Sunday, 29 October 2017

Air & Sea... And the RAT!

More odd dreams..  

I was pregnant with a 3rd child.. big hospital  - I'm there to birth.  
I realise the child has no movement.  Other people are birthing and I'd forgotten I was pregnant they check me and the baby is dead.

I wake and then go back into the dream and everything is fractal and fragmenting it looks like an Ersher Image (43kB)

But I'm in it and it's 4D I've follwed a golden retriever puppy into the sea and I'm watching the waves fractalise and sea is fish and the sky birds...   they are collapsing and rolling in.

Next dream was odd too...

I'm with a female vet.    I have 2 tanks of rodents I'm caring for.     In one there are tiny rabbits the size of a finger nail.    Weaving in and out in a pattern.   There is a fat rodent too.....  they are making patterns round it. 

Then I find a rat  it's living with the other rodents but it has 8 legs... and it's legs are like hummm

un-ravelled  plaits  -  3 dried out partially limbs the feet have dropped of all 4 corners. 

One set of limbs are long gone but the others are still salvageable.  

I take the rat to the vet and she tells me it's neglect...  a survival instinct.   They drop the need for movement for preservation and grow limbs when they need to move.....   the rat's been threw 2 periods of neglect but with growth in between to make the extra limbs.  

I realise I'm responsible and I take it back to the rodent house hoping to save it's latest shrivelling limbs.  

@guy....     lol   I'm in deep :wink:  I'm sure you'll appreciate this symbolism. 

I feel bad as I know Rat is an animal I work with :stuck_out_tongue:

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Shower on a bus, and a wired wedding meal.

First dream... 

I'm in a school class with all females.   We have a wired lol it's like a beauty therapy class or something.  I was aware there was a clique of females in the class  -  or project was to team up and wash each others hair?  
Anyhooo they all paired up really fast and I was left alone but still had to wash my hair... next bit was totally bizarre, the shower was on a bus!  

In a wired pull out thing and the curtains round it were like heavy old fashioned drawing-room curtains  ??   Someone had used the shower before me and left it full of mushrooms?   I couldn't work out how to get into it, I had to kind of pull myself up onto a platform but it was wobbly as the buss kept going round corners... the curtains were soaking wet and slopping water all over.   

Someone had left behind some shower gel so I used that to wash my hair....  then I realised I had no clothing  only a wet towel that had fallen on the floor and got all mushroomy!


As if that was wired enough they next dream was that my Dad was getting married to a random woman.   I was at the wedding meal...  a black whirlwind came along and sucked me up  (It was fun, going round and round)  as I plopped down the food was ready. 

I was sitting inbetween my Dad and his bride and the meal was served.  It was the open chest of a human :stuck_out_tongue:    Cooked,  Heart and lungs.... and in stead of intestines were sprouts cooked still on there stem  O.o
The garnish was a cooked human hand ......     the brides describing the meal to me telling me how it's her fave.

I'm thinking what a wired thing to serve up at your wedding and wishing I'd gone for the veggi option :stuck_out_tongue:  Vegg option was bread dipped in pureed zucini and then fryed in batter :stuck_out_tongue:     

Then I was confused as to why I was sitting inbetween my Dad and his new wife :stuck_out_tongue:   I told them I felt like a bit of a gooseberry so would move further round the table.     (I left my human chest meal there .... and the bride ate it too )  Then I got sucked black into the inky whirlly wind again. (edited)

Monday, 23 October 2017

City Roofs and Huge Skys.

22nd Oct

I had wired dreams...  One was my old school best friend.   Her dog had been killed and decapitated and then put on social media but hunt sabs... this was wired as hunt sbas are normally antiviv too.   

They'd taken the head n paws of her dog then taken a piccy of it with writing on it  (like you would mark a pig/stock animal)   The writing was dog one....  dog gone.

It flipped a bit and I was with a guy young in a science lab coat, he wanted to do a science degree and had been shifted onto a BCA   - we were comforting him but he was very up beat, saying he'd do his BA in art then could bring more creativity into his science degree. 

