I should have written these earlier in the day as my recalls not so good now.
The first dream was with dogs to start, lots of them breeds I'd not met before and some I have many were breeding pairs nice looking :)
The main event in this dream was an 'advert' it was something 'set' up too look real, but was staged for attention. It was going to be shared on social media.
The set up was a mother, dead I think. The characters were Asian mainly female and the younger female was to cry over her mother's body. It was odd as I was watching from above and then when she was to cry I joined her and we wept together.... the pain and the crying were real, it was the pain of every woman, the pain of the earth and her 'pain - grief' wasn't staged but very real. 'The cry for the Mama for the goddess' - the hurt and separation was so real that it makes a ripple... a big ripple, that spreads.
The advert is spread and shared, not for it's original purpose but for the ripple of sadness and longing that the cry represented.
The ripple spreads out and it calls to all and they all want to 'come' and just 'be' Thousands and thousands are arriving and more are hearing the call.
- I woke suddenly at 444 - It had felt very real.
Took me a while to fall back asleep and the dreams were so very different.
First, of there are couples having sex in cars... but they are in fancy dress. Then the men notice and are freaked out..... but the women were aware of the 'others' all along.
Next up a fat kid, he's nekid and his skin is strange. I wondered if he'd been beaten he has a blanket and family. His family are playing solitaire with cards.
A group like scouts/guides and they do stuff to collect badges. The badges are like Startreck communicators. Metal and glowing (Setting is like some ancient temple ruins MAYA meby) I've been given one I didn't know I was working for/towards.
It's got a sort of gold triangle that has a wiggly but then an angular spiral below... the gold glows and runs like liquid fire. Not many people have the badge I have as it's given to people who gain an objective but go about it in an abnormal or different way... and don't realise they are doing it.
Next was wired/hazy/far something about a 'male god' -cross.. come back ???? then stuff I can't make out?
The last dream is main dream area not familiar though it's a sort of reversed flipped version of it I've not visited in a long time.
A party, a house party but not at a house it's at a shop/cafe/arcade and it's a turn-up and bring your own stuff do. There is a bar in the cafe, the party is to spill out into the streets.
More and more people are showing up and the vibe is wired, many of them are 'not with it' Unhinged, out of it or psychotic. Thinks are getting set alight and one woman is smashing the place up as we don't have the tonic she likes. She starts beating up people... killing them and then eating there flesh. It's very wired. I'm on the run... lol but I can't run, it's one of them things I used to get lots as a kid where you can't run only crawl and you can't see properly either. I was trying to get to Irene's house (Again Irene??) Seem to be dreaming my way threw all my Auntys :P Anyhoo I was trying to get there. It wasn't a nightmare but it certainly had an unpleasant vibe to it.
Wake and sleep again....Then there just wired visions. A mother/father deity unity and then many children who are 'defiant' and split to go own way (killing hurting each other in a journey back together again)
Saturday, 2 May 2020
Friday, 1 May 2020
Should Have listend to the Rattly Door
First 'dreams' early on - underground rivers or sewers... waterways anyway, underground networks, there is a sense of a 'wash out' 'Wash threw' due. Number 8. If things aren't in a good place or tied down they will be washed away with the flow.
The dream is one that words will never do justice too it's a long 'big' dream - all underground. Not describable in any common reference as it's so abstract but also 'real'.
There are tracks like minecarts. There are spaces so wide the sides can't be seen... there are rainbow sulfur pools, swamp lakes and spaces lit by crystals and glowing liquid.
Caverns vast and deep with honeycombed rooms. Rooms that open into central plazas like a fantastical victorian dolls houses.
The walls of rooms revolve and move like the stairs in Hogwarts. The huge banks of stone walls filled with rooms are rotating and in each stone room a scene... a family, story, play.
Between the walls of rotating stone, are common spaces almost like fairytale ballrooms, carved wooden balconies and elaborate staircases allow access to the burrow like rooms when their position is right. High glowing chandeliers and candelabras light the gloomy earthen halls in glowing colours. The whole space has an air of ceremony and celebration. It was like an upside-down faraway tree.
The flow of the dream is hard to tell as I woke and slept back into it a few times. I'd arrived via a minecart over bumpy tracks. My first sharp focus is a cave-like room... Like the ones carves from the rotating caverns. My room is soft and wide and I'm sat upon a rough wooden bed with natural linen and fur blankets the room is softly lit by wall candles and a fireplace.. it's a 'hunters room'.
Opposite the bed and above the fireplace is an elaborate spooky wooden door.. a little like a loft space access to an old attic.
