Wednesday 25 September 2024

Locked Down Alone



First dream was surreal, 2 hospitals and a Dr hub & wife he was called Dr Bill.
My main dreams space where one building was bashed into two and turned into a launderette the buildings were like massive front loading machines, one for washing one for drying. 
The street smelt like soap powder.
A courier appeared to give dot the latest iPhone.


Next was Sheila and Eric's main dream house, the inside was slightly different.  I had a small locked room with a tiny view of the sky.   We were moving stuff again and had stopped at a carpark to get some food from street venders.

I picked some hummus and fresh pittas from a stall next to a fresh meat butcher.


The next 2 dreams were sort of merged.
A world that was being locked down.   Roads were being barricaded with stuff, I'd been walking to a place and my route under the railway bridge had been blocked completely with old builders rubble. 
Other larger routs were still moving with people heading to there designations.

Dom was in the dream too with a new girlfriend, and Zak. 
We were all prepping for a sort of hibernation.  No more than 2 people were allowed to stay together.
Zak was hibernating with a young female his age.
I was trying to work out how they would get food supplies.

We were emptying out an old hardware shop too, taking things that may be useful for the upcoming lock up.


Wake but go bk into the same dream.  Dom Ian and the others were taking me and my Dog to the place were I'd be locked down.
It was a large island of the south coast of the continent.    A small bungalow that belonged to John the foot...  Reminded me a little of my grans old place.

On route we'd driven past loads of nearly empty double deck buss modern they were finishing the last of there routes as most people were at there space already.
Fewer cars moving on the main roads.

The cottage was strange, a morphing place with every changing views.   It was misty while i arrived so at first I was unsure what was outside.
I took delivery of a strange blue tub/tank that was brought in by the authorities and a gallon drum of liquid.
Once we were all separated we were to bathe in the tank as a kind of decontamination before spending our time alone.

The building inside was like a maze, bike parts and experiments were still running, crystals growing, stuff distilling, experiments on various typed of oils and battery's.
Large windows to the front and back gave amazing views of an ever changing landscape,    sometimes farmland, sometimes cliffs.   If I tried to photograph it, it would change too into amazing fantasy environments with Lord of the rings types of towers, castles and cities. 

I was quite looking forward to being alone there to explore. 

I recalled something on run too.  Inka was with me here last night...   Mind merging, but it took over as we joined and my bed was like a bubbling bath of rainbow fluff! 

He's being nice atm :)

Monday 23 September 2024

Waves and Dust


21st Day sleep.
I'd taken a moped down to an unfamiliar beach. 
The waves were big like a wall of water with faces and arms in them... Kind of poking out.  


I was going to go into them but them I was sort of 3rd person view watching a guy taking a woman into a house, he was manipulating and mistreating her.   Was odd as I didn't seem to have any body was just that 3rd person observer.


22nd I did dream a bit but tired from night shifts so didn't write down.



A city shopping center, I was working in a large electrical store.  There was a yellow skip by the front door and we were changing the displays.   Setting up a VR booth and Gaming desk with a couple of versions of the same game.
I was taking the packing up n down to the skip as we set stuff up.


Second dream I was walking Kef and another dog called Meg, a red and white collie.   They were both off lead, it was a version of my main harbor around the harbor.  
We swam in the sea, it was warm and sunny the water super clear the tide coming in.

I dream space that setting from a dream I'd had with Leon years ago.


Prior to the dog walk I'd been at the library wearing dog slippers, we were sorting threw kids toys that were available to lend too.



Then a dream about returning from an overseas trip, I still had the foreign currency. 
Dream I was staying at Irene's.   I'd gone to a bakery selling amazing soft sour dough bloomers - I got one made with fig.

I'd repaired her gate and was cleaning out the fridge that was filled with salad stuff.

Still main dream area, next dream I'm cleaning stuff.   Was very, very dusty.  First main dream house, laundry and dusting and then in a small room where I was sorting threw old jewellery while sitting beside a small Christmas tree.
The tree had caught alight and I'd clamped my hand around it to stop the spread of the flames... It worked and didn't burn me.
More surreal stuff too.
An estate agents and a house called Obadiah.


https://en wikipediaorg wiki Obadiah 
Obadiah (/ouöe'dal_ e'; Hebrew: — ZÖOaGyä or — Ooa<yähü; 
Yah"), also known as Abdias, is a biblical prophet. The authorship 
"'servant or slave ot

It was an amazing place, double fronted and old set in a walled space with other unusual buildings, a mix of Victorian and gothic style but the inside was colorful.
I'd stayed there once, it was a place well out of my price range but I'd wanted to view it.
It needed a lot of work done to the structure to make it sound, so wasn't a great investment.

