Thursday, 26 December 2019

Black & White swirly Puss & Multi Dimensional Drawing.

23rd Dec

Robot dream, animated by 2 forces like positive & negative - was more subtle than electric.   They all had a symbol/logo like a purple infinity sign.   Also main dream area on a bus, jack asleep on top of me. 

24th Dec

2 green vases - I'm taking a plane to Japan to pick them up, the fact they will be for sale is front-page news.
Dream with next-door neighbours..  I have a spot on my hand centre of the palm and when I squeeze it lots of thick puss comes out, first white then black, then a mix of both. 


A school/uni dream students are older 16+ and not very focused on the lessons.  I've been picked up by the head as I have a bottle of spirits and we are heading to the supervised detention area, we walk threw the carpark where some boys are fighting and setting cars on fire and they are collected too.

We are taken into a supervised area, there are glass partitions so we are observed, though we are indifferent about being watched.  In the area, we are to stay there is a large table with 5 or 6 chairs round and some cushions on the floor were kids are lounging. 

I know a few of the people in there so I greet them then sit down on the floor with Benny - I'm very lucid at this point, and I touch his leg and tell him I'm sorry he'd killed himself and ask how he's doing.  He smiles, he's ok but still working threw stuff. 
We talk about when we knew each other (I'm rendering him young as he was when we were friends)  We talk about what might have been and we dip into an alternative life where we did become a couple for a while.    (We were on a bus together)  Things were chaotic in this other life too and we can see similar patterns and karma playing out but we enjoy the physical aspect of our friendship that we didn't in this life. 
We head back to the reality where we are in detention and go sit up at the table, some of the others join us and I grab the pile of scrap paper.  I'm drawing in many dimensions - a fractal flower of life where our concept of 'self' is made up of our interaction with 'other' but we are the fabric that the experience is made from.  I draw space/time/memory .. memory moving threw 'space' creating time tunnels like spiralised onions and how closely some of them are woven together.  We teach/learn - learn/teach together in our detention space.  I talk about our planets memory moving threw space and how this creates what we think of as astrology (looks like space DNA) - the teachers are watching threw the glass too.


Second dream I'm in the dream version of a house I was in the other night this house again, it's still raining and leaking there.  Now it feels like sheilas house, but the kitchen isn't there, it's not been built yet and the dining room has an old iron cooking stove in the hearth.  (Not sure if this house ever was like this)  The water is rising inside and I've had to unplug things downstairs - I'm giving away the food from the fridge and freezer. 

Sunday, 22 December 2019

Base on Lock-Down.

First dream I'm on the west coast of Scotland on a beach, the sun is setting over the sea. We are doing yoga on the sand in the sea, it's shallow.

Lots of us, 20-30 mainly women.  Rowena is taking the class, my cousin Emma is there too.   I think my dog was there and he'd inhaled water into his lungs but was ok. 

- Second dream

We are off-world on a green earth-like planet.   Based in a large camp inside metal bunkers and ships, I'm young 6-8y and my friend is a young boy similar age.  Not sure if we were human, he has almost white skin and white hair, I didn't see a mirror.
His father is an officer, tall, built and grumpy.   There is some kind of sola weather event coming and the base is going to be on lockdown until it's over/passes.  The base is automated, a female AI voice and large screens in the metal walls tells us time till shut down and shows images of the surroundings outside and of the planet.  The crew can't control the process.

Me and boy have a plan to dodge out just before lockdown so no one has time to get us back in.   People are milling around bringing stuff in and preparing for possible stasis if needed and we are pretending to play by a door.    As the time gets closer we make a run for it just as the timer hits 3 seconds and get out as the doors shut. 

The boys Dad is furious and the other adults angry but we are excited and a bit scared. 

(Wake up go pee but go back into the same dream)

We are outside not far from the base, we know they can see us on the cameras so plan to go further away, we aren't too bothered about the solar thing, more the wired weather systems that will follow it - snow/ice/wind-heat & fires so want to find shelter.  The boy has a small robot bug he made, it's a caterpillar but transmitter too and the base works out they can speak to us via it. 

(I can see into the base too, there is a metal screen filled control hub where they are predicting weather impacts and they think we might be able to help control fires before they get out of hand. 

We find another tribe/camp.  There are a people who are younger, in caravans, they have much darker skin than us and live on the surface more - they are happy to trade with us. 

Lots of time passes and me and the boy become part of a group of other youngsters - We hunt and just play about, for the most part, trading skins/kills food.

The next event I remember is finding a more advanced group - these are also young, but a little older than us - perhaps teenage.  They have a communal school/home that is bigger than ours, better tech and facilities.  (We lived wild) they are also a different vibration/flicker rate than us.. so they can't see us or hear us, they are close enough to feel where we are though.

