Monday, 26 February 2024

Spaces and Strangers



Odd night, was dreaming about being in here, some false awakening, some more dream like.


One dream was of here but i was further up the hill, a bigger building with sloped garden.

A guy was with me and there was some kind of lockdown.  We lived in the space...  duno who he was.

I'd defrosted a leg of lamb I was going to roast for us to share.

Becky and Jo were in the space too, its sunny and they are playing on swings on some grass.

A football match in the area too, the guy with me was going to play in goal for the local team as a stand in.
It was odd, the building felt like an out of use school or community center.


Next dream was a large school, cultural mishmash of people.

One group were nekid but for a hand patterned body paint round their middles, they were heading to a feild to dance.


An older female was giving me acupuncture in my ear lobe.  I was watching her remove the log sterile pins from their packs.


First dream I have a brown bottle with a pink opiate liquid in it. 
It was old, like a Victorian medicine bottle.   I was with another guy and we were drinking it to get high.
Not sure where I was both the guy and setting along the side of a road with occasional old buildings were other wise unfamiliar.


Next a cosy sort of dream, timeless yet old.
I was young and lived with an old wood carver who made bespoke carved animals and animal heads for people.
We lived in his work shop, an old wooden cabin with one room with an open fire place.
The room had a small desk that served as a sales counter and work benches, simple hand tools and hanging oil lanterns.
Shelves lined the walls with bits of carved wood in various states of completion.
Most of the stuff was handmade, all the chairs n benches...  Patchwork blankets.
We had house plants and flowers I'd brought inside in old vases.

I had some kind of disability that effected my legs and movement was slow, difficult and painful, I didn't mind I spent a lot of time just sitting at his desk watching him work.  


Was an odd night here, heavy rain early on which is fine...   But then there was high winds.
And Star sneaked in and made herself well at home, she was under the duvet n fluff purring like a tractor and kneading away.
The wind was disturbing and cat.  Inka appeared and jumped me to a ship...  Stuffed me in a wee crew bunk drew the curtains and told me to stay there n sleep on my belly so I didn't snore
🙄 Next dream was from there.



Last dream was London.
It was tied to my Dad visiting but I lived in a strange communal building.   More like a squat, I had a dark basement room under a street of shops, the window height up and feet level was stained with dirt and let in car fumes.  

No furniture and horrible stained orange carpet.  Kef was with me too, I seemed to spend much of my time nekid. 
I was strong too, could grab a bar and do pull ups with ease.

The area was an odd mix of poor and very well off, big town houses off some streets and also more cul-de-sac areas with small gardens.  I'd got trapped in one of these trying to cut threw to the main street after walking along a tree lined canal way. 
The home owner was angry but when I explained I was just trying to get onto the street he took me bk down the garden and showed me the way to a path.

Last part of the dream was odd... A guy not unlike Inka had me pinned against a brick wall and was spraying a perfumed body spray in my mouth and on my teeth!  Yack. 

Friday, 23 February 2024

Sea & Land



Dream at work.

I had a house share with Em, we were decorating it.   Good fun vibe then this odd ghost guy.

He could throw his voice into other people.

Speaking through them.

He was a teacher that was some how linked to the death of a child.


A strange car journey from an unfamiliar town.  My Mam was there, me and my 3 kids. 

We had a camp site with 3 small open square stoves and a load of empty pizza box's.
My mother had packed these into the car and I was annoyed that she'd not let me take them to be recycled before we left.
The journey was amazing... Countryside with incredible trees with the most fantastic blossom.   All kinds of trees with a rainbow of blossom flowers, bushes too all in bloom.   Some of the trees were floating and others amazing twisted shapes.  Was so good we decided to turn the car around and drive back again.

Large complex of ruined buildings, had the feel of an old monastery but it was being used as a modern campsite with shops and activities. 
Sports games and church like services, horse riding too.

An odd bathroom that looked like a court house too,  where the person on trial would be there was instead a large round bathtub.

I'd entered a shop on the complex and was met by a red haired child assistant in a elaborate pink frilly dress covered in red roses.  I commented how pretty she looked and she wanted to help me find an outfit.  
I found a cropped rainbow top with puffy sleeves and was asking her about a skirt to match as I'd decided it would be perfect to cos-play Rainbow Bright


Last dream was a costal area, but the tide was out so I was exploring the villages, towns and harbours from what would have been the sea.
It gave a different sort of connection to the whole area.
Some spaces were built so the tide could come up the centre of the main shopping streets so town halls or monuments and statues would be cut off at the high tide.