I was hoping it would go to someone who appreciated it.

Last bit I'd gone for a crazy ride on a wheelie desk chair, that then turned into a vacuum cleaner. :)

Friday 20 September 2024

Cat's & Magic




Cat's n cuddles, with my old cats again <3  Phoenix was there and really cuddly.  I was on trains too between Newcastle n Edinburgh Waverly stations.  A Suede concert in Newcastle and a church event in Edinburgh. 

Next dream I was with a strange unfamiliar partner, we were expecting twins. 


Then a long dream were I visited New York.  Dream had 2 halves, in one I was in a house Niki owned in the UK, I was looking after it for her, and I kept finding vid uploads of the place.  Phoenix was also with me in this dream, he was in the house.

The house was bright and modern.
The journey was by plane and train, the last part on train we'd left our luggage in a lock up and forgotten to collect it and I was trying to find my way bk to the station to report it missing and where I'd left it.
The place was unfamiliar though..   Surreal too with buildings that were too big.

A tourist info place laid me a path of blue string to follow that helped, it led me threw all kinds of odd places back to where I could report my stuff missing.   They would collect it and forward it to my hotel so I've headed by collecting the string as I went.   Only it was getting tangled up and was heavy.

Shops were strange filled with unusual stuff, the place was familiar in that I knew I'd been before but it wasn't anything like this reality.

Last dream was a wooden shed on the side of a busy motor way.  It was a communal space with a shop, display fridges and arcade games.
I could look out the door at people driving past.
It was a communal space, Fay was there with short blond Afro curl style hair.  I was vacuuming with an old blue upright hoover. 
People coming and going...  Odd space too.  My mam was there, not seen her in a dream for ages, she was very fat... 


Practicing magic, I was with Seema.  We were watching the movement of the sun and making heat.

Outdoor classrooms for the lessons, close to the sea.


We were snacking on Bananas too, a bus and train depot brought people to the space.


With uncle Eric, he was well we were talking.  I was washing clothes in bathwater and hanging them to dry.

We were chatting about CQC inspections.



An odd dream, with mice snakes and cats.   Snakes were killing mice, then cat's killing the snakes.  The remains were covered in wasps.
Some of the cats were mine, some different cats I'd not met.


I was sipping coffee out of a mug while chatting to a friendly guy abut his grey short-hair cat.

It was more of a lilac colour.
Nix was in the dream again too.

We were in another space too, Tiger was there making art with silver wire.  Kitchen appliances were being repaired and I'd got tangled in fishing line.   Then had to pull stuff from a filthy toilet.


More magic and cats in this dream too. 

Monday 16 September 2024

Lots of Touching



Dream at work..   I was with Ray, we were both young.  It was affectionate we had 3 dogs with funny personality's we were going to walk, it was a slightly different version of my main dream space. 

Well after 2 nights no sleep...  I major crashed yday.   Slept 16hrs :P

Dreams were amazing, but was asleep so long my recall now is far from perfect.

First I was with Em & Aggie.   We were in a huge hotel in the center stood an incredible tree, it's roots were above ground where it clung to a rock in a small pool.  The roots were hexagon shapes, it was like a living sculpture, people relaxed round the pool... We were there for a long weekend, relaxing and having fun. 

Next dream was a big sex den, was kinda seedy and aggressive too... Drugs and sex, fun and interesting too. 


Seemed another part to this, it was like a collage I was at, I was studying a clinical course...   But there was lots of sex, big rooms with views all kinds of kinks in different rooms.
It seemed like it was above the UK.   Large floating bridges connecting stuff.   I was revising for my course but there was loads of flirting even in the revision groups.

Last dream was the coolest - I was in the back carriage of an old wooden train.   It was really old fashioned and my seat was open to the air with a shelter from the unusual weather.   I was on my way back to a training course, it was linked to the dream before.  
The train had no track and would at times fly... And the weather was like tiny smoke explosions   - Like the air would pop whoosh and a puff of smoke would fly in a direction.   It sounded great and looked cool too, nothing like I've experienced before.  
Everything was damp too, like a wet mist leaving pools of standing water.
A strange world too,  dark skies.   We passed village constructs I've seen before in dreams....   Sort of dark containers all heaped up connected by metal bridges, industrial and functional.  Communal spaces connected only by public transport.
I'd arrived bk at my collage dorm room, it was a ground floor space like a barn separated into different rooms.  I was rooming with a couple of guys one who got of the same train from a carriage in the middle.
I was nekid from the waste down, was annoyed I'd lost some of my clothes somewhere.

