Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Tall Tower and Distant Planet.

First dream I'm in a massive Tower (tarot archetype?)   It's thin with many storeys there is a squared of central spiral stair well and small rooms off it.   There are lots of windows on all sided too.
The rooms seem to be surgical in nature with surgical medical equipment.   At the top of the stairwell is also a series slides!  The kind of chutes you find at a water park, some have water others are frozen with ice and some just dry.

The tower has other people there to, my friend Emma from school who was a still virgin (I'm not sure why that was important but it was part of the dream) There was a guy who I had a crush on when I was about 10 called Peter....   there was also a race of bird/human hybrids in the tower too.

I had with me a toddler but not Zak and a small cute fluffy puppy!  In the lower floors of the tower a party is happening, the music can be herd  threw out the building.  The slides are fairly good fun and we seem to be climbing up and sliding down again. 

 I'm outside in an unfamiliar town, we are in a park lounging in the sun.  The group of people I'm with are part of a commune one female there is owner of a large black cat, she is asking me how to care for it. She's been keeping it indoors I tell her she can let it out but not to encourage it to come to us as we are to close to the road/traffic.

We leave the park to get into our spaceship.  

The spaceship, it's a typical flying-saucer shape fairly small and we are a little crew of 5ish people.

There are no controls everything is done by thought/manifestation, at first we move up into the upper  atmosphere of the planet with the park, they are using their upper atmosphere for storage.  
We hear a signal and head towards it but it's just an old car system  (there is a floating flying giant magnet with loads of old scrap cars stuck to it)    It's a car in the heap that's emitting the signal   (This is alot like the dream from 13th Oct The scrap metal piled in the sky)

We leave that planet to travel into space.

We have control over the walls so we make them transparent to enjoy the journey threw space, even the floor....  so it's like being in space but there is a solid ground to keep us all together.  We lay looking down and then up as we point out distant stars/nebula/galexys.

We find a planet to land on and land in a rocky canyon area, we leave the ship a little like popping threw a membrane, it parts to let us out, me and another female leave first.

The atmosphere is deep dark purple and the rock formations are amazing they look like lava flow with canyons and soft rounded shapes

The rock it self was beautiful!

It was kinda iridescent rainbow the whole place glowed as it reflected different coloured light, so the light was coming from the rock and ground rather than a source in the sky.

The mane life form was these kind of ghost like mushrooms, they were about human height and looked like they were made from glass or something...

amazing looking and very delicate but still organic.  A little like the ones above but more pointed and obviously much larger.

We also saw dino like creatures, massive one passing pretty close by walking past us, the vibration of there steps jiggling us as they were so large.


Last dream I'm making a Temple!  It's like a Mayan pyramid or a Mandel picture if it was 3D.
I'm aware that it's normal size but I'm huge! 
I'm a massive giant and making it seemed like a kid playing in a sand pit.   I'm singing as I make it and putting male energy into it, there is another female with me I can feel the male energy flowing into it as I pat it shape it and sing.    I'm knelt by it as I work.     It seems small to me but I'm aware it's the kind of monument that we have in our world still now. 

Monday, 6 February 2017

Courtyard Garden, Undersea Ruins, Robot Room and a SpaceShip.

I've had cold over the weekend so my dreams have been very broken by sneezing!

Sat nights dream.

It was an unfamiliar but beautiful house with a kitchen with bi-fold doors  that opened onto a beautiful sunny courtyard garden filled with flowers.   In the garden sitting at a table in the sun was a friend of mine Jo, and an unfamiliar bloke.    They had some Greek meze food and wine and were chatting enjoying the food/sun/garden and I was inside clearing up the kitchen. 

The guy picked up a hose pipe and started to squirt the house and kitchen... when I came out he soaked me too.   I was puzzled..  I picked up a plate from the table and splashed him back with water from a pond in the garden. 

I recall that neither Jo nor me could touch this Male as him/his skin was to sensitive. 

- There was also a dream of underwater ancient ruins they had the swastika pattern carved into the stone. 


A grid game, with black suns and orange suns... It reminded me of tic-tac-to but the suns swapped colour. 

My other dreams hopped about alot, A wizard in a cave underwater.  Again symbols, the swastika and also the Knights Templar one...   split into 4 ?

