Friday, 10 November 2023

Swimming and Inheritance

10th Nov
A huge pool and a game.  We each had a number we needed to dive for.   It was on a bit of monopoly money. 
The dive was high...  Rocks into clear crystal blue water pools.
Colombes of swirling dust and bugs were to be avoided.
We were directed to which pools were deep enough to jump into then we had to navigate the shallow water below.

I'd forgotten my number and I went to ask a woman who had a long list. She told me 216 and I collected the bit of toy money for the game.
After that I head back to one of the shallow pools where a large number of people are relaxing and splashing about.

Second dream was visually amazing...   It was a tribe/group of showmen or travellers a kind of steam punk / carnival market vibe. 
I'd arrived there on an old painted river barge.

Vibrant stalls, colourful clothing, hand made goods and incredible street food.  Fairground rides too.
It was both futuristic and old all at once, stuff moved kind of automatically and magnetically.   While many groups of these people group moved about there were more permanent settlements that were inside large hollowed out cave walls.
There clan covered a large city like area. 

I was chatting to a stall holder in a cave who was closing up and she invited me to walk with her to one of the more mobile settlements where her people liked to meet and relax for the night with music and food.
I'd left and thanked her as we reached the semi permanent camp and a guy showed me over to a large wooden circular frame hung with amazing coloured fabrics and strings of lantern lights.  He was suggesting something similar for outside my building!
The floor was covered with rugs and cushions, it was a large area, with sections semi separated with hanging fabric walls while still maintaining a communal space overall.
He's suggested I get comfortable and I'd found a cushion to sit as the sun went down.

Next dream was inheritance, I was with Em.  The front at first was like my grans old council bungalow.  In the dream Em's family had taken it on after her death but now we were to inherit it together after the death of a man and his wife a few weeks apart.
In the front room by the fire was a large round crystal jar with a ball like stopper on it's lid.  The stopper had a small toy building in if you looked closely but from a distance it was an ever moving scene in which people saw different things, I could see a pink evening sky and falling leaves.
Inside the pot it was filled with old toys of ours... Plastic pink stars and small glittery dolls.
We were going to reuse it to keep coal for the fire in.
Out the back the kitchen had been extended... And the the whole building seemed massive!!
A large open plan modern room looked out onto a lush garden on a slope, a stream and a bridge over the muddy bank.  
A bunch of her family were still hanging around, family's with kids in wellies exploring the garden and grounds, other were there collecting keepsakes from her family that had passed.
Em and me had plans to make the space into a home.... Mobile work benches and some pop up camping kitchen units would be moved out and we'd get some free standing kitchen units, a large sofa set in font of the glass to look out over the gardens. 
As I looked around I could see the place had been decorated with hand painted flowers, all over the walls and floors.   Twisted vines, leaves and petals that matched the vibe of each room.  The place was massive...   More of a castle that the bungalow it should be.
When I looked up from the garden to the walls above, I could see someone had written in live blue flowers  'All you need is love'

Evening was falling and I'd gone to explore the surrounds... Time had moved on since I'd been there last,  it was now a seaside town. 
I took a bus to look around, and as the tide came in large groups of people had gathered for an evening swim. 

Favouring the tidal part of the river, I was looking from the bus on the bridge.
I could see bioluminescent stuff making the water glow.... The waves shimmering below.
Getting of the bus I'd planned to swim too, deciding on nekid or in my clothes.
I met my dad at this point who was freaky fat!!
Excitedly babbling about the glowing water, but he bluntly dismissed that. 
Telling me he'd known the waters for many years, and that glowing stuff was incredibly rare.  
He didn't seem to believe that I'd seen it, so I was dragging him along with me.
Something woke me up before we got back. 




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