The towns were unusual too, huge communal beds set into rock walls with wooden steps to climb up.
An odd ticket master in a red coat with his wife controlled access to places, he had the feel of a fat ringmaster and his wife an fortune teller in an elaborate black dress.

I was there for a dental appointment and was waiting in a room with a crows nest.  A female in black feathers was asleep up there another climbing up to meet her.
A woman with 2 young blond female twins too, she was the woman who lived a few doors down but they all looked different.  We chatted while waiting until an alarm went of on my watch... As it was going off in my dream too it made me lucid, and I must have managed to switch my alarm off too as I stayed in the dream... Telling them it was morning somewhere else.

As the lucidity changed the ringmaster again appeared and I followed him into a wooden building with toilets and benches, a sort of waiting area.  
Bird box's were dotted around, I'd mistaken one for a bin... But realised my mistake when a tiny woodpecker style bird hopped in with a caterpillar in her beak.
Along the side of a table pressed to a wall was a rodent hole, where a mother was leading it's young in and out to gather crumbs.  A strange thing, sort of like a Degu but with white stripes... Meby a chipmunk. 


Before waking I was watching another scene, a dog and her puppy who'd got caught in a sinking tar pit...  The mama was lost but a guy was pulling the lighter scared puppy out who'd managed to keep it's head out.


Odd night, was dreaming about being in here, some false awakening, some more dream like.

One dream was of here but i was further up the hill, a bigger building with sloped garden.

A guy was with me and there was some kind of lockdown.

I'd defrosted a leg of lamb i was going to roast.

Becky and Jo were in the space too, its sunny nd they are playing on swings on some grass.

A football match, the guy with me was going to play in goal.


Next dream was a large school, cultural mishmash of people.

One group were nekid but for a hand patterned body paint round their middles.


A female was giving me acupuncture in my ear lobe.

Friday, 16 February 2024

Bug Swarm



A large shared residence.   Rachel had run all the hot water of in one wing of the building.
A strange attic space with tiled floor, she'd turned on a tap and left it and it had all run down a drain there.
I'd gone to check on the experiments there,  tiny steam trains and other odd contraptions on shelves in glass display cabinets. 

I'd decided to go to the other wing to take a bath after making sure the taps were of and the hot water in our wing was refilling.

It was a long journey threw corridors of stuff, the other wing served as a wyrd museum. 

Parts were on medieval stuff and other more surreal displays like tanks with mermaids and a kind of sea lichen.

I'd passed an age restricted room on medieval torcher that a parent was taking her son into and reached the top of some stairs that others seemed able to navigate but I got stuck.

The guy in front stopped and showed me how it was an interactive spiral staircase.. He opened it enough to get down, at the bottom was a dark cavern like book and gift shop.  I asked the woman working there to show me how to activate the spiral stairs for future use.
She showed me a small button and leaver on the central pole.
I continued on, diving into a water display with a strange fiberglass wood nymph thing,  the lichen covering it jumped to me too.   Was tricky to remove as I left the pool.


Next was the bathroom I'd been looking for.   It reminded me of that strange spar/bathroom that was below a massive school the other night.  Tiled and dimmed lights.

All kinds of different baths were filled, roman style, claw foot..  Shared bubble spars, showers.

A few people bathing and others sitting on benches drying and talking.  I stripped off and showered.  
Then put on what I was wearing that was an odd short shear floaty dusky pink dress.

I noticed Matthew in the dream again.   As I left I her someone say to him 'You let her get away again'
Puzzled I continued on.. Next coming to a room on a slope with a giant bed.   Various types of stuffed toys, many old fashioned ones were on the bed and I jumped up starting to bounce.

It was good fun, more like a trampoline than a bed :D

I played there for a bit till it filled up with families.  
At the bottom of the sloped room was a cookies and ice-cream shop in a dark wood cabin, kids with their parents getting hot choc and deserts.
I left there out into the grounds.

Vast fields and forests with wild camping areas.  Agricultural land too....  I was walking along the road between 2 vast empty fields' when I notice a huge swarm heading towards me.

