More very low lucidity dreams with unsettling themes.
I'm in an unfamiliar house... there is a Lizard there It keeps darting at me then running of quickly. I think I was trying to get it outside. I leave the house and I'm with a group of females... we are walking I have a baby on my back. We walk threw this town and to my left and right are the most wired dwellings both are distinct and like nothing I've ever seen before.... other worldly / fantasy.
Beautiful and strange.. the Lizard is there too.
Next dream, I'd agreed to a partnership with a female I'd met. She wanted to come in with my on my company, I'd agreed.
I'm called to a meeting and there are quite a few people round the table, I only know one female. Another is showing our latest publications (2 well presented books) I'm surprised as I didn't know we did publications this female tells me we started last year. I'm puzzled as I have no recall and don't know any of the other people. There is a very religious person there too. I ask about some of the stuff in the book, and they tell me it's new stock lines.
I go into what's like an office (but not) and see lots of new products - I'm surprised at how much the business has changed and how these 4 or 5 females all know each-other and are excluding me. I ask the partner if we could have a meeting just the 2 of us... I want to ask who these people are she's hummmm patronising, and tells me to be there at 8.30 the next day.
I wander of confused as to what to do, the business seems to be doing well but I'm not certain they have checked the suitability of all the items for sensitive baby's skin. It also seems like they don't want me involved, when I try to call them the phone is off the hook and they are talking about changing the passwords.
I decide I might lock them all out of the site at the domain level until I've spoken again with the partner the following day.
Next I'm at my main dreamsape (Where the mining was) there is now a motorway instead of a small dead end road. Massive lorry's and buses are zooming past and I can't seem to get across the road.
Monday, 22 May 2017
Sunday, 21 May 2017
Stuck on a Bus..
First a cut out of flowers or lace... humm it was white delicate.
Then a jackpot kind of bandit game.. the things on the wheels were lemons, pots of honey candle.
First dream was about a book/film with a lawyer. Starts with a message to do something. There is a bright pink and turquoise room a kitchen I think.
I go down a big elevator into law offices but I don't know my way round there are 100's of people at desks. Next I remember being outside my 2 boys have jumbled into on and he's stuffed his mouth full of stuff. He's reaching when I look into his mouth I remove toys, rubbers 2 bowls! I was thinking why is he using his mouth as a bag.
Long dream..
I'm in a city, it's tied to the moving into a new house dream.. the city is London again and I'm trying to get to the new house. I'm on a bus with Zak and then my Dad gets on too, he's coming to visit.
My Dad needs to pee so he gets of the bus and the bus leaves. 'The driver is a bit creepy, he grins at me and says 'sorry love' got to keep moving - he also gives me his card for bus depo and tells me to look him up if I want to.
I realise my Dad doesn't know his way round so decide to get of at the next stop and walk back to meet him. We pull into a bus station and I have Zak a pushchair and some shopping. I lift the pushchair of first then Zak and I go back to get the veg/milk to put in the buggy basket. As I get to the door the driver shuts and locks it and starts moving out of the depo. I yell at him that my toddler is outside and he needs to let me out, he laughs..... I see Zak's little face alone at the bus station but the driver won't stop.
I grab his hand and bite down hard onto his finger I can feel it crunching and my teeth sinking into it's flesh but he's completely un-phased and just keeps driving with me gnawing at his hand! I try to recall where we are heading so I can go back for Zak but it's unfamiliar... like transport hub, there are many stations and bus depos, tracks and roads.
Eventually the bus stops and I can get out but I'm confused and disorientated. I have no phone or money as that's with Zak. I stop a group of women and ask to use there phone to call the police but non of the phones work. (One of the women hand me some wired flyer about Christianity and the demons) I leave the women... Next I try in a wired hummm it's like a lorry driver cafe, again the phones don't work so I try to walk.
I'm making my way over train / tram tracks and crossings the tracks are electrified and I feel the current in them as I cross them. I go into a bus depo and ask them if they have seen a toddler alone or had one given in but they just laugh.
Wake up feeling yucky
Go back to sleep,
Same dream but a little different.. I've found Zak again, I need to go up North for some reason though so am going to get a night bus (people on it are weirdly unfriendly)
I'm changing bus somewhere when Ian arrives to give me the house keys for the new house. I'm confused as he was ment to leave it open so my Dad could get in when he got there.
