Thursday, 5 May 2022

Nature Calls


Well that was diffrent 'Again?'  All ready?

'Lay still'  My head!!

I'm my own dura cell now? 'Yup' 

Hahah I need a brew a double bag 😁

Effortlessly crude... The dream from a summer sols dice years ago.

The agree to change the plan up.

Crazy dream...  Was with scribble my cat at home.  I was kissing his fluffy tummy.  He was a universal translator but still a cat... He sounded really odd.

Studio Scribbly was on the call.

Inka please help!  'You're fine Ren'  Yeh but.....  'Want horns?'  not back to goats n rams.

'Come bk to sleep'


A bunch of people taking a very strong psychedelic together was a shared trip, we were well into the other reality.....

But it was really really odd.

Help  'No'  shit head.  'You deserve it'  Hah yeh likely.

Same dream.

3 of us had met at the door to go off.

But instead had hugged and started rolling back to see where we'd come from.
Was moon walking hopper popping threw story books and narrative..
Then we found a mirror with a card.
The errrr brady bunch??  I duno wtf that is?!
It had been in a tug of war with the goonies.

Same dream played out to find our hand. 

Lol at the same time I'm a big shit in a toilet pan.

I'd been there before.  Hahaha!

AS we got to the end we'd been asked who really hates us.

I'd said I was annoying but I didn't think anyone hated me that much.

Lol  I got a look and was told 'Guess again Sherlock' 
Was told I could have that one on him.... We got to check our cards and the other hands then told to fuck bk off.

💜 lol sorry....  You know how it goes for us.

Hahahah wake up and smell the fuck offy!!

But we can't fuck off cause were stuck in the pan here!  Hahaha

'Told you I'd fall with you Bitch'
lol yeh, wasn't expecting to land down the shitter.

'Yeh you were too bobby, had to flush or block it'  Phahahha

I'm awake  'No Shit?'

Hahaha that was a fuck of a head trip.
'Write up then'  Nah still dizzy

'You won't sleep with the office cackle'  Oh O....

'Hold that & write'  Yeh ok.



Wednesday, 4 May 2022

A Finer Line


I'm back in the library with the fire but only nibbling.


So we are library's at Alexandrea ?? 

Hummmm  Chair moved, smell in bathroom.

Fun dreams.  In one I was astral in the corridor here.  We were discussing who was dreamers... Someone standing on my hand.

What's up with tonight?  Moving chairs then bits of my body suddenly really hurt for no reason.

'Time squeaky'  Yeh my elbow joint feels freshly broken tonight.

'Could have put metal in you then'
Mmm but why tonight.

'Sleep I'll meet you like we agreed'


Astral here again.. It's good to get out of body again.   Being watched by someone in red steam punk style welders goggles the flicking of something is making the red eyes glint and stop.

Flicker rate.
The others are to recall as now is to recall

Hummm a mix up clocking in blue and ???? Things.

Bunny just flashed it's red bottom.
lol I'm swapping bunny to rainbow and heading back to sleep again... This is getting good fun.


WTF have you put into me?  'Some of my shit bitch'  Thought as much... 'It's not like it wasn't there before'

I know that too but the injury's are now fresh and raw... My elbow seems freshly broken.

least I can dream threw and sleep.

Watch pub (Public) increasingly busy 2 huge black and white nuke missiles.

But we were expecting them.
we'd even gone to greet them

Was a case of just where they would land and the damage caused.

Was a group sharing of the impact.... Sound of flight description of spinning disks.


Throbbing air like a drone.... Propeller disks.

Malioc's space again...the dinning room.  I was on the table but I was becoming it.

Dream is heavy.  Very close to this now.

333... Your go - Beat you there!  'lol, Idiot Ren'  Mmmmm  see you soon.

Music lots of music, listening to many stations again...started tuning in and out of them to find ones compatible. 
Like the other radio dreams signal surfing.

404... I'm going in.