We also roomed with a strange person like Gollum, he had massive long arms.   Wasn't in my room, but shared our communal space that was a square room with an orange rug and soft low benches around the outer edges. 


Friday 13 September 2024

Docking Station



Only one dream of a guy making a long helta-skelter.  It's was bright pink and blue twisted like a candy cane, I was watching waiting to have a go.



'Bitch?'  Inka...   'You told them?'  Mmmmm   well it seems strange keeping lies '
🙄 You're bullshitting them majorly about other stuff, why confess to voices now?'  Well it's not like your a hallucination, you're in my mind same as my own voice 'But different'   Mmm in tone and inflection and feel & sound, You all are.  Why am I growing into you?

'It was your connection to me you severed to get out'  Hu?  'Just sleep Bitch we will show in time'  Now?  'Not safe for you, be in place' 


First dream was a dance....  3 of us, 2 guys and me.  The guys had amazing sculpted bodies - we were all distant from each other it was expressive and slow like a moving meditation.  We were on mats on the floor.

Next dream I was taking a flight with Em on holiday - we were to stay in a cheep hotel in Europe - then images like photos.   Snap shots of locations.

Next dream long crazy and futuristic.  We were prisoners in a strange structure, forced to work there.
Grey uniforms.
The structure was like a massive docking station for sky ships.   We were in what was like one of them container offices that they use for building sites - more modern though made of that white plastic stuff that these style dreams often have. There were hundreds of them all pilled up. 
We worked various cranes and pullies, that added to the structure we were stuck in, sky lights looked out onto the bright blue sky above and the huge cranes and platforms overhead where ships would come and go.

I felt like Inka was with me too, but not locked in with me.  I was familier with the 4 people in my container though I'm not sure where from one felt like a brother.

The activity was increasing, a preparation for something possibly a war as weapons were being loaded and the structure increasing fast.  One night while sleeping we felt our container being lifted up...   We weren't sure what or why, but a crane put us down in the dark and I found I had a small set of keys for the doors on either end in my hand.
When we were put down no one came... We though meby they had thought our container empty so we wanted to use the chance to escape.
We go out into the night were we've been placed by a railway siding. 

A bright station that services the facility staff is in sight.   Workers leaving and arriving for shifts on futuristic trains on the small platforms.
As we are in similar uniforms we quietly join workers heading into the ground floor facility, a series of offices and meeting rooms.
It's busy even at night, with staff taking breaks and moving around.
We'd mainly stayed out of sight.  At some point I find my uniform had changed into a school uniform, I must have been young as I was going to use the excuse that my Dad had brought me in to work and I was to walk to school from the facility - though I was aware I had no parents.
Oddly I met Dabs and her kids - I'd asked her if there was any chance of a lift away from the facility, but she vanished and I get the impression she grassed me up as shortly after I was approached from behind by a guy quietly. 
Rather than arrest me though, he embraced me from behind.  Kissing my neck and whispering to me - again this person was familier, though I duno where from or if we'd met in person before. 


There was also a point in the dream I'd been given 2 playing cards, one was jack of spades my birth card, the other another jack a red one hearts I think it was... Could have been diamonds though. 


Last dream was jumbled... An mmo character I had, but I was playing it too.   My build had been changed and the rotation was all out of whack there was no way to cast all the stuff I needed while still putting out damage - so my class had become redundant untill it was fixed - I was considering learning another build.

There was also a small baby boy, I'd looked after him for a time and he was like a Velcro kid.  Every time I tried to put him down he'd run and cling to me, I eventually managed to distract him with my old toy mouse I found in the loft at stone close.  He seemed content to suck it's nose and watch me get on with stuff.
I was trying to make a grilled cheese sandwich but it was going wrong, and the cheese had melted out and was getting on a duvet cover I had, I was annoyed I'd have to wash a load of stuff.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Escaped Animals and Living Art




Painting and mixing paint, a rainbow of pastel colours, they are thick and gloopy the paint had texture was shaped like small pillows and needed thinning down.  It was a wall I was painting and I was blending the colours on the wall. 

I also had pink satin sequined slippers. 


Next dream was of Brighton... But this Brighton was a island with a working harbor, some things were familiar.
I'd made some new friends.  We had children in the same class at school - not my normal kids. 

