Saturday, 17 September 2022

Falling Pies


Yday..  I asked if you loved me...  You told me Possess is a better word?  'Yup'  


It makes more sense tbh...   You don't control me though...   'Not often'  lol 

Am I still your parasite?   'More of a symbiote'  What is a parasite?? 


'Biting the hand that feeds you mouse? '

Did I enter into a pact with you?    Back when??

'You did what you do'   lol that's not helpful.  'But I AM'  hummm true.  

'Why?'  Ooo   Hummmm I duno, suppose I just like your company. 

'Not the same'  I know...   Are you helpful then?   'I'm what you need me to be Ren, I've told you that before'    Why??  And also... Is that true?  'Bitch, are you telling me you know what you need?'   lol DO you?   Lol... Wtf..  'Just think on it Ren'  
Yeh but I feel like I'm folding or turning inside out.... 

Also my vision..  What is that with my eyes?? 
'Head teachers Ren'  Yep I had you and Leon teaching each half of my brain.... 

I was looking for learning when I got locked up.   'You need a mentor'  




Mon eyo :P  'Yeh, lets stop playing with one eyed win keys Ren and get down to the root of your issue' 

Your acting as my ego?  I errr wait that was a lot to unpack 'We HAVE TIME'  hummm

Think/feel  the 2 head thing...   I had 2 heads, now I'm dreaming arms?? 
'Root & Issue'   Didn't Leon used to teach this?   'Want to learn or fuck off?'   lol   Why you though??   'FFS Ren?'   Ok... I know, too many questions at once again.  

Oh you'd asked me before...  'Yes, and you told me to teach Science'  ok... 'You're shit at staying on point Ren'  I know..

DO you even know Latin?   'I KNOW YOU!'  lol  ok ok... 


Downward growing....  Exit....   'Mmmm, you want to come home, after all'  True dat 

Don't I just turn myself inside out at that point?   'Let's see Mouse, you have grown above'  So need deeper root to hold? 

Inka... My growth has been unstable... 'No Ren, just busy'  

Hummm...   'Read and chill Mouse'   My head tickles...   'You're thinking things out'  oh...

My thinking is feeling?  'Or your feeling is thinking'  lol  Why? 

'Why me Ren? I think if you are honest you know that'   lol... 'you can fuck off to the others any time you want'   Or go it alone 'That too Ren, you know you are not owned' 

Before I went nuts....


Oh...  'Read that too Ren, we have TIME as I've told you'   lol yeh the nights seem to last forever at the mo.   




Fuck man.... They fucked my head again with drugs...  'I know Ren, and you are taking it out on me'   Sorry.... You told me to trust them!   'Yeh... To get you out' sorry...

'I know, if you want we can visit a timeline where you didn't let it go?'    Would it help?

'Help what?'  NOW?   'I'm glad your coming back'  lol 

Fuck...   Man....


'Just read it bitch....  '  I have no words...  'I told you it was fucking Stockholm syndrome. But you don't pack it in!'    I KNOW!


So??  'Just read Ren. You called my fucking bluff ok'  lol  'TIME & TIME again'   Sheesh...

'Yup'  so what now?  'Read' lol ok...


WTF is this MK-Ultra??  Like I know it was a program... But outside of that?

Hummm ok...


WTF did you put me threw??   'You agreed Ren'  lol  I'm fucking sure I did... It's not in my nature to say no very often...

'Yet you still put up with and actively seek out my shit'  lol   suppose I do....  WHY?

'Cause we are more alike than different'   What's that suppose to mean? 'We both push experiments and experience to extreme'  ok...  Why??? 'You're back bitch' lol??  'Relentless  curiosity'   Oh man...  Where my story stopped...  'Yeh, you needed to learn how and why you reached where you were at'   Ok...


'I told you to read'  yeh.... 'and'   I didn't 'and'  ok... I got caught in a chat loop. 