It's a mix of birds and something smaller.... All flying fast towards me.
As it engulfs me I realised the birds are trying to get away from a mix of huge strange insects.


I run till I'm out of it then realise I have 2 insects stuck to my hand and arm feeding.

They have bright green brown and yellow type carapace, with pincer like mouths that they bury into the skin to attach.  One was caterpillar shaped the other more like a beetle.

I managed to pull the caterpillar one off but it attached somewhere else before I could put it down so I walked back to the old wood icecream shack to get help.
I find I'm accompanied by a large cartoon super hearo butterfly.

A guy there helped me to remove them while I was sitting in a rocking chair by the fire.
Once they were removed I started to age quickly,  watching my hands and joints swell with arthritis till they were knobbled and old.


I'd wanted them to warn people and close the space down to find out what was going on, but they were instant I wasn't to tell anyone as they needed the tourist revenue.


Was odd as before I'd gone to sleep Inka had told me he had the strange desire to cut me open and watch me blead out all over the floor.

I reminded him of a time he killed me in an astral dream below my soul tree.... Where I became blood and soaked into the ground.

I told him he could find my in dream if he wanted.
When I woke into another dream with him, he'd contented himself with biting my finger!


Next dream was jumbled, Jean P and a Hoist, a scarf found by school kids and getting Zak new shoes.

Last dream was set on what seemed to be a mix of a school and spaceship.
The ships commander who was a little like Ddad had taken me to meet his female wing commander.  She was psychic, and talked to me telepathically where she told me I was to assist the head teatcher interviewing potential intake.

Interviews were taking place in a bedroom and so far as I could tell I was just there to help relax the interviewees.

One of them was a young girl who was still in pullups which was odd for her age.
I could tell she needed to change.
I stopped the interview and asked her to follow me she did into a large bathroom.
I asked if she had what she needed, she didn't as she had no credit, so I'd told her to go into a cubical and I'd find her some stuff.

After hunting some supplies cupboards I found a clean pullup and some wet wipes and returned to her calling out till she answered me from one of the cubicles.
I handed her the stuff checking she could manage herself.  She could so I waited and took her dirty stuff to dispose of.

The bathroom contained an odd shop at the back, selling Christmas stuff.  Crackers and lights.

Thursday, 15 February 2024

Waves and Awakenings


10th Feb

Fun dream at work.  Was one of the false awakening where I was in the ward.  Only one of the windows on the north side had blown out.
I was up and looking out of the window were the sky was an amazing deep purple with lightning. 
On the ward some fam had come to visit bringing 3 small dogs, one purple the other two white.


I was holding an grey and white cat.

Back home I had another longer lovely dream.
I'd brought Marion & Jo bk home with me.  My house was diffrent with large summer gardens and lots of wooden rooms... Kids were there,
As they came back they started to de-age. 
Getting younger, they were so fun!
Jo was playing basketball with Zak and giving football commentary.
Marion had nicked a bottle of Amaretto that was in the house, was drinking it and dancing while telling me all the Latin names of the wildflowers in my garden with her lovely Scottish accent.

It was so real, I wok up feeling sad I wasn't still there



'So? '  lol Seriously?

'Yep'   Inka?  'You know.  Last 24hrs not been so bad?'  Well appart from the obvious death...

'Timing'   Ok...  Unexpected and ... Ok yeh it works.
'So'   lol....   We have been threw this, you know how crap I am at not being impulsive and doing what every the fuck I feel like at the time.

You fucking what?  'You herd me'   If I didn't let Leon intercede, nor anyone else would I for you?
Also that word is wyrd..  'It's apt'   Hummm I'll take you on that not got time right now.

But why?  'Cause I put myself in the way for you, and you do the same for me'   ?? Hummm

'I'm also the thing you feel ok behind'  Pfffff  yeh cause when I'm in front you shove me under the bus 😆

'You could have taken the first option' realistically we know how long it takes me to learn by experiance...  'Yet you refuse guidance' 
I duno,  I'ma going to have to think about this, I forget the word meaning just the jist of it.

'Or you could just agree'  Hummm...   'Ren, if I made it a dare, a bet or a game you'd go all in' 
'So this time I'm asking consent'  pfffff 😶


I errrr  ok.   Yes... But I'm not entirely sure what I'm agreeing too.   'I Will manage details'  ok.. I suppose..

