Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Shifting, and a Crumbling City.

First dream early on was about destabilising reality's and shifting people as they collapse.   1000's of people are all on the move.  I'm being kept in a small group with a few others we are not prisoners but we are shifting to much and are de-stabalising things more so it's best if we stay together.  

It reminded me of this dream.... 

22 July
Lots of dreams last night which seemed interesting but I could only remember tiny bits of each. First one I was in India or Nepal on a mission there were lots of temples that looked more Mayan than anything from that region.
In another I was in a big ravine or mountain pass where huge groups of people were being moved from island to island for there safety... but they were completely unaware that it was happening as everything was kept to appear the same.
Next dream I'm in a wired city, it's very old fashioned and falling apart.   There are holes in ceilings and walls... there is a 'lesson' going on in this city. 
It looks like there has been a war or earthquake or something that made most of the people leave.    There are a few of us there now.  I'm with Mel & Dom, and the 3 of us are lovers, it's a very sexual dream but  - we also seem to have a group of children of various ages following us, they all have deep purple t-shirts like they are in a kids sport team...  we are shepherding them in some way (though we seem to be more leading them astray)   A family come looking for one of the youngest children (he's only 3) So let them meet and talk to him so they can see that he is ok, but the kid is keen to stay with us... we are climbing in and out of the buildings. 

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Blue Boggat

First memory is in a coastal fort set in the sand dunes... It's daylight grey and windy.

We are invading this fort and 'we' are a grey haired warrior, a monk/priest in a brown robe and me, I'm a boggart (Or some kind of wired creature)    I'm trans-temporal and can shift reality's very easily  I'm fairly hideous looking, like a gargoyle face with bat ears and small pointy teeth, my arms and legs are long but my legs bow out so I'm much shorter than the others I'm with, my trunk is small and I've blue grey skin, no hair and a long tail that was pointy at the end.... My eyes are huge and I see in the dark.... I'm also nekid.

The fort we are in is filled with trolls or some other wired race (It was like a war-hammer type table top battle!)   They have old fashioned forged weapons and are patrolling the old stone battlements and I've teleported us inside.  We are there to kill a weaponised monster in a cellar under the main courtyard and I want to go alone, the warrior and priest are arguing I'm not strong enough. 

I wait until a battle starts with a group of trolls and sneak of to take on the monster.    It's a 2 headed serpent type thing, chained up in a basement it's being tormented to be set lose on a local populous or something, so we need to destroy it.   I take it on but the battle is not physical or magical it's sort of energetic, and I'm collapsing the cavern/cellar we are in with me in it too.    
Suddenly my Aunty Ann appears! (She died earlier this week from Dementia )  She tells me she'll take over, she's dead now anyway and to go out and port the others out now.  

I say goodbye to her and head back out to find the 2 guys, they are in the courtyard still finishing of the group that attacked, they are annoyed but can see we need to move as the fort is going to cave in.  I know were there is a portal so they follow me to a fresh water pool on the sea wall of the fort, we swim down and into the portal.

It comes out onto a hilltop in the darkness, the warrior has merged with me now and I have both his memory's and my own, I'm slightly less bow legged and a little more human like, (still bald, blue with tail and pointy ears ect)   The monk is now young and female, we both have brown hooded cloaks - she has no recall of the battle or the male monk.     It's cold and exposed and the path we are on gravely it's kinda upland grazing land no trees or bushes.   The warrior has been here before so I know that there is a lower path that goes to a bothy were we can shelter for the night so I guide the female down the hill.   My night vision can see other travellers with horses and mules travelling the busier track in the distance.  

We pass threw the edge of a large encampment with crude wooden tables and fire pits, it's a Viking raiding group that are far inland.   Their tables lit by torches, are filled with food and each has a beautifully carved wooden replica of a long ship in the middle as a kind of centre-peice.  The raiders are round a central fire so we hear rather than see them. 

We make it down to the lower track and I recall a more recent memory of the Warriors that the bothy is now an Inn.    The landlady is a woman and I have the warriors memory's of sleeping with her on his last stay there. 

