Monday 17th
Running up the hill where I normally run and all the horses there all running down the hill the other way, we are dodging each other. There is an odd outcrop of rocks in the dream on it stands a proff type guy with red curly hair.
At the top is vet Ann (She's not been in dreams for a while) We are talking about blood and ancestors. I'm seeing inside a horse and it's huge arteries coming from the heart... like this hose pipes full of bright red blood. Then I'm at an African street market looking at earings... they are pairs but not matching - complementary pairs.
Tuesday 18th
I'm in a town or city on a warm sunny day walking past a park/green where people are sitting and kids playing.
A black African woman sitting on the grass beacons me over, she's wearing a colourful gown and matching headwrap and has with her an old Lakeland terrier type of dog. The dog is overheating and angry, snapping at kids in need of a drink and shade. She askes me to bring her a bottle of water, I suggest she moves to the shade (There is the shad of some children play equipment close by) She doesn't want to move. I walk of irritated that she won't move the dog into the shade and wanting to not get the water... but the dog is thirsty and needs it.
I'm still thinking about this when I reach the 'shops' in each shop there is a Mama and daughter.. each shop is different and I'm in the role of the daughters when I enter the shops. The 2 I recall the best are an old fashioned style Indian takeaway it's closed but the dark carved wooden tables are set. Inside Hindi mama is dressed in a red/pink/purple gold-trimmed sari and has 3 daughters she is teaching us to sing in harmony and to blend our voices.
Another shop is an old fashioned hardware store feels American there is an older mother, white hair American accent her hair in a bun dressed in a long sky blue modest dress. Server and strict I'm her daughter working the shop but nothing is 'good enough' 'pleases her'.
Wed 19th
Hazy recall but the thing that stands out is an amazing outfit I had on. It's got the feel of fantasy female armour from a video game. I'm looking down at my body wearing it and how it feels rather than the full outfit. It's a dark brown/red/maroon colour. The short pants are almost like an insect exoskeleton layers folded over each other so they move together but are hard with foot coverings that are the same. Up the outside of my legs are a criss-cross of matching ribbon that holds items in place.
Thursday 20th
First dream... I was taking a child to a swimming lesson but I've missed it as I'd fallen asleep on my face on the changing room floor and slept there for hrs. I'm annoyed that the instructor didn't think to wake me up :)
Second dream
Then a very visual dream with lots of disconnected scenes that all feel like they are happening simultaneously.
It's a layered train station (Both in structure and my perception of it) There is the anticipation of the train arriving and a journey... There is a train coming that we are waiting for and we are lots and lots of people.
The station is separated into layers and rooms and has a huge mix of types of people... some just standing looking at the track, but most are in 'waiting rooms' or areas.
The 'waiting rooms' have very very different feels. One is like a working man's club, an old man is amongst the crowed in there, there is a bar and pool table, darts board. Tables are filled with ashtrays of lit cigarettes and glass mugs of beer around them it's noisy and friendly the people are joking and happy. One man I can see into his heart, there is a blockage that will cause a heart attack.. I move it.
On another layer I've left my dog, I go fetch him it's filled with other black and white dogs waiting for the train too.
Another stranger room has a bowl filled with urine, the bowl side is paper or very fine wood bark perhaps... it's soaking up the urine and bits of it are ripped off to be chewed and sucked. The urine is from a shaman who has taken a very powerful psychedelic - it will make people trip.
One room lower down is very posh, deep green walls and leather seats posh food is being prepared by a man in a suit behind a gold railed counter and small thin glasses of a sweet aniseed liquor like Pernod or ouzo it turns cloudy when water is added. This area had paper money, or plastic money... notes.
I'm on the platform to laying on my back on the slabbed platform floor beside the track, I have laying on my chest a sleeping infant of about 2 years old. He has light brown skin and wavey springy tightly curled light brown hair that I'm stroking as he sleeps. Felt mixed race - I'm looking over the track and on the other side above the platform on a winding hill are lots more people waiting, most of them are black African I think they have on tribal looking clothing, the hillside is sunny and sandy.