The room itself is cosy and warm and comfortable on the bed, with me are 2 small boys, one a baby one almost 2, in the room there are animals as well, a goat/ moose type creature with what looks like fairy lights woven around its soft horns. The horned creature is nosing the baby who is sitting in an old wooden cradle at the foot of the bed.
Pushed against the left-hand is an ancient carved wooden bench with a red velvet seat, on the bench, the cat is sleeping with the older child. Above the bench, silken party clothes and fine lace cloth are hung on rough wooden hooks banged into the raw stone wall and a large shaggy dog sleeps on an animal skin rug spread over the stone floor.
I'm observing the room when the door above the fireplace starts to clatter. I recall that it does this, there is a 'ghost' that bangs the door, flickers the lights. In the dream, I'm recalling other dreams of ghosts/shards/missing bits being 'noisy'
The door is normally just annoying 'rattling and banging' but while laying in the bed I hear it speak clearly... It says.... 'I can take you into the earth'
I'm not afraid of it but I'm dismissive of its approach, it's been frightening and irritating in the past and I'm reluctant to trust and I tell it 'I can find my own way'
On retrospect, this seems stupid..... I've had tinnitus since I was a teenager and know I have guidance with interference.....lately I've been telling it to speak clearly..... but I'm also super stubborn. I'm kind of thinking I should have listened to the rattly door! (Sorry door- I'll try and remember next time to come in! )
Adamant to find my own way I leave the cosy room and two infants and head into the dark earth tunnel that leads to one of the central spaces.
It's amazing, huge and wide with hundreds of cave rooms open on one side like a muddle of a stately home, cross-section ant farm and ancient dolls house. I sort of realised how cool it was at the time but seemed quite intent on what I was doing and that was to find the room with my brother in.
Many of my Mums sisters were there dressed like Grims fairy tale characters I speak to them and they try to explain the tunnels I need to take, Irene tries to lead me threw but the tunnels change sizes like Alice in Wonderland rabbit holes and it's impossible to follow her and I find myself lost again.
There are giants and dwarfs but I can't work out if It's me or my surroundings that are changing sizes.
This bit blurry as I'm in a sulfa pool, I was on a track and fell off. The waters are rainbow and warm, my clothes are wet and the water is too hot to be comfortable so I scramble out to the side. The pools smell strong and overpowering. The minecarts rattle past and I follow them till I find a pirate ship (The it's more hazy and jumbled as I'm getting woken by kittens/binmen)
I've lost a key and it's important. I need the key.. There is a boy in old-style tweed shorts and braces, he's a friend. He wants to help me find the key and we remember the sulfa pools and perhaps it fell from my pocket there (my pocket was also old like victorian style bloomers) We, me and the boy are children. Back at the pool, we find the key, and then another... and we jump.
An old city, old Grocers with hand made and painted wooden shelving.. this is tinned meat time... War perhaps. We are in the grocer's store it's cold and bare with a small window and thick stone walls. In the store is old stuff like- tinned meat and there is a strange painted door that goes down into a tunnel system that we use. There is a link to the Kennedy family and something about a group linked to a 'blue scarf' (Throat?)
Down in the rooms below the shop, is a group of kids...mainly boys and we need to find the keys I lost in the rainbow sulfa pool. We are jumping now, the pool has the keys, and then the caves... there is an ipad so modern it can make water flow like a tap.
Then it's wired as I'm more 'awake' Merkal & facemasks, Trade Deals.. hidden tec and 'Atol'
The dream is one that words will never do justice too it's a long 'big' dream - all underground. Not describable in any common reference as it's so abstract but also 'real'.
There are tracks like minecarts. There are spaces so wide the sides can't be seen... there are rainbow sulfur pools, swamp lakes and spaces lit by crystals and glowing liquid.
Caverns vast and deep with honeycombed rooms. Rooms that open into central plazas like a fantastical victorian dolls houses.
The walls of rooms revolve and move like the stairs in Hogwarts. The huge banks of stone walls filled with rooms are rotating and in each stone room a scene... a family, story, play.
Between the walls of rotating stone, are common spaces almost like fairytale ballrooms, carved wooden balconies and elaborate staircases allow access to the burrow like rooms when their position is right. High glowing chandeliers and candelabras light the gloomy earthen halls in glowing colours. The whole space has an air of ceremony and celebration. It was like an upside-down faraway tree.
The flow of the dream is hard to tell as I woke and slept back into it a few times. I'd arrived via a minecart over bumpy tracks. My first sharp focus is a cave-like room... Like the ones carves from the rotating caverns. My room is soft and wide and I'm sat upon a rough wooden bed with natural linen and fur blankets the room is softly lit by wall candles and a fireplace.. it's a 'hunters room'.