I leave Zak with him, and go to the house to unlock it.
It's a massive Georgian terrace made of large sandstone blocks. I go in and unlock the back door and am writing a note to give to a neighbour
I then notice that it's a guest house... a big one I run it, there are lots of staff there and a bar area that's busy. There is a beer garden outside with people eating meals and the place is very busy. I notice my Dad arrive with my Bro, and some old school friends I greet them all and give them room keys. Then I leave again I head underground into a wired green land rover this time.
Then a jackpot kind of bandit game.. the things on the wheels were lemons, pots of honey candle.
First dream was about a book/film with a lawyer. Starts with a message to do something. There is a bright pink and turquoise room a kitchen I think.
I go down a big elevator into law offices but I don't know my way round there are 100's of people at desks. Next I remember being outside my 2 boys have jumbled into on and he's stuffed his mouth full of stuff. He's reaching when I look into his mouth I remove toys, rubbers 2 bowls! I was thinking why is he using his mouth as a bag.
Long dream..
I'm in a city, it's tied to the moving into a new house dream.. the city is London again and I'm trying to get to the new house. I'm on a bus with Zak and then my Dad gets on too, he's coming to visit.
My Dad needs to pee so he gets of the bus and the bus leaves. 'The driver is a bit creepy, he grins at me and says 'sorry love' got to keep moving - he also gives me his card for bus depo and tells me to look him up if I want to.
I realise my Dad doesn't know his way round so decide to get of at the next stop and walk back to meet him. We pull into a bus station and I have Zak a pushchair and some shopping. I lift the pushchair of first then Zak and I go back to get the veg/milk to put in the buggy basket. As I get to the door the driver shuts and locks it and starts moving out of the depo. I yell at him that my toddler is outside and he needs to let me out, he laughs..... I see Zak's little face alone at the bus station but the driver won't stop.
I grab his hand and bite down hard onto his finger I can feel it crunching and my teeth sinking into it's flesh but he's completely un-phased and just keeps driving with me gnawing at his hand! I try to recall where we are heading so I can go back for Zak but it's unfamiliar... like transport hub, there are many stations and bus depos, tracks and roads.
Eventually the bus stops and I can get out but I'm confused and disorientated. I have no phone or money as that's with Zak. I stop a group of women and ask to use there phone to call the police but non of the phones work. (One of the women hand me some wired flyer about Christianity and the demons) I leave the women... Next I try in a wired hummm it's like a lorry driver cafe, again the phones don't work so I try to walk.
I'm making my way over train / tram tracks and crossings the tracks are electrified and I feel the current in them as I cross them. I go into a bus depo and ask them if they have seen a toddler alone or had one given in but they just laugh.
Wake up feeling yucky
Go back to sleep,
Same dream but a little different.. I've found Zak again, I need to go up North for some reason though so am going to get a night bus (people on it are weirdly unfriendly)
I'm changing bus somewhere when Ian arrives to give me the house keys for the new house. I'm confused as he was ment to leave it open so my Dad could get in when he got there.
I leave Zak with him, and go to the house to unlock it.
It's a massive Georgian terrace made of large sandstone blocks. I go in and unlock the back door and am writing a note to give to a neighbour
I then notice that it's a guest house... a big one I run it, there are lots of staff there and a bar area that's busy. There is a beer garden outside with people eating meals and the place is very busy. I notice my Dad arrive with my Bro, and some old school friends I greet them all and give them room keys. Then I leave again I head underground into a wired green land rover this time.
Saturday, 20 May 2017
Wired Moon and more Baby Hugging.
First time awake was around 2.40 I was dreaming the earth dreams.. it was emotional... but I'd not put a light on and over wrote what it was about.
Next dream was a house with only an attic, and a cave going into the earth. (There was also parents who loves a special kid, and cat you tube commentator. )
I'd gone into the cave and deep down into the earth -- it was very wired, but I was driven to push on and explore.
- Next up.
I'm in my main dreamscape and my old local neighbours are/were living next door there. Adam calls me and tells me it's both is and my mothers birthday and also his partners - and so could I paint a plaque. I agree so start to paint an old fashioned restaurant sandwich board. .... then shit gets very wired!