Then the last 'waiting' area I'm with a guy, we have one guy with us that we are going to beat up and we are taking him down a spiral stairwell that's going below the platform to do it. The guy we are going to beat is tall and skinny with blond short curled hair seems like he's on drugs. A guy on the platform catches my arm as we are escorting the guy down the stairs and tells us to go easy on him as he's 'out of it'.
got out of bed after this dream come into the kitchen where radio is on.... As I walked into the room Carlo Rovellie is
talking and saying how our need for better ‘time’ recognition was forced by ‘trains!!’ ..... then goes on saying ‘Time is about
your perception of it – we can’t synchronise time as it’s and the reality of
time as an entity is that it is much more similar to our perception of it’ 😝 I love it when the radio pops in a reference to
my dreams as I wake up!
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Sunday, 16 February 2020
Weekend's Dreams and an Odd Entity.
Friday 14th
(In family work)
I'm in an unfamiliar family home with lots of children some live there some don't. There was a large room, with a sofa down one wall. I think I might have been in the house before in dreams.
I pick up a toddler girl who has tripped and give her a hug and put her down on the floor again.
The second dream is also with young children - it's in an infant school I don't recognise but Jilly was a teacher there. The children are putting on shows/performances they have some incredible outfits and costumes. I'm amazed and saying to Jilly, wow look at all the costumes. Some of the kids are in blue soldier outfits and there is an incredible outfit for an orange hairy elephant (Mammoth meby) I see kids feet poking from under it but it's so lifelike and animated it makes me laugh. Another kid is a Dog there was a real 'fun' vibe.
Sat 15th
In a big urban area with such a strange mix of dwellings and buildings, shops and houses. Some that had been knocked down and rebuilt but with parts of the old buildings showing threw. It was such an odd miss-match of styles. It's the typical not night not daylight type of place. I felt a little out of place and not all that comfortable in an ally with 'local's' moving around.
I'm with Josh and Zak and we go into what is like an old fashioned furniture shop. It's selling a mix of stuff in this big showroom. We are sitting on a sofa for sale when an 'entity' approaches us.
Not like anything I'd seen before. It's peach/pink light colour about the size of a child's football when all stretched out. It's made of delicate membrane cones that seem to be connected in the centre so like lots of cones all coming from a centre to make a ball shape.... it floats and moves in the air as if it's underwater (think jellyfish) shimmering/breathing/dancing.
It reacted to peoples energy field so behaves and moves differently when it's close to each of us. The boys like it and it bounces around them bumping into them.... I wasn't sure about it, found it interesting but also a bit icky.
As we were leaving and I felt obliged for some reason to take it with us. We stood to leave and I reach out to touch it thinking meby I can drag it along with us. On contact, it senses my aversion to it and drops to the floor like a wet rag. I was surprised and realised how powerful our intentions/energy is. Woke here.
Sunday 16th
Back at my Grans house again, this time I'm in the bungalow. (Woke and went got up to feed kittens to stop them walking on my face then back into the same dream... )
I'm alone in her house... I've banked the fire and made a cheese sandwich in the kitchen - I'm sitting at her table looking out to sea and waiting for a bus that's going to come down and turn at the grass ring.
(Feed cats here)
I'm still at the house, but I'm reacting to the food I've eaten. I go into the bathroom and my lips have turned red, a ring around them, they are itchy and swelling and feel strange. Kids are with me now and rather than a bus it's a male who is coming. Driving from the south. (Had a father/lover vibe) possibly male me. I call an ambulance and tell them I'm in anaphylaxis, I can feel my eyes getting wired and my airways closing. It's moving across my brain from right to left too tunnel vision, I'm looking out of the window to the sea and it's dark and my vision is tunnelling more.
The next part seems to split so I'm experiencing lots of 'endings' one I'm laying on the floor in the dark I can feel the heat of the fire. Another Josh brings me inhaler but instead of Ventolin it's filled with seawater, another I leave the house with support from 2 women and walk am dragged threw the wet streets to meet the ambulance/car (I can only see lights in the dark)
(In family work)
I'm in an unfamiliar family home with lots of children some live there some don't. There was a large room, with a sofa down one wall. I think I might have been in the house before in dreams.
I pick up a toddler girl who has tripped and give her a hug and put her down on the floor again.
