Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Time Hopping & Multiple Lives

Early in the night the chat/message stuff.  Woke up with 'Live Long and Prosper' spoken to humanity.   Isn't that Vulcan or something?  

lol  I'm just remembering that other message I got a few years back that was 'With compassion, 'SHUT UP!' could be the greatest gift to humanity for a generation. 

Dreams were cool. 

First, long dream is watching a planet form and also looking at a book on it    Not got a body while observing, also just sort of flicking threw the book too.  I could go into a body on the planet though. 

The book was huge, thick black hardbound and was like the history of everything. 

Was with Josh and we were studying and learning, but also visiting and playing on the planet too.  

I think we had watched the planet form into a ball but that part was hazier...   Defo watched rock formation, and the 'air' is thick... minimal light penetrates the dust clouds in the air - we can see into the core of the planet too liquid metal - Iron, this will help with the gravity & atmosphere stabilise.   This was like the egg dreams were I'm just a visual perspective and can move in and out of stuff.

Once the world is almost ready we take bodies to go and play there.  We create roles for ourselves, missions, games quests to make it more fun.  We appoint 'teachers' too who will make it more fulfilling we each specialise in different aspects to teach/learn together making up the game as we go along.


Second dream.  Also long, this one I kept going in and out of as the kid next door was crying and waking me.  Is starts at the middle school of my main dream area.

It's the school building but not kids there - Lara is a teacher, but there are mainly adults in the school.  Friends and family and there aren't lessons just exploration.   Lots of my aunts are there they have made the most amazing cakes!  So many cakes laid out on tables in the old home ec room, they look amazing and people are coming sharing them, with tea.  Chatting and eating together.

In the old woodwork, room is lol, like a bingo hall... but also a lady's dressing room.  Many elder females are here, sat about large retro dressing tables styling their hair with rollers and hairspray.  Backcombing into styles of yesteryear while chatting together.  The air is thick with cigarette smoke and hairspray and feels almost claustrophobic so I leave there to look round again. 

Another classroom was filled with leaders and newsreaders.   In the old youth club/playschool building is a rave going on, Dom is in there as DJ and it's having it - Lots of UV and lasers. 

I've planted a 'Time Pod/Capsule' there and I've gone to dig it up.  Inside it amongst other stuff is a red jewel/stone... that's what I wanted. 

Dream goes multi-dime here. Time hopping I go to find a friend Rachel from Uni (I can see her in many realities at once and go to her)  3 of the ones I see her in are a spaceship captain, she's reminiscent of Janeway.  Looks similar to her current self but taller, had on a cool deep blue metallic-looking uniform.  - I see her as I knew her, and her current age and also as a woman from 200 or so years ago, carrying triplets (Or one of the triplets she was birthing, possibly both)  oh and a news anchor on a channel I've never seen. 

She doesn't recognise me at first and I tell her about our first meeting at uni.  When she stuck her head into my open door and said 'Hi, I'm Rachel.. I'm next door'   I did this in her accent from that life which made her laugh.  ... next bit is wired as I sort of take her back and forward at the same time. 

Showing her other versions of her.   We spend time at the one where she's giving birth to triplets, I'm experiencing the birth.  We are poor in a city it's about 200 years ago and the poor are in ill health. 

I'm in a cobbled alleyway leaning on a brick wall.. The first female babe I birth is stillborn and I wrap it in my coat and leave it intending to collect it later to bury,    The second baby is born live, she has soft red hair and blue eyes.   Carrying her inside my coat I stumble into a noisy old theatre/show house the performance is well threw and no one is on the door.    I make my way to a seat at a quiet space at the back where the third baby is born also live she looks just like the other 2.   Once the babies are born I'm back as an observer again. 

She leaves with the 2 live twins to find somewhere safe.   An Asian older Asian woman is looking for her had the vibe of a wise mother in law, she wanted to help. 

Was wired - made way more sense at the time.   :P 

Monday, 6 April 2020

Another Egg

As a soul, I am neither young or old
As a parent not a
Ma or Pa
As a student, I'm your subject and your muse
and I will
ask the questions that to you,
still confuse
and make you still.
I am the question and the answer,
I am the reason for your anger

I'm the thing you want to hide from
and yet the want you rely on
I am inside you and without
I call your echo when you shout
I'm your shadow you can't escape but the arms you long to embrace

I'm the in and you're the out. 
We are the reflection looking back, from the us inside from which we try to hide.

Woke at the end of an astral conversation... and all I could remember was the last part saying 'compatible lives Edgar Casy'


Lots of them were an overview observer of a scene type of dreams. 

One of a girl who'd been raped by cyborg/android/robot types but was pregnant and the confusion around it as it shouldn't have been possible.   The girl who had been an art student was scared and confused and now being treated like an oddity/specamin/ research subject to try and find out what it was she was carrying. 