I go to put it outside the front of the house and well the moon is really close to the earth and the normal dreamscapes gone to shit. The moon looks like it's only a couple of miles up, it's a waning gibbous and it's morphed weirdly craters are very obvious. (reminds me of the death-star from star wars which is odd as I like the moon)
I'm aware than I'm dreaming but not what dream I'm in and I want to take a picture for my other dream space. But as I get my camera the clouds fold in.... this is wired as I can see also massive mining equipment in the sky (I duno how I know that's what it was) but it was huge.... also half a mile up into the sky and could scrape of a planets crust. I can see wired cogs/wheels and stuff but the clouds close in and then we just hear these wired echo reverberating noises.
The dream scape's gone crazy since my last visit when it was being 'modernized' This dream.
I wander round the area taking it in...
The other DC's who live there are like refugees and one block of 3 houses has been ripped up to make a hole down into the earth. Another is collecting and burning rubbish to keep warm. There are 'puppets' going round broadcasting stuff for people to believe/understand... it's some 'organisation'
I get the dream message 'the truth is there for eyes that see'
Oh... another odd thing was that I had no shoes, I was walking bare foot... but had stuck bubble wrap round my soul's' - I think this is a message too.
((This is reminding me of first time I herd a disembodied voice
End of August 2011.
I had a dream I was riding in a wave of energy that's building and I hear and feel vibration. Then a voice inside my head says to me 'Don't worry, your a Guardian here too' later in the dream there was letters 'Indigo ray 11-11-11' written on a wall... and that I had people to go too, and I'd know them.
It was a really vivid dream; I woke up suddenly wide awake like it was something important. ---- Then that pesky ego told me I was delusional and I should take some medication I wasn't sure if it ment everyone was a guardian. It seemed like something really defiant I was being told.
Soo Last dream, was in Aunty S& E's house again.. this time they have 2 orphaned lambs and it's making them really happy to raise them. I'm describing to someone how to make a Fish-finger sandwich :/ and yet again.... hugging and holding a baby I don't know.
Next dream was a house with only an attic, and a cave going into the earth. (There was also parents who loves a special kid, and cat you tube commentator. )
I'd gone into the cave and deep down into the earth -- it was very wired, but I was driven to push on and explore.
- Next up.
I'm in my main dreamscape and my old local neighbours are/were living next door there. Adam calls me and tells me it's both is and my mothers birthday and also his partners - and so could I paint a plaque. I agree so start to paint an old fashioned restaurant sandwich board. .... then shit gets very wired!
I go to put it outside the front of the house and well the moon is really close to the earth and the normal dreamscapes gone to shit. The moon looks like it's only a couple of miles up, it's a waning gibbous and it's morphed weirdly craters are very obvious. (reminds me of the death-star from star wars which is odd as I like the moon)
I'm aware than I'm dreaming but not what dream I'm in and I want to take a picture for my other dream space. But as I get my camera the clouds fold in.... this is wired as I can see also massive mining equipment in the sky (I duno how I know that's what it was) but it was huge.... also half a mile up into the sky and could scrape of a planets crust. I can see wired cogs/wheels and stuff but the clouds close in and then we just hear these wired echo reverberating noises.
The dream scape's gone crazy since my last visit when it was being 'modernized' This dream.
I wander round the area taking it in...
The other DC's who live there are like refugees and one block of 3 houses has been ripped up to make a hole down into the earth. Another is collecting and burning rubbish to keep warm. There are 'puppets' going round broadcasting stuff for people to believe/understand... it's some 'organisation'
I get the dream message 'the truth is there for eyes that see'
Oh... another odd thing was that I had no shoes, I was walking bare foot... but had stuck bubble wrap round my soul's' - I think this is a message too.
((This is reminding me of first time I herd a disembodied voice
End of August 2011.
I had a dream I was riding in a wave of energy that's building and I hear and feel vibration. Then a voice inside my head says to me 'Don't worry, your a Guardian here too' later in the dream there was letters 'Indigo ray 11-11-11' written on a wall... and that I had people to go too, and I'd know them.
