My old neighbour keeps popping up in my dreams over and over. Not sure why?? I do miss him being next door, we got on really well. He seems to be being himself in most of them.
The night before last he was in a dream with me in my main dreamscape..
We were taking apart the old brick shed in the garden and stacking the bricks ready to re build it. We also had a sack with chocolate coins in that we were calling pirate treasure??
Then last night, he's in my dream again.. this time we are at the same 'school' learning place studying morality.
It's huge, more of a city and the classes have 100's in them. I'm in a class with him and the current UK prime minister, a lesbian friend from collage, and a crazy online friend are also in the same class. Also another old friend who home schools her kids... I'm being a pest as usual O.o
One of the classes we are taking is on 'One Love' I think Bob Marley is taking that class :smile: It was more of a field trip/parade/ protest I think.
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Saturday, 24 June 2017
Space Transport and a Roof Castle.
I had a follow on dream re-entry try to last nights long dream :smile: Again it was really long.
I'm still being held in the 'lab' type of place but am really board, the humansmark2 don't really notice me. I live among them but they are telepathic but not on the same frequency as me so I have little interacting with them.
I try to escape a few times, but I can't find any way out I'm not a prisoner as such but if I leave I'll apparently contaminate the dream world.
The overseer decides that I'll be moved with the next off world transport possibly to a breeding centre where I'll have more freedom.
The space/transport thing comes and this bit's odd as it's a like a car park - We meet the transporters captain who is also the same human version as me and the overseer. He's also puzzled by me as I have no serial number and am the wrong age.. my DNA confirms my Human version though so they decide I must be the product of an illegal mating.
The only recollection of family I have in the dream is the Indian family but they are all a different human version so couldn't have been my parents.
It gets odd again here when the overseer takes over the body/shell of the transporters captain - the captains awareness/memory's are transferred to a small well loved teddy bear. Next bit I remember is waking up from stasis on an inter system transporter. We are in this warm jelly like stuff I wake up and look around but again nearly everyone is asleep but this time it's stasis.
I find one person awake on there 'shift' one person will be the only one away for a few months then swap with another crew member. We are in a vast empty area of space the views out of the windows are amazing... I'm told I need to go back into stasis as there isn't enough supplies for people to be awake, I'm also injured and there is no treatment until we get to our destination. The stasis isn't that effective on me and I keep waking every few weeks. (edited)
I had 2 other dreams too.. One was a music festival but hummm it was just a boarded up farm house that was making a noise, most of the people there had come on motor bikes with a single person tent... I had our tent but was camped further away. I found a missing kids sweater and was trying to find it's owner.
Last dream was visually awesome! I'd built a magic play attic/palace/home on the top of a large hotel/communal home. (the building was big and massive, very nice inside)
My bit's right on top on a kinda roof terrace.
I'd made of thin wood but looked amazing (it reminded me of the Disney palace, quite hollow inside good for climbing and hide and seek. All built on a huge platform that came out with water slides ponds and streams and a big climb on pirate ship - the whole roof place was filled with children playing.
No adults other than me, the platform over looked the ocean were we could watch the sunrise. I had a small room with a little bed and a shelve of sketch/note books in the wired castle there was a girl of about 13 sitting there looking threw the books asking why I'd wrote them. I explained they were all a conversation.
I'm still being held in the 'lab' type of place but am really board, the humansmark2 don't really notice me. I live among them but they are telepathic but not on the same frequency as me so I have little interacting with them.
I try to escape a few times, but I can't find any way out I'm not a prisoner as such but if I leave I'll apparently contaminate the dream world.
The overseer decides that I'll be moved with the next off world transport possibly to a breeding centre where I'll have more freedom.
The space/transport thing comes and this bit's odd as it's a like a car park - We meet the transporters captain who is also the same human version as me and the overseer. He's also puzzled by me as I have no serial number and am the wrong age.. my DNA confirms my Human version though so they decide I must be the product of an illegal mating.
The only recollection of family I have in the dream is the Indian family but they are all a different human version so couldn't have been my parents.
It gets odd again here when the overseer takes over the body/shell of the transporters captain - the captains awareness/memory's are transferred to a small well loved teddy bear. Next bit I remember is waking up from stasis on an inter system transporter. We are in this warm jelly like stuff I wake up and look around but again nearly everyone is asleep but this time it's stasis.
I find one person awake on there 'shift' one person will be the only one away for a few months then swap with another crew member. We are in a vast empty area of space the views out of the windows are amazing... I'm told I need to go back into stasis as there isn't enough supplies for people to be awake, I'm also injured and there is no treatment until we get to our destination. The stasis isn't that effective on me and I keep waking every few weeks. (edited)
I had 2 other dreams too.. One was a music festival but hummm it was just a boarded up farm house that was making a noise, most of the people there had come on motor bikes with a single person tent... I had our tent but was camped further away. I found a missing kids sweater and was trying to find it's owner.
Last dream was visually awesome! I'd built a magic play attic/palace/home on the top of a large hotel/communal home. (the building was big and massive, very nice inside)
My bit's right on top on a kinda roof terrace.
I'd made of thin wood but looked amazing (it reminded me of the Disney palace, quite hollow inside good for climbing and hide and seek. All built on a huge platform that came out with water slides ponds and streams and a big climb on pirate ship - the whole roof place was filled with children playing.
No adults other than me, the platform over looked the ocean were we could watch the sunrise. I had a small room with a little bed and a shelve of sketch/note books in the wired castle there was a girl of about 13 sitting there looking threw the books asking why I'd wrote them. I explained they were all a conversation.
Friday, 23 June 2017
Odd Symbolisim - Trains again and Drones.
Was cool again last night so first proper sleep in ages.
