Thursday, 24 March 2022


I was at a fun learning place.  Em came to collect me in a bus, I'd had fun in the place there had been lessons, tricks and funny relationships between me and the staff.  


After that I was with Inka in a city.   We'd landed on a sunny street, he was aggressive and wouldn't speak to me.

I think he told me just do as I was asked and no one else would hurt me. 
I didn't really get what he meant until we entered a bar in a small hotel and joined a table of unfamiliar men.
They were all talking Spanish so no idea what they were saying.   Before Inka stood to leave he'd told me mentally he'd arranged for me to dream with them and he'd see me later.

Was a small cheep hotel room, bright as it was daylight.   Blue and white bedlinen.... The dreams I had were strange and disjointed.  I'd called to Inka mental at one point but he was mainly ignoring me he told me it didn't matter what I was seeing.

Chris was in the dream with me... He'd prepared badly for someone a large Asian style meal. 
They were all sitting at a table and I'd climbed over a bench into a kitchen.   A large bowl of a prawn curry or stew had spilt onto the floor and a cockerel was in the kitchen pecking at it.

I'd been wearing only socks which I took off as I didn't want them to smell of fish.

Another dream of suddenly finding myself on an overgrown train track and a large black noisy deasil train appearing in front of me...   This time I wasn't able to get out of the way and get caught between 2 compartments the train was dragging me along.
It wasn't going fast and the train stopped so I could get free.   A guard yelled threw the window that they wouldn't let me on, the station was a mile back I'd complained about the walk he'd told me the next train wouldn't be along for an hr.    I was kinda irritated they wouldn't let me in seen as it had had to stop anyway.


Next a very long dream of a funeral.   This was a mix of strangers and Ian and my family.  
The dead person seemed to be Ian's uncle but the widow my Aunty.  We were due an inheritance and because of this we'd not been informed of the death as someone had suspected me of causing it.
The details of this were very vivid the old stone church packed with mourners who clearly didn't like me.
I wasn't even sure if the body was dead or not, a stranger with a cigar was watching me distantly.
He'd whispered to me it was a requiem.... I'd not seen this before it was a type of singing

I was following the guys cigar smoke as he seemed to be the only person there who would tell me what was going on.... Something funny and inappropriate happened to but I can't quite recall what only that the other mourners were appalled and shocked.

The male had died on Oct 3rd but we'd only been informed now as I'd turned up.  Leaving the Church following my smell I found a new thin cigar lit and smoking on the steps.  
I'd picked it up on the way past and was smoking it where I arrived at the graveside.

The grave was dug right next to the church wall I'd looked down onto the casket were the flowers on top were long dead white lilies the green bits dry yellow and withered and the petals fallen.

I'd been surprised at the outpouring of emotion form all the people who were glaring at me for smoking.   I'd not even realised so many people had known this guy as he was a mix of 2 or more people to me, there was also resentment that I was involved with his legacy.


In another dream I had a home on a bus.... My belongings were some coloured pencils and a pad and I was in the back at in the seat by the fire escape.

After the dreams the guys slightly wary of me they took me back out onto the street were Inka was waiting. 
He'd apologised mentally for hitting me earlier, I understood we'd been watched and he was after some karmic fallout.  He asked if I wanted to keep playing I did ofc.
So we jumped to Ddad's hub.
When I land I'm a kid again only this time I'm in a small version of the blue uniform.  Easily able to read him I could tell he was still aggressive and volatile and I was  up for a scrap
We'd appeared in the canteen type space and he had a lighter in his hand and tried to grab my teddy which had appeared with me...   I already knew his intention so I'd up n legged it jumping over tables. 


It quickly turned chaotic with people trying to grab me and then suddenly Ddad was in the mix too yelling at Inka for trying to provoke child me who has the potential to be unexpectedly explosive. 

Inka who was waiting for any excuse to lose his shit kicked of at Ddad telling him to mind his own fucking business and not interfere.  

Using their argument as a distraction I grabbed the teddy that Ddad was now holding n fucked of again this time with both of them 2 after me.  
We'd wound up in a hanger, Inka and Ddad still at eachother mainly arguing about the significance of the teddy
Then Inka was shouting about timelines and how he'd collapse non optimal ones where ever he wanted.  
Ddad I don't think liked the sound of this... I get the feeling Inka was about to take him hostage in his own hub.    I was up for trouble.... but the alarm went off and woke me up. 

I knew what Inka was getting at too, Leon and him have already demonstrated why I need to not get manipulated into protecting any I wasn't going to fight just for the Teddy.  
But I'm usually up for flipping shit up and before sleep I'd been bugging Inka to up the game. 