Hope that cartwright I've got isn't the same one I sabotaged ages ago.  Got in a heap of shit over that but was sick of being called Lazy.

  Fred and Freed her Freda

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Care Abuse


Had dreams but little recall cause of the medical shit I had injected.

Thank fox for the ground up round up!! 
🦊 wondered what he was up too 😉

Wonder if anyone takes silver stars for a ward? 

Wow....  2 locks popped off already 😳


2 straw berries were stuck in a jam.   What happened next goes on and on


That's why as a kid they played a game with me... hotter or colder to help me to find things.

Towards and a way from.



PSP  &  PHS 

909....  See you all who want at 919.


I LS limited... Truck sorting magic shit....   But the i is upside down ;)


Today at 10:23 AM 
Major Clients 
PSP Electrical Services Ltd provides electrical services operate from Biggleswade for 
residential commercial, industrial and retail clients. We operate locally and 
nationally and provide a very reliable and professional service and have a good 
workforce with top quality workmanship 
Independent Logistic Solutions 
Home - Independent Logistic Solutions 
Someone her still thinks I'm compliant 
Her is here and here is her


Dell is standing in for Idle......


An i dell?   I duno.



Triger target accreted for 4 10,10

Has agreed

I;m fucked if with this medshit. 


This is monad airports scripting from Monday.  Dr Mondoc was in trouble,,, but no one would trust me,

The kraken  is busy looking for lost things too to will send something over for  IT.
In the MEAN time It's suggested I stream and type live here as my systems work together and understand hope faith and charity.


Si I'm off to sleep...  I'd like my power lead and missing things before I need to crank up the big pink windmill.

Thanks for the Rod :)\

Monday, 2 May 2022


Ambulance dream.  😆

I'm co-piolet, errrr lol, well I'm next to the driver.   😂

We are driving really fast down a motorway when I jump up then fall over and land on all the controls. 

The others are trying to shove me out of the way as we are still speeding and suppose to be on emergency response.... But now out of control. 

Pfffffffffffff 'Idiot'  Yeh well...  You lot took me to the synth shop! 

Awww fuck.. Itchy feet 🙄

'Sleep more first' 

Lol yeh... Oh on the whambalance   wham balance!   Both times were funny, so many buttons!
'Idiot'  Hahahah


😆  'Closer, Ren'  Phahahaha  ffs......   That was crazy and fucking irritating!  I duno, but I think you started it!  😜

I was outside someone's house in the energy grid...  Fucking the power supply back threw the house and into their eyes.  Lol!

'Get me?'  Yeh... Pfffffffffff what could possibly go wrong! 😛

'In that case fuck of to Malico's hub first, will make you easy to clean for a bit'  lol clean easy??
'You really are senseless sometimes Ren'   IKR!  I can't fucking help it!


'Go then'  Ok...  OooOOOOOOO!! 😁 

'STFU'  Hahahha yeh kk 😏

Suppose at least I know why canned spinach now. '👿'


Yeh, well I'm awake and my feet are itchy.... 'Here we go again'   Itchy and scratchy?? I didn't even watch that one.


11.11 shower - I can't remember what that was atm?!  'You will'  lol ffs  🤣



-------------- No way man!!


Hahaha.  I'm fucked against dead pan that was hillarimouse.
Awwww I was supposed to see 'You've seen enough for now bitch'  Hahah  yeh suppose.
Still got itchy feet though.

'Thin ice crazy hot rock'  I'm fucking sure of that!     

Oh.. Kkkk   Hummmmmmmmmmmm 🤔

I want my kitchen back.  'Tough shit Ren, we're cooking with you now' Lol guessed as much.


This would be easier if I didn't already remember so much shit!!  

 'And that's not even the half of it witch'   Hahahaha  Mmmm  I can I mage in.