Next flipped to my main dreamscape...  I'm trying to get to my home but there are puppies allover!   Very cute :smile:  

I'm wading threw puppies and notice a other stuff going on, camera rigs ect.   People tell me there is a puppy comp going on... like the bake off but a cute puppy thing.  

Next dream I'm again in my main dreamscape.... it's a school field trip,   We are with a teacher out and about on the main streets of the village I grew up in. 

The teacher is Josh's nursery teacher...   Kim.   I tell her she's my fave teacher so far and we look up into a massive night sky.... this is really lovely.  

Hug sky scape milky way type thing from one of the main roads into my dreamscape

----- Today October 23rd, 2017 -----

Dream about the same school friend.  

First I'm making lots of batches of cakes...  cup cakes they were for a celebration or a fundraiser or something. 

Then my school friend again...

This time she's in a bed at my Auntys house... she's had her uterus 'sucked'   like you would for an abortion but she wasn't pregnant.  She's staying at the house to rest and I'm making her tea and toast for breakfast.   ( I can't think this is tied to the fact she's just published her first novel  it's due for proper release in a few days is for pre-order atm) 

Not sure how it fits with the night before's dream of headless dog :stuck_out_tongue:

Last dream was really cool looking.  I'm in a large Victorian city (I'm modern me)  but the rest is like a time hop.   I'm investigating something at my first recall is being in a huge city square it's bustling with typical looking Victorian people.   I'm looking for something or someone.  The police/authority's arrive too they are investigating the same thing and they are locking down the square to interview people.   
I'm keen to remain anonymous to them (I'm also aware I have purple/blue hair in the dream so it's hard to blend in :P) 

I'm staying in the crowds and trying to slip away before it's locked down.   I jump a barrier and a female police woman calls to me to halt I can't leave.....  but it's a typical Victorian city with narrow streets and I'm hard to follow. 
I head into a tavern with stained glass leaded windows... inside it's more like a tea shop.   I'm looking to pass threw the building and get out again. So I push threw the crowded room quickly aware I'm likely still being followed. 

Next I head up a narrow spiral stair well it's slighty squared off and is thin,  like a service staircase corridor for maids..  I head up and up until I reach a glass attic room that opens onto a small roof garden..  there are 2 glass doors the one to the right is locked but the left one is open so I pass threw.  The metal handle comes off in my hands so as I leave onto the roof garden I post the handle back threw a letter box in the door, and it lands on the mat back inside. 

I'm on a flat roof space with a neglected roof garden..  I make my way along the tiles of the roof, it's a terraced street so the roofs are like another world - the view is great a city skyline in hazy smog filled afternoon light. 

I keep walking along the side of the roof to my left are large dorma windows I look into the attic room as I'm walking past.  It's layed out formally and reminds me of a modern church or similar congregation room.     I pass the windows and head up the pitch of the roof on the tiles still.  At the end of the terrace I climb up onto the chimney stack to take in the amazing view

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Serving and another metal compacter.

Last night I had my first dream were I felt 'fear' in ages! 

It was familiar...  the whole world I was in the settings and life/friends.   I've had other dreams here. 

I was working as a waitress first part of the dream, I'm good at it - serving many people food n teas/coffee ect...
I'm leaving though and taking a train to London  (though sometime I bury under the track and go below the train)  sometimes I'm on it. 
It's a sleeper train, I have a rucksack n sleeping bag with me.    There are 2 trains running parallel on parallel tracks... I leap from one to the other to wake a male who's travelling with me and tell him we are close to our destination.  

Next I'm on a bus, I still have bag n rolled up sleeping bag we are at my stop in London  (This is a wired dream London I have)  It's dark and the bus doesn't stop so we need to just jump out of it.  I do this and I'm in the centre of a busy road.  
I see a guy get hit and killed by a car a little way away from me.....   I run waving my arms about so I'm visible to the oncoming traffic and make it to the path. 

The cars are driving over the dead body and this seems normal.  
I see a local friend of mine here getting a seat and a meal in a restaurant and decide I'll pop into the hostel I'm staying in then go and say hello to her.   I think I was meeting someone els in the city too.