We head down and into the Inn,  meby 12th century in style... very basic loud and smelly but it's warm lit by a big open fire and candles and there is food.   This inn is busy filled with peasant and travellers and someone is singing. 
We find the landlady next to rows of shelves filled with old pots near the back and order food and a room.  There is only a large communal bunk room under the eaves of the roof she has 12 straw beds but they aren't all taken so we can stay.
I tell her hello from a friend and ask her if she remembers the grey hair warrior... she blushes and I tell her he's a friend of mine.    She goes to get us bowls of stew and we turn to go find a table, at this point I realise something going to kick of... 

A group of modern people arrived they look jarringly out of place in this medieval scene, they are dressed smart/casual with jeans, shirts and white trainers.
 I grab the other female and push her towards the side door and out of the inn.   We get out into the open and I think we've escaped when one of the men grabs me, he's tall with well cut dark hair his shirt is pink/blue/yellow checked. 
He growls at me 'I HATE YOUR TYPE'    the female monk flees and the male pushes me round the side of the inn towards a stable face down into the hay and starts to rape me...   It takes me a second or two to shift but I leave that reality and find myself in the alleyway of a large city.

I orientate myself quite quickly this time I'm slightly more human looking I still have blue skin, large eyes and tail and my arms legs and fingers are long in proportion to my body.   Ears and teeth are still pointy too, I manifest some clothing and look around. 
I has the feel of an US city as it's in a grid lay out rather than the way our cites sprawl, It feels like the 80's. 
I pass a cafe with large glass windows and metal tables looking for staff so I take the job, I start straight away washing up dishes looking out onto an unfamiliar city street.   I've only been in there for a shift when I get a telepathic message from my home reality that a mate has been selected for me and I'm to meet and join him. 

I Finnish the shift and head to the meeting place, this is odd as I'm moving climbing threw peoples back gardens, over fences and log piles. 
I find my mate, he's also blue and wired looking like me....  we join our tails together to make a wired star shape and they fuse like that  - as we do so we become one person, but with 2 body's joined at the tail - we share the same memory's so we both know every aspect of each-other instantly.    We are telepathic so just two voices in one mind.  

He has a job to do in this reality we walk up to surreal strange cul-d-sac with white bungalows adjoined by pastel painted garages they all have neat lawns.
In the centre of the road is a large table and people are standing round all with brown envelopes.

They are completing end of year tax returns or something similar but the money is charitable and has all been donated.   My male has the receipt for the money that he has given.  The group want to know what he donated to as it was alot of money (As I have his memory's I know he gave it to an unpopular family with sever physical disability's and deformity's)   He is reluctant to tell them this and the conversation is getting heated with us being accused of keeping the money ourselves.  He eventually reluctantly hands the receipt that says says which family the money went to...    The group are disgusted, saying it's to much and the family didn't deserve it and the money could have been better used else where but I can see the difference he's made and know he made the right call.   We leave and I wake up.

Friday, 10 February 2017

Alien Internment Camp, Mini Mummy and Strange Animals.

Bizarre Dreams. 

First dream we are a group of humans being kept by aliens.  We are on the alien's home world in a kind of internment camp, I don't remember seeing any of the aliens I was just aware that we were contained there and couldn't leave.  We were also being observes with organic cameras that were placed like CCTV but were actually eyeballs with eye lids that followed us as we moved about.   

Outside it looks a lot like a farm the ground is wet dirt with the odd bit of straw and there are large green plastic tanks containers on metal stilts that have to do with our food and waste. 

We sleep in a similar container too like a huge round plastic thing.    To enter or leave the containers there is a tiny hole that we need to squeeze threw it's very difficult going and takes alot of effort.  (This aspect reminds me of dreams of being born)    Our main activity as Humans was to sing we spend most of the time there singing.

Next dream.... also wacky.

This is set in my childhood home in the west facing bedroom. 

In this dream I have the dead body of my mother, it's mummified and long dead... it's also tiny!  About the size of a barbi-doll! 

The wrappings are partly gone, partly there and the body's semi decomposed.  I wasn't sure why it was out but I was trying to wrap it back up and put it back into this glass sarcophagus,  at first I wrap it in newspaper a bit like fish and chips! It's to bulky like that to fit in the glass though as I realise that it's probably not right for the mummification.   So I leave it and go to fetch some old clothes and rags.  When I come back my bro has unwrapped the packet thinking it was fish and chips and has now left it sitting on the bench complaining it smells.