Dream of a coach trip threw Asia and China - The coach was ultra-modern (Should have wrote this down earlier as my recall is hazy now)   There were huge camps/ almost like refugee camps we were free to come and go.  Dirty but friendly.  The place was busy, people arriving and leaving all the time.  On the wired modern spaceship type coaches.  It was next to a lake with small fishing boats, and children playing in the mud banks.  

I'd been chatting to a family and was running late for my coach to leave.  

The engine had cut out and the bus had stalled making it possible for me too bored.   They were telling me I was lucky as they were intending to leave without me - but I knew that the bus had stalled and waited for me.    Inside it was strange, grey metal nothing at all like an actual bus... there were rails along the side to hold too when there was no gravity.   


Another overview dream, seeing layers of realities interacting... A Prison and the organised crime inside is being orchestrated by the same people who have imprisoned the inmates. 


Last is another dream of an egg.  I'm watching inside the egg the stages the embryo is going threw... how it looks like fish/reptile/bird  It's very cool and detailed.  I'm just a perspective in an egg.

Was like the snake egg dream

Sunday, 5 April 2020

The Oak Tree

The Oak Tree

On a planet, on a, hill, A big beautiful Oaktree is growing in a field.

One branch near the top starts to get longer and longer.

He's so busy! He's being a branch, enjoying the view,  talking to the birds and trying to reach up to the beautiful sunlight.

He’s passed the other branches and he's waving around on his own in the breeze.  The view is fantastic, he can see trees and  hills, it feels a little lonely but the sun is kind.  

He starts to notice he's attached to something else!   ‘What's that?’ He thinks.   He tugs a little harder in the breeze.    ‘Something is stopping me from flying away with the birds? Flying to the sun.  The branch at first is a bit worried.

He starts to reach higher to the sun,  calling to him hoping it will save him from the thing that is dragging him down!

Up and up he grows!    While the beautiful the sun beams down on him.

The higher the branch gets the more he is blown about and confused. 

One dark and stormy night swinging wildly in a gale, afraid and alone the branch finally turns around to face the thing holding him down.   It’s HUGE! 
How will he ever escape from something so big. 
Miserable and alone the branch longs for the morning and the return of the sunshine. 

As the dawn starts to break the branch looks back at the giant shadow holding him back, it looks different in the light, he starts to make out other branches below that look just like him,  lots of them!

Confused the branch turns his attention away from the light...   Carefully watching the other branches.
Slowly the branch starts to remember....  He’s not a branch!!.....  He’s a Tree!  

 How could he have forgotten what he is? 

How could he not have noticed the rest of him he chuckles to himself.

The tree explores he’s been so busy up here in this branch he’d completely forgotten about all his other branches!  

He notices his acorns ripe from his growth filled with promise and potential and then he remembers his roots way way down in the warm dark earth.

He sees how hard his roots have been straining to support his lopsided stretching and how the earth has been nourishing his growth.
The tree relaxes into his new perspective and contentedly wriggles his roots deeper into the warm darkness below him.   

Two Restaurants one Kitchen

First off I'm watching a layered view.  Prison, Psyc, student, nurse observer.    'perpetrators' was a

Early hrs, weaving, jumping musicians and astral chats.

Then another dream with along complicated story again starting at my Aunty Irean's house!  (Was Aunty Sheilas for last growth cycle.. dipping in with Grans.  

It's a wired and complicated story.  3 pigs are pregnant.   It is their birthday.... giving birth and being born.  The farmer and wife are nice, as are the pigs.  I'm with them and ask 'are the pigs your food or your pets' they laugh and tell me both.  There is a basket of eggs

Next bit I recall is in a hall and a talk/conference.  Two females larger than life and curvey, one black with tightly braided hair, one white, very pale-skinned and spotty are talking.  They are both talking about a man/alienation/awakening....   it's wired and complicated - both are emotional and upset.... a 3rd female older like a mother inlaw character is bitter and manipulative.

The presentation is confusing and the characters upset - after I go talk to them all, I touch each one and hold their hands and tell them how they are beautiful and inspiring inside and out. 

Next the dream shifts, to Zak but older and another male in a bar drinking Whisky competitively.

Swap again...

I'm watching ancient & gothic stone buildings crumbling...   beautiful art/architecture decaying.


Last dream I'm back in my main dream area.  A waitress again - only I'm working 2 of the cafes but only one kitchen is left serving both restaurants.  The kitchen is in the seafarers and the driftwood have no kitchen only tables. 

I'm running between the 2 and the restaurant at the seafarers is favouring the cafe above, only cooking for the other cafe when quiet.   I'm trying to feed all of the people but the kitchen can't keep up.    While trying to wait tables I realise the main street of the village is built up now with a tower of flats and I'm running the food underneath where the street used to be.   It's a white tunnel, lined with tiles like an underground station. 