It was a really vivid dream; I woke up suddenly wide awake like it was something important. ---- Then that pesky ego told me I was delusional and I should take some medication I wasn't sure if it ment everyone was a guardian. It seemed like something really defiant I was being told.
Soo Last dream, was in Aunty S& E's house again.. this time they have 2 orphaned lambs and it's making them really happy to raise them. I'm describing to someone how to make a Fish-finger sandwich :/ and yet again.... hugging and holding a baby I don't know.
Thursday, 18 May 2017
Bug's and Gems.
First part of the night was singing bowls Tibetan ones.
Then an odd dream of being in a deep jungle, I'm trying to cross some water but it's not good for people. I nearly get across but the water moves round me and I need to go back. When I get back I pull leeches of me, I need to get tweezers and pull of tiny eggs that are in the wounds and also worms crawling into my skin. I'm annoyed cause I can't reach one on my back to remove the eggs.
This seems to be a reminder to me that there is no going back. :)
Next is a small green and yellow bird, it's wings are green and tummy yellow - it's not strong and I'm holding it as it talks to me.
Last dream was of gems and joining them to make names.
Adding dreams from the 19/5/17 here too - recall very fuzzy.
Protests, a performance and a bomb under the ground the area we are in is very busy... lots of people. We (me and team) know about the bomb and are trying to tell people, it's timed to go off.
We are trying to warn people but it's very hard to get anyone's attention... people don't want to suspect corruption, we are puzzled as there is evidence there.
Then another dream about a multi layer reality... It's also a school/lesson, the scene is a garden/countryside.... vivid green grass and big trees all spring green.. trodden paths threw the grass.
I'm taking part in a 'spell' me and male me are separate but working as one. I'm singing but I can sing in different layers so my voice is making harmony, layers of the song... while I sing we need to keep incense burning. It's dream magic.
Then an odd dream of being in a deep jungle, I'm trying to cross some water but it's not good for people. I nearly get across but the water moves round me and I need to go back. When I get back I pull leeches of me, I need to get tweezers and pull of tiny eggs that are in the wounds and also worms crawling into my skin. I'm annoyed cause I can't reach one on my back to remove the eggs.
This seems to be a reminder to me that there is no going back. :)
Next is a small green and yellow bird, it's wings are green and tummy yellow - it's not strong and I'm holding it as it talks to me.
Last dream was of gems and joining them to make names.
Adding dreams from the 19/5/17 here too - recall very fuzzy.
Protests, a performance and a bomb under the ground the area we are in is very busy... lots of people. We (me and team) know about the bomb and are trying to tell people, it's timed to go off.
We are trying to warn people but it's very hard to get anyone's attention... people don't want to suspect corruption, we are puzzled as there is evidence there.
Then another dream about a multi layer reality... It's also a school/lesson, the scene is a garden/countryside.... vivid green grass and big trees all spring green.. trodden paths threw the grass.
I'm taking part in a 'spell' me and male me are separate but working as one. I'm singing but I can sing in different layers so my voice is making harmony, layers of the song... while I sing we need to keep incense burning. It's dream magic.
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
Games, Baby's and Banking.
Dream starts on an Island with us laying on fine white sand.
I'm with a small group/team, we have met up to chat.
The team members are kids from my home village (on waking the thing that stands out is we all have our birth dates within in a 6week period)
The sky is a warm purple dusk I'm laying between the legs of one of the guys and we are all chatting conversationally. Around us snakes are coming in from the sea and laying eggs like turtles, Zak is wandering round too.
We are discussing totally crashing the worlds financial markets. This is with the specific aim of a 'reset' The accumulation of wealth by a some has become too much.
I'm up for helping but I want to know how it's to be stopped from happening over again as the few loaded people will still have reserves of sorts. We also discuss killing of the most wealth too but decide this could back fire as they are weirdly liked/worshipped by many and killing them would be unpopular.
We are all agreed that the currency and values must change - Silica and shells are talked of as a currency but I'm not comfortable with using something so alive. We are discussing people like they are domesticated cattle - which is odd given that it was a light hearted but serious chat and we fully intended to do what we were planning.
I'm also reluctant to crash stuff before we are sure we can create something better quickly so I'm not keen to 'burn it up' until we have an alternative direction as not to cause more suffering.