Opposite the bed and above the fireplace is an elaborate spooky wooden door.. a little like a loft space access to an old attic.
The room itself is cosy and warm and comfortable on the bed, with me are 2 small boys, one a baby one almost 2, in the room there are animals as well, a goat/ moose type creature with what looks like fairy lights woven around its soft horns. The horned creature is nosing the baby who is sitting in an old wooden cradle at the foot of the bed.
Pushed against the left-hand is an ancient carved wooden bench with a red velvet seat, on the bench, the cat is sleeping with the older child. Above the bench, silken party clothes and fine lace cloth are hung on rough wooden hooks banged into the raw stone wall and a large shaggy dog sleeps on an animal skin rug spread over the stone floor.
I'm observing the room when the door above the fireplace starts to clatter. I recall that it does this, there is a 'ghost' that bangs the door, flickers the lights. In the dream, I'm recalling other dreams of ghosts/shards/missing bits being 'noisy'
The door is normally just annoying 'rattling and banging' but while laying in the bed I hear it speak clearly... It says.... 'I can take you into the earth'
I'm not afraid of it but I'm dismissive of its approach, it's been frightening and irritating in the past and I'm reluctant to trust and I tell it 'I can find my own way'
On retrospect, this seems stupid..... I've had tinnitus since I was a teenager and know I have guidance with interference.....lately I've been telling it to speak clearly..... but I'm also super stubborn. I'm kind of thinking I should have listened to the rattly door! (Sorry door- I'll try and remember next time to come in! )
Adamant to find my own way I leave the cosy room and two infants and head into the dark earth tunnel that leads to one of the central spaces.
It's amazing, huge and wide with hundreds of cave rooms open on one side like a muddle of a stately home, cross-section ant farm and ancient dolls house. I sort of realised how cool it was at the time but seemed quite intent on what I was doing and that was to find the room with my brother in.
Many of my Mums sisters were there dressed like Grims fairy tale characters I speak to them and they try to explain the tunnels I need to take, Irene tries to lead me threw but the tunnels change sizes like Alice in Wonderland rabbit holes and it's impossible to follow her and I find myself lost again.
There are giants and dwarfs but I can't work out if It's me or my surroundings that are changing sizes.
This bit blurry as I'm in a sulfa pool, I was on a track and fell off. The waters are rainbow and warm, my clothes are wet and the water is too hot to be comfortable so I scramble out to the side. The pools smell strong and overpowering. The minecarts rattle past and I follow them till I find a pirate ship (The it's more hazy and jumbled as I'm getting woken by kittens/binmen)
I've lost a key and it's important. I need the key.. There is a boy in old-style tweed shorts and braces, he's a friend. He wants to help me find the key and we remember the sulfa pools and perhaps it fell from my pocket there (my pocket was also old like victorian style bloomers) We, me and the boy are children. Back at the pool, we find the key, and then another... and we jump.
An old city, old Grocers with hand made and painted wooden shelving.. this is tinned meat time... War perhaps. We are in the grocer's store it's cold and bare with a small window and thick stone walls. In the store is old stuff like- tinned meat and there is a strange painted door that goes down into a tunnel system that we use. There is a link to the Kennedy family and something about a group linked to a 'blue scarf' (Throat?)
Down in the rooms below the shop, is a group of kids...mainly boys and we need to find the keys I lost in the rainbow sulfa pool. We are jumping now, the pool has the keys, and then the caves... there is an ipad so modern it can make water flow like a tap.
Then it's wired as I'm more 'awake' Merkal & facemasks, Trade Deals.. hidden tec and 'Atol'
Thursday, 30 April 2020
Tingly Tower
29th April
A long dream - Hazy someone was annoyed with me. They had seen me gasping for air and been worried, but then when they found out who I was they were angry with themselves for being worried... (this was due to them not linking me)
Another dream of a wall of bathroom tiles, it was like a terrace of houses had been demolished and all way left were the back bathroom walls with tiles, each block had similar size but different styled tiles, some elaborate and patterns with shapes, others just blocked colours. A man takes a sledgehammer to try and get some off but he breaks the whole wall..... behind it is a nest/house made from twigs and sticks and some strange furry creatures that were like wired humanoid monkey things with pointed noses.
30th April
Very visually beautiful dream first - Nothing happens really, I was just observing and remembering.
I'm in a very strange coastal city it rolls down a valley and there is sea beyond but hidden behind huge cliffs. The geology is like nothing I've seen on earth and the city too is both familiar but otherworldly.
