I hadn't taken them.  We talked about where we'd got them from, it was the first time we had seen anyone else with one.
The exhibition was nearing it's end and it was turning more into performance art.
One stall I visited had sort of cute but gruesome pop-pop food.
A donut that bleed jam and cried when you tried to bite it.

On a plate on the counter was a priest with a plate of shit and sugar we could stir with a spoon.
I sat down to listen to a story told by 2 golden twins, one mail one female.
They had gold leaf freckles and bright orange eyes.
As they told the story they breathed a matching smelly vapor - sort of garlic like with a tiny puff of smoke.
I woke as I was walking threw a gallery of UV art.


Last dream was a school... Or a collage we were the new intake for.   Only around 6 of us had been moved from a school.  We were young for the intake there, but needed a more specialist education.

The building was strange...  All the toilets were places you needed to climb too.
We had met in a library filled with children's story books and small chairs and lockers.
The books were mainly sets by the same few authors a screen played quietly with one of them reading from his book showing the pictures as he turned.
The lockers were odd, in strange geometric arrangements.  Only some of them had numbers and many seemed totally inaccessible.
I quickly warmed to the head teatcher.  A wry sense of humour, he was comfortable with himself in a way that made him instantly likable.
.. Was woken by Dad getting up.

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