It was ok though... 'Was it what you wanted?'   I duno.... 'Man the fuck up Ren'  lol... 'If you want to embody your astral self here you need to set some ground rules' 
Can I read now?  'Not really... I'm chewing you out'   lol why?  

'Cause I can'  I could ignore you and read anyway  'Try that'   ok......🤔


Do you mind? 'Getting smart with me Ren?'  It's a simple enough question...

'Ok. do you care?'  lol I asked first...  

'Do you want me to mind?'  Stop asking questions...   'Yes'  ok, so you mind.


Yes I care... 


Hummmm  'See bitch?'  Starting to.. That was the same as something else you told me.
Inka....   'Psycho's path?'  Psycho's sis  'Yes, so lets meet again and be friends in your head'  lol.


What is god?  'A larger or smaller aspect that stops us fucking each other up'  Hahah
ok, I'll read again...



Lots of dreams but to large and long to recall well... And I was pinned down by a cat. 


I'd been dreaming in a town with a large metal barrier at the top.   The barrier had a gate that was open during the week and closed at weekends.   It was guarded by military.  A city and transport hub were on the other side. 

In my dream it was linked with Pakistan but I don't recall if the other country shared a border with it or not.
I was there for some time as I'd spent weekends locked both in and out of the metal wall.
The reduced traffic at weekends meant the streets were filled with market stalls. 

I recall wearing 3 cardigans at once.  (Non were clothes that I own)    I had a box of chocs too a brand I'd never seen.  Sharing with friends.
The end of the dream we were being sprayed for bugs.    Around 10 at a time, the people had white hazmat type stuff and pumpy spray things like you use for weed killer.


We were instructed to keep mouth and eyes open as we were soaked in the stuff.   It didn't have strong smell or taste.

I was with Inka in his hub again.  Laying on the floor there as I'd wanted to stretch out and the sofa wasn't right. 


Next up a scanner or VR thing.  It was in the shape of a large ring, tubes or cables going into it were red with white stripes like a candy cane.


Long dream at Stone Close.  A car parked in the layby that I was charging.  It was very strange and futuristic I'd arrived there traveling in the back.
I was charging it and a woman was asking me why I wasn't using the monitors or screens... It had very strange panels and controls.  I was explaining it wasn't mine... I'd just hitched a ride and was charging and watching it for the owners.
The house was filled with various cupcakes and tray bakes and a pile of draws had been left out in the rain.

The joints had swollen and were coming out of place, I was concerned they wouldn't fit into the units now they were warped.  A guy was looking at them with me  as we brought them back indoors.


Outside Sheila and Erics.  Long strange surreal dream.
Huge vats filled with spaghetti, it was being cooked with chopsticks woven into large balls.   Blackberry pies falling from the sky.   Vats of tinned tomatoes too were being thrown into the spaghetti water.   I was confused as to why they were not being drained first.  There was enough food for hundreds of people.

The people had gattered to see guys on a bike with 6 seats doing strange sky tricks.  Jumping over a telegraph wire.

I noticed that there were a flock of sparrows doing tricks too but no one would listen to me.
I'd sat down and a bunch of them flew threw the crook of my arm were I was resting my head on it.
The last one stopped and sat for a while on my head.
I then found myself in an odd place with wood panelled dark walls and sections round the room.   It was for totem animals and I was being told my air totem was changing now.
Various displays were set up with embroidery of birds and velvet hangings.  I'd been told I'd been working with Peacock and Rooster and I should move to Sparrow now.
The woman there seemed surprised to see me, the stand reminded me of medieval re-enactment stuff.

As I'd sat down dream jumped again so I'm in a glass cube like a horizontal lift or something... It was moving across the ground but also spinning faster and faster, a kid on board was about to vom. 


Last dream just jumbled stuff.  A hospital like setting and a gift bag I was putting together.  Again more food, plates of it that had been left over from some kind of function.


Friday, 16 September 2022

Flying and Swimming

That was odd, was so many layers.. With 'Me calling you to wake up and listen'  Yeh, Why?  'I wanted your attention and awareness mouse,  May I?'  Yeh whatever.