The sea can be seen from a large finger of land that projects out of the huge arms of grassland. I'll have to try and draw it. It was like the valley of rocks might have looked millions of years ago before the land eroded and left just the rocks.
The city is clean, style unfamiliar and there is a huge silver metal tower it's sending a signal and when I get close to it I feel my uterus tingling. Some kind of radiation comes from it, I don't like the feeling so keep out of the line of sight of it when I can. Others are going closer but it feels wrong.
Apart from the massive Pylon signal tower are 2 sites I focus on.
On the left arm of land at the base of the huge cliffs there is an ancient mine entrance... it' was a foundry where lava would flow like water, I can see back threw time to when humanoids used it and worked down there (Like a fantasy dwarven underground mining/city)
There was an accident a collapse/cave-in, and the death of thousands, it's now a monument/remembrance. The land arm to the right leads across the border to another jurisdiction where the geology is very flat with ponds, lakes, pools connected by grassland bridges and dwellings raised on legs.
The remains of a ruined castle/tower are crumbling on this right arm, waterfalls pour out of the massive cliffs behind. It was a magic tower.... perhaps like a fantasy elven tower, but it's ruined now too I can look back to see it at it's prime how it guarded the border as the only pass to the city from the wetlands beyond.
Next dream
A school on a train. It's ultra-modern made of a strange light purple material like plastic. There is no outside. The class has finished and the train is almost empty there are strange controls on the ceiling to control the atmosphere. The train has reached 'the end of the line' I feel the carriage picked up and moved to a different line.
The last dream was a blond person, in a tracksuit in a very modern world, they are androgynous. In a hall, a combination of martial art and dance.
Tuesday, 28 April 2020
Odd sleep, due to a sick dog and massive kitten.
A colourful space and 2 dragons one black one blue weaving... then inside us and wooosh and buzz.
Wired pause 'A step to the side, Integrate'
Later I'm viewing a red grid. A framework then a grid and then another grid in a grid-like a tesseract so the whole lattice is moving and breathing. - HYPERSPACE
I'm seeing shapes born from the lattice... this was like Islamic mandalas in 3d.
Lastly was a jumbled dream. The only thing I really recall was a man annoyed at me, I was walking to a door suffocating.. he had seen me from behind and been worried about me. As I shifted a block in my throat/ lungs I didn't pass threw the door. The male recognised me and then was angry with himself for worrying about me.... as he didn't like me. I remember feeling exasperated and dismissive as I barged past him.
Monday, 27 April 2020
SolAs & YinYangs
27th April
The first part of the night was jumbled and fast and mad mad stuff. Fractal dragons purple-blue iridescent scales - Predestined... Fast conversations but nothing I could bring back.
Dream dust like coils all twisting together. A Name... Solas - Sol-ace Solace / Free / Entity chat too.
The first part of the night was jumbled and fast and mad mad stuff. Fractal dragons purple-blue iridescent scales - Predestined... Fast conversations but nothing I could bring back.
Dream dust like coils all twisting together. A Name... Solas - Sol-ace Solace / Free / Entity chat too.
Dreams were odd too, I was trying to journey but I had lots of 'baggage' and the trains were to fast and wired - and the connections were difficult and routes unreliable.
I had too much luggage too even in the dream I was wondering what it was and why I had it all this baggage as it wasn't mine. I was moving it for someone.
Anyhoo first part for the dream is a really fast wired train purple and box-like and it moved so fast I kept falling out the back and having to port back onto it. On the train I'm with Becks who I've not been in touch within years.. we are chatting mainly about polarity and as we chat we are manifesting yin-yang balls with following torus energy.
We were in a place where the female had peeled away and there was nothing to brace/hold the construct so it was spinning of and away. We were talking visually and mentally with the energy balls we were manifesting. We were adding back the female to brace and stabilise the torus shapes to help them hold together. That name SolAce was here. It was like 'one-sun' or something.
I leave the 'train' in a dreamscape with Amy, the sky is a night/purple but it's day time. I still have this huge metal trolly full of dirty laundry. Not mine, I'm taking it to be cleaned. (felt like them sort of thing a large hotel might use to clear rooms)
I'm pushing it over bumpy damp cobbled streets. I think I was going in and out of banks... it was all very odd.
In another part of the dream, I was laying on the roof of a van driving on a motorway in a strange modern city looking up into the sky where there where massive fuzzy black bats with green cat eyes looking down on me :)
I had too much luggage too even in the dream I was wondering what it was and why I had it all this baggage as it wasn't mine. I was moving it for someone.