First was a dream about making soap.. and a horse in a field.. old 'gamers' I knew.
Then big long dream.
Starts in on a long haul plane journey we stop of at Newzealand a tall woman gets on and knows me. The woman pop's into the rest of the dream which at the start is set in a city (familiar from other dreams) It's got a 'meeting' hub where people can go and wait for people they have met online though your supposed to pay to be there.
I go there to meet a male he's tall dark haired and we get on well and become friends. I have a large Indian family that are humm either friends or my family I'm not sure. I also have a partner I'm with but who is distant or travelling away.
My life is in this city and me and the new male are falling in love... I'm aware I need to tell the partner that I have.
It's a very romantic dream not at all sexual. I'm planning a meal for me and the Indian family and my new partner I want them all to meet each other, the female from the plane journey will be there too. I think she's the sister of my new lover. I've invited them and am going to get ingredients when I look out of the window of our home. Our small apartment overlooks a railway station - it has 2 old chimneys and also an old water tower all now out of use.
One of the chimneys has fallen so it's balancing at an impossible right angle.. I call to everyone (partner and some of the family) who rush to the window to look. We watch the tower topple down crashing into the railway line and then the water tower lifts up and crashes down into a road on a busy street... it misses any cars and the car behind it manages to break and stop before crashing into it.
We watch stunned at what we are seeing and then low flying ultra modern 'military' planes fly in low and blast cars of the road.. tanks start rumbling in also blowing up buildings.... We are all amazed.
Next 'officials' appear in our apartment (and all over the city) announcing 'We feel sleepy and should all rest now' The other people in the flat with me are all going hazey like they have been drugged and start heading for bed, I'm wide awake but follow them to bed so that the officials leave. I snuggle up with my lover but tell him I'm not sleepy I'm going out to look around. He hugs me and tells me he'll be there.
So I get out of our bed and head out into the town. It's suddenly turned to night time, there is a massive 'clean up' operation going on and most of the population are drugged and asleep.
There are a few others like me who seem immune to the sleeping gas and they are looking around. I'm quite lucid at this point and am floating rather than walking round the city. The 'old man' I recognise from other dreams he's like a kinda guide is there too he's meditating cross legged and floating too. The 'military' are like a hive mind all working as one to clear up things have been moved altered/changed/destroyed but they are keeping the populous asleep while they 'rearrange' things to look normal.
I meet 2 Japanese twin sisters wearing happy panda/sad panda night dresses they are laying on some concrete stairs. I then meet an Indian brother he's opened up his market stall selling water and fruit for others like me who are not asleep. The night seems to go on for ages, I look up at the stars and meet a middle aged woman doing the same....
This is wired cause it's like the stars are shaking wobbling round. It seems like we should be in an earthquake but we are still and it's the sky quaking above us. She tells me she's seen it for a while but no one else dose. She'd gone to the dr's as she thought it was her eyes.. but the Dr told her it's the sky.
I port back into the house to wake my sleeping partner I want to get out of the city to get a better perspective on what's going on... I'm aware it's a dream now but I'm staying with the story.
He wakes and wants to take his car so we get in and drive out of the city... the city limits are strange.. lots and lots of railway lines and then massive containers of chemicals huge drums of stuff all lined up. Lots of the 'military type people too' tanks and war planes but very different to anything I've seen before. Frustrated with the progress of the car I again leave the male and tell him I'm going to fly up ahead and try to get out of the dream scape.
I fly threw the window and out into the sky above the road the dream scape is changing becoming white and faded... hard to describe on one level it looks like a nuclear winter but on another level it's blurring out like turning the contrast & brightness way up on a monitor.
I'm surprised when the dream doesn't fade completely and I find myself in hummm what. It's like a science complex/spaceship/broadcasting hub??
It feels like there is nothing outside it. Inside it's white and both very modern and also old fashioned massive machines and testing, reading stations are all over... it's familiar and I re'meber nightmares as a child and why I was afraid of engine rooms and it's also 'organic' in some sense.. tentacles can come down from the ceilings and into people. It's also all made from the same hard white plastic like the old fashioned BBC basic computers.
The people there are the military drone types they are now all tall, there have similar under shaved haircuts and uniform which is humm kinda cyber punk style... Black almost organic looking with ridges looking like chitin armour. I'm fascinated and looking round at stuff, a female drone comes and collects me to take me to the overseer as I'm not supposed to be in there, I tell her I need to pee first and we stop at a bathroom. On the way there I meet my lover... he's cut his hair and is taller now too - he's putting on the boots and uniform. He tells me he'd forgotten he's from here too.
The overseer 'arrives' but it's just his awareness that we can communicate with it's kinda telepathic and non verbal.. - he's perplexed by my being there I'm an older model of human - he informs me I'm surprisingly young to be of my specific design. (I got the impression I was same model as overseer but he was ancient) The drones/taller people are all human's mark2 or something :P I'm more primitive which is what's making me immune to the usual controls. I'm welcome to stay and move freely but I can't be permitted to leave back into the dream scape as I've seen to much now.
I wander around kinda board, I let them do tests on me but I'm frustrated I can't go back and play in the dream world again my lover is there but he's now distant almost robotic I see him from time to time and he acknowledges me but little more.
I start to receive messages that I can 'skry'. If I can find something organic I can use it to talk to my family back in the city, I find a moon stone in my pocket and use it like a mirror looking into it I can chat to the Indian family back at my old home... they are confused as they see my surroundings and want to know were I am my communications cut off by the overseer as it's contaminating the 'city' and I'm warned if I try again to contact outside my freedom will be restricted further... I accept that and resign myself to existence as an out of place specimen/oddity.
Next dream... a plot of land dug earth and winter vegetables There is sun but also frost, the earth is unusually warm. A deer has eaten all the sage.