- Monday

A round polished dome shaped metal room, in it are 3 very modern computers/machines/robots.  Spaced round the sides of the room.  I'm in there with Anna (A girl who I lived in a big shared house with in my 20's)
She's trying to activate them but she enters the wrong code into the first one.... she dosn't want to wait for it to reset so try's to shut it down to start over.  The machine dislikes this and it trip's security cool-down.   Metal automatic doors come from the top of the dome and close of the entry/exit points and a warning siron sounds with flashing lights.

The machine moves like a transformer first into a metal butterfly shape flapping it's wings to cool of and it then starts to spin,  I grab Anna and we crouch down next to one of the walls as the machine spins around.  As we watch it again it transforms this time into a male and female robot dancing a fast waltz round and round inside the room. 

I notice I have a dog poo in a bag in my hand!


Next is a grid with symbols... they are flicking, it's almost like a translation grid - with things that mean the same in each square morphing in and out.

Next I'm in dream-house in Stoneclose again, there is an attic room on this occasion.... a Mum I know is up there with her 2 young children and she is teaching them Math.  I seem to recall I have a game console a hand held thing... It keeps breaking before I can compete the level and resetting.

Earlier morning dreams were broken up by toddler but included a
Colourful silk scarf that's worth £100,000 ??
Getting a Bafta for acting!
Colouring in a book,
Being on a spaceship with aliens - they looked a little like something from Startreck a blend of some of the more odd ones.  The crew was all female, the commander was asking another female to pretend to be captain. 

Friday, 3 February 2017

Night Protest Threw Feilds.

First dream - me and male me were in underground caverns, they went on for miles and were separated with magic coded doors we needed to pass threw. 
We were in a race to find a magic item, there is competition to find some magic artefact/object. The other people looking for it seemed like old fashioned police detectives in 70's suits.

Next dream is Northumberland between Alnwick and the coast it's night with only starlight.   There is the sea, dunes and then farmland (small crop fields, trees and hedges) everything is midnight blue and silhouetted. 

There is some issue with farmers and a large organisation and the farmers are protesting (something to do with food supply).
I'm with the farmers and we are marching at night using flares to communicate with the other groups moving threw the dark. 
We are to meet at the walls of Alnwick castle... it felt more like going into battle, the way we were moving at night.  

When we got there there was a camp set up with stalls and things along the outside of the castle walls.  Small furry creatures appear they are like fluffy potatoes with big eyes... they go into a field and start eating all the crops.
The crops look like stunted sweetcorn but they are growing on rows of little spiky bushes like gooseberry bushes, they are in neat rows and the earth under them is dry and stoney. 
As I watch them they morph into shadow imps or something, they look quite cool like they are made of black smoke dancing threw the feild ... there are 1000's of them.   I turn into an owl and fly up and watch them.  

I also see Jo from my dream last-night she is swimming in the sea with children.

Next part I remember I'm a person again and there is an wired old fashioned dark purple car aubergine colour, it's shiny and looks new.
I'm handed some black driving gloves and told that they will fit, and the car is mine.  My male aspect turns into an X partner of mine.    He's unusually aggressive but we still work as a team. 
Next part is more hazy and though I have no clear recollection of anything I'm sure there was fighting.     -  I think a one point I was tied to something via my neck. 

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Void again and Fairy Tale Characters.

Void dream...  Dark - We are all points of light, in the void.   It's hard to describe what we were doing it was organised... shifting things....   like geometric.    Collaboratively  Creating/manipulating a framework might be one way to describe it.    

There was another entity present (also point of light)  - It seems hummm small but very powerful, like small volume but big mass.   Dense or something but it clearly had more understanding that we did and was aiding and observing us from a distance.  
It felt more masculine that feminine (on waking I wondered if it could be the dwarf type thing in my dreams) 
Anyway it is also influencing the grid/matrix we are constructing and 'our group' (these are like a team that I'm familiar with) we want to stop/pull-back/wait to establish the identity of the identity of the new entity.   

For some reason on waking I had word/name 'PEN' - It felt a little like an abbreviation. 


The second dream made me laugh, I woke up laughing. 

Wired dream of living with a father and a sister..  I was looking after lots of animals.   It was set in Stoneclose this time in the room looking East.  Outside the window is a wired set up of the solar system with a torch as the sun.  The 3 of us are arguing, there is an older sister and me.... I'm looking after voles, an iguana and then the father brings in a partridge or pheasant that he'd hit with the car, he'd tried to pluck it and then realised it was only stunned so brought it to me to look after too.