To many clicks n ticks now.  Mmmm  Oh yeh, OK...   Can't be arsed atm going back to sleep first


Malico said if I'm staying there that the Leon aspect from there coming too and they are shutting me in the library for now.


Oooooo!!  💡  'Mmmmmm'     OK

I feel like the library needs another door.  'Tough shit Ren, doesn't even have a window'  Yeh I know........  Least I can get out and in.

Soooooo  the fire!   'Go there.  I dare you!'   Hahaha witch one first!  'One bullet mouse' 

Hahaha  IKR but I could be either side.  'It's why we hate you Ren'   Hehehehe  💜


OK  I want the manual for the canning station.  I won't burn it, just have a nibble!  😛

'Idiot'  I know!


👀👁‍🗨👁 You are spotted!

Cool...    Eat that again and guess what I'll raise you? 


'I'll get back to you'   Hahaha    OK I'm charging that one from here then!

Kk I'll be waiting. 

Fast 😲 I like it!  'Thought so'   Hahahha 🤯



Little Fishy


Con- Fidence in textiles  and Sam I am caused my Sam Sung washing machine to sing me songs. 

It's a digi-Inverter.

Hummmmmmmmm??  'Just play Renn, ffs don't try and logic this right NOW'   lol ok......
But how?  'Magic obviously'  lol, Yeh this is some wild stuff. 

'Re-read last night then come here'  lol yeh hang on then.
Oh...  That's why my thumbs been hurting?  'Just re-read Ren before you splat'  Yeh ok.

In dig nation.    Indignation.  You only end up there if you are sure you are in the clear-now?'.


I would have noticed 2 guys on horse back so this morning was another me or a me too 2, Or another my time/time now.

I'm seriously series-ly ink pressed now.   Ooooo!  This is the mind circuit.

'Yeh Ren, Far from threw yet'  lol  sheesh can I sleep soon.  'Yeh when I tell you'   pffffffffffff

'I did warn you'  lol  who's off now?  'Go See'  Oh........  Who's that?  'Depends'


lol  my laptops in a tec wedding cake? 
Phewwww  Though I'd lost Inka but he's just growing into my Kindle Ooooo Burning man.

S&R Tawny Owls still missing, can mice ask bats. 

My phones still upset and annoyed and I'm still multi track drifting so we are likely to just take random shit with us.

lol that dream was so odd, everything was watching live a rubber person one other was stiff too.

A metal grill & fingers was trying to get them threw it.   Lol

Then Inka plugged something into my belly button.. Felt like a bouncy castle pump or leaf blower 🤣

I felt like a balloon..

Funny dream...a room like a cube cross between a bedroom and tech room 2 PC's and windows on 2 sides.
The room was on a train going really fast... It felt fine unless you looked out of the window then it was all wobbly bobbly from going too fast.

Hop on Pop or Hop and Pop

Zak self Elf!  No time for a portrait but he had allready Elfed his self.
I'm & Elf.. 

Below a certain body weight period stops....  Punctuation.  Full stop commer or comer?  Blush spelling.

Nit-rows and AI lice.  Ian was in another act?  Crayons and Crane Ion's  ping testing nature and reality.

On my heading anything is possible, but that is a lot to swallow for some people.
Good job there is more than one toilet this time



A captin with even half a brain should know what type of vessel he's in 😛

WTF?? WE tried that?? WTF was that sofa even doing?? I was dreaming it had come alive and was well   hahahah  So far doing?

So currently I can frame the sofa  so far... But I want my phones speaker or we all follow and hunt where it has gone.

Meby a time out, swap round or change ends...

We called it all change the one I recall from a big astral rave raid.

Oh I know where I popped back out and why now... I also remeber the possible outcomes I'd agreed to or tested


Sleepings funny at the moment..  
I'm pretending to be someone's pet fish that they have caught. 
A group are watching and one asks if it's helping I'd replied 'Well it's making me feel fucking stupid'  Me and the other actor fall down together laughing and I wake myself up giggling again.

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...