A project me and another female are working together - we are contracting several men to help.
A strange fairground type of ride... it's made of 3 arms each with an old 1960's VW type coach attached to it. The coaches spin round like an octopus. They start of old and rusty but as I observe them the rust fades away and the bus get newer and shiner.
Last a journey I'm leaving, there is a big crowd waiting to get onto an air plane... there is also a train heading to the same destination, it will be slower. The doors are just opening on the train it's futuristic, more like an open tram.. the seat behind the control panel is free and they front window is huge with an amazing view. I have Zak with me and we board the front of the train excited at the view we are going to have.
First was a dream about making soap.. and a horse in a field.. old 'gamers' I knew.
Then big long dream.
Starts in on a long haul plane journey we stop of at Newzealand a tall woman gets on and knows me. The woman pop's into the rest of the dream which at the start is set in a city (familiar from other dreams) It's got a 'meeting' hub where people can go and wait for people they have met online though your supposed to pay to be there.
I go there to meet a male he's tall dark haired and we get on well and become friends. I have a large Indian family that are humm either friends or my family I'm not sure. I also have a partner I'm with but who is distant or travelling away.
My life is in this city and me and the new male are falling in love... I'm aware I need to tell the partner that I have.
It's a very romantic dream not at all sexual. I'm planning a meal for me and the Indian family and my new partner I want them all to meet each other, the female from the plane journey will be there too. I think she's the sister of my new lover. I've invited them and am going to get ingredients when I look out of the window of our home. Our small apartment overlooks a railway station - it has 2 old chimneys and also an old water tower all now out of use.
One of the chimneys has fallen so it's balancing at an impossible right angle.. I call to everyone (partner and some of the family) who rush to the window to look. We watch the tower topple down crashing into the railway line and then the water tower lifts up and crashes down into a road on a busy street... it misses any cars and the car behind it manages to break and stop before crashing into it.
We watch stunned at what we are seeing and then low flying ultra modern 'military' planes fly in low and blast cars of the road.. tanks start rumbling in also blowing up buildings.... We are all amazed.
Next 'officials' appear in our apartment (and all over the city) announcing 'We feel sleepy and should all rest now' The other people in the flat with me are all going hazey like they have been drugged and start heading for bed, I'm wide awake but follow them to bed so that the officials leave. I snuggle up with my lover but tell him I'm not sleepy I'm going out to look around. He hugs me and tells me he'll be there.
So I get out of our bed and head out into the town. It's suddenly turned to night time, there is a massive 'clean up' operation going on and most of the population are drugged and asleep.
There are a few others like me who seem immune to the sleeping gas and they are looking around. I'm quite lucid at this point and am floating rather than walking round the city. The 'old man' I recognise from other dreams he's like a kinda guide is there too he's meditating cross legged and floating too. The 'military' are like a hive mind all working as one to clear up things have been moved altered/changed/destroyed but they are keeping the populous asleep while they 'rearrange' things to look normal.
I meet 2 Japanese twin sisters wearing happy panda/sad panda night dresses they are laying on some concrete stairs. I then meet an Indian brother he's opened up his market stall selling water and fruit for others like me who are not asleep. The night seems to go on for ages, I look up at the stars and meet a middle aged woman doing the same....
This is wired cause it's like the stars are shaking wobbling round. It seems like we should be in an earthquake but we are still and it's the sky quaking above us. She tells me she's seen it for a while but no one else dose. She'd gone to the dr's as she thought it was her eyes.. but the Dr told her it's the sky.
I port back into the house to wake my sleeping partner I want to get out of the city to get a better perspective on what's going on... I'm aware it's a dream now but I'm staying with the story.
He wakes and wants to take his car so we get in and drive out of the city... the city limits are strange.. lots and lots of railway lines and then massive containers of chemicals huge drums of stuff all lined up. Lots of the 'military type people too' tanks and war planes but very different to anything I've seen before. Frustrated with the progress of the car I again leave the male and tell him I'm going to fly up ahead and try to get out of the dream scape.
I fly threw the window and out into the sky above the road the dream scape is changing becoming white and faded... hard to describe on one level it looks like a nuclear winter but on another level it's blurring out like turning the contrast & brightness way up on a monitor.
I'm surprised when the dream doesn't fade completely and I find myself in hummm what. It's like a science complex/spaceship/broadcasting hub??
It feels like there is nothing outside it. Inside it's white and both very modern and also old fashioned massive machines and testing, reading stations are all over... it's familiar and I re'meber nightmares as a child and why I was afraid of engine rooms and it's also 'organic' in some sense.. tentacles can come down from the ceilings and into people. It's also all made from the same hard white plastic like the old fashioned BBC basic computers.
The people there are the military drone types they are now all tall, there have similar under shaved haircuts and uniform which is humm kinda cyber punk style... Black almost organic looking with ridges looking like chitin armour. I'm fascinated and looking round at stuff, a female drone comes and collects me to take me to the overseer as I'm not supposed to be in there, I tell her I need to pee first and we stop at a bathroom. On the way there I meet my lover... he's cut his hair and is taller now too - he's putting on the boots and uniform. He tells me he'd forgotten he's from here too.
The overseer 'arrives' but it's just his awareness that we can communicate with it's kinda telepathic and non verbal.. - he's perplexed by my being there I'm an older model of human - he informs me I'm surprisingly young to be of my specific design. (I got the impression I was same model as overseer but he was ancient) The drones/taller people are all human's mark2 or something :P I'm more primitive which is what's making me immune to the usual controls. I'm welcome to stay and move freely but I can't be permitted to leave back into the dream scape as I've seen to much now.