Hummmm I guess that's why I was back in the blue uniform too??  So Inka was free to do what ever he wants.  I know it's Astrology... Pluto is at the start of my time train...........

Sooo 3rd Oct...  When this person died..
My dreams that night 3rd Oct was with a dysfunctional family, I was attempting blackmail

Wow Inka...   The convo before I'd crashed out last night.....

It was on the 2nd Oct 2020 we swapped hearts 😮  That's what we are learning to read from eachother atm 🤯

It's around now next year Pluto enters Aquarimouse?


Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Wasness and Isness

Oooo that was beautiful 😍 The harmonic beats and ripples of many heartbeats at once!  I could see hear and feel them 'Come here again Ren'   ok, thanks...


Long space dream - Emmm we went the long way round to changing a whole command structure and customs to allow for a change or mistake we made?   It's hazy as there was so much to recall I was with Kaylo and Inka though in the dream.

It was almost like we created silence to understand noise...    I'm confused  'Just keep dreaming Ren' 
Wake at 14.14 - Not the boy, Not the girl    Contrast to one size fits all?  


Eh?? There isn't 14.14 at night... Humm how did I see that... 14.14 is Mars in my chart. 

We were making what was not, to understand what was?

Or trying to make an isn't to better see what is 🤔


Then another long dream I do recall a long concrete spiral slope down the edge was lots of dogshit that had been missed from clear up. 

I was floating over it thinking I really should move away from this before I get in another mess 😆


Very long dream a green cord skirt with a black shirt and tie belt I'm not sure who I was again.  We were stopping a mountain of crap and kids toys from falling down a flight of stairs.  I was part way up holding it back.
A younger sibling or child was stuck in the pile and we were trying to get him out where he could pull some of the stuff out of the heap.

If it all went crash it would be him and me on clean up.

Abstract symbolic dream.
A modern town with market stalls I was with 3 female friends and we'd been looking for ages at a stall selling cheep jewellery and scarfs.
I also had with me some art I'd painted in acrylics....  A mountain scene with strange devises in the foreground fields.
The place we were in had dealings with off worlders and the things I'd painted were their devises though that wasn't my subject they had just been something in the painting I'd captured.

The guy at the jewellery store was puzzled by my wrist size.   I'd bough a ring to use as a bangle... But woke before I'd payed him.
This was odd as I went back into the same dream after waking and was trying to find the marketeer to make sure I'd paid him.  
It was a different day though and the street market was in another section of town so I'd had to walk there carrying a brother on my back.

When I found the store holder again he was set up by a subway entrance, not a place I've been the entrance was surrounded by painted white metal railings.  
His stall this time was in a wooden booth set up with others for traders to use. 

He was pleased to see me and told me I'd not paid but some older females who had over herd my and my friends talking had covered what we owed him.
They had felt pity at what we had been threw.  (I recall we had quite a back story and had all been abused by something/one) 

The conversation they had overheard was us talking about why someone had committed a seemingly odd crime... She was symbolically giving back hurt she had been caused in the form of strange balls.

We had all done the same at separate times. 
Mine had been in the form of the painting I'd done when I see it again, a section of it had been cut out I'd rolled that bit into a ball too.

Vicky from this dream was with me... Hum it also had balls?


I'd woken up from the dream really hot from having a brother wrapped around me clinging to my back.  

14.14 that's Mars in planets... 
Mars square Uranus?



Heart's, Beats, Tic's & Tocks

Inka was still getting me to recognise heart differences.  

Mine has an obvious sinus arrhythmia and his is just regular like clockwork.  Was something else too?
Can't read any of my writing after this. 
I recall going in and out of the same dream though quite low recall but the dreams were detailed.
I had a tub containing to massive tics!  Around 15cm long there legs n feet were creepy.

I was supposed to release them somewhere and I had them in a tub.   The city I was in and the people I was with were all unfamiliar but I knew the people in the dream.

We had a really nice lunch too an Asian style café with chopsticks and bowls. Rice balls, noodles and chunks of seared fish... Not a fish I've eaten before but it was good.


I'd managed to lose one of the huge tics at some point too.   I vaguely recall one getting really close to walking on my hand and I was trying hard to not completely freak out 😆
I could 'feel' it's I duno... It was bigger than it's body
🤔 hard to put into words.

Releasing them had seemed to me an odd thing to do but for some reason that's what I'd been tasked with, I'd lost one anyway and it's not like I wanted to keep the other one.   It was creepy AF.


Kaylo, Inka and me also went for a swim... The beach near my roundhouse after we'd been laying on the sand and I'd been recalling the dream in 2017 where we were discussing the crashing of the world economy for a reset.
Kaylo had laughed at me and told me well the virus rolled out ok. 

Humm... Oh that reset one also had me as first on a new level??


Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...