'Deal?'   😖   ok....   '😈'  lol your smug face in disconcerting... 'You'll be fine bitch, I'll make sure of it'  Humph.....  


'I didn't leave Ren'  IKR,,,   give me space, night shift ne cold space.  I will find you.   'You WILL'


12th Feb

Odd dream at work, I forget the details appart from it being dark.  I was looking for Kef and he'd been hit my a car.  He was limping an his jaw was all messed up.


Then in the evening a dream with Matthew Judith and Jim.  Mathew and me were messing about.  It was a silly dream, we were looking for a canoe and then we found a shoe canoe.

Was like a red kids shoe..   We put it on wheels and were showing eachother round, it was good fun.
Then my Dad appeared and told me 'You two should go for a night away together'   I'd replied. 
'I tell you what, if we did I'd take him some place fucking ridiculous'



Long and odd dream.  A guy who wanted to date me but was much younger.

Em and Fay were one person.  I was confused why this guy liked me.  I don't really know how old I was but felt older.
It was set Haslemere high street or an odd version of it.


He cooked a meal for me.  It was not pleasant.  Musshy meatballs in a strange curry sauce that had separated into watery stuff and spice paste.  Then another creamy gravy all over it.


The dating was odd too, it was a kind of internal bond, connection threw the abdomen.

An ability to share emotions and attraction.  We opend it slightly but I didn't know how to controll it.. He did and was helping to regulate the flow back and forth.


I became lucid and wanted to ask the guy more about this and dreaming in general, but I couldn't find him.  I'd gone back to another house were dom was outside dressed like an orange batman.


Making cuscus and roast veg.  Lots of 4x4 cars then a huge wave over head, the water changed from warm to cold and salty with the wave.


Painting with ink, flowers and then planets.  Going for an interview as a waitress in a golf club house.



Main dream space, the harbour.  Water deep warm and blue, I wanted to swim but too many people were line fishing.
Full moon, massive and lovely.  Kelvin was in the dream too and a massive floating white puzzle cube, was like a sureal take on a reverse death star.

It reminded me of the black one I'd experienced with Inka and then eventually ate before I whent crazy again.

Friday, 9 February 2024

Learning Schools.


Odd dream at work, Hilla and Brian chariot racing


I was in a large convoy going to Glastonbury.   My cousin Debbie was there, she only had one arm.  
The traffic was at a standstill and people were on the roofs of their vehicles partying.

I had a big yellow and green macaw parrot with me, I was feeding it custard cream biscuits.  It's toung was wired


A large school complex with all kinds of families living there.  A friend had taken me back to her dwelling, her family was an eclectic mix of races from all over the world. 

The house had a bar area, and gym.  A black guy was teaching his young white daughter gymnastics.
I sat and shared a tequila with her father who was Mexican.


The complex had a pool and spar area too,   was deep down a stairwell.   The whole place was an odd maze of corridors and tunnels. 


Another dream with amazing sky and stars.   Some of  the stars were moving like flocks of birds.

A young bratty girl with an amazing singing voice.

An odd game of neck crabs..  It was an app game with a little rice like orange and silver attachment that we stuck to the skin of our necks.


9th Feb


A learning hospital,   It was like my highschool.  I was late for the bus home, had on only socks too. 
The bus was late too so I ended up getting it anyway.
Was a small old mini bus.

I was working in the driftwood cafe, I'd gone straight from School.  Shauna was working in the kitchen.
It was odd as I was telling her I'd not worked there since I was a kid - we both seemed to be in our 20's.
The dishwasher had changed.   I had no clean teapots and she showed me how it opend to get more out.
Otherwise the building was similar, it was evening and dark outside.

I served 2 people their on their own, a guy and a woman on diffrent tables.
Both wanted a pot of tea and the female a biscuit to go with.


Next was odd, sureal.   A starfish, a pufferfish, a little octopus and clown fish.  They were all tiny and the same colour.
I was lifting them from warm water into a bucket.   I got squeamish and dropped 2 of them into fresh snow. 
When I whent to scoop them out they had turned to goo, I felt bad I'd killed them and for the rest of the group left without them.


A garden building with an old Austrian psychoanalysis.  I'd wanted to talk to him, but there were kids everywhere and we couldn't find anywhere private so he left.