I wander around kinda board, I let them do tests on me but I'm frustrated I can't go back and play in the dream world again my lover is there but he's now distant almost robotic I see him from time to time and he acknowledges me but little more.
I start to receive messages that I can 'skry'. If I can find something organic I can use it to talk to my family back in the city, I find a moon stone in my pocket and use it like a mirror looking into it I can chat to the Indian family back at my old home... they are confused as they see my surroundings and want to know were I am my communications cut off by the overseer as it's contaminating the 'city' and I'm warned if I try again to contact outside my freedom will be restricted further... I accept that and resign myself to existence as an out of place specimen/oddity.
Next dream... a plot of land dug earth and winter vegetables There is sun but also frost, the earth is unusually warm. A deer has eaten all the sage.
A project me and another female are working together - we are contracting several men to help.
A strange fairground type of ride... it's made of 3 arms each with an old 1960's VW type coach attached to it. The coaches spin round like an octopus. They start of old and rusty but as I observe them the rust fades away and the bus get newer and shiner.
Last a journey I'm leaving, there is a big crowd waiting to get onto an air plane... there is also a train heading to the same destination, it will be slower. The doors are just opening on the train it's futuristic, more like an open tram.. the seat behind the control panel is free and they front window is huge with an amazing view. I have Zak with me and we board the front of the train excited at the view we are going to have.
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Beanstalk & Office.
Wed dream.
I had an odd dream - it was like jack and the beanstalk.. I was 2 people sometimes this pesent girl, and sometimes her friend. The girl had been begging for food.. her friend had brought her 5 broad beans, 2 to eat and 3 to grow. We were planting and growing.. at one point I turned into a massive beanstalk that was like a tree. :smile:
Thursday Dream
Last nights dream I guess was a wired version of London. It was a massive city anyway. I'd come out of an underground station and had a meeting at a solicitors in a big old building. I didn't quite know my way there, but was aware I'd lived here in other dreams.
The area was kinda rough, a guy approached me he tells me it's not safe but I tell him I'm fine.
I go into buildings and eventually find my way to the place my meeting is. It's a posh office with 2 or 3 solicitors and a massive waiting room.
They are running late and using the wrong offices so I go to wait. There are 2 dogs in the waiting room fighting. I separate them and am restraining one that's nervous aggressive.
I have it buy the scruff so it can't bite me and am holding it still and avoiding eye contact with it to calm it down. It settles and then is friendly.
It comes with us. Next bit is odd, a woman who is part of the solicitors practice comes up to Ian (who has also appeared here) She is telling him she's taken it under consideration and they will be keeping the oak work top that he procured for them, however they will not be paying the 2k it's worth and have instead written him a check for £500. This will be the only offer and they are not prepared to return the work surface.
I'm not sitting with Ian in the dream, but I approach the woman who's spoken to him. I ask her if she likes her job, if it makes her happy ripping people off. She's defensive saying she's following company practice. I shrug and point out how in a company of this size the cost is irrelevant as it will be written of against tax anyway were as for a smaller dealer the cost is significant. She concedes I'm correct. I suggest she might want to try a different work where she's not making peoples life crappier. She walks off.
At this point the owner of the dog who was fighting comes out and I return the now chilled out dog to her.
:confused: Wired!
I had an odd dream - it was like jack and the beanstalk.. I was 2 people sometimes this pesent girl, and sometimes her friend. The girl had been begging for food.. her friend had brought her 5 broad beans, 2 to eat and 3 to grow. We were planting and growing.. at one point I turned into a massive beanstalk that was like a tree. :smile:
Thursday Dream
Last nights dream I guess was a wired version of London. It was a massive city anyway. I'd come out of an underground station and had a meeting at a solicitors in a big old building. I didn't quite know my way there, but was aware I'd lived here in other dreams.
The area was kinda rough, a guy approached me he tells me it's not safe but I tell him I'm fine.
I go into buildings and eventually find my way to the place my meeting is. It's a posh office with 2 or 3 solicitors and a massive waiting room.
They are running late and using the wrong offices so I go to wait. There are 2 dogs in the waiting room fighting. I separate them and am restraining one that's nervous aggressive.
I have it buy the scruff so it can't bite me and am holding it still and avoiding eye contact with it to calm it down. It settles and then is friendly.
It comes with us. Next bit is odd, a woman who is part of the solicitors practice comes up to Ian (who has also appeared here) She is telling him she's taken it under consideration and they will be keeping the oak work top that he procured for them, however they will not be paying the 2k it's worth and have instead written him a check for £500. This will be the only offer and they are not prepared to return the work surface.
I'm not sitting with Ian in the dream, but I approach the woman who's spoken to him. I ask her if she likes her job, if it makes her happy ripping people off. She's defensive saying she's following company practice. I shrug and point out how in a company of this size the cost is irrelevant as it will be written of against tax anyway were as for a smaller dealer the cost is significant. She concedes I'm correct. I suggest she might want to try a different work where she's not making peoples life crappier. She walks off.
At this point the owner of the dog who was fighting comes out and I return the now chilled out dog to her.
:confused: Wired!
Monday, 19 June 2017
A killer, More Kids and a Deep House.
Fridays Dream.
I have a small attractive blond daughter who's been taken. I know the person and I'm trying to work out the motivation. It's wired, it's a dark male and he's hummm, killer/cannibal/vampire/peado
In the dream I'm not sad, I guess I realise it's all 'metaphorical/symbolic' ... I'm more like a detective the police have helped me break into the home of the male and I'm alone in there while he's out. I'm systematicly looking threw first his kitchen (I was intending to work my way threw the whole house a little at a time on different days)
I listen to a radio show he's recorded on an old tape deck while I'm looking threw his cupboards.... they are very neat, he also has goldfish.