I was in the house of one, it was an unusual house, large open plan kitchen constructed of various islands and display cabinets made it look more shop or bakery like.

The food she'd made wouldn't be suitable for my veggy kid so I was going to get something for him from a corner shop.

She's made hotdog and black pudding open sandwiches. 


Last dream I was in another unfamiliar place with a woman and her autistic son.
I was staying over the night before traveling on.
I'd opened the door in the morning to a horse bolting, it leapt over a guy in the way who got down on the floor and came up to me at the cottage door. 
Pressing it's head to my chest.   I stroked it looking around for someone who might be looking for it... Then it was joined by loads more horses, cows and goats..   All hemming me in crowded around the door.  

Was odd, then a woman was shouting over the top of the animals to stay were I was they had a plan to get them bk in their fields. 
Another woman joined me at the door squashing threw and we used big black cushions to push the animals back - then a pack of black & white collies arrived and rounded them all up.

Was an odd dream, the animals were beautiful. 


Cute funfair dream.  I was with my Dad & Em and a few more people.   Massive slides and a water park - nice food too.  :)



Slept 12hrs with loads of dreams.

First I was in my main dream space with Jim & Dad.  They were holding my hands one each like I was a kid.
We were headed to a fate or festival but I was annoyed with them for some reason I don't recall.

Next I had a massive reunion with all my pets new and old - this was amazing, they were all playing together. 
Shads & Juppy had fallen asleep on Kef. 


Then a lovely magical place filled with mushrooms, toadstools and butterfly's was like an enchanted forest. 


Next dream I was at a wake at Craster, I had deer horns, only short sort of sprouting nubs.
Was looking into a pond with frogspawn.  There was prayer and meditation and then a food buffet. 

next was a really long dream in an alternative version of here that I'm familier with.

Started with me walking down to the green with Fay, it was gone midnight but still light - as it would be further north.
A pleasant temp, people were out enjoying the warm bright evening - a group of girls in quirky clothing singing.
Some family's sitting chatting.  Another family that in the dream I vaguely knew were there doing a strange dance, they all had uncut hair that was either bundled on their heads or hanging down to their calves. 
As it was late the stores were closed.  I was trying to get some shopping so looking around and went to a strange all night store where the fancy home store is past the garage. 
It was old fashioned run by an Indian guy who I knew.
I was looking around, old wooden shelves the displays were very old school - the products some familier and some unusual.
I wanted alcohol but non of the wines appealed the labels were hand made looked like a home brew of sorts, they had one sparkling variety that looked nice but was more than I wanted to pay. 
I was going to get a small bottle of a brand of

Cognac Odd as this is something I've never had.  When the shop keeper came to get it the display had changed and now was antique bowls. 
We were both puzzled, and I was pleased he'd noticed the change too.  
When someone else came into the store we realised several days had passed since I'd entered the store. 
We were both confused that somehow we'd moved threw time, I looked about at the new displays and in the end left without purchasing anything, I was walking the back way home. 

The lay of the land was similar with certain old buildings still standing but others too....  Like a street of amazing medieval tall buildings with old tiny glass paneled windows... I kicked a football back to some kids, it had a purple cartoon emoji heart floating in the air above it.  -
There were bars and restaurants lining the street and people were yelling abuse at me from open doors and windows as I walked past.  I was alone now, looked up to see Ian's sister was at one of the windows being rude to me.
I wasn't phased and kept going up to were the old school building is outside was set in the ground 2 concrete pools where families with kids were all playing.  It as a magical other worldly place, yet familier in that it was an alternative astral version of the place I live and one I've visited many times before.
I found myself holding a large ornate silver infinity mirror.   It was beautiful in antique silver that had a pinkish sheen.
A large base with symbols and a silver scrying mirror set on large worked sliver hoops and a silver infinity hoop looped the whole thing.  It was a magic item that had been gifted me by a well off friend. 
It folded to be more compact when not being used and this made it easier to carry.
I stopped at the pool party to store the mirror to collect later and met with an older woman who'd been a friend of my Gran, she wasn't fond of me and was grumbling as we walked about why I was always such a wayward stubborn individual.  The rout to my house changed into a strange almost Escher like designed puzzle building, we climbed up and down and over channels of water and deeper into the puzzle maze with me following her taking shit in the unusual space we were in.  I sort of ignored her focusing instead on the amazing spare we were in and the unusual symbology and beauty of the dream.

The last dream was odd too...also very long!   I kept meaning to get up but the bed was warm and room freezing.