I bundle the body back up this time wrapping it in cloths and put it back into the glass case.


Last dream.

I'm in a heated glass house, it's overgrown with plants and in it are strange hybrid animals.  There are massive furry bats, they have beautiful thick hair like minx and are the size of dustbin lids.   Fluttering round are huge butterfly's with wings like dinner plates.   I fly up to get a better view and look round.. the other DC are puzzled that I can do this, I wonder if I'm allowed to take photos and I see a DC with a massive camera so I assume I am.  Next animals I find are bright blue sparkling hedgehogs there spines are like blue metal.  After I leave I make a long journey down the coast, I have a strange live in vehicle it's like a retro caravan but very modern and doesn't need a separate vehicle to move it.    I stop/sleep at beaches and dance in the waves, the small white dog from last nights dream is there too, he's chasing gulls on the shore. 

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Dog Tooth and a Water Train.

Wed Dream
I had one quite clear dream in the morning though that I'd gone to the USA to visit a friend who lived there.  In the dream she owned a health-food shop,  I'd been trying to find a very mild soap to help a child, she sold me some.
When I went back to see her again she had been arrested and her shop closed, her 2 twin daughters had been taken into care   (She'd been set up by the church to make her look like she'd been doing something eligal)
I was going to find her in a jail when I woke up.

In a beautiful sunny garden, a female dentist extracted a tooth and gave it to me when she gave me it it was huge! It wasn't a human tooth it was the upper pre-molar of a large bread dog or wolf.   It was clean and healthy.
I knew it was mine and could feel the gap were it was missing.

She gave me it to use as currency, I could get things by showing this tooth!  Dream hops to a city park, it's edged with wrote iron railings painted dark green, it's a large park and there is a wooded area where I'm playing with some dogs but we also seem to be camping/sleeping there  as I'm aware I have some bedding bundled up at in the park to.

There is a canal running threw the park and we go onto a barge...  while on there I notice that the surface of the canal looks like it's raining but it's still very sunny out, thinking about my bedding I go to the window to look for rain cloud's.
When I get close to the window I'm amazed to see a train make entirely out of water coming towards me on the surface of the canal the front of the train is a woman's face   (This is totally epic looking!  it's transparent and flowing and drips are splashing from it but the water is forming a train complete with woman's face :P )   Is the train reaches me the face smiles and says 'Toot Toot!'  lol :D

I get of the boat and stare after the water train, I notice that I can also see an old fashioned London double decker bus, also made out completely out of water.. this time the face is male.  
I run to the bus stop and get onto the water bus.   It takes me to a concert hall, then tells me 'Beeb Beep' as it leaves.

The concert hall is a little like a mix between an amphitheatre/school/lecture hall theatre.  On the stage children are performing - at one point I am up there with them singing and dancing, but I'm also in the crowd watching me too.   At this point the me in the audience is approached by a man with a small dog, he tells me he knows I dream and he's a dream annalist. 

He's friendly so I walk with him to his office it's brightly lit with posters and stuff around. 
I agree to write down the dream I'm currently having but all of his note pads are all ready full... I flick threw them all looking at his writing and notes all in the same dark blue biro pen, the books are A5 with blue covers like school excersize books, I'm surprised by his how neat and orderly his books are.
We chat for a while about dreams and how he is analysing them, I tell him about the elements and he's interested.

I tell him I'll go to look for some more paper and his small white dog comes with me, we look around but every pad we find is either already full of writing or empty and the papers is gone. They are the A4 cartridge lined pads now, but all I can find is the brown card backing some with a few sheets of used paper others with scribbles and doodles on.   I'm in a wide corridor with desks along one wall.

Another lecturer appears as dose a small female girl, she's climbed up into a window recess and is watering some plants there, her father has sent her for some food but she doesn't know were to find any think I knew her father was drunk and her mother had been abusing and sexually assaulting her ((This is quite hazy though- like I'm remembering the girls hazy memory's rather than experiencing them ))   she also has a small dog with her.   