I wake it's around 2.30 am. -- Vision of pink grapefruit and rose quarts.
Back to sleep, similar scenario. I'm at my Aunty's house with my parents and something big has happened in the world. White people are very unpopular and most are laying low. I've been staying there but am ready to move on, I'm making beds up with clean sheets before I go. (This reminds me of the phrase 'you made your bed')
I leave the house, the world is in chaos - I watch a woman on a mobility scooter drive over a landmine.
Dream changes, I'm in a hummmm a castle that is also like a hotel. There is a room with a rave going on, my x Dom is the DJ in that room.
I'm in a cafe area with a play zone with lots and lots of infants and some mothers. I'm sitting on the floor among the children playing with them. A young girl has a baby boy in a toy pram and the baby is smiling at me and reaching out it's arms.
I look to his mum sitting on a bench of to the side with other mothers and she smiles her consent so I pick the child up.
In my arms I notice how prominent his bones I realise he's older but has some developmental problems - he's very sweet. White hair and blue eyes like his mother. I stand to take him back to her but when I've weaved my way threw the other children she's gone. The infant is content in my arms so I walk him round talking to him and showing him things, we look out onto a swimming area with kids playing and splashing, then threw the window into the rave.
All the dancers at the rave are kids too a little older, they've been dancing for hrs and the set is nearly finished the boy in my arms spots his sister and waves.
I tell him his Mama might be worried about him now and we should go find her. I walk back threw a hummm - well it's like a cross between a fast-food place and a very posh restaurant. It's also the end of the shift and the lights have come up bright... in the glare of the lights, the tired staff and mess of crap food are obvious and the posh glammer totally gone. I ask one of the staff if they could tell me the way back to the cafe lounge and he smiles and tells me 'Left, Left' as I leave the flow of people seems to be heading right so I follow them I can see the waiter behind me watching - he laughs and waves saying 'your a sharp one you'
I find my way back into the lounge cafe and look round for the infants mother - I see her putting on her daughters coat and pass the babe back to her wishing them all goodbye.
Most people are leaving now and I walk to the window the sky is filled with strange low wispy clouds and then giant snow flakes almost 1m across, they are beautiful! White yet iridescent too shining all the colours of the spectrum. The start to fall inside too... thick like a white fluffy web burying everyone. I consider struggling but instead surrender down into the white snow web, I start to meditate to conserve breath and energy as I'm buried in the white sticky web flakes. The floor below me softens and the web is below me now too.... it parts slowly like clouds and I'm up in the high atmosphere of another world. Falling threw clouds... I free-fall then pull in my arms and legs to drop like a stone.. watching the ground below me making a fractal mandala pattern getting larger and larger... the pattern is filled with 'eye's' over and over repeating.
I pull up a 10ft or so over the ground and land softly. I'm on a big game board... there are plastic and cardboard buildings that come up to about my thigh, they have clues on them.
I realise I'm the first person on this level so have an advantage so I head straight for the city bank. It's building that opens like a tool kit, I unfold the top to find a plastic magnifying glass - a pull out flap has some clues. The bottom half of the building is draws so I squat down to open one.
I feel someone behind me I turn my face to find my x partner behind me I smile and wake up as we are about to kiss.
Hummm... So thoughts... the baby them is similar to last nights dream where I was hugging another baby that I caught falling of a bed.
It's also fits with these dreams too.... oddly all joined.
First dream early on was about destabilising reality's and shifting
people as they collapse. 1000's of people are all on the move. I'm
being kept in a small group with a few others we are not prisoners but
we are shifting to much and are de-stabalising things more so it's best
if we stay together.
It reminded me of this dream....
In another I was in a big ravine or mountain pass where huge groups of people were being moved from island to island for there safety... but they were completely unaware that it was happening as everything was kept to appear the same.Next dream I'm in a wired city, it's very old fashioned and falling apart. There are holes in ceilings and walls... there is a 'lesson' going on in this city.