I realise the tunnels go deep below....    but am woken by a cat before I start following them. 

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Cool Crystal Caves

3rd April

Looking at the spaces in between.  Learning to see accurately.. see differently.

Swiming in a very clear deep ocean I'm with 2 Muslim women and we are swimming to shore.   Then with 3 Scandi women... we are going to sing together.

Then a dream of kids in a school, they are each vomiting into a small metal trash can.    Number 11-11

4th April

Long dream, It starts in main dream area, again I'm at Irean's house - There is a woman in the garden who is stressed, I'm planting in the garden with her.  I get a call and an invite to a Royal wedding.  I don't want to go, but I've been added as a +1 to a bloke I don't know by his mother.

It's an agreement I've made.   I'm sorting out some clothes, I have nothing to wear and don't like any clothes but pick out 2 outfits and some shoes pack them and travel to London to the meeting place.   The wedding is in Italy.
Once in London, I meet the guy, he's pleasant enough we are both in our 20's white he has wavey dark blond hair - and dresses in 'casual' clothes with knitted jumpers.   We go to a games con together to kill time and get to know each other before we fly out to Italy and the wedding. 

We get on well and by the time we fly out 404 here.  Perhaps that was a flight number?  Anyway we land in Italy, the wedding is going to be heled in an ancient chapel there.   We are booked into a hotel and in a small old fashioned hotel room  - when the guy I'm with suddenly makes a comment about symbols, and I realise he's reading signs.. and I as him about the mark I'd rubbed of something I had then spilt something on again in the same place.   It gets wired here as we realised we are both seers/mystics, we can read mystical symbols and signs and that we have worked with the same groups in other realities 'we do a mind/memory share here' - that's why his 'mother' had arranged for us to come here together --- often disaster help/ crisis management - we have worked many occasions with the same groups of people.  

The chapel where the wedding is we have both been in during previous lifetimes and we know we are to go into the huge cave systems below it.... the wedding was our opportunity to access it. 

The caves are vast, at first dug out ancient earthworks and old city - we are reading the symbols and sharing them with the others telepathically.  It's very important that this history is told and re'membered. 

As we get deeper the caves take on a more magical and crystal quality, it's hard to access this part.. was a squeeze and then a drop threw darkness but once inside the vast crystal caves are lit with glowing blue fungus and luminous trailing plants.   My throat/blue centre was really tickly kept waking and feeling lump/pressure there then falling quickly back into the same dream.  We were still sharing what we were seeing with others (this was a mind/share/collective thing) I pair with the male so we are sharing thoughts/vision.    As we get deeper we meet ancient beings who are gradually leaving/fading out.  (There flicker/vibration rate) was changing so they were sort of part here and part somewhere else.  

Second dream.

I'm in London was round Brixton area south of the river but different.  I was walking somewhere when I meet 2 young Asien females.  They are asking me if I know of any Asian supermarkets locally as they wanted Asian brand tea they got at home.  
I did there were a couple at the top of the high street and another by some old canal locks and reservoir they had an old-style A-Z map. So I looked up the page and pointed it out, they still weren't sure so I walked there with them. 

There was an old pub there too with seats spilling onto a grass bank by the lock gates.   I teddy had been thrown and it's arms and legs had ripped - I was offering to help sew them back on.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Burning Stone Circles and Magic School.

31st March

A large school, with Emma. One point a teacher was showing us 'vanishing'  she was wearing a gold silk hat and she kept appearing and vanishing just leaving her gold hat dropping to the floor like a cushion, then she'd reappear inside the hat again.

Then laying on the carpeted floor in a shoe shop, looking at the shoes and shelves from underneath (This felt like a small child perspective)

A bat waiting to eat.

1st April.

First dream, back again at a magic school. We are playing a fun game practising teleporting - there are a series of tall stone stalagmites large enough to land on. We are playing a relay race with objects. Porting from point to point, leaving and object for the jumper behind and also picking one up from the jumper in front.
Watching a snake lay eggs, black, white & grey. The eggs are soft and transparent, I'm watching the snakes develop in the eggs.  

Second dream
A setting, it was an old abandoned pool. Like an old-style child's paddling pool you might have in a city park. (It felt like Scarborough or Skegness )  The pool is neglected and wooden boards have been put up to section it off from the park.  The boards painted blue and covered in graffiti the fence is rotting and it's easy to breach it.

I step barefoot into the cold shallow water - it's surprisingly clear and filled with sea life, small rays and catfish are swimming around my feet.