The second dream is also with young children - it's in an infant school I don't recognise but Jilly was a teacher there. The children are putting on shows/performances they have some incredible outfits and costumes. I'm amazed and saying to Jilly, wow look at all the costumes. Some of the kids are in blue soldier outfits and there is an incredible outfit for an orange hairy elephant (Mammoth meby) I see kids feet poking from under it but it's so lifelike and animated it makes me laugh. Another kid is a Dog there was a real 'fun' vibe.
Sat 15th
In a big urban area with such a strange mix of dwellings and buildings, shops and houses. Some that had been knocked down and rebuilt but with parts of the old buildings showing threw. It was such an odd miss-match of styles. It's the typical not night not daylight type of place. I felt a little out of place and not all that comfortable in an ally with 'local's' moving around.
I'm with Josh and Zak and we go into what is like an old fashioned furniture shop. It's selling a mix of stuff in this big showroom. We are sitting on a sofa for sale when an 'entity' approaches us.
Not like anything I'd seen before. It's peach/pink light colour about the size of a child's football when all stretched out. It's made of delicate membrane cones that seem to be connected in the centre so like lots of cones all coming from a centre to make a ball shape.... it floats and moves in the air as if it's underwater (think jellyfish) shimmering/breathing/dancing.
It reacted to peoples energy field so behaves and moves differently when it's close to each of us. The boys like it and it bounces around them bumping into them.... I wasn't sure about it, found it interesting but also a bit icky.
As we were leaving and I felt obliged for some reason to take it with us. We stood to leave and I reach out to touch it thinking meby I can drag it along with us. On contact, it senses my aversion to it and drops to the floor like a wet rag. I was surprised and realised how powerful our intentions/energy is. Woke here.
Sunday 16th
Back at my Grans house again, this time I'm in the bungalow. (Woke and went got up to feed kittens to stop them walking on my face then back into the same dream... )
I'm alone in her house... I've banked the fire and made a cheese sandwich in the kitchen - I'm sitting at her table looking out to sea and waiting for a bus that's going to come down and turn at the grass ring.
(Feed cats here)
I'm still at the house, but I'm reacting to the food I've eaten. I go into the bathroom and my lips have turned red, a ring around them, they are itchy and swelling and feel strange. Kids are with me now and rather than a bus it's a male who is coming. Driving from the south. (Had a father/lover vibe) possibly male me. I call an ambulance and tell them I'm in anaphylaxis, I can feel my eyes getting wired and my airways closing. It's moving across my brain from right to left too tunnel vision, I'm looking out of the window to the sea and it's dark and my vision is tunnelling more.
The next part seems to split so I'm experiencing lots of 'endings' one I'm laying on the floor in the dark I can feel the heat of the fire. Another Josh brings me inhaler but instead of Ventolin it's filled with seawater, another I leave the house with support from 2 women and walk am dragged threw the wet streets to meet the ambulance/car (I can only see lights in the dark)
Thursday, 13 February 2020
Walled Garden
Not the best recall as I had a tummy ache so didn't sleep well.
The first bit was something about a puzzle/crime
Then the dream I recall was an outdoor setting walled garden type of setting, the walls were a golden sandstone colour large smooth blocks, the floor too. There was a covered roof perspex shelter over one half where and there were roll mats blankets and cushions for sleeping under the sheltered area, large soil beds filled with large-leaved plants & vines and big potted plants all over too.
It was relaxed and cosy. We were reading, chilling sleeping and talking. Nothing much happened - in one part of the garden was a long low table with rugs around it to sit on. We shared a meal there, like a Chinese takeaway in tubs. We ate with chopsticks from the tubs. No sunlight but not dark either, the garden was lit subtly from the walls so it was cosy and glowing. There was rain at one point too, light... I was watching it hit the clear roof shelter and run down it. We seemed to be 4-5 adults including me and Zak was with me too.
Second dream
A presentation, it felt religious it's in a modern type of church. Modern stained glass and light polished beechwood doors...though it was open, no ceiling to speak of and inside there were displays more like an art installation. I'm in a large crowd waiting to go in and look at the displays and hear a talk. I float up a foot or so of the ground to get a better view (People around me look at me as I move up but floating is nothing to unusual)
The first bit was something about a puzzle/crime
Then the dream I recall was an outdoor setting walled garden type of setting, the walls were a golden sandstone colour large smooth blocks, the floor too. There was a covered roof perspex shelter over one half where and there were roll mats blankets and cushions for sleeping under the sheltered area, large soil beds filled with large-leaved plants & vines and big potted plants all over too.
