So squashed at night atm... On the sofa with a pile of cats!!
Early I'd had a long
I was in an odd dream world were I was lucid playing the role of a dreaming
So many other dreamers were behaving like NPC's and I wanted people to play with.
A woman who looked Cher the singer was there too she was lucid but wanted to playing dressing up!
Wasn't really the kind of game that was fun for me I'd said no thanks.
There was some goal posts.
We were playing with
religion to make clues. I was trying to
help think of ways to make people remember.
I was also in my main dream house kitchen.. I had lots and lots of different jams in various size containers.
Some had crystalized or fallen over and leaked.I was sorting and cleaning seeing what was worth keeping or what containers I would clean out n use again.
Some were tiny containing only a few mls.
The kitchen also had a strange damp black mould that would need cleaning out.
A large school I was watching someone bake a large pizza and garlic bread and there was an invasive weed horsetail, I was pinching bits of to examine it.
I'd been dreaming
with Darth Dad, I'd gone to find him as I wanted a different perspective
Darth Dad told me to get Inka...
said I duno where he is right now.
He'd told me it didn't matter... That we could always find eachother he called me 2 of one.
I'd also had another dream of Ken & Irean's again.
This time I had an arrangement of tall black and white mushrooms,
I was putting them in a glass with sand and water.......
But they kept falling down.
( Inka & Inkcap Bendy and the ink machine... News agents and printingpresses! -
'Real Media Ren? ' Heya Leon.... 'We did warn you Ren don't have to play Inka's games..' I know, I suppose I must enjoy his company 🤣 'Someone has too' Heya Malico you too? 'Watching you Ren' 😋
Mushrooms grow better from the ground hu??
I was also watching a burglar break into a building, he was demonstrating to me points of weakness.
Ian and Zak.. Humm also something about a hospital I was a
ghost/bug deamon in many systems???
Strange toys made from wool wrapped wired, they were oddly alive, posable I
knew them.... Oh is that the bendy to
the inky :😅
I'd woken at 515 they were showing and teaching me about our kind of
remembering and why we keep recall.
It's to do with search and rescue....I, no we are born in groups or pairs.
We do not leave the body at death, we wait search n rescue.. Share our group and soul awareness..
It's like the soul retrieval I do..... We will stay as ghosts too waiting for eachother 👻 or living close in a reality just out of normal flicker rate.... They tell me 2 of 1 again and I'd asked what if we die together??
'It's how we made this system' Hu????
'It's why one of us always remains as a watcher or a guardian we find eachother at the end of a cycle'
I don't understand???
'Our awareness is multidimensional Ren, it's why you dream and experience like you do'
So I'm not just
here? 'Nop Mouse, Time now remember' oh... Sort of, then I forget again...
'It's why you sleep and need home
and quiet being stuck there to you is lonely'
It's why I'm alone when surrounded by family?
'Yet never alone when alone as you drop all boundary and hear and feel us' Mmmmm
Lol this is why I get locked up hu?
'You're not made to fit into current human systems'
Made in who's image?? 'Come Ren, bk here it's easier to show bitch.. Then up & run early' kk
'Sorry Ren, we didn't mean for you to have to rebirth there and become an infant'
Shit happens! 'We have your recall and will help you grow
fast. Do your other birth chart'
Oh... Errr I duno the date, it was the day after they took me just before
midday? 'Yes' hummmm