First dream I'm in a city but I'm camping... I have lots of kids with me, I'm managing bills and food resources. There are 2 massive play groups and more and more kids coming tents & caravans... the kids are the future.
It started as a first floor flat belonging to my Aunty (now dead) In the dream she was still alive with people caring for her. Her flat is for sale and it's being bough by a family I'm friends with.
I go to view it with them, inside the house is way way way bigger than it should be, and it goes form the 1st floor flat down into huge old interesting rooms. I'm looking around with the family's 2 daughters and they have antiques and old things they will bring.
They are excited, the house needs some work but it's fascinating.. I find stores of bottles and preserved foods. Old grand costumes, when I go back upstairs I'm surprised it has a ballroom with white painted panels and then a small stage where my daughter Fay gets up to sing to people.
There is a old fashioned war general coming home he's been released from a prison sentence... he's dressed in blue and red like a tin solider.
I go alone down deeper into the 'flat' I find an ultra modern hospital in a below level, and then a science lab for blood testing and image developing, keeping going lower there is a children's dental practice. last but not least... I find a heard of unicorns! I seem to spend the dream just wandering round looking at stuff.
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Tides and Camping.
13th June
Strange dreams as were hazy but some things I remember in great detail. I lived in a Gypsy caravan really old style painted black and red with flowers... the red faded in rings from rich to dark. It was quite large supposed to be pulled by 2 cob horses but instead I had a little rainbow steam endgin... colours were very different to that of the caravan... bright pastel rainbow stripes.
I worked lived in it and made soap to sell, I was setting the bars then curing them cold and hard to touch... I also made ointments and collected herbs. It was odd as part of the dream was timeless but I was also moving threw modern campsites full of Nylon tents.
Towards the end of the dream I replaced the rainbow endgin with 2 horses and went of to places more rural.
14th June
Hazy again, London of old, camping.
Travelling round beaches looking for a place to pitch a tent, they are low tide and the sun is setting over the water sky is blue/purple/pink.
One beach I reach has ancient dug our dwellings in the rock face there.
Next I'm looking for fossils under the sea.. we can breath underwater and we have a kind of map no one understands... I know we need to go threw a crack in the ocean floor, we find the fossils we are looking for... This is wired as I also know about the ocean currents and what ones to ride to get to different parts of the world. I have names for them that are like numbers/code. I know the time things will take to get from one area to another.
Last dream
I'm packing up a camp site in a countryside then we drive back.. me and my brother stop and share a cider on a back to front Lion Lane Green and then get into the back seats of a car to go home. We keep nearly crashing into things and when I look no-one is driving the car (I know I've dreamed this before) we nearly crash into a Lorry - there are 2 police men walking by and I'm glad of there help.
Strange dreams as were hazy but some things I remember in great detail. I lived in a Gypsy caravan really old style painted black and red with flowers... the red faded in rings from rich to dark. It was quite large supposed to be pulled by 2 cob horses but instead I had a little rainbow steam endgin... colours were very different to that of the caravan... bright pastel rainbow stripes.
I worked lived in it and made soap to sell, I was setting the bars then curing them cold and hard to touch... I also made ointments and collected herbs. It was odd as part of the dream was timeless but I was also moving threw modern campsites full of Nylon tents.
Towards the end of the dream I replaced the rainbow endgin with 2 horses and went of to places more rural.
14th June
Hazy again, London of old, camping.
Travelling round beaches looking for a place to pitch a tent, they are low tide and the sun is setting over the water sky is blue/purple/pink.
One beach I reach has ancient dug our dwellings in the rock face there.
Next I'm looking for fossils under the sea.. we can breath underwater and we have a kind of map no one understands... I know we need to go threw a crack in the ocean floor, we find the fossils we are looking for... This is wired as I also know about the ocean currents and what ones to ride to get to different parts of the world. I have names for them that are like numbers/code. I know the time things will take to get from one area to another.
Last dream
I'm packing up a camp site in a countryside then we drive back.. me and my brother stop and share a cider on a back to front Lion Lane Green and then get into the back seats of a car to go home. We keep nearly crashing into things and when I look no-one is driving the car (I know I've dreamed this before) we nearly crash into a Lorry - there are 2 police men walking by and I'm glad of there help.
Saturday, 10 June 2017
Dream Linking and Syncronisity.
First dream I'm in a wired 'open house' the walls are kind of open and the garden is in and out of the house. it's like a cafe and the view from it keeps changing like it's moving... sometimes it's country side, sometimes coast and clifs sometimes other gardens.
Neil is there, he stays there alot I'm passing threw. At one point the garden backs onto another.. We go down to look it's a very big house, there is a pet bat in the garden and other animals... I 'recognise' the garden from another dream and know it's 'Anns' from the dream of the underground city I remember that dream and ponder what the connection is, I know there is an alignment then I notice the garden has small painted tools and they once belonged to a dwarf type race.. George Michael is in the garden too (He was in another dream were I was porting threw time with bird people :P)
There is also a pet in the garden it's sometimes a dog sometimes a cat it's also deaf, but I know it 'listens' to me as it dose what I say.
Next dream I'm on a long journey threw villages filled with massive country estates. I stop of at a country humm it;s like a posh hunting club... it's packed with people and while there it's snowing / hailing the drops are like white marbles and have numbers written on them.
I need to keep going and I walk on into summer trees have been Pollarded in a posh village giving views of the rolling green hills. A female guide is talking to me about the villages... Another older female joins us as we pass an immense castle type dwelling... she has short cut grey hair the first female warns me to stay away from her but I drop to all 4's and crawl on the grass. The grey woman 'wants' me she's gay.
I allow her to lead me into the massive castle her intentions are clearly sexual, once inside we enter what is like a gym changing room a very tall scandi woman with long blond hair and bright blue eyes is there too. She's excited at my arrival and undresses calling for the 'others' who live here. They are wired, connected rich but controlled.