Our group sometimes lurks amongst them watching/learning and on this occasion, we have got careless and they bump into enough of us to realise we are there.  They start to focus us more and we are like static/buzzy and untuned but they can see us.  Most of our group escapes but I'm trapped in the building and they can tack me with their tec.  They aren't overly hostile but we don't want to be caught and I try to escape hiding in a tower.   I know they can locate me horizontally (I wasn't sure about vertically)  So I'm climbing up a huge spiral metal staircase tower thinking that they might not know what level I'm at so I can slip off and escape.  I climb to the top of the tower, the metal is like knives and scissors sort of made from spiky old tools.  At the top is a sandstone ring and I get into the ring hoping to jump out but they are waiting for me and laughing at how primitive we are there tec can easily track us in lots of dimensions. 

Wake up here.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

BBC & Trump, Wired Purple Smoke Slime.

20th Dec.

First I'm in a carriage, the old fashioned type with lots of glass that should have been pulled by a horse, but was moving anyway.  It had a leaky roof, It was also rolling into things. 

Then I'm in a garage, it's attached to a large house that was like a B&B guest house.  The garage was filled with cleaning equipment but way too much, like a whole lorry full of pallets, had been dropped in there.  100's of bottles of cleaning liquid and mounts of loo roll.  While looking around a portal opens and there is a woman there, she is telling me about the 'Baron Trump' book... and time travel and gematria.


Some wired BBC thing, something about a ransom and an incriminating film. 

A game on a big metal ship in the ocean,

Then a dream with a big field, a young boy and girl playing on wet grass.  Then I'm there but not me.  I have a twin brother who I don't talk to or get on with.
In the distance is a farm.
There is a child's birthday party where a game has been set out...  it has wired table with these balls of slime that turn into purple smoke then back into slime.
There is also a strange temple, naked black women guard it, they sit in a Buda pose with a head-dress.   I speak to one who is very beautiful, she is letting people take her photo. 

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Lovely Village and Squashed Snake Vally.

Gorgeous little village, it's on a hill lovely buildings with balconies in the snow.  Snow melts and it's green. 
I'm with male me, we are looking for a home there in the place on a hill. 
There is a communal building but all of the rooms on one floor is full and the floor before has no windows so we don't fancy that.  
We were looking for 2 rooms next door. 
Carry & Princess are there as kittens, playing.    Julianna is there too showing a new house. 

I get onto a bus it's got large beds on it and a walkway down the middle.  On the other side right at the back are an Indian family, all under the duvet.  I'm in a bed alone. 

We are travelling down into a grassy valley, a lone house stands - it's next to a river and made of old sandstone blocks.  It's like the pastures at Alnwick and the dutchy buildings. 
The bus keeps going and the trees get thicker till it's jungle -  Outside are huge snakes, dark with yellow strips, there are so many of them the bus is running over some and squashed snake is coming up threw vents and landing on my leg.

I ask the family next to me if they are getting sticky but it's only me. 

I'm off the bus, standing by the river on the grass.  There is a squashed snake with a tire track on it and I feel sad it got squashed. 

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Sinking Boat.

16th Dec
WoW dreams, both in the world but also in a big server room - like and old fashioned LAN party.
In the WoW dream, I was travelling in a jungle in a canoe.

18th Dec
A vet surgery that was also a ship, it's huge.  I'm operating with Ann on an intussusception on a kitten.  There are human babies in incubators too and lines of cages filled with all kinds of animals. 

A calf is there, it's floppy and won't eat and I'm going to take it to some grass... as I open the cage there is a large spider touching it makes my finger sting.  I get the young cow out but it's refusing to eat, I try different squares of grass on the deck of the ship but it doesn't want any of them. 

The ship sinks, I swim down and open the cages so the animals can come up.  Fay's teddy is there so I bring it to the surface too.
We are on the surface of a sea surrounded by boat wreckage.  A small island appears and we are deciding if we should land.  Some people are already there but we are not sure if they are like us. 

Sunday, 15 December 2019

Freaky Robots and Lots of Crap.

13th Dec.

Hazy but was in London in Fabric Club,  Then other Warehouse parties - good fun :) 

14th Dec.

Long dream, again in a city.  I think it was following on from the night before in terms of location.  I'm mainly in a dockland area with big multi-story empty buildings, warehouses and garages.  There are huge robots bit like Horizon Zero Dawn/war of the worlds.    Massive long leg stalker things. 
There are a few humans and we are being hunted, we can't work out how they are tracking us, possibly metal.  We try to avoid being out in the open as the robots are constantly scanning for us. 