I'm annoyed as I now also have a 1/2 plucked pheasant added to my collection.  My sister isn't doing anything to help, she's laying round texting....  We start to realise it's a dream fairytale..  and I comment to my sister 'Well your not bloody Cinders' Darling!'     at that point we all collapse laughing and I wake up!


Next dream I drempt that a friend up the road was beauty out of beauty and the beast, she had a ninja Siamese cat who could talk!

Next was hummm just a visions of what looked like a large sausage cut into slices and pulled out and they were many layers of reality's. 

Last dream was a huge Golden flashy hotel... it seemed the same one were I was attacked in the entrance here.
There are lots of people there, lots of mirrors and rooms, gold high ceilings.   There is a 'man' there though he's not human.  He's a bit tree a bit animal a bit human, he is waiting for someone.  A female to join him...  I know him.   He looks very odd the dream was extremely visually detailed.  

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

LabyBirds, Teaching and Cleaning.

First dream I'm in a warm place wearing animal skins...  It's warm and bright I have lots of skin exposed.  I'm dancing.  1000's of ladybirds appear and land on me, some of them are mating.    They are on my back and belly, we are dancing to wake up spring  - the male (sun) is still hidden under the earth.

(This was very similar to the dream from the night before)
Next dream I'm a primary school teacher I'm job-sharing with another woman. 
The classes are very informal, we have set up many different play worlds on white small child sized tables.
Mainly they are like playmobil type of toys... so each table is a different scenario/setting.   There are also some tables with puzzles or games.

Our 'job' seems to be to set up the toys/worlds and observe... then at the end of play return things to the right sets and make sure everything is ready for the following day.  We notice that the tables keep getting covered in mud and crumbs that is making it hard to sort stuff out and we seem to be working way past the time we should be.

At some point I notice/realise that one boy is coming in with his shoes on and standing on the tables, leaping from one to another leaving the mess.   He's not from this year... he should be in the next year up but he still keeps coming back.     I wait for him to arrive and show him the mess he's making, I give him a dustpan & brush and teach him to help to clean up and sort out the play worlds for the smaller kids.


Next dream I'm in my Aunty Irean's house... though it also seems to be mine.  I'm renovating/cleaning/clearing.   There is a large glass room on the side of the house with shelved all round it.  I'm packing up the stuff to give away.   I find 4 tiny yellow spiders eggs and take them to my friend Roz, she's overjoyed with them as they are what she's been looking for.

Once I've packed up stuff I move it away on a raft - this is quite fun :D  The waters really fast and the rafts a bit crap and flat I lay on it as we wizz threw with water getting wet.   Back at the house we are 4 (all me I think possibly elementally) know that there is still much to change, we are painting some things in a blue/green colour.  There is also a massive bed were we can all sleep,  we were going to sleep (I think to get into another dream) but I got woken up by Zak. 

Monday, 30 January 2017

Very wired dreams!

First dream I was I think was possibly my childhood bedroom.   It's night and dark and I was in bed with an old school friend trying to sleep.  In the room was a ghost or something.   Things kept moving/changing.  It had woke us up.  The person who I was in bed with swapped into someone else another guy from school (I think these were playing male me) .... still toys kept moving.   
It was a bit freaky so we decided to have sex to distract ourselves.    At this point a cat appears that also wants to get involved with the sex  -  she keeps charging and jumping at our genitals!  
This made us laugh and stop.
Sex wasn't going to work as a distraction due to this crazy cat so the guy went to see what toys were moving.... there were some of them wind-up chatty teeth that kept going and going...    as he approached them they flew of the shelf and onto the floor.  

Next some toy cars moved, he knelt down to look at them and I stuffed my-head over the side of the bed and pointed to a toy tractor moving back and forth beside him.   When I looked again I could see the ghost of a small boy perhaps 3 years old, he had ginger curly hair and green dungarees... he tried to grab a teddy I held... I was going to yell 'No' then realised I'd scare him so I asked him 'Please... not that one '
He smiled and went back to playing with the Tractor.


Next a vission.

With the smell of singed furr or feathers... I was sitting on sand, drawing with sticks and placing runes into a pattern that had something to do with planetary conjunctions.


Another odd dream  later in the night a wedding that I was travelling far to go to, I'd forgotton not had time to get a gift.

Odd bridesmades... one was  familiar also with ginger hair...  she had gold tulle in it and wired white old fashioned bloomers with blue dried flowers on them and she had tiny bright violet eyes. 
When I commented on her strange eyes she pulled down her bizarre pants to show me she was a he!   *shrug*   
After that I was watching the couple unwrap there presents, they'd been given some really wired things like the front seat of a car!  When they brought out the wedding meal we all got one small boiled potato.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Lots of Coffee.. and Lots of Dreams.