Like last night I was with Inka, both formless or his awareness close to my waking here. 


The magician card.   An odd setting.  I'd reached it by flying fast over an unusual landscape with lush green grass and deep rock and sand pools of clear bright blue water.
The sky was bright blue and sunny....  The pools were like a disconnected river, each just deep and still.  They looked great for swimming but I seemed to be in a rush.

The place I'd arrived had lots of kids... A woman was attacking one of Fays friends and they wanted me to help.  I'd got in-between them and sent the other female away.
There were other women too, well dressed in unusual modern clothing each had 3 children there names were Russian or Polish something.   They were also mistreating the kids in some way but how wasn't quite obvious. 


Next was a screen with a game a young guy had found out how to create things and he wanted to show me.
He was creating huge fractal 3d models in the landscape that we could go into and experience. 

I'd jumped to London to find him in an underground hub and we took a train together back to my main dream space.  

He was amazed when we arrived, he'd not been outside of the city before.  My Dad and Bro met us from the train, my dog was with me too.
My main dreamspace was amazing... We arrived in a transport hub under the main street and he'd wandered off.  My Dad n Bro were going to get some food and I was to find the guy and bring him for a meal.

I'd found him in a supply shop at the exit to the station.  He'd bought a pen set with interchangeable nibs, I'd told him about Marcus who used to draw alot in pen.
He wanted them to demonstrate how to create in this program with them, they were numbered with the size.


He was fascinated by the village and wanted to explore so we wandered out to the harbour were the sun was setting in the North West. 

We stopped to watch Gul's and Monkeys running across wires above and then followed my dog... The harbour was huge, no boats just large piers.  I've seen it like this before in a few dreams, it wasn't unfamiliar to me.


My Dog had run north to go for a swim so we followed the water line up.  The ruins of carved monuments were amongst the rocks on the shore, they were different and I'd stopped to look. 


Once we'd got the dog back I'd decided to show the guy inland a bit.   He was likable but sarcastic, very bright and intelligent, rude in an amusing way.


A bus picks us up, it's the kind I use alot... We were the only ones on it and had sat at the back.   The scenery was amazing the Cheviot hills were snow covered mountains, we were close to them and I was telling him the geology of some of the North and Scotland.


Last dream I was flying again. 
Alone once more I'd flown high over land then out to sea until I come to a cartoon like island. 
It wasn't supposed to be there were seals on sun loungers and playing on a rock formation that was acting like a waterslide.  Inside a room was a cartoon Simpsons family I'd chatted with them then called mentally for my Dad who'd jumped there too.
We played on the water slide swimming in the sea there.   It was deep warm clear and bright blue.


Thursday, 15 September 2022

Arms and Bangles


When I recall what I am,

My being comes alive,

Yet I am told that I'm just frying my brain from inside.


Their deduction seems illogical as I'm just feeling out my space

But I must admit, parts of my soul feel this is just a race.


To put myself together with all the bits I left behind,

When I chose a human body and I tried to fit into one mind. 


Animal hybrids again, deals and friendships.  Martial arts lessons with friends,  we'd got stuck for a while behind a tide gate... Massive metal thing with water all around.  


Next I was in a space with priests, mainly female.  It has the feel of a Sunday school or something.
One woman was making an amazing felted wool card.  It was large, a sort of Christmas tree, with hares, fox's deer.... There was a seasons wheel where they blended and merged.

I met a woman there too in a gorgeous outfit, a flowing dress the colours of autumn leaves, long wavy red hair and some incredible old fashioned gold jewellery that looked Celtic or Norse.


A long dream with yet more females.  I'd found Fay's teddy but in the dream it was Em's
oh yeh.. 
The dream had started in a dark almost like a youth hub.  We'd been there for ages learning and playing games....  This was linked to the first dream of the night.   They may have all followed on tbh.   I wasn't terribly lucid - the details just very visual.
We'd had and been hybrids there and were splitting into small groups and teams.