It was relaxed and cosy. We were reading, chilling sleeping and talking. Nothing much happened - in one part of the garden was a long low table with rugs around it to sit on. We shared a meal there, like a Chinese takeaway in tubs. We ate with chopsticks from the tubs. No sunlight but not dark either, the garden was lit subtly from the walls so it was cosy and glowing. There was rain at one point too, light... I was watching it hit the clear roof shelter and run down it. We seemed to be 4-5 adults including me and Zak was with me too.
Second dream
A presentation, it felt religious it's in a modern type of church. Modern stained glass and light polished beechwood doors...though it was open, no ceiling to speak of and inside there were displays more like an art installation. I'm in a large crowd waiting to go in and look at the displays and hear a talk. I float up a foot or so of the ground to get a better view (People around me look at me as I move up but floating is nothing to unusual)
Wednesday, 12 February 2020
1960's Dreams.
The first dream I lived in a flat above a shop in a town, I was selling and experimenting with psychedelics & piercings.
Next dream -
I've arrived by train to a place I'd been living. (Residential school/lesson) I go into a shared dwelling where I had lived and am looking threw the cupboards there.
It's 60-70's style, mid-century - lots of orange and wood. The room has a high up long horozontal window that lets in light but not much view.
There were 3 beds and wooden arm/easy chair by each and a vanity unit/desk.
There is a kitchenette type of area along one wall, with a sink and some storage and I'm looking threw at things I used to own.
The new occupants are all female and one comes in and asks me if I'm lost.
I tell her I used to live here last year and just came back to get something.... though I didn't really want or take any of the stuff.
Then I want to say 'Jane' appears (Drug councillor from A level Halls) she's younger than when I knew her. She's in her early 20's her clothing fit the 60's too and she's one of the early hippies.
It's lovely to see her, she's staying here and we hug. While we are hugging I get that thing again that's been in a few dreams of late... very very high sky only this time it's layered like an onion and we are all on all of the layers - We are both viewing sharing the same vision and understanding of 'finding a level' (This was like interactions we were sharing in other realities
As I'm leaving I say to the girls. 'Enjoy! time here is precious and goes so fast'
Next dream -
I've arrived by train to a place I'd been living. (Residential school/lesson) I go into a shared dwelling where I had lived and am looking threw the cupboards there.
It's 60-70's style, mid-century - lots of orange and wood. The room has a high up long horozontal window that lets in light but not much view.
There were 3 beds and wooden arm/easy chair by each and a vanity unit/desk.
There is a kitchenette type of area along one wall, with a sink and some storage and I'm looking threw at things I used to own.
The new occupants are all female and one comes in and asks me if I'm lost.
I tell her I used to live here last year and just came back to get something.... though I didn't really want or take any of the stuff.
Then I want to say 'Jane' appears (Drug councillor from A level Halls) she's younger than when I knew her. She's in her early 20's her clothing fit the 60's too and she's one of the early hippies.
It's lovely to see her, she's staying here and we hug. While we are hugging I get that thing again that's been in a few dreams of late... very very high sky only this time it's layered like an onion and we are all on all of the layers - We are both viewing sharing the same vision and understanding of 'finding a level' (This was like interactions we were sharing in other realities
As I'm leaving I say to the girls. 'Enjoy! time here is precious and goes so fast'
Tuesday, 11 February 2020
Time Jumping Dream
First dream was a double-decker bus. Wired inside, not many windows and white partitions - I think it had a bathroom too. Can't remember much else.
Second Dream. Swimming in deep water in either a huge pool or sea. On each side are massive cliffs. A narrow channel of water, the dark night the sky seems very far away... it then merges into almost a shop/superstore but the water goes up and around and into it. People are shopping but I'm swimming in the water watching from below.
The third dream jumps about in time but set in a large stately manor house. At first, I'm there investigating a haunting/ghost. The building is empty and dark and there is an energy/ghost there that scares people. It's around a staircase ornate wooden caved that comes from a landing 2 ways.. like splits. Fancy and beautiful but the house is derelict now and the energy there is angry and jagged.