A large city hub, perhaps London but it wasn't like London.   There is a very large paved area with buildings distant...
It was a little like an alternative Trafalgar square. All pedestrianised apart from a tram/train track and station. The stone was sandstone. Oh, just looked... yes it was Trafalga Square, but with yellower stone and dusky purple sky.   I was between lessons/School it was a swap time and I'm passing threw.
It's strange there, I arrived on the open-topped train/tram. It was filled with people and also flying creatures that reminded me of dragons crossed with pokemon.  The people on the train were from all over the world, all races and cultures. We were pointing to the different creatures in the sky and smiling - there was a feeling of 'Freedom' a shared freeness.
The woman I was sitting opposite on the train got off with me. She was 'celebrity' not really anyone in particular, blond pretty (almost a blend of many celebrities) and as I watched her I could experience her at any age, she was 50's when we got off the train. 
She realises I'm waiting and not in a rush so she askes if I want to have sex while I'm waiting.  Having no other plans I agree, we port up onto one of the rooftops together. Her skin changes under my touch, sometimes aged marked and loose... and sometimes young white firm and plump - It's a strange experience - a sharing of her lifetime.

I leave her on the roof and head down and back into one of the buildings - It's got the feel of a large hotel, It's decorated in black and white, with red velvet carpet. It feels 'fussy' and overly showy. 

A bar is in a wide hallway with 2 tables opposite, the tables are empty and I chat to 2 staff behind the bar when an old guy comes in. He's in his 80's with long grey hair. .. he'd been famous perhaps still was. He was used to getting his own way and wanted to have sex with me too. I didn't want to but I did take him to his room and help him onto a sofa. He seemed tired and frustrated.


Next a tick on my stomach, it's below my belly button on the soft area (I did once have a tick there) Its body is round with spikes coming off like the sun, it's patterned too, green, yellow and gold. I surgeon is there and wants to remove it but I tell them no, I will myself. I have a collection of blue bottles labelled 'Mediciments' (That was in another dream too) I remove it with a fine wired and dab a seed/nut extract onto the area from one of the blue bottles.

I look around the area I'm in it's on a large sandy coastline. There are a series of open rooms and I have made a sleeping pod in one room, it's wooden shaped like an upturned boat and in it is 2 small bunks a cushion and a shelf were the blue bottles are kept.

I walk out thew a shared wide walkway with communal shower and washroom.  Other 'rooms' are sectioned of.  They are all very open, opening onto the large walkway and then onto the beach.

I head off for a walk along the beach it's night and dark.  Busses are coming people are leaving and arriving all the time.

The sand is damp and the tide ebbing. The shore is covered in small stone circles, some built around natural rock's jutting from the sand where alters have been carves and offerings placed. Others larger formations are just in the sand, the tide has left dips and rock pools in the at the backs of the stones.

Most of the stone rings have candles or the stones themselves are alight.  People have poured a paraffin type fluid on them so they burn. 

I don't talk to anyone just walk a long way out looking at the stones then come back intending to go to sleep. When I get back my pod has gone, confused I call to someone in another room to ask if they know where it is.

They tell me no one has left with it so it must be inside somewhere still. I wander around till I find a young girl with red hair trying to pinch it.

I ask her what she's doing and she tells me she wants it. We sit down to talk and she sits next to me, she looks like she has downs I ask her if she wants me to show her how to make it, she does and I tell her I can help her paint it too. Her mother is there too and is pleased.

on waking, I remember how the building area was laid out with the sleeping pods in a pattern.  Different sleepers were in the building with beds opposite Male dreamers were in rooms opposite females and rooms were in a ring with feet pointing to the centre - A little like this dream but the other way round. 

Monday, 30 March 2020

Holding a White Snake

The first dream was odd as it was almost like a false awakening type of lucid dream as I was dreaming of being in bed with Ian and we were both dreaming.   (I so rarely dream of our house)

We were dreaming of economic shutdown... like world economic shutdown.  Tech, coms and money all gone.

Everything different and we needed to find the other dreamers.  We were meeting and could talk to each other in dreams and psychically (It was a round colourful room we could visit mentally)  and we were being called to meet physically too. 
We were taking kids and each packing a backpack each with what we wanted to carry- all tech and money was gone so we needed to follow our dreams and visions back together.   We are not 100% sure whether to stay or go - if it was a physical or mental move. 

Wired but fun, when I looked at the time it was 5.55

I was very awake but didn't fancy getting up so just meditated in bed for a bit.   Felt huge and round, bigger and bigger. 

The last dream was wired, I was seeing madonna now and 30 years ago.  She looked ok now but the her from 30 years ago was old, with facial hair and hooded eyes.... but she was very wise and teaching ballet to a class.

Then I had a white snake in my hand.  It was very agressive and wanted to bite me, but couldn't while I was holding it.   Wasn't sure what to do with it.  

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...