It looks like there has been a war or earthquake or something that made most of the people leave. There are a few of us there now. I'm with Mel & Dom, and the 3 of us are lovers, it's a very sexual dream but - we also seem to have a group of children of various ages following us, they all have deep purple t-shirts like they are in a kids sport team... we are shepherding them in some way (though we seem to be more leading them astray) A family come looking for one of the youngest children (he's only 3) So let them meet and talk to him so they can see that he is ok, but the kid is keen to stay with us... we are climbing in and out of the buildings.
I'm with a small group/team, we have met up to chat.
The team members are kids from my home village (on waking the thing that stands out is we all have our birth dates within in a 6week period)
The sky is a warm purple dusk I'm laying between the legs of one of the guys and we are all chatting conversationally. Around us snakes are coming in from the sea and laying eggs like turtles, Zak is wandering round too.
We are discussing totally crashing the worlds financial markets. This is with the specific aim of a 'reset' The accumulation of wealth by a some has become too much.
I'm up for helping but I want to know how it's to be stopped from happening over again as the few loaded people will still have reserves of sorts. We also discuss killing of the most wealth too but decide this could back fire as they are weirdly liked/worshipped by many and killing them would be unpopular.
We are all agreed that the currency and values must change - Silica and shells are talked of as a currency but I'm not comfortable with using something so alive. We are discussing people like they are domesticated cattle - which is odd given that it was a light hearted but serious chat and we fully intended to do what we were planning.
I'm also reluctant to crash stuff before we are sure we can create something better quickly so I'm not keen to 'burn it up' until we have an alternative direction as not to cause more suffering.
I wake it's around 2.30 am. -- Vision of pink grapefruit and rose quarts.
Back to sleep, similar scenario. I'm at my Aunty's house with my parents and something big has happened in the world. White people are very unpopular and most are laying low. I've been staying there but am ready to move on, I'm making beds up with clean sheets before I go. (This reminds me of the phrase 'you made your bed')
I leave the house, the world is in chaos - I watch a woman on a mobility scooter drive over a landmine.
Dream changes, I'm in a hummmm a castle that is also like a hotel. There is a room with a rave going on, my x Dom is the DJ in that room.
I'm in a cafe area with a play zone with lots and lots of infants and some mothers. I'm sitting on the floor among the children playing with them. A young girl has a baby boy in a toy pram and the baby is smiling at me and reaching out it's arms.
I look to his mum sitting on a bench of to the side with other mothers and she smiles her consent so I pick the child up.
In my arms I notice how prominent his bones I realise he's older but has some developmental problems - he's very sweet. White hair and blue eyes like his mother. I stand to take him back to her but when I've weaved my way threw the other children she's gone. The infant is content in my arms so I walk him round talking to him and showing him things, we look out onto a swimming area with kids playing and splashing, then threw the window into the rave.
All the dancers at the rave are kids too a little older, they've been dancing for hrs and the set is nearly finished the boy in my arms spots his sister and waves.
I tell him his Mama might be worried about him now and we should go find her. I walk back threw a hummm - well it's like a cross between a fast-food place and a very posh restaurant. It's also the end of the shift and the lights have come up bright... in the glare of the lights, the tired staff and mess of crap food are obvious and the posh glammer totally gone. I ask one of the staff if they could tell me the way back to the cafe lounge and he smiles and tells me 'Left, Left' as I leave the flow of people seems to be heading right so I follow them I can see the waiter behind me watching - he laughs and waves saying 'your a sharp one you'
I find my way back into the lounge cafe and look round for the infants mother - I see her putting on her daughters coat and pass the babe back to her wishing them all goodbye.
Most people are leaving now and I walk to the window the sky is filled with strange low wispy clouds and then giant snow flakes almost 1m across, they are beautiful! White yet iridescent too shining all the colours of the spectrum. The start to fall inside too... thick like a white fluffy web burying everyone. I consider struggling but instead surrender down into the white snow web, I start to meditate to conserve breath and energy as I'm buried in the white sticky web flakes. The floor below me softens and the web is below me now too.... it parts slowly like clouds and I'm up in the high atmosphere of another world. Falling threw clouds... I free-fall then pull in my arms and legs to drop like a stone.. watching the ground below me making a fractal mandala pattern getting larger and larger... the pattern is filled with 'eye's' over and over repeating.
I pull up a 10ft or so over the ground and land softly. I'm on a big game board... there are plastic and cardboard buildings that come up to about my thigh, they have clues on them.