Later on I was in a version of here were many houses had been sold and new occupants were doing them up.

I'd stopped to watch a door being repainted with amazing art and called on the women to tell her how much I liked it.  Coloured sprayed patterns of vines that had writing in it too. 

Her new neighbours had come out a young couple a female with lovely afro hair and a guy who looked from the middle east, I'd recognised them from the other dream.  They had been looking after the teddy bear and gave it back to me.

I'd jumped with it to my main dreamspace to find Em, her house was full of women and children.  Toys and sort of well it was like a jumble sale of stuff. 

I'd taken a crying infant from a woman and made it laugh.
Returned the bear to Em and then started to explore.   

It was confusing as I kept getting lost... But on waking I realised that's cause the dream landscape was changing around me as I moved threw it.
I couldn't turn back as stuff would be diffrent.

The house was connected to one of them Mal type of transport hubs, but all the escalators were fast and moving in the same direction. 

The stores dotted about modern, independent stalls selling unusual foods, and drinks.

Everything was very clean.   I'd spotted some people I'd recognised also trying to find their was around and they'd mentioned the entrance beside a carpark.

I'd tried to follow but found myself again at the bottom of fast escalators only moving down. 
Some guys were playing on them and I woke up as one fell of and narrowly missed headbutting my leg.


Last dream was strange, I was on the floor outside a modern building and I'd been fiddling with one of my silver hoop earing's and it had fallen out on the floor.

When I looked down I couldn't find it on the tarmac instead I found 2 small plastic toy arms.  One purple one gold.

I was waking and falling into the same dream, still searching for the silver hoop but this time I'm in a modern tech lab.  I gave up and climbed out.
I was wearing unusual clothes and had on a bracelet on my left arm made of turquoise feathers and a gold twisted bangle. 

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Morgue Managment



Notices of availability to contract, I was teaching others to self promote too.   It was an odd space I was in, a fantasy type of world... There was lots of bacon too.

'I have a contract for you Ren'  Hu?  'Come....'

I'd recalled I was supposed to be dreaming with Inka.   I'm still salty with him but he's refusing to fight and being oddly nice. 

He'd jumped us both with the babe to his monastery hub he wanted me to go formless inside him... He could use my anger.

I'd woken again after a bit and told him I wanted recall too (even if it was my own) as I'd not been aware of anything.   He'd agreed and said it may be wyrd...   It was!

I'd been a errrr I duno, was in a morgue though I was in charge of the dead bodies and could decide who they could be given too.   People would come and collect them and I'd lift them easily over my shoulder and carry them out.   It was a strange setting...   Round metal room, and the vehicles people were bringing to collect were strange transforming vehicles.  One I recall was bottle green and shiny and could change from car to van to bus.
The dream must have jumped and I was in an odd setting/hub where I became lucid, it was surreal people had strange growing noses and overly long fingers.  I was on route to Thailand.

I'd found Sheila and Eric there, way younger.  Eric recognised me and gave me a hug, Sheila was just staring into space. I'd found a mirror in the dream I wasn't me.  Thick wavy red hair with obvious freckles and golden eyes.
I thought I'd woken up and was going to write the dream but the bulb had gone in my lamp, I tried the other and that one had gone too.    So I'd tried to switch on something but the bulb had gone.... It was odd as I was frustrated as I wanted to write the dream and go back to sleep - not realising I was still asleep.   Every light I touched stopped working.   I'd got up to look at the moon, it looked cool but it was setting where it should be rising.
I'd woken properly when I'd walked out of the room into a space with mannequins with odd clothes to write the dream there and realised that the things I'd had in my hand had vanished.... I was getting increasingly pissed off
😆.  'Shouldn't have asked me so many things at once'  lol 


My dream dust and HH was dark.  I realised my mood was effecting what I was experiencing but didn't really mind and  so waited to WILD.