They make wired whining drone noises.   It's pretty freaky -  (reminded me of other robot dreams which often have a sinister vibe)  There was some kind of government/conspiracy/military thing going on.  

Me and 3 other people have been located and a big scanning robot is broadcasting our location, we run into the harbour thinking they won't follow us into the water but as we enter the sea the water below starts churning as something big is coming to the surface below us.     I'd known I was dreaming (I normally do)  This made me wake myself up :P   I was scared, but also kind of annoyed I'd not stayed longer to see what would happen.  


Second dream, I'm with family & dog in wired countryside.  I see the ruins of an old building I want to explore, there is a tacky theme park in the way that I struggle to get threw.  A woman there gives me directions.   I have to go up a grassy hill and then down again... there are barb wire fences (Kef is stuck)  Bit like this dream the other night.  When I get to the ruins, it's different to how it looked earlier in the dream.   It's more modern with mosaic flooring and fire pits and is a bit tacky.  

15th Dec

First dream I'm watching martial arts red belts with yellow writing on them.   Lots of jumbled stuff, some murdered twins, and a strange old fashioned muddy farm with a small farmyard and old red tractor.


Long dream, I'm in my vet nurse greens and someone hands me a sick black greyhound/whippet type puppy to take to the kennel rooms.   It's small and it rests it's head on my shoulder as I carry it.  
The vets is wired, there is a laundry shute with a slide that we can use to get into the kennel room, but someones thrown some old bedding in and it's covered in big dog shits.  We take the stairs, the kennel room is huge and in a basement.  It stinks the whole floor is covered in newspaper and pee and poop is spilling from Kennels and cages onto the floor. 
I'm confused wondering why it's such a mess and it's unpleasant for the animals and staff so I'm intending to clean up. 
I find an empty cage for the dog,  clean out the old mess, put new bedding in and the heater on.   In the next-door cage is a dead cat that's been partly dissected, and I take the cats ear to offer to the dog to eat.... then decide meby someone left the ear there for a reason and I'd better find the pup something else!

I leave the dog and get some gloves, apron and a bag and start clearing the shit.  I soon realise there are lots of cages and animals and hardly any staff.  I meet Judy there who was head nurse at the PDSA years ago - she's trying to clear up too, I tell her I'll pick up crap. 

Another head nurse I know is there too, also cleaning.  I find my way into an office at one bit, ahead vet is sitting at a table full of paperwork and another nurse is doing lab work in the corner. 

I introduce myself, he seems nice and we chat about bacteria and biofilm.  I leave again and go back out picking up more crap.  The kennel room seems huge and I go to the front which seems more like a pet store... people are dressed in animal costumes meeting customers.  

I try to leave but when I go out the door, I'm just in a broom cupboard.... then teleported outside onto some grass.    Woke up looking back at the door. 

Thursday, 12 December 2019

A group of 5 and jumping about.

First dream was horrible...  This was a full moon/bleeding/shedding.
I'm at possibly Aunty sheila dreamscape but it's not really anywhere.   There is a star shape of mattrasses all the heads/pillows point in where a paper screen separates the dreamers.
Boris J is there and he's slimy as heck, I have lots of tablets I'm taking but all I have to take them with is nasty gin.  I feel ill... I'm also cooking for the other dreamers, it's a big meal that I'm struggling with as I feel ill and secretive.
- Woke feeling blugh

Second dream, this was the same but followed on.

The other dreamers have changed form, we are still 5 but all young it's a loving dream, very tactile but not sexual.

It flicks around a lot, but the 'story' adventure/dream we are having has consistency & continuity.

One male turns Russian and we are travelling home to see his father - we are on a trawler as it's cheap in icy greywater.  When we get thier his dad is maffia type   - they are like each other and fight.  We port back to the others.  I have a cut/wound in my thigh muscle that one of the others will suture it but we are busy.  They help me walk.

Next we are in a 70's lab, it's carpeted more of a study room than a chemistry lab.  We are looking for some tech or study that was done in the room.

I'm laying hugging one of the boys (He's keeping me still) the other is about to stitch my leg wound closed.  Above I can see dream bleed threw that they can't it's a bridge of old stone - very old crumbling in parts.  It's an ancient stone bridge.

They can't see it so I take the boy I'm holding and we port up leaving a body behind that is being fixed.

On the bridge is a floating whiteboard with revision notes from one of the math/science exams I'm sitting.  There are titration equations - I sort of remember them but I've not learnt enough yet. 

I go back to my body that is fixed and we jump about collecting stuff, an octopus person is with us for a bit.   Last part I remember is a radio broadcast one of the boys was doing, he is annoyed with me for vanishing with one of the others. 

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...