At this point I realise I dropped my sleeping bag in the road and as I need to cross decide I'll try grab it on my way back over...   Again cars don't stop.  It's like playing frogger :stuck_out_tongue:

As I get part way across I'm scooped up by a 'road cleaner'  Metal compacter 
***(This is the second dream I've had about something like this in the past few months,  last nights dream brought back a fear I had as a kid of rubbish vans and large motors/endgins)   
At first I'm in it avoiding the bits of metal, It's magnetic and round inside,  large bits of metal are moving round and getting crushed.    I can't see any way out, over head is a claw thing that grabs, but it's shaped like a birds beak and it acts bird like too like a black bird eating worms.    Next was the bit that was a bit scary as It was all compacting together with no obvious way out... then a door /crack opened and I walked out re-leaved.  

I'm on a large platform with workmen walking about they have hard hats an stompy boots,   One of them comes and grabs me round the waste and pokes his fingers into my mouth in an odd erotic way - at this point I was so glad I'm not been squished I hugged him and woke up. 

Last dream, in a town sunny and clean streets I'm meeting people I know and hugging them as I'm hugging one I relize I'm naked but it's fine. 
I'm doing something with 'retro toys, giving them to people... I also go into see a group of friends eating a meal together but don't stay with them I think I was going to visit other people I'd not seen for a while. (woke up after this)

Ohhh   After the scary dream I was getting wired images visions as I went back to sleep one was of a massive metal spider made out of magnetic tin cans :smile:
Another of a rainbow metallic flying bug these were cool :sl

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Eating Ticks and Birthing Adults :)

Tuesday's dreams.

Broken up dreams cause Zak got into bed and kept kicking me!

Sooo first off I'm at my Nana's house  (She moved into a home when I was young... then my Uncle lived here for a bit... anyhoo it's house I've not been in for at least 25years!)
I'm in there cleaning the floor (I keep dreaming about cleaning floors too :P)

There are other people in this house too, my friend Roz, and miss Piggy!!??!!   We are playing pranks on each other while cleaning/clearing up.

Next dream...

Main dreamscape, I'm outside on a mushroom hunt!  There all all kinds of odd and strange mushrooms :slightly_smiling_face:  I meet a greengrocer who used to live in the town I'm in now, he has a veg market and he knows about mushrooms too :stuck_out_tongue:

Next dream, I'm in Newcastle with my old best friend from schools Mum and Dad.   There is also Kerry a friend from collage.  We are getting a bus back to the village and have bough a Chinese take-away meal. 
We get of the bus on a street inbetween 2 housing estates were we lived and Emma's parents take all the food...    Kerry is upset cause she's ordered a mushroom foo-yung??!   But they are worried about there own meal getting cold and they won't let Kerry get her food out of the bag.  

I comfort Kerry and tell her it's ok, I'll find some food at my house for her. 

Last dream is wired too.  

In main dream place,    I'm in a tick removal centre.   It's like a health centre but we all have parasites.  They are crawling over people and I'm picking them of and biting them in half with a crunch to kill them :stuck_out_tongue:  (talk about monkey mama :wink:  )   
We are having issues as the new people coming in keep re-infesting the rest of us, so I'm changing the layout of the premises and installing a shower block in reception so people can get clean as they enter...   (I think i was making a special soap for this too)   I was also arranging clean towels and clothing so we could minimise cross contamination in the rest of the centre.

Last night

Had the weirdest dream symbolgy yet last night!!   

In one dream I'd given birth to a woman in her 50's :stuck_out_tongue:  and was trying to breast feed her... it wasn't happening (I think cause she's lost the sucking reflex)  but WTF??

The first dream was fairly were too...   a synthesised virus had been introduced into the human population  (a program to do with reducing the human population drastically)  People had to give 'consent' to get it...  this was really subtle though so much so they didn't realise they had choice in it. 
It was all tied into a certain song, like a nursery rhyme that people was being used to gain consent.     I was with some other people in an old fashioned cottage... the song was really catchy (lol like the virus)  and I was trying to help people sing a different tune - to make sure we didn't consent.    

Next dream was in a kids hospital (but hazy)

The birthing a woman dream was outside an area in my main dreamscape..   dreams about this place are usually significant.    I was looking for a bottle of formula for her as she was hungry..     Never dreamed anything like this before so curious as to what it means! :smile:

Monday, 9 October 2017

Ying-Yang me and a pigramage.