Last dream was another bus journy.  We were heading to the centre of a small town, a religious place we were going to do something at/
I was with Jack in the dream (He was in another dream with me earlier in the week that I don't think I wrote down, we were in a garage and he was repairing some old draws.


Anyhoo, the bus was an odd plastic thing.   The driver seemed to lose it, first we drove into the sea where the bus floated like a boat, then we took off flying around the cliffs.
The veiw was beautiful,  a small bay with wood lined cliffs and veiws of the old town nearby.
We were trying to work out what was going on.


Monday, 5 February 2024

Start of Feb 24


1st Feb

A quite place to be alone, a wooden shed to call a home.

A fluffy bed to make a nest, a pile of feathers to lay my head.

A world of dreaming awaits my arrival.

Quiet now at peace at rest,

Yet my mind is hunting for what it loves best.

That place in-between, sleep and awake,

Where we trip threw reality and dance in times space.

A place for awareness to grow and expand,

While body rests upon the land.

Flowing out and breathing in,

Allowing and expanding, possibilities begin.


A Harry Potter style dream set in my own dreamscape.
It was sort of 3rd person, but I was experiencing the characters perspectives too.

It began with an odd female who'd gone feral... Almost animal physical changes too but she was reversing it - waiting on her familiar.


Then I was following 2 youngsters sometimes I was the 3rd.  They had familiars but I didn't yet.
We had a job to do in a complex that was below the roundabout.
It was hummm sort of prison like in style, but apartments. 
All a sort of bagie/cream that plastic kind of walls from other dreams.


We were delivering rent notifications. 
As we went deeper we found a deep salt lake at a border intersection.

I was the one that had passes and was cut off from the rest of the group, stuck in a one way system with loads of gates.
I was also kind of 3rd person observing the person experiencing it.

I'd jumped a turnstile to try and go back the way I came but speaker cameras were following me asking me to identify myself.


I was aware of the similarities' with other dreams, the one I wrote into the story where I was segregated from a world below as the 'dream' didn't work.


Next dream was more surreal.
A green statue artefact that was a parent.
It would give parental responses... It sort of looked lizard or crocodile like. 
I'd gone to see it, and it said 'Oh, another adolescent'   In the dream I did seem to be young.

Lots of polydactyl pets, cat's and dogs.
A full moon over the house :)

Then another strange place, it was like a large garden centre but with a fairground too.
Power tools on escalators.

I got to know a group of people who were selling bootleg vids out of a booth there.
They accused me of grassing them up, I hadn't and to prove it they asked me to go on a mission for them.
This involved trekking threw a desert from village to village with a giggly baby on my back. 

I ended up becoming friends with the group.

2nd Feb

Arriving at my main dream house to find a blue and sliver snake curled asleep on the front step.
I stepped over it,  it reared and hissed....
I closed the door and herd cats yelling.
Thinking a cat was being attacked I reopened door.
4 Cats, 3 male and one female
Abyssinian cats were killing the snake...  I watched as one bit threw it behind the skull.

4th Feb

At work, I was going into same dream over and over.
Ann, Vet was selling a house.   We were helping her to clear it out.


Very modern outside, like a sleek... I duno,  white concrete and glass in a commercial area.
Felt like a public space too.  
She was giving me odd things, like an octopus decanter and decorations.
I was also playing hide and seek with my bag, again people were taking my stuff, but I was lucid enough to know it was a dream and bring it back.  🤔

We viewed the house she was selling, inside was a sort of amphitheatre with tired beds.
I'd been right at the back at the top, they were removing the steps between the bunks as the drop was quite far.

I recall being a bit freaked out at first then discovering I could sleep there and the drop to the bunk below wasn't to far.  
Removing the ladders seemed odd.

Second dream I mainly recall ordering fish in McDonalds and having really ripped abs.


5th Feb


A game I was playing, we were working in teams but scores were kept independently.  Collecting coin things, a bit like sonic.

I was good at the strange obstacle courses.
We were going out over water to collect coins.  Had a small boat.
The sea was odd,  rock formations started changing and huge waves and sort of water spouts popping up.
We freaked at first then decided if we could navigate it there would be lots of coins to collect on the Island battlements.


Second dream.

Again had coins and money, this time both paper money and coins.
An odd post office where people were putting £10notes into either a post box or a large glass ball.

I'd deposited some.  I was following a trail of coins on the ground too, this time flying and swooping down to run threw and collect.

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...