Anyhoo first part for the dream is a really fast wired train purple and box-like and it moved so fast I kept falling out the back and having to port back onto it. On the train I'm with Becks who I've not been in touch within years.. we are chatting mainly about polarity and as we chat we are manifesting yin-yang balls with following torus energy.
We were in a place where the female had peeled away and there was nothing to brace/hold the construct so it was spinning of and away. We were talking visually and mentally with the energy balls we were manifesting. We were adding back the female to brace and stabilise the torus shapes to help them hold together. That name SolAce was here. It was like 'one-sun' or something.
I leave the 'train' in a dreamscape with Amy, the sky is a night/purple but it's day time. I still have this huge metal trolly full of dirty laundry. Not mine, I'm taking it to be cleaned. (felt like them sort of thing a large hotel might use to clear rooms)
I'm pushing it over bumpy damp cobbled streets. I think I was going in and out of banks... it was all very odd.
In another part of the dream, I was laying on the roof of a van driving on a motorway in a strange modern city looking up into the sky where there where massive fuzzy black bats with green cat eyes looking down on me :)
Sunday, 26 April 2020
Enzyme - Catalyst
An odd dream of vets with a motorway between the kennel room and consult room, it was charity vets and I was in Greens. Old fashioned yellow patient cards - A cafe is in the waiting room and the cafe has been trashed by a group called 'Obese late drinkers' and other people in the waiting room are 'arresting' them.
Off-world chatting, far away or felt it. I was chatting back and forth, Ask and answers come.. 2 lovers. Have to wait again for stars/alignment. (Spiritual quarantine vibe... can't jump again quite yet Crystals and children) Was like a consultancy, not quite time... soon exciting. All sides, oneside
Then a long dream. Starts in a setting like BaliffGate school in grand old buildings, also open courtyards of smooth stone were classes took place. There is something wired happening at the school, a grooming/cult/ weirdness that I've agreed to check out. I'm 'watching, collecting evidence' but am to take part to observe.
I'm multiple ages and people have astral type skills. I observe and then befriend the girl representative of this group and then eventually get invited to the group. She's powerful and manipulative. They are all following some other person, the girl is the recruiter for them. I watch and join in with there practises, they don't seem to realise they are being groomed. After a while, they introduce me to the 'leader' - I know him - we know each other from other places.
He's playing a sort of devil archetype to the cult. We have worked/played together many times. Once I've found him we 'share this is like a telepathic archived info exchange. We play 'catalyst games... felt biological almost like enzymes; Me female, him Male. An attraction in a magnetic way.
We flick fast threw dream word experiences we have shared, we have 'loose ends' and we jump as one. We change ages to blend or vanish completely into the dream spaces we port too so we are visible to each other but not the other dream characters. There are many but only a few I remembered.
One is a wired version of my main dream area. It's my infant school playing field (but not) Evidence was left here and we are cleaning up as we go.
Again, this felt chemical enzymatic... Not really describable. Then we seem to go to a few places at once. One that I recalled best is an elderly female fetish prostitute. Me and the male are there, I'm a young girl 2-3years and he's invisible. We both have stuff to do here and we watch a man arrive in the woman's flat. It's a plain room, white with a worn 70's carpet badly glossed wooden doorframes and very little furniture. The guy who arrives is a regular, he's also in his 60's - We watch the interaction - the Male's awareness is in the room, I'm sat in the corner. The punter has arranged to stay all evening and has been taken to the bedroom - when another regular knock at the door and the woman goes and answers it. She lets the second man into the living room.
I'm now in more of an astral form and invisible and the male also still astral is with me and we are in the small kitchen of the strange flat.
I'm washing a few dishes in plastic bowl in the tiny kitchen with a window that looks out onto more windows.. the male is touching me on the shoulders and our awareness is joined we are watching several scenes playing out at once. An interaction in the bedroom, and one in the lounge and also the woman in a small shower washing herself. This was wired, as there was the same feeling of 'catalyst enzyme' at play.
An odd dream of vets with a motorway between the kennel room and consult room, it was charity vets and I was in Greens. Old fashioned yellow patient cards - A cafe is in the waiting room and the cafe has been trashed by a group called 'Obese late drinkers' and other people in the waiting room are 'arresting' them.
Off-world chatting, far away or felt it. I was chatting back and forth, Ask and answers come.. 2 lovers. Have to wait again for stars/alignment. (Spiritual quarantine vibe... can't jump again quite yet Crystals and children) Was like a consultancy, not quite time... soon exciting. All sides, oneside
Then a long dream. Starts in a setting like BaliffGate school in grand old buildings, also open courtyards of smooth stone were classes took place. There is