More and more arrive all ages but all hummm part of this building it's going to be an orgy I undress and lay on a bench I'm aware they all 'want' me.
An old man arrives a patriarch type and starts issuing 'roles' to everyone 'It's a roll play sex game' they all jump to his orders looking for costumes, props outfits.
He wants me to take a jug and apron I stand up and look at him and instead I pick up a water squirter of my own. He's angry, telling me I missed my chance to play their game, I don't care I have my own time scale.. my independence is not acceptable. I laugh as I know they want me but have no power over me (I used to be one of them I think) I walk off threw there house still necked.
There is a whole community inside this castle there is supermarkets and banks and all kinds. I wander round tall and naked.. as I'm wandering around the first woman who tired to seduce me appears she wants to take me back I put my arm around her and take her back she's much shorter than me now.
She takes me back to the changing room and old guy is sitting in a chair he's aged and I can see it's Rupert Murdock. He looks old and tired and defeated I shake my head at him taking the older female with me from the building we don't stop to get clothes. Outside the world has changed again it's a harsh wild landscape there are Minotaur's not to far of battling like mating bucks. The old woman knows she's free now.
Then wake up.
Last was more of a vision...
I walk into an ancient looking cottage there is a family leaving to they are modern witches and have 2 older children with them (They are taking there kids somewhere) I don't know them familiarly I walk past them into their home and tell them 'I'll wait for you'
They guy looks to his partner confused and says to her 'Are you sure' the female smiles and embraces me saying 'Of course she should have been here ages ago' I walk into their home and start to brew tea.
Last dream, I follow a small frog, it's green and yellow spotted threw long wet grass... there are roads but we are following a grass path. It leads me into a strange hill dwelling I have 2 small dogs to look after they look identical but one is aggressive I'm allowing the underdog to sit on my as the more dominant of the 2 is intimidating it.
I know that the castle dream is linked to these 2 dreams.
The Streets paved with Shirts -
Murdock .
It's telling me this is now coming to pass.... people are realising that they are the 'Gold' and the time of lies & control is falling away now.
Neil is there, he stays there alot I'm passing threw. At one point the garden backs onto another.. We go down to look it's a very big house, there is a pet bat in the garden and other animals... I 'recognise' the garden from another dream and know it's 'Anns' from the dream of the underground city I remember that dream and ponder what the connection is, I know there is an alignment then I notice the garden has small painted tools and they once belonged to a dwarf type race.. George Michael is in the garden too (He was in another dream were I was porting threw time with bird people :P)
There is also a pet in the garden it's sometimes a dog sometimes a cat it's also deaf, but I know it 'listens' to me as it dose what I say.
Next dream I'm on a long journey threw villages filled with massive country estates. I stop of at a country humm it;s like a posh hunting club... it's packed with people and while there it's snowing / hailing the drops are like white marbles and have numbers written on them.
I need to keep going and I walk on into summer trees have been Pollarded in a posh village giving views of the rolling green hills. A female guide is talking to me about the villages... Another older female joins us as we pass an immense castle type dwelling... she has short cut grey hair the first female warns me to stay away from her but I drop to all 4's and crawl on the grass. The grey woman 'wants' me she's gay.
I allow her to lead me into the massive castle her intentions are clearly sexual, once inside we enter what is like a gym changing room a very tall scandi woman with long blond hair and bright blue eyes is there too. She's excited at my arrival and undresses calling for the 'others' who live here. They are wired, connected rich but controlled.
More and more arrive all ages but all hummm part of this building it's going to be an orgy I undress and lay on a bench I'm aware they all 'want' me.
An old man arrives a patriarch type and starts issuing 'roles' to everyone 'It's a roll play sex game' they all jump to his orders looking for costumes, props outfits.
He wants me to take a jug and apron I stand up and look at him and instead I pick up a water squirter of my own. He's angry, telling me I missed my chance to play their game, I don't care I have my own time scale.. my independence is not acceptable. I laugh as I know they want me but have no power over me (I used to be one of them I think) I walk off threw there house still necked.
There is a whole community inside this castle there is supermarkets and banks and all kinds. I wander round tall and naked.. as I'm wandering around the first woman who tired to seduce me appears she wants to take me back I put my arm around her and take her back she's much shorter than me now.
She takes me back to the changing room and old guy is sitting in a chair he's aged and I can see it's Rupert Murdock. He looks old and tired and defeated I shake my head at him taking the older female with me from the building we don't stop to get clothes. Outside the world has changed again it's a harsh wild landscape there are Minotaur's not to far of battling like mating bucks. The old woman knows she's free now.
Then wake up.
Last was more of a vision...
I walk into an ancient looking cottage there is a family leaving to they are modern witches and have 2 older children with them (They are taking there kids somewhere) I don't know them familiarly I walk past them into their home and tell them 'I'll wait for you'
They guy looks to his partner confused and says to her 'Are you sure' the female smiles and embraces me saying 'Of course she should have been here ages ago' I walk into their home and start to brew tea.
Last dream, I follow a small frog, it's green and yellow spotted threw long wet grass... there are roads but we are following a grass path. It leads me into a strange hill dwelling I have 2 small dogs to look after they look identical but one is aggressive I'm allowing the underdog to sit on my as the more dominant of the 2 is intimidating it.
I know that the castle dream is linked to these 2 dreams.
The Streets paved with Shirts -
Murdock .
It's telling me this is now coming to pass.... people are realising that they are the 'Gold' and the time of lies & control is falling away now.
Tuesday, 6 June 2017
Wind Singing.
I had one of them very long adventure dreams last night :) Very good fun!