I realise I'm the first person on this level so have an advantage so I head straight for the city bank. It's building that opens like a tool kit, I unfold the top to find a plastic magnifying glass - a pull out flap has some clues. The bottom half of the building is draws so I squat down to open one.
I feel someone behind me I turn my face to find my x partner behind me I smile and wake up as we are about to kiss.
Hummm... So thoughts... the baby them is similar to last nights dream where I was hugging another baby that I caught falling of a bed.
It's also fits with these dreams too.... oddly all joined.
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Shifting, and a Crumbling City.
It reminded me of this dream....
22 July 16
of dreams last night which seemed interesting but I could only remember
tiny bits of each. First one I was in India or Nepal on a mission
there were lots of temples that looked more Mayan than anything from
that region. In another I was in a big ravine or mountain pass where huge groups of people were being moved from island to island for there safety... but they were completely unaware that it was happening as everything was kept to appear the same.Next dream I'm in a wired city, it's very old fashioned and falling apart. There are holes in ceilings and walls... there is a 'lesson' going on in this city.
It looks like there has been a war or earthquake or something that made most of the people leave. There are a few of us there now. I'm with Mel & Dom, and the 3 of us are lovers, it's a very sexual dream but - we also seem to have a group of children of various ages following us, they all have deep purple t-shirts like they are in a kids sport team... we are shepherding them in some way (though we seem to be more leading them astray) A family come looking for one of the youngest children (he's only 3) So let them meet and talk to him so they can see that he is ok, but the kid is keen to stay with us... we are climbing in and out of the buildings.
Tuesday, 16 May 2017
Lovely Forset & Odd
Playing a world game... world is amazing I'm in a huge vivid green wood with impossibly tall trees, some of them seem to grow into each-other. They are arranged in small groups of 4 or 5 with large areas of soft grass and moss in-between.
The game is to do with flowers and seed heads and pods. Different types of flowers, I like the ones like dandelion clocks. I'm collecting some of them... it's wired as we know we are playing as an avatar, the world is so green and lovely. At one point we need to pick a faction; we have a home city, when we are in the home city we have different ability's we can't access while in the main game.
Next dream is wired.
Zak is there... and another of his small friends from nursery.
We are in a posh hotel room.
In this dreams he's taken his toddlerness to extreme and has pee'd on my pillow! His friend and her Mum are there, and a 3rd infant. The 3rd is younger has dark skin and eyes... Indian or Arabic colouring I guess. He crawls to the side of the bed and I dive and catch his head before it hits the floor. The baby giggles, it's just finding it's feet and I hold it's hands while it wobbles to standing, It comes towards me for a hug. While I'm hugging it, it turns into a middle age man I'm still hugging him, then he turns back into a baby.
The scene changes I'm still with the 2 toddlers and the other guys Mum too and now her father the other child's granddad has joined us too. They are all quite well off and we are in a nice plaza cafe.
It's evenign and the doors are open with tables outside. The table next to us a well dressed couple come in the woman is tall and grouchy looking.
The Granddad gets up to leave, bumping a chair slightly and this other woman tuts and roll's her eyes. I pick up a half eaten cream donut from one of the toddlers and chuck it so it hits her in the face. The waiter and everyone is quite shocked - I shrug and tell her I like the elderly man and she needs to pull her head out of her ass. After this I leave, now there is just me and the other Mum... we are travelling quickly threw this city to get to her home, when we arrive she introduces me to the 'staff' they are cats with human faces! One of them goes to fetch us drinks.
The game is to do with flowers and seed heads and pods. Different types of flowers, I like the ones like dandelion clocks. I'm collecting some of them... it's wired as we know we are playing as an avatar, the world is so green and lovely. At one point we need to pick a faction; we have a home city, when we are in the home city we have different ability's we can't access while in the main game.
Next dream is wired.
Zak is there... and another of his small friends from nursery.
We are in a posh hotel room.