First dream I felt like I was water but I was frozen, but then I melted and gradually turned to steam.

Then a very long rambly dream set in dream Seahouses, It starts in Pinnacles as an Amusement arcade, I work there.  I have a photo that moves like the ones in Harry Potter.. it pans round a whole scene.  In it is my daughter she's having a play-date and I need to collect her.

I find her in a large house on the seafront, it's the house that got burnt out a few weeks back leaving nothing but arches and a horrible red carpet.

Oddly, I also drempt of being part of a kings death that night O.o

When I get to the house now it's been done up, but I remember it from the other dream with the burnt out arches.
We are in a room downstairs with long trestle tables, the owner is a blind elderly woman - she has no teeth but she hugs me and tells me she 'see's' me and that I'm a good mother.
On the way out the front of the building was like a cross between a very old inn/museum/junk shop.

Oh wow!   They had these old artefacts that In my dream I knew and recognised.... 

I knew in the dream it was knights Templar.  I've just checked it and it is that!!   ...   the wired red cross thing, but in the dream it was carved onto a very old painted wooden throne. 

Hummmm....  I guess that fits with when I did a soul retrieval at the knights Templar blood ritual. (I'll type that up after)

I go out and next  It's sunny and I see the sea and beach. 
I remember I still have stuff to do and
I have to collect another image from someone I know called Ruth (in the dream people I knew as teenagers are there all the same age)  It's an image that was in an old magazine and it's important.  I walk up the main street and realise that they need a modern coffee shop (this is wired I duno why I'd think this)
I meet Ruth and her now husband and there friends and I follow them threw the village which is more of an obstacle course at one point we climb over rocks and what looks like exposed coral - it's been painted in rainbow colours.    I'm kinda stuck on it and then it all crumbles into little rainbow shards... I then find an office chair I can use to climb out of the rock hole.   I keep following them up and down until Zak woke me up.

Next dream I'm in a massive barn looking out onto summer countryside it's open at the front and I'm looking after some horses in it.  There is also an old grey elephant on the platform above... and people serving tea and coffee.   A man with me keeps passing hay up to the elephant...    it's making it restless, eventually the elephant charges threw the cafe area and down to were the doors are it's owner tries to stop it but fails..  I follow the elephant out onto the strange hillside - non of the trees and plants are familiar.     I follow the elephant and then find some pink baby lotion that's been spilt from a bottle and I try and put it back in.


Next dream is a wired setting of a Victorian science lab that is also a coffee shop, it's got long black benches and the sunken sinks with long thin black taps.   The benches are tiered, and at the front is small tables with groups of people who want coffee.    All the machines are out of order and I'm supposed to make the coffee one cup at a time straining the grains and boiling the water for each cup.

It's taking me ages to make each cup, I eventually make one then take it to serve Ann (who keeps popping into my dreams!)  As I put it down the cup vanishes and only the saucer remains. 

Frustrated I go back up to the other waitress and tell her that we have to make it by the jug full and get a hotplate working.    I sort out the machines and make a large jug of coffee.... 

I get called down to the front of the cafe, there is going to be a show/performance/game (it's to do with fire/water/flood)  I've been picked for a roll, we look like fancy dress pirates... they are trying to get me to take a weapon, I don't really want one but eventually take a red plastic sword. 

Sooo the pirates make me think of this dream.... 

Knights Templar Dream...from 2013.

Cafe/Restaurant/Vets type of building... it's dark with stacks and stacks of old plates.  It's a little like an old fashioned school canteen/sanatorium. 
The building is crumbling down and very old fashioned, all the staff are leaving.   Boss is upset as they are saying that they will get paid more at MacDonald's.  There are piles of dirty plates and dishes all over...... I stay to work.

The back of the cafe is very strange like an antique shop, filled with many strange artefacts, I go below to a room, there is Latin writing over the door and I can read it.   It leads to many underground tunnels that go on for miles and miles, they are furnished with old red runner carpet and occasional bits of furniture and old fashioned sofas.
I enter a room of the corridor and as I walk in I get possessed of something, something flyes fast into my neck on the left and I float up to the ceiling of the room ranting and raving.... the room changes and I'm watching a Knights Templar Blood Ritual..... they can't see me and after the all leave via the door into the long corridor. 

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...