Didn't want to wake up this morning.  2 very different dreams both long but I just remember the main thems of each.

In the first I'm with male me too - but only experiencing the dream as female me I couldn't swap into him.  We are young late teens or early 20's  and twin brother and sister but lovers too.    We are at a martial art school and look Asian we are both small with black hair.  

We are learning to fight with long thick sticks (I think Bamboo) and the place we are in is harsh but also very beautiful... open to the sun and we spend lots of time outside.  
It's not modern in any way, it's a school/training/moestry type of place.
Me and male are always made to train against and fight one another as we are equally matched we push each other to improve - but also beat each other unconscious frequently  (Not threw choice if I remember we were forced to fight & train in this place)

I remember feeling my scalp and it had bumps and cuts....  we were both pritty beaten up.  We were disliked cause we loved each other too...  but seemed not to care.   I woke up as we'd curled up together to sleep.

Next dream is totally different it's my main dreamscape but 100's of years ago... I'm a monk/nun on a pilgrimage (I think heading up to Holy Island - but not sure were from) I'm with a female she is from the castle and Bamburgh... we are walking up the sand and dunes on the coast and into a small chapel on the outside.

As we come in the door our outer cloaks are taken and we are wrapped with white capes with sliver and gold embroidered stitching  (I'm silver she's gold)  We move to the back of the chapel quietly and I can smell ins cents coming from a room at the back... 

Then it blurs with something modern as I see a radiator on the wall at the back of the building and under it there is a hole with fire or lava in...      I realise if left it will burn the building down so ask for a damp thick cloth to smother the fire    (Ian's alarm woke me up here)

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Funral Asshes and Mushy Peas.

Fridays Night.

Last night I was at my Mums funeral... or at least at the crematorium it was dark and me Ian and the kids were all there (My mum died when I was 18, so hadn't met Ian or had kids...  So this might be more about Ians Mum whos dieing?  )

Anyhooo we were in the dark waiting for an urn with ashes in.    The body had been burnt and we apparently wanted to wait and take the ashes back the same day so were were kicking round the grave yard in the dark waiting for her to cool down enough to scrape into a jar O.o  :stuck_out_tongue:

The kids were complaing they were hungry... I think we were going in and out of church buildings some of them had secrete corridors and there were dogs with us too.   I think Ians Mum was around to or dead... I asked Fay if she was upset about people being dead but she was fine so we were basically just waiting for a pot of ashes and talking to dead/deing people. 

After that dream I whent back into the same dream - this time we'd gone back to My aunt and uncles house... the same one I accidentally set fire to a few nights ago.   I'm making a roast dinner with my elderly aunt we are making a big meal to celebrate the death/passing of my mother.    I was also washing a large white floor??
Oh and preparing for a long car journey after the meal, this was with 2 friends I have no Tanya and Simon... they were going to eat with us. 

I was also looking out of a window it was late autumn and raining and few remaining golden leaves were being pulled of the trees with the rain.

Last night

My dream was odd to but the bit that sticks in my head most was being on a train and looking out of the window at two huge tins of processed peas!! 

They were meby 12ft high   standing in a siding.   I turned and giggled to who I was with on the train and then I held up my hands and we both had a massive processed pea each!  The size of a beach ball :smile: 

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Long and odd dreams...

Sunday 1st Oct...

I had an odd dream about Iri & Me

You'd had a baby, it was very new I'd asked to see it so you'd mailed me over your newborn baby.   It was lovely and I'd put it on my pillow and slept beside it.     When the courier came back after a couple of weeks I'd gone up and got the baby of my pillow and packed it back into the box to return to you.

After the courier left I realised I'd not fed the baby at all in the time I'd had it, or changed it's nappy  (the baby had seemed fine when I'd packed it into it's box.    I was watching it's tracking move across the UK and back to you in Norway and I'd suddenly felt bad I'd neglected it and was wondering if it was dehydrated or had nappy rash.

Monday 2nd Oct.

I was in London and I was swimming in the Thames.   It's not like the real one it's a version of the Thames I dream about occasionally though...  it has sandy coastal banks with marram grass and it flows East to West into the sea....rather than West to East.  