Woke back up at 555

I did WILD into an odd experience where I lost lucidity but kept awareness.
I'd left my body here again but into a strange version of here where stuff was inverted. 
I was hovering down river like rapids, on my way to Hindhead but It was down hill. 

Floating low over the  water I realised two of my potted plants, 2 ferns were following me.  Running on their fronds.

We climbed over a lot of junk and office furniture into the punchbowl. 
A load of kids were playing there and I was wondering what to do with my animated potted plants

The next bit was odd...  Suzie, residential therapy.  Fairies and talking animals and fish, mermaids and some of axolotl human hybrids.  We were all nuro divergent..  Mixed in were people I've not seen for 30+ years.  I was helping but it wasn't obvious at all.
There was something for everyone.  'Yeh Bitch, you got me'  lol your ok man... 'you to Ren'  lol 'Could have gone south there for a bit'  In some ways it did?  I was seeing different vibrations?  'Layers'  Yeh...

You back off when I'm in a dark place mentally? 

'Used too, not anymore'  Hummm?  'Lay down, I'll show more'

Lol allready so much!  'Yeh I know, not easy to put into any words' 
Ooo that was odd, two women a joker and a clown they had merged to be half and half... They were in purple glittery face paint looked really odd and cool. 


Tuesday, 13 September 2022

Three Fires


'I can feel your anger Ren'  so?  'You are sulking' 
Perhaps... Meby I'm tired of being kicked about.  

'By whom?'  Sorry Leon...  I don't even know any more tbh. 

When I don't dream I just feel shitty...  'You are dreaming Ren' 
Mmmm  'I suppose my lucidity was low' 

'Would you allow me please?'  sure why the fuck not.. 

'Charming as always Ren, you could serve to spend less time away from Inka' 

If I recall I think I tried too.    'That remains to be seen, relax please' 



Splitting here, I was asleep but also sitting up watching out the window at the moon. 

I was aware I'd also attended 2 classes one on magic and another on dreaming. 

Next I was also in astral here, me and Em were in Shirly's house both had onesies on, I was a unicorn and she was wearing Snorlax.

Her house was the large astral version of it.  We had a strange bottle of Whiskey that a guy had brought and were sipping it from tiny glasses while looking threw large newspapers. 


We go upstairs to a bedroom,  there are 3 different fireplaces and 3 fires are still burning.  They had been lit for 6 weeks untended and I was confused how they were still  and I was clearing the ash up.

Emma lets a visitor in at a large glass sliding door.  She was some kind of social worker.

Well dressed in a smart maroon skirt and matching jacket.
Another guy comes in he's elderly with wrinkled skin and blue eyes.   He throws a silver tray at Zak's face who had appeared beside me and I'd yelled at him.  

Hey that's my son.

The guy had commented to the woman that we had no respect and treat the elderly like they are already dead. 

I'd pinned him down, looking him in the eyes.   I'd said 'Tell me what it's like to be dead?' 

He'd watched me, I told him... 'Just recall what it was like before you were born'

It was odd his pupils were widening as I looked into them until the blue had nearly vanished. 

I was woken by a finger digging into my ribs harder and harder.


On coming back I'd recalled I'd been dreaming with Leon and Inka. Well Leon mainly, I'd been in a bad mood with Inka.  He didn't care was just hanging about smoking anyway.
After that dream he'd told me 'You're a bitch Ren'   and joined us to dream share too.


Next dream I was back with Em, we'd been playing an MMO style game.  All the instanced dungeons had been changed, as had the skill talent trees. 

I was trying to come up with a new build. 

A woman had collapsed on the floor bleeding from one ear in a pool of blood, another woman was grooming a dog.

We were in a strange dark place, concrete... Was like an underpass. 

A white HGV filled with soil and dirt was trying to get threw... But there wasn't room.
I'd been dragged along and was on the roof of the cab looking in the windshield at the driver who was trying to back out.

Before that I'd been in my main dream space... Again people are all out on the streets.  A large meal like a picnic or street party had been shared.   I'd been clearing up left over cheese.