I go back threw time to hummm 1920-30's ish. 'Flapper' style. The house is buzzing constant party and drink and social events. I'm the wife of the 'ghost' he's alive and my husband. I'm sometimes in the wife's body and sometimes observing them. I'm blond and flapper style, with the wired hats, he's dark-haired and 'smooth' - we argue a lot and drink a lot, it's fun too. He died there falling/jumping from the balcony and he has hung about there angry since. I'm jumping threw times, before... after during. I was very lucid too, I could speak to the couple as a 3rd person as well as experience being them... we were viewing the events of there life there. I 'fly' with them too - remind them how to do it, (This was like the clock tower dream black/white smoke twisting and weaving in and out of each other and up and up and up)
Second Dream. Swimming in deep water in either a huge pool or sea. On each side are massive cliffs. A narrow channel of water, the dark night the sky seems very far away... it then merges into almost a shop/superstore but the water goes up and around and into it. People are shopping but I'm swimming in the water watching from below.
The third dream jumps about in time but set in a large stately manor house. At first, I'm there investigating a haunting/ghost. The building is empty and dark and there is an energy/ghost there that scares people. It's around a staircase ornate wooden caved that comes from a landing 2 ways.. like splits. Fancy and beautiful but the house is derelict now and the energy there is angry and jagged.
I go back threw time to hummm 1920-30's ish. 'Flapper' style. The house is buzzing constant party and drink and social events. I'm the wife of the 'ghost' he's alive and my husband. I'm sometimes in the wife's body and sometimes observing them. I'm blond and flapper style, with the wired hats, he's dark-haired and 'smooth' - we argue a lot and drink a lot, it's fun too. He died there falling/jumping from the balcony and he has hung about there angry since. I'm jumping threw times, before... after during. I was very lucid too, I could speak to the couple as a 3rd person as well as experience being them... we were viewing the events of there life there. I 'fly' with them too - remind them how to do it, (This was like the clock tower dream black/white smoke twisting and weaving in and out of each other and up and up and up)
Monday, 10 February 2020
China Dreams,
9th Feb
The first dream was like a game world. China, UK, Russia, US were all schools on this game world each had different rules. It was really childish and immature.
The UK hated me, and I'd broken the rules there so I was going into the 'China' school to 'hide' from the UK. I'd broken some petty rule that made the china school take me in... so I could hide from the UK for a while. The UK was angry about it.
- Next dream is foggy... Again it's got a school/learning vibe. I'm collecting things for people.. and someone has swallowed a 5p piece. There is a large sports field with football games and a music studio where they are performing the Lion king.
The things I'm collecting all start with P. Paracetamol, frozen Peas and Prednisolone - I think someone was in pain and wanted them all. On the way back going threw a crowded refectory area I manage to drop the tables and am looking on the floor for them by some big double floors.
The carpets are that cheap dark blue cordy looking rough stuff and they are really grubby. Stuff is trampled into them making it hard to look. Emma is with me also looking at the floor and she spots someone's hash that's been dropped and quickly pockets it very pleased with her self.
I still can't find the tablets when I wake up.
10th Feb
Back in China (or well it was in my dream) It's high... like the dreamscape had no sky, just went up and up. It's night and we have a guide. 2 of us, (Possibly male+female me) we are being taken to see areas of learning & lessons. I see yoga teacher Rowena taking a class in a river by a waterfall.
Then the dream blends into a space of China & Aus... and I'm with (duno her name... is from AU) anyway we are going into a space, it's a walk/journey... shamanic, Like a psychedelic journey. I'm seeing it within and without... Shaman, and voyager.
The first dream was like a game world. China, UK, Russia, US were all schools on this game world each had different rules. It was really childish and immature.
The UK hated me, and I'd broken the rules there so I was going into the 'China' school to 'hide' from the UK. I'd broken some petty rule that made the china school take me in... so I could hide from the UK for a while. The UK was angry about it.
- Next dream is foggy... Again it's got a school/learning vibe. I'm collecting things for people.. and someone has swallowed a 5p piece. There is a large sports field with football games and a music studio where they are performing the Lion king.
The things I'm collecting all start with P. Paracetamol, frozen Peas and Prednisolone - I think someone was in pain and wanted them all. On the way back going threw a crowded refectory area I manage to drop the tables and am looking on the floor for them by some big double floors.
