Sunday, 19 November 2023

Dreams from this Week 14th - 19th Nov 23


14th Nov
Long dream with odd visual stuff.   A hexagon shaped room, with a hexagon box below.
It was set in a strange residential place...  Unusually dwellings around green fields.
No roads or cars.
A strange event was occurring   a flood.
Water pouring from the sky, it was flowing in tube line tunnels....  I was running threw and in it.  It was like the world was filling up.
An amazing river too, I was moored on a boat in it... On the banks are ancient grey stone buildings.   It's night and there are bowls of fire in a small round court outside one.
It looked ceremonial.  Fireworks were being let off above, reflected in the water the booms echoing from the steep stone banks and also the water below.


18th Nov

Tired after an emotional trip up North.
First dream I was getting a flat in London with Izza, James and my Aunty Ann.
We had a van and were sorting out a carpet.
Visiting Ikea and a shopping place.

Next the vets in Seahouses that used to be there. I was working as a nurse.
I'd watched a vid of me giving birth.
Dancing at the Viking, I was nekid, with bright red hair.
Emma's Dad n Chris, we were having a Sunday meal.
Some kind of Inheritance, and an old MG car.

An amazing creature, blue and green.. Head like a fox and furry but a bit like an axolotl too, with fins and feet.

It was around the size of a cat.


A dream about Mark & Lou.   Started on a housing estate with strange rooms, and unusual cradle beds, with hoists and turning equipment. 
We'd brought a small tent with us to set up on the floor.
Like strange medical equipment I'd never seen.
We were taking LSD together with cups of tea.
As I was coming up I was finding it hard to communicate with them... So I'd been writing on paper.
Like a coloured elevator in my body, I was blending the colours on the floor awake rather than when I dream...    It was similar to when I'd gone insane.  We chatted about that too.

We'd left to go meet more people after dropping, and I'd gone back to get some toilet roll to blow my nose.
When I got back to the flat we were staying in, a girl was on the floor in psychosis. 
She was cornered by another female, and a psych nurse and some healthcare assistants.
Lashing out and violent.
They were trying to sedate her to take her in.
I got the tissue for my nose feeling empathy for the situation she was in.
I make my way back to Mark & Lou who are in a community café amongst the buildings with members of my Fam there too. 
At one table is a bunch of medical staff, all in old fashioned pale blue scrubs, masks and hats, they were having a meeting.

More friends of Mark n Lou's too.
My Family members were Aunty Betty & Julie - they were being blamed for the state of the girl who'd lost her grip on reality as they'd spent the afternoon with her.

An emergency plumber van, red and blue logo...24hr service.

I went back into the same dream, but was woken by a strong smell of incense or flowers... I could smell it as I came awake but once I moved there was no smell.
Oddly I just got a whiff of it then as I recalled the dream.
I'd been talking again with someone about the experience of being crazy. 

They were telling me 'Your real self isn't sane'  
It wasn't like I was being put on the spot... More of an open chat.

Then a really odd dream with Bret. 
We some how had got covered in a crazy woman's shit
he had it on his arms, and me and my socks n legs.
We're in my main dream space and we go to wash up by an outside sink by allies house. 
Him first then I sat on the drainer to wash my legs.
We had another female with us too.
We'd sat down together to chat.  Talking about aliens, family control and other odd stuff.
I'd wanted to smuggle a message to a guy called Tom in jail.  To meet the person who'd relay it I'd had to go threw a test involving a dragons egg.

I'd passed and my message had been sent.
I'd wanted to check he was ok.
An odd type of person appeared.  An old woman with a wild way.
She spoke alone with Bret first then to me and told me.

'This is Tom - Go ahead'
I asked her to wait while I considered my reply.  She did but she also told me she'd been observing my trials.
There was other stuff too, like where the shit came from.  A layered reality within... Lifts and lock ups.  Violence and fighting on top... But this is where people seemed to want to get too.
A fighter in black was observing us too.. He moved like liquid metal. 
People had left too, I'd been annoyed they'd not said goodbye..... But apparently they had and I'd been zoned out.
The woman relaying messages said to me - 'Leave of your priestess jewels this time'

She was referring to some odd green crystals I'd worn on my forehead.
I told her I'd rule nothing out.

On waking I was told...  'State condoned rape with psychiatric drugs, forced violation of my mind and soul'

Then a 3rd long dream. 
This time a London trip.   Street art of snoopy characters on white paving with a charcoal black chalk.
A fairground ride and street market.
Colourful patchwork clothes. 
The street art changed - as Pigpen arrived, all of them covered in his dust cloud.
I split from the people I'd been with after buying a patchwork pinafore dress.
I'd changed and arranged to catch up with them later and I'd head straight to the holiday park we were to stay at.

On arrival I'd dumped my bag under a table at reception and gone to meet the Vet Ann who was running this place now.  We chatted and caught up, Suran was working there too.   Mainly on the entertainment side.
The place was packed now and I'd belatedly remembered my packed bag. 
On going back to retrieve it I was unsurprised to find it nicked. 
It was annoying as I hate the faff of cancelling cards. 
Fortunately they had taken out n chucked some of my clothes so I gathered them up.
I was making my way to a room where Ann told me I could use a phone...
But was met my an odd guy who refused to let me pass, showing me instead down on the ground with a gun.
This woke me up.

Last dream was dogs.  4 a sausage, a choc lab pup GSD and a dobi. 
I was giving the choc lab some pink medicine it's owners had asked me too, they had aggression issues with the dobi and I was suggesting my cousin may be able to help. 


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