In this dreams he's taken his toddlerness to extreme and has pee'd on my pillow! His friend and her Mum are there, and a 3rd infant. The 3rd is younger has dark skin and eyes... Indian or Arabic colouring I guess. He crawls to the side of the bed and I dive and catch his head before it hits the floor. The baby giggles, it's just finding it's feet and I hold it's hands while it wobbles to standing, It comes towards me for a hug. While I'm hugging it, it turns into a middle age man I'm still hugging him, then he turns back into a baby.
The scene changes I'm still with the 2 toddlers and the other guys Mum too and now her father the other child's granddad has joined us too. They are all quite well off and we are in a nice plaza cafe.
It's evenign and the doors are open with tables outside. The table next to us a well dressed couple come in the woman is tall and grouchy looking.
The Granddad gets up to leave, bumping a chair slightly and this other woman tuts and roll's her eyes. I pick up a half eaten cream donut from one of the toddlers and chuck it so it hits her in the face. The waiter and everyone is quite shocked - I shrug and tell her I like the elderly man and she needs to pull her head out of her ass. After this I leave, now there is just me and the other Mum... we are travelling quickly threw this city to get to her home, when we arrive she introduces me to the 'staff' they are cats with human faces! One of them goes to fetch us drinks.
Sunday, 14 May 2017
Underwater City.
Trying to sit an exam... but can't sit still. The setting is at my Aunty Sheila's house (another main dream zone) The exam is on vet nursing - I have 2 hrs, but I keep getting up and wandering round and don't write anything. There is also something going on outside the house and people are looking for a man who is outside the back of the row of property's.
Next is in my main dream house... It's a house my friend used to live in when I was a kid. She's not there and some people are having a party, I don't know them but I've been invited.
Inside the house is posh, dark wood and grey/brown walls there is one person I know and Piers Morgan (Yuck) and another famous person are there. Most are sitting round a large dark wood dining table filled with plates and glasss it's like a meal that just keeps going. Others are lounging on large leather sofas.
There is a massive bottle of champaign in the corner and all the people are all kinds very upper-class. I'm in the kitchen chatting to the host, she's going back to America soon. I give her a bottle of red wine I'm holding and I eat with them. After the meal I say good buy and leave.... I find myself in a soap shop, it's much more abstract.. the soaps are all different colours shapes and smells... I was possibly getting gifts.
I wake, but next dream is similar... it's about the logo for our new venture and Piers Morgan is there again, him and Ian are going to design the logo and we will pick what we prefer. We have given them quite specific instructions..
Next we are going on foot on a journey the weather is nice, we are to swim to an island and get something. The countryside and weather is lovely. There is also beautiful deep blue underground city in the lake we are crossing and I convince the other to make the journey 2 days so we can stay the night on the island and take time to explore the underwater city in the morning. I know the city and am remembering so I'm looking forward to revisiting it even though it's empty now.
Hummm, yesterdays penguin dream, and then the underwater city, I wonder if it's the one I lived in when the duality penguin took me for a swim??
Next is in my main dream house... It's a house my friend used to live in when I was a kid. She's not there and some people are having a party, I don't know them but I've been invited.
Inside the house is posh, dark wood and grey/brown walls there is one person I know and Piers Morgan (Yuck) and another famous person are there. Most are sitting round a large dark wood dining table filled with plates and glasss it's like a meal that just keeps going. Others are lounging on large leather sofas.
There is a massive bottle of champaign in the corner and all the people are all kinds very upper-class. I'm in the kitchen chatting to the host, she's going back to America soon. I give her a bottle of red wine I'm holding and I eat with them. After the meal I say good buy and leave.... I find myself in a soap shop, it's much more abstract.. the soaps are all different colours shapes and smells... I was possibly getting gifts.
I wake, but next dream is similar... it's about the logo for our new venture and Piers Morgan is there again, him and Ian are going to design the logo and we will pick what we prefer. We have given them quite specific instructions..
Next we are going on foot on a journey the weather is nice, we are to swim to an island and get something. The countryside and weather is lovely. There is also beautiful deep blue underground city in the lake we are crossing and I convince the other to make the journey 2 days so we can stay the night on the island and take time to explore the underwater city in the morning. I know the city and am remembering so I'm looking forward to revisiting it even though it's empty now.
Hummm, yesterdays penguin dream, and then the underwater city, I wonder if it's the one I lived in when the duality penguin took me for a swim??
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Strange Summoning
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