The carpets are that cheap dark blue cordy looking rough stuff and they are really grubby. Stuff is trampled into them making it hard to look. Emma is with me also looking at the floor and she spots someone's hash that's been dropped and quickly pockets it very pleased with her self.
I still can't find the tablets when I wake up.
10th Feb
Back in China (or well it was in my dream) It's high... like the dreamscape had no sky, just went up and up. It's night and we have a guide. 2 of us, (Possibly male+female me) we are being taken to see areas of learning & lessons. I see yoga teacher Rowena taking a class in a river by a waterfall.
Then the dream blends into a space of China & Aus... and I'm with (duno her name... is from AU) anyway we are going into a space, it's a walk/journey... shamanic, Like a psychedelic journey. I'm seeing it within and without... Shaman, and voyager.
Saturday, 8 February 2020
Outside Camps & a Split Sky.
8th Feb
The first dream I'm out at night. It's a place with a feel of a music festival or summer fair. Warm evening, the fun has stopped and people are asleep on the grass in groups. Embers of campfires and moonlight show the shapes of sleeping people rugs and blankets. It's oddly timeless too.
I was surprised that everyone was asleep.
Leave there and walk threw a big gated green space, a garden of a big house or an old gated town park - It's still night and I'm still alone.
I go into a wired stone pavilion with domes and openings in the roof. (Not really like anything I've seen before) I look up to the night sky and when I do the sky is moving so fast I'm falling sideways till I hit a wall. I was disorientated so stay on the ground to look up again.
This is visually amazing, and pretty indescribable. It's like the sky has been ripped apart and I can see layers of the atmosphere or something.... if the sky was like a layered jelly and it had been cut and pulled apart. In the middle is grey but alive. I was just kind of in awe of what I was looking at.
Running threw a dark forest, it's so dark or I couldn't open my eyes and the ground is very wet. I've got bare feet and they are sinking into the mud, the sharp bits of twig and stones in the mud scrape at my cold feet - I grab a tree to help me threw a wet patch and the tree is burning. Like a log on a fire, it doesn't burn but crumbles when I grab it.
Next dream I'm outside again, this time I'm with a group. A gypsy traveller feel. Painted carts and caravans, craftsmen and tinkers. A woman making outfits for a dance from coloured beads. I'm friends with a guy in a green waistcoat making a small shelf from reclaimed wood. Children are learning a dance that they will do in the beaded clothing. Music too. It was friendly, I had cards read for people, but I was helping to sew the beads for the outfits.
The first dream I'm out at night. It's a place with a feel of a music festival or summer fair. Warm evening, the fun has stopped and people are asleep on the grass in groups. Embers of campfires and moonlight show the shapes of sleeping people rugs and blankets. It's oddly timeless too.
I was surprised that everyone was asleep.
Leave there and walk threw a big gated green space, a garden of a big house or an old gated town park - It's still night and I'm still alone.
I go into a wired stone pavilion with domes and openings in the roof. (Not really like anything I've seen before) I look up to the night sky and when I do the sky is moving so fast I'm falling sideways till I hit a wall. I was disorientated so stay on the ground to look up again.
This is visually amazing, and pretty indescribable. It's like the sky has been ripped apart and I can see layers of the atmosphere or something.... if the sky was like a layered jelly and it had been cut and pulled apart. In the middle is grey but alive. I was just kind of in awe of what I was looking at.
Running threw a dark forest, it's so dark or I couldn't open my eyes and the ground is very wet. I've got bare feet and they are sinking into the mud, the sharp bits of twig and stones in the mud scrape at my cold feet - I grab a tree to help me threw a wet patch and the tree is burning. Like a log on a fire, it doesn't burn but crumbles when I grab it.
Next dream I'm outside again, this time I'm with a group. A gypsy traveller feel. Painted carts and caravans, craftsmen and tinkers. A woman making outfits for a dance from coloured beads. I'm friends with a guy in a green waistcoat making a small shelf from reclaimed wood. Children are learning a dance that they will do in the beaded clothing. Music too. It was friendly, I had cards read for people, but I was helping to sew the beads for the outfits.
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Woods & Worlds
16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them. Night before last I was on a fire engine. It was playin...
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