The lecture asks if we are ok and I say we are fine just looking for paper and food.  The dog belonging to the dream guy is now standing next to the lecturer and he asks if it's mine... I tell him it's with us too and call it back over...  as it leaves he goes back inside an office with a large machine perhaps a photocopier and closes his door. 

Me child and 2 dogs set of again to find now paper and food, we end up in the back of a van and then climb down into the tired seats of the audience (who are now leaving as the performance is over) I notice the audience is  filled with people I know.   I say hello to them as I'm climbing all over the place with girl and 2 dogs now in tow.  

(Woken by an alarm) 

Vivid visions while dozing.  A Crescent moon waxing.   It was also eclipsed by 2 smaller objects though, so it looked like it had a couple of bites taken out of it. 

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Tall Tower and Distant Planet.

First dream I'm in a massive Tower (tarot archetype?)   It's thin with many storeys there is a squared of central spiral stair well and small rooms off it.   There are lots of windows on all sided too.
The rooms seem to be surgical in nature with surgical medical equipment.   At the top of the stairwell is also a series slides!  The kind of chutes you find at a water park, some have water others are frozen with ice and some just dry.

The tower has other people there to, my friend Emma from school who was a still virgin (I'm not sure why that was important but it was part of the dream) There was a guy who I had a crush on when I was about 10 called Peter....   there was also a race of bird/human hybrids in the tower too.

I had with me a toddler but not Zak and a small cute fluffy puppy!  In the lower floors of the tower a party is happening, the music can be herd  threw out the building.  The slides are fairly good fun and we seem to be climbing up and sliding down again. 

 I'm outside in an unfamiliar town, we are in a park lounging in the sun.  The group of people I'm with are part of a commune one female there is owner of a large black cat, she is asking me how to care for it. She's been keeping it indoors I tell her she can let it out but not to encourage it to come to us as we are to close to the road/traffic.

We leave the park to get into our spaceship.  

The spaceship, it's a typical flying-saucer shape fairly small and we are a little crew of 5ish people.

There are no controls everything is done by thought/manifestation, at first we move up into the upper  atmosphere of the planet with the park, they are using their upper atmosphere for storage.  
We hear a signal and head towards it but it's just an old car system  (there is a floating flying giant magnet with loads of old scrap cars stuck to it)    It's a car in the heap that's emitting the signal   (This is alot like the dream from 13th Oct The scrap metal piled in the sky)

We leave that planet to travel into space.

We have control over the walls so we make them transparent to enjoy the journey threw space, even the floor....  so it's like being in space but there is a solid ground to keep us all together.  We lay looking down and then up as we point out distant stars/nebula/galexys.

We find a planet to land on and land in a rocky canyon area, we leave the ship a little like popping threw a membrane, it parts to let us out, me and another female leave first.

The atmosphere is deep dark purple and the rock formations are amazing they look like lava flow with canyons and soft rounded shapes

The rock it self was beautiful!

It was kinda iridescent rainbow the whole place glowed as it reflected different coloured light, so the light was coming from the rock and ground rather than a source in the sky.

The mane life form was these kind of ghost like mushrooms, they were about human height and looked like they were made from glass or something...

amazing looking and very delicate but still organic.  A little like the ones above but more pointed and obviously much larger.

We also saw dino like creatures, massive one passing pretty close by walking past us, the vibration of there steps jiggling us as they were so large.


Last dream I'm making a Temple!  It's like a Mayan pyramid or a Mandel picture if it was 3D.
I'm aware that it's normal size but I'm huge! 
I'm a massive giant and making it seemed like a kid playing in a sand pit.   I'm singing as I make it and putting male energy into it, there is another female with me I can feel the male energy flowing into it as I pat it shape it and sing.    I'm knelt by it as I work.     It seems small to me but I'm aware it's the kind of monument that we have in our world still now. 

Monday, 6 February 2017

Courtyard Garden, Undersea Ruins, Robot Room and a SpaceShip.

I've had cold over the weekend so my dreams have been very broken by sneezing!

Sat nights dream.