While I was having these longer dreams I was with Leon & Inka.  I'd been called to see them as Inka was injured and I was asked to fix him.  He had internal damage from some blunt trauma to the gut. 
What was odd was where I had my hands on him feeling & seeing stuff n asking the cells to repair stuff like vessels had started growing out of my fingers and into him..   I'd fallen asleep sitting next to the bed where he lay while in the process.   On another layer we were tree nuts.  It wasn't dissimilar in some ways to my dryad dreams were we are 3 including tree... but this time we were a chestnut and a walnut both sprouting and growing together, roots entangling where the 2 nuts pressed together.

Starts in my infant school... Only it's a sort of garden centre with a café, but a very old style one.  I was working there, we were clearing leaves and laying an old stone wall.
The cafe had old sofas, David n Sue were there too along with many people I don't know.
I kept falling asleep in the dream struggling to stay awake.  But people there kept re-waking me into the same space - I'd been brought a phone charger by one girl.. I was puzzled she told me she'd taken bk the one that didn't work to the garage, but it had worked and I'd preferred my old one.
Next odd bit I'd got in a car with people to the side of a lake with a sandy shore. 
I'd lain on the grass right at the side of the water were there was an odd statue of a solider pulling his fallen king out of the water to land.
I'd lay down on the shore to take a closer look, the king being submerged I'd promptly fallen back asleep there and when I wake again I'm in the same place but the statues are taking on human forms -  I was also stuck, I'd rolled in my sleep and become wedged there under some roots growing into the water. 
Stuck I just watched the 2 statue guys, the one in the water the king had a shaved head with tattoos on his scalp and body... The one hauling told me they were of their 'statue' shift soon and would also pull me out. 

They did as promised managing to un-wedge my head from where I was stuck and lent me there towel to dry off was I'd been part in and out of the lake too.
I agreed to take a lift with them to the near by town.
It was a bright unfamilier place, shops with brands I'd not herd off set on a hill, the sky bright and warm.
I was filling in paper applications in a brick space that was painted white an old abandoned bus shelter stood in the middle.  I had a shelf there too were I'd stored some old stuff, mainly old silver jewellery of mine. 
I was visited by 3 older women in fancy clothes who wanted to look at my stuff, I'd shown them were it was and continued filling envelopes. 
When I go up to look I see they have left stuff behind, with the jewellery now is a handful of gold items with expensive gem stones.  They still have little hand written gold sticker with the prices still on they were very valuable.
Not wanting to get the blame for nicking them I take them and set of into the town with the intention of checking with the local stores if they have been taken or paid for and to find the women.
The lift I hitched though took me past where the older stores were and I woke as I was making my way back threw to the older part of the town. 


Friday 6 September 2024



4th Sep

An art class, party too and getting high.  Wearing PJ's and a bill for £250


Next dream was way more detailed, a beautiful city.  A mix of very large buildings, I was attending an event in a posh district of the town, well I'd been delivering something I think but the butler type guy had told me I was welcome to stay and watch.
The building was in a row of grand houses set on a raised road cut into the side of a cliff/hill.


There was a classical music performance, with people gathered to watch.
It was unusual in that some of the performers were on wires and lifted up as they played, the guy on the grand piano was lifted up, piano stool and all till he was playing close to the high ornate celing. 

It seemed like a practice as the seating was informal with people sat on the carpet in small groups observing.

I was late for a shift at my place of work though so had left.  On leaving I realised I had a bunch of remote controlled in my pocket all Sellotaped together,  I had to double bk and return them realising I was going to be late for my shift at 2.30 - I'd been going to look for a cab when I woke up.


5th Sep


First dream was of here.  The building was bigger though and the bed lower to the ground.
I'd been woken by the noise of a lid popping off and woke in the dream to find a pool of vinegar and universal cleaner spilt on the floor.


I'd also found 3 box's sewin into my duvet cover.  One had in rizlas the other was a box of strange trinkets and smal plastic toys.

Last dream was Irene's, again I'd been sleeping there with a heavy period and was in a mess.  I needed more san protection but had a shift in the paper shop due to start before the store opend.
I'd also climbed into a space, and then couldn't get out.... Was stuck and increasingly claustrophobic. 

Was a stressy kind of dream.  Not much fun :P

6/ Sept

Amazing deep lake...  Was seeing it above while swimming in it too.   From above it looked dirty, but it was mainly just a bit murky with pond life from below. 
It was set in stone, like a tired pond in woodlands. 
small waterfall between the levels that were like steps so easy to move one pool to another.