It starts on the outskirts of a city, it's quite industrial and set in a hummm almost like a dug out mountain open to the air. The whole dream has lots of cliffs and plains.
There is some huge world changing cataclysm thing going on, but it's kinda fun :P Lots of wired noises lightning fires... buildings are destroyed infrastructure collapsed. The lightning is epic looking and setting fire's all over.
Our city's is being destroyed and humanity's spitting into small packs/tribes.
It's a kind of gathering before we all set of in different directions. We get back into the city by swimming the flooded underground waterways, the gates and locks are busted so we can open and pass threw. We make our way threw flooded ruined buildings and are sorting things like where waste can go so we don't poison ourselves while there.
It's like a last meeting, weirdly at this point Roz one of my friends arrives on this massive metal lol meby excavator I've not seen anything like it, it's for large scale terraforming/mining and she has a certificate & training to use it but was bullied out of it by an old male system. She's now ripping it round the city clear it, levelling the ruins back to sandy earth her eldest 2 kids are standing on the digger with her and she's bloody awesome :D It makes me laugh to see her so in her element.
I'm undecided about what tribe to join and am just with one other friend (Liz) a lesbian friend I had at collage who joined the army. We are making our way out of the city when I meet a guy with 3 young white goats, they are not weaned and being bottle fed. It seems I've 'won' there care. They are going to be important in the coming months as I'll be able to grow the herd and get milk.
He he also has a seed vault but I'm not intending to say anywhere long enough to plant them. He's ok but I don't want to be part of his tribe we will trade with them. I have sea shells.
The dream goes on for weeks... we are out in the wild as such now. I'm 'air' and I'm a 'wind singer' I can control the winds and clouds and weather by singing. (Found out this morning that there are books called wind singer I'll have to read them) We are trading closely with a larger tribe and Liz my friend is falling in love with a guy in the other group so we are spending more and more time with them.
We are going to steal from another faction, only some sellotape or similar.. but when the guy from the other group goes in to do it he also takes much more so the other faction are now after us. We jump of a cliff into a massive lake many miles wide...
They want me to wind sing so we can cause a storm to escape but I'm pissed of that they took more than we needed and am reluctant to take there side and help them. Next bit is fun, it's like a battle in the lake we can all breath underwater and I can create winds that can make massive waves or lift us out of the water though I'm not making much effort as I want to make sure they get back the excess that we stole. Once they have reclaimed most of there property the other team leave for the shore and we are still in the water.. we have decided to head to Hawaii as it's easily defensible. An attraction grows between me and the leader of this other faction, he's Earth and we join them and become lovers. Dream goes on with us moving around camping in the open and hunting we spend the evenings singing together.
Lots of time passes and we are in a vally pass on top of the cliff another faction live in caves in the cliff walls below. They have sent a male emissary to talk to us, he's important in his group... when he goes back he's followed by a female from our group who's fallen in love with him. Then it's wired there is going to be a fight but instead people are just bundled into woollen blankets and kept separated until the evening comes and then again we sing and share story's with each other.
It starts on the outskirts of a city, it's quite industrial and set in a hummm almost like a dug out mountain open to the air. The whole dream has lots of cliffs and plains.
There is some huge world changing cataclysm thing going on, but it's kinda fun :P Lots of wired noises lightning fires... buildings are destroyed infrastructure collapsed. The lightning is epic looking and setting fire's all over.
Our city's is being destroyed and humanity's spitting into small packs/tribes.
It's a kind of gathering before we all set of in different directions. We get back into the city by swimming the flooded underground waterways, the gates and locks are busted so we can open and pass threw. We make our way threw flooded ruined buildings and are sorting things like where waste can go so we don't poison ourselves while there.
It's like a last meeting, weirdly at this point Roz one of my friends arrives on this massive metal lol meby excavator I've not seen anything like it, it's for large scale terraforming/mining and she has a certificate & training to use it but was bullied out of it by an old male system. She's now ripping it round the city clear it, levelling the ruins back to sandy earth her eldest 2 kids are standing on the digger with her and she's bloody awesome :D It makes me laugh to see her so in her element.
I'm undecided about what tribe to join and am just with one other friend (Liz) a lesbian friend I had at collage who joined the army. We are making our way out of the city when I meet a guy with 3 young white goats, they are not weaned and being bottle fed. It seems I've 'won' there care. They are going to be important in the coming months as I'll be able to grow the herd and get milk.
He he also has a seed vault but I'm not intending to say anywhere long enough to plant them. He's ok but I don't want to be part of his tribe we will trade with them. I have sea shells.
The dream goes on for weeks... we are out in the wild as such now. I'm 'air' and I'm a 'wind singer' I can control the winds and clouds and weather by singing. (Found out this morning that there are books called wind singer I'll have to read them) We are trading closely with a larger tribe and Liz my friend is falling in love with a guy in the other group so we are spending more and more time with them.
We are going to steal from another faction, only some sellotape or similar.. but when the guy from the other group goes in to do it he also takes much more so the other faction are now after us. We jump of a cliff into a massive lake many miles wide...
They want me to wind sing so we can cause a storm to escape but I'm pissed of that they took more than we needed and am reluctant to take there side and help them. Next bit is fun, it's like a battle in the lake we can all breath underwater and I can create winds that can make massive waves or lift us out of the water though I'm not making much effort as I want to make sure they get back the excess that we stole. Once they have reclaimed most of there property the other team leave for the shore and we are still in the water.. we have decided to head to Hawaii as it's easily defensible. An attraction grows between me and the leader of this other faction, he's Earth and we join them and become lovers. Dream goes on with us moving around camping in the open and hunting we spend the evenings singing together.