At first I'm swimming alone and nekid there are small cute animals like octopus and things, there are also barriers in the water that creates deeper slow moving waters then shallower rapid areas.   I'm playing and making my way slowly down river to where it meets the sea. 

At some point I realise Zaks with me, he can't swim so I need to keep hold of him... it's less fun.   I keep him above water.     At the end of the river is a strange concrete structure I guess meby a tide dam or something.. 

At this point I find myself in a room, it's a place I've been staying but it's time to move on now.  
It's a little like a shopping Mall, there is a posh boys school next to it and lots of kids hanging around.   I'm packing up the stuff to leave, but the stuff I'm packing isn't mine - It's Ians Ipad, and Zak.    More people arrive I have an odd feeling about them so start to take Ians stuff

I need to swim back up river with it, holding it above the water...  part way there I feel I need to go back  for Zak so I out Ians laptop onto the shore (I'm pritty sure it will be taken but I need to collect Zak)  SO I go back for Zak...  

When I get back there's is a guy who holds me and tries to rape me, I'm annoyed with him and take Zak and leave swimming back up the river this time keeping Zak about the water..   I find the bag but Ians laptop has been taken.  

I think next bit was Ian going down to the room too  (everyone but me seemed to be walking but I was always moving in the water)    When we got to the room Ian wasn't annoyed about the laptop but about the guy who'd tried to rape me When he re-appeared Ian went of to attack him, I was surprised.

Next bit of the dream was a school type area with corridors and a huge wall, with a drop on one side.

Tues 3rd.

I'm dreaming lots, long detailed dreams that I can't seem to shake when I wake I go back into them... but then don't have time to write them up... or what I've written makes little sence :stuck_out_tongue:

So night before last my dream was of a large rented house, It was familiar but not from this life.  It was large Victorian terrace with big rooms with high ceilings. 

It has the typical kitchen out back, I'm in it and I get a delivery it's from 'NAMBLA'   (This is a pedo thing)  In the dream the acronym was slightly different but tI knew what it was.   They had sent 'goodie' bags for my 2 boys with a logo'ed pen, t-shirt and a drawstring bag.  

I was wirdly conflicted and then put the items into the bin.    In the house I go into one of the rooms,  it's got a bed but along one wall is a large shelf with old electrical appliances, several old ovens, a refrigerate and atari games console that said 'plug'n'play'   - I remember thinking I should tell the landlord to clear out his stuff. ??

Then I have a dream about a large dead tree, it's bark has gone it's just a white skeleton...   It's massive it splits in 2 and I call to people further down the valley to watch out for the sliding branches. 

Then last nights dream

I'm in a huge camp site/field and I'm cooking for many many people in an open kitchen over fires. ...   taking orders and trying to have various things ready at the same time.

Next part I recall is that I drop a lit match and it sets fire to a dogpoo bag, but as I bent to get it - it falls threw autumnal vegetation setting fire to it.    There are shrubs and bushes and the leaves are all catching on fire, it's to big for me to put out now....  I watch it thinking it will burn it's self out soon.  

Wiredly it doesn't the vegetation keeps burning I'm confused that live plants are burning so freely.  Next a building catches alite...    It's a very old cottage it's 100's of years old Tudor style and the old timber frame is catching.

Then the house belongs to my Aunty and uncle  (this is one of my main dreamscapes) thought the house is very different.   I feel terrible I've set there home on fire so I try to call the fire brigade my phone doesn't recognise my finger print - when I get my phone to work 999, won't work either...  or the local fire-station number.    I eventually manage to contact them but the house is being destroyed   (I'm recalling places inside it from other dreams)  
The fire brigade come, but they are kids in normal clothes... they don't seem to know what they are doing...     I'm watching trees catch alite too, big oak, sycamore there leaves are glowing gold/red and burning. 

They put out the fire and leave....   I go in, I can still see bits alight, I try to put them out and I wonder why the fire men left. 

I wander round inside the house.   It's oddly undamaged inside but very unfamiliar it's layed out in a very old fashioned scandi style  - it looks like it's been decorated for Christmas, there are long embroidered table clothes, candles and evergreen plants.

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...