Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Inka Games & Play


I'd had a dream about the local station... A green light.  Babies and sex - but I don't have any recall on waking up.  (Was first sleep after 2 shifts.)

The next dream was more vivid.  I was in electric bunkbeds, the heads moved up and down.
Inka was in the dream too, in an odd formal role.  He had a suite on
I was in one of the beds playing a game.  It was a board game I was  playing alone,... But I'd kept losing the bits on the floor. 
It only worked if I kept the game to my right side.
The board had playing bits...   Red apples and crystal slippers, made from cheep plastic.
It played like a computer game... The apples disappeared as bites were taken of them.
Inka was getting impatient with me playing with myself in bed
😛  I seemed to keep knocking the bits off the board onto the floor.
He was passing the game bits back up to where I was laying on the top bunk and poking me with a short bamboo stick.

Next dream..
I'm at a nursing collage, in the dorms.
An odd world with big floating structures in the sky.
I'd gone out for brecky at a local cafe/shop.   Asked for a full English and then gone to pick up some vapes but I'd gone into one of our work placements instead. 

Leah was there, we were chatting... There was an odd power play of women in charge and many of them wanted me out.  
I was banned from that building and was strange trying to get out of the gate.. I got tangled in some overhanging streamers and needed them to help me out.
When I commented they'd extracted me they'd commented 'In more ways than one.'
I'd called bk to the cafe to see if they'd kept my brecky as i was happy to eat it cold.  



Cloths shop with swimwear...

Then an odd setting...  Beach/rock like with an odd tower. 
We'd created a sort of land slip, so the tower was only reachable from above.

We were picking threw the shingle that was made of amazing polished gems/semi precious stones.   Lots of them looked like smooth bits of Jasper. 
I was sorting them into piles of similar stones.
I was many people at once.... A guy was there too, looking for me.  But I was so many people, others were using my names. 
I was happy to watch the guy from a distance while looking at the stones.

We realised what's we'd done digging under the tower had destabilised the path/route and changed the ascetic layout of the place.... So we caused a landslip to level the ground again. 


Then a surreal dream... Me and a guy Inkerish.. Were playing with toy vehicles in my main dream space.  
He lifted up a house wall to let me drive underneath.. Then as I'd got my toy vehicle threw he asked me to hold the wall up so he could follow me.
He did... His toy was like a red plastic dumper truck with some other smaller vehicles in tow. 
We both passed under the wall and lowered the house back down. 
An Elvis song was playing...   Errr I wrote it down..
Was an odd tune given we were 2 grown up's playing with crappy toy plastic cars! And lifting up whole houses to move them threw.

On waking I got the sense I needed to Zooom out. 

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