Lots of time passes and we are in a vally pass on top of the cliff another faction live in caves in the cliff walls below. They have sent a male emissary to talk to us, he's important in his group... when he goes back he's followed by a female from our group who's fallen in love with him. Then it's wired there is going to be a fight but instead people are just bundled into woollen blankets and kept separated until the evening comes and then again we sing and share story's with each other.
Monday, 5 June 2017
Wired dreams.. a tide going out and exposing stuff.
Something about Odessa Children, different rainbow colours. A Blue rough gem
Then a wired dream about a dog salon and a well off woman who had a big house.
The house is un familiar it's 3 story painted white large windows looks Mediterranean meby I don't go into the house in the dream but I know it, it's got a grand piano and lots of crystal mirrors.
The owner is a woman in her late 50's tall and immaculate she was a potter and an artist and lived alone. I was a hum, servant is the wrong word.. but I did stuff for her. Most of her work was displayed in a garden, painted pots and jars, sculptures.
It was a Friday evening and I was about to leave when the woman brought me a dirty poodle with an expensive colour and a silver tag with the dogs name 'Rain' on it. She gives the dog to me and tells me to get it cleaned and shampooed. It belongs to a friend of hers.
I shrug, it's Friday but the woman has already left now and I have the white dirty dog.
I go into the dog salon which is very wired! All tiled in pale green tiles with bright down lighting.
Each dog has a team of stylists :stuck_out_tongue: No one is on reception and no one will speak to me like I'm invisible or something... they are all so focused on there dogs.
Every 10 mins a buzzer sounds and the dog is moved to the next station round.
There are some greyhounds having there legs massaged! An owner asks me if I know where the toilet is I take them to what looks like the toilet on the space station, they tell me they want something normal and I open another door that goes into a toilet with separate orange cubicles and an old mop propped up. I leave her there and go back into the salon. They are nearly finished with the dogs they have so I go to the reception there I find 2 of my mums sisters they tell me that they will clean the dog so I leave it with them and go outside to wait.
Back outside I'm in the wired garden again, there are the fine art cups, and carved and painted candles.. there is something about a goddess presence in the garden, the woman who owns the property is a Goddess worshipper. There is also a mother energy there, I sit down to meditate and start visioning... breaking up the dreams cape into a fractal lattice shape and then moulding it back into place again.
I create a kinda indescribable 4d picture of the ocean,
Last dream was odd too, It jumps round a bit...
First I'm in a farm with massive animals the chickens come up to my waist. There is a storm/hurricane coming and I'm herding the animals into barns so they won't get blown away.
Next I'm passing threw a funfair it's hummm very early travelling fair/ show with strong men and freakshows and fortune tellers.. I have Zak with me, I know I'm dreaming and I want to fly but I'm not sure I'll be able to carry Zak with me. I take off but he keeps changing our direction when we are in the air making us bump into stuff :stuck_out_tongue:
Next a city with huge tall buildings they are open planned and the streets are water not roads. I'm in a building opposite a amazing posh restaurant it's Halloween and everyone seems to have booked tables there. The tables are laid with candles I'm watching the water slosh up the street.. it seems to be tidal too.
Something about Odessa Children, different rainbow colours. A Blue rough gem
Then a wired dream about a dog salon and a well off woman who had a big house.
The house is un familiar it's 3 story painted white large windows looks Mediterranean meby I don't go into the house in the dream but I know it, it's got a grand piano and lots of crystal mirrors.
The owner is a woman in her late 50's tall and immaculate she was a potter and an artist and lived alone. I was a hum, servant is the wrong word.. but I did stuff for her. Most of her work was displayed in a garden, painted pots and jars, sculptures.
It was a Friday evening and I was about to leave when the woman brought me a dirty poodle with an expensive colour and a silver tag with the dogs name 'Rain' on it. She gives the dog to me and tells me to get it cleaned and shampooed. It belongs to a friend of hers.
I shrug, it's Friday but the woman has already left now and I have the white dirty dog.
I go into the dog salon which is very wired! All tiled in pale green tiles with bright down lighting.
Each dog has a team of stylists :stuck_out_tongue: No one is on reception and no one will speak to me like I'm invisible or something... they are all so focused on there dogs.
Every 10 mins a buzzer sounds and the dog is moved to the next station round.
There are some greyhounds having there legs massaged! An owner asks me if I know where the toilet is I take them to what looks like the toilet on the space station, they tell me they want something normal and I open another door that goes into a toilet with separate orange cubicles and an old mop propped up. I leave her there and go back into the salon. They are nearly finished with the dogs they have so I go to the reception there I find 2 of my mums sisters they tell me that they will clean the dog so I leave it with them and go outside to wait.
Back outside I'm in the wired garden again, there are the fine art cups, and carved and painted candles.. there is something about a goddess presence in the garden, the woman who owns the property is a Goddess worshipper. There is also a mother energy there, I sit down to meditate and start visioning... breaking up the dreams cape into a fractal lattice shape and then moulding it back into place again.
I create a kinda indescribable 4d picture of the ocean,
Last dream was odd too, It jumps round a bit...
First I'm in a farm with massive animals the chickens come up to my waist. There is a storm/hurricane coming and I'm herding the animals into barns so they won't get blown away.
Next I'm passing threw a funfair it's hummm very early travelling fair/ show with strong men and freakshows and fortune tellers.. I have Zak with me, I know I'm dreaming and I want to fly but I'm not sure I'll be able to carry Zak with me. I take off but he keeps changing our direction when we are in the air making us bump into stuff :stuck_out_tongue:
Next a city with huge tall buildings they are open planned and the streets are water not roads. I'm in a building opposite a amazing posh restaurant it's Halloween and everyone seems to have booked tables there. The tables are laid with candles I'm watching the water slosh up the street.. it seems to be tidal too.
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