It was an unfamiliar but beautiful house with a kitchen with bi-fold doors  that opened onto a beautiful sunny courtyard garden filled with flowers.   In the garden sitting at a table in the sun was a friend of mine Jo, and an unfamiliar bloke.    They had some Greek meze food and wine and were chatting enjoying the food/sun/garden and I was inside clearing up the kitchen. 

The guy picked up a hose pipe and started to squirt the house and kitchen... when I came out he soaked me too.   I was puzzled..  I picked up a plate from the table and splashed him back with water from a pond in the garden. 

I recall that neither Jo nor me could touch this Male as him/his skin was to sensitive. 

- There was also a dream of underwater ancient ruins they had the swastika pattern carved into the stone. 


A grid game, with black suns and orange suns... It reminded me of tic-tac-to but the suns swapped colour. 

My other dreams hopped about alot, A wizard in a cave underwater.  Again symbols, the swastika and also the Knights Templar one...   split into 4 ?

- Monday

A round polished dome shaped metal room, in it are 3 very modern computers/machines/robots.  Spaced round the sides of the room.  I'm in there with Anna (A girl who I lived in a big shared house with in my 20's)
She's trying to activate them but she enters the wrong code into the first one.... she dosn't want to wait for it to reset so try's to shut it down to start over.  The machine dislikes this and it trip's security cool-down.   Metal automatic doors come from the top of the dome and close of the entry/exit points and a warning siron sounds with flashing lights.

The machine moves like a transformer first into a metal butterfly shape flapping it's wings to cool of and it then starts to spin,  I grab Anna and we crouch down next to one of the walls as the machine spins around.  As we watch it again it transforms this time into a male and female robot dancing a fast waltz round and round inside the room. 

I notice I have a dog poo in a bag in my hand!


Next is a grid with symbols... they are flicking, it's almost like a translation grid - with things that mean the same in each square morphing in and out.

Next I'm in dream-house in Stoneclose again, there is an attic room on this occasion.... a Mum I know is up there with her 2 young children and she is teaching them Math.  I seem to recall I have a game console a hand held thing... It keeps breaking before I can compete the level and resetting.

Earlier morning dreams were broken up by toddler but included a
Colourful silk scarf that's worth £100,000 ??
Getting a Bafta for acting!
Colouring in a book,
Being on a spaceship with aliens - they looked a little like something from Startreck a blend of some of the more odd ones.  The crew was all female, the commander was asking another female to pretend to be captain. 

Friday, 3 February 2017

Night Protest Threw Feilds.

First dream - me and male me were in underground caverns, they went on for miles and were separated with magic coded doors we needed to pass threw. 
We were in a race to find a magic item, there is competition to find some magic artefact/object. The other people looking for it seemed like old fashioned police detectives in 70's suits.

Next dream is Northumberland between Alnwick and the coast it's night with only starlight.   There is the sea, dunes and then farmland (small crop fields, trees and hedges) everything is midnight blue and silhouetted. 

There is some issue with farmers and a large organisation and the farmers are protesting (something to do with food supply).
I'm with the farmers and we are marching at night using flares to communicate with the other groups moving threw the dark. 
We are to meet at the walls of Alnwick castle... it felt more like going into battle, the way we were moving at night.  

When we got there there was a camp set up with stalls and things along the outside of the castle walls.  Small furry creatures appear they are like fluffy potatoes with big eyes... they go into a field and start eating all the crops.
The crops look like stunted sweetcorn but they are growing on rows of little spiky bushes like gooseberry bushes, they are in neat rows and the earth under them is dry and stoney. 
As I watch them they morph into shadow imps or something, they look quite cool like they are made of black smoke dancing threw the feild ... there are 1000's of them.   I turn into an owl and fly up and watch them.  

I also see Jo from my dream last-night she is swimming in the sea with children.

Next part I remember I'm a person again and there is an wired old fashioned dark purple car aubergine colour, it's shiny and looks new.
I'm handed some black driving gloves and told that they will fit, and the car is mine.  My male aspect turns into an X partner of mine.    He's unusually aggressive but we still work as a team. 
Next part is more hazy and though I have no clear recollection of anything I'm sure there was fighting.     -  I think a one point I was tied to something via my neck. 

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...