Last dream, in my tent in the snow and dark.  It was warm inside even though there was snow on the ground inside the tent.

Animals too, a white rabbit, a hen and an owl were inside.  More people joined me and were passing the animals around. 

Monday, 12 September 2022

A New Game

10th Sept 

Your hub or mine?  'You are pushing your luck Ren'  It's a reasonable question. 

'Jump to me or I will collect you'
Strange dreams at first...


I was in a bed but not mine...  I couldn't sleep and was just laying there awake.   SO I was dreaming of having insomnia!

Next up making coffee in an old fashioned jug filter thing. 

A box full of spiders with their babies and then a bored game.

It was really complicated and I was being taught how to play.   It had different colour shapes to keep score but it was played with mind or questions.
There wasn't a bored as such, just these small bored counters,  stars, squares and circles in pink/red  green and blue. 

They were moved as points were scored.   It was so complicated I could hardly even take a go O.o   There was so much to understand and the other player was really good. 


Oh yeh, I was playing with Ddad.. Or dreaming with him, but it was I think David I'd been gaming with in the dream.  'Control Ren'  Mmmmm


Next a dream at Sheila's it was a wake... But it had lasted for a week.  With more people coming and more food to cook and make.  I'd wanted to leave but we had another aunt who wanted to travel back with us, she still had stuff to do so we were delaying until she was ready too.

A multi layer, bar/amusement park.  Dad & Marcus were there.   I could fly and was floating about...  Oh yeh!  One direction I could fly but the other was really hard going, I was almost reduced to crawling.  
Like there was wind - but it was just energy flow. 
I'd ordered a round of drinks but had no credit.  I'd told them to leave them on the bar and I'd go get it.
I'd flown down and threw till I was outside a bleak sea and an novelty ride on train.  Heading out to sea was the easy way.  I couldn't find a way back up and in, all the stairways were blocked of with no entry signs.  This was the direction I couldn't fly in either.
I'd ignored the signs and gone threw anyway, I think I was trying to find my way to an old church.   I was lost in what were like church admin and reading rooms and an odd sort of factory.

Ddad told me enough for one night and to head back to the others.   I did and had a last dream there in a room with Inka and Malico. 

I'd arrived sitting on the sofa next to my brother.   He wasn't really talking...  He was waiting for me to clear up so we could leave.
I'd been there a while, it was like a holiday park leisure pool. 

When we'd arrived there I'd come with a lot of water toys.   I was to decide which ones I wanted to keep, and what I'd leave behind.
I was crawling around finding them, deciding which if any had sentimental value. 

That was linked to the Aquarius stuff? 
'Yeh Ren, if you recall we swapped your jugs for water guns and bath toys'  Yeh..  Haha well I did keep smashing them on peoples heads 🤣

Flight and a Deal

11/9 dreams just hazy..  I did wake at 222.

Long dream I'd been with a guy and we'd been tricked into excepting a swap for half his stash.

The other guy was an Asian dealer and it was him I was with afterwards.    

The guy I'd been with cleared off once I was stuck in this other deal.

At one point in the dream the Asian bloke tried to stab me with a kitchen knife. 

The guy was surprised cause I wasn't what he thought.   We were preparing to all take a flight together.   He kept getting out scales and wanting to weigh what he'd given me.

I didn't mind he'd tried to stab me I just took the kife of him and put it down.

Next dream was conversations,  I'd decided to take a contract for something.

Last dream was also very long.  End of term in a hotel, teaching place. 

I was in a white lab coat.

I had a friend in a dream trance and I was keeping and eye on her while cleaning the room fridges out.
Mainly collecting milk bottles that wouldn't keep over the break.
I'd been asked to make tea for 3 for another room.

I was prepping it in an Asian blue and white tea set and serving it with 4 slices of buttered break and some packet biccys. 


Storm Dreams

  First dream I was sort of here, the storm and wind keeping my awareness semi in the room. I was with a family with loads of kids, they...