I was below the water too, again... A grand piano, under the water the music sounded diffrent.  Was no issue to breath the water or not breath... I duno - It worked.

I had a skull too, the kind you might pin to a wall.  I'd messed it up.  
Was supposed to be all Bison but I'd got half a Monkey skull...   And the other horns were diffrent.

Was odd... I was trying to match the 2 halves of the skull.... Later on in the dream I realised when they had skin and fur again they were diffrent skulls.  
I don't recall why the monkey had horns...  It was like a hunting trophy, the kind you'd put on a wall.  

I've been dreaming with Ddad who won't let Inka to near me - Him n Leon are keeping us appart.  

Next was a dream of driftwood shop,  A guest house too...  An argument before I took a train away.

Last dream was odd.

Was a coastline.   I had a small child and Ian's Mam with me, they had walked down into a garden set on a platform in the cliff wall.   A large house.

I'd gone to join them, but I took another path.   When I realised the way was blocked with large conifers I'd hopped bk to the costal path on rocks. 
But my bro appeared and hopped on the rock between untill it was to far for me to leap.

I was stuck, as I'd jumped down to go between I couldn't make the leap bk to the path above...  And was just stuck on an outcrop awaiting a search n rescue. 

People did come and get me..    Was hazy. 

4th Sep

An art class, party too and getting high.  Wearing PJ's and a bill for £250


Next dream was way more detailed, a beautiful city.  A mix of very large buildings, I was attending an event in a posh district of the town, well I'd been delivering something I think but the butler type guy had told me I was welcome to stay and watch.
The building was in a row of grand houses set on a raised road cut into the side of a cliff/hill.


There was a classical music performance, with people gathered to watch.
It was unusual in that some of the performers were on wires and lifted up as they played, the guy on the grand piano was lifted up, piano stool and all till he was playing close to the high ornate ceiling. 

It seemed like a practice as the seating was informal with people sat on the carpet in small groups observing.

I was late for a shift at my place of work though so had left.  On leaving I realised I had a bunch of remote controlled in my pocket all Sellotaped together,  I had to double bk and return them remembered I was going to be late for my shift at 2.30 - I'd been going to look for a cab when I woke up.


5th Sep


First dream was of here.  The building was bigger though and the bed lower to the ground.
I'd been woken by the noise of a lid popping off and woke in the dream to find a pool of vinegar and universal cleaner spilt on the floor.


I'd also found 3 box's sewn into my duvet cover.  One had in rizlas the other was a box of strange trinkets and small plastic toys.

Last dream was Irene's, again I'd been sleeping there with a heavy period and was in a mess.  I needed more san protection but had a shift in the paper shop due to start before the store opened.
I'd also climbed into a space, and then couldn't get out.... Was stuck and increasingly claustrophobic. 

Was a stressy kind of dream.  Not much fun :P

6/ Sept

Amazing deep lake...  Was seeing it above while swimming in it too.   From above it looked dirty, but it was mainly just a bit murky with pond life from below. 
It was set in stone, like a tired pond in woodlands. 
small waterfall between the levels that were like steps so easy to move one pool to another.

I was below the water too, again... A grand piano, under the water the music sounded diffrent.  Was no issue to breath the water or not breath... I duno - It worked.

I had a skull too, the kind you might pin to a wall.  I'd messed it up.  
Was supposed to be all Bison but I'd got half a Monkey skull...   And the other horns were different.

Was odd... I was trying to match the 2 halves of the skull.... Later on in the dream I realised when they had skin and fur again they were different skulls.  
I don't recall why the monkey had horns...  It was like a hunting trophy, the kind you'd put on a wall.  

I've been dreaming with Ddad who won't let Inka to near me - Him n Leon are keeping us apart.  

Next was a dream of driftwood shop,  A guest house too...  An argument before I took a train away.

Last dream was odd.

Was a coastline.   I had a small child and Ian's Mam with me, they had walked down into a garden set on a platform in the cliff wall.   A large house.

I'd gone to join them, but I took another path.   When I realised the way was blocked with large conifers I'd hopped bk to the coastal path on rocks. 
But my bro appeared and hopped on the rock between until it was to far for me to leap.

I was stuck, as I'd jumped down to go between I couldn't make the leap bk to the path above...  And was just stuck on an outcrop awaiting a search n rescue. 

People did come and get me..    Was hazy. 

Buildings & Bricks

  Help me Inka plx?   'Ren? FFS'   I know..... I just can't help myself.....   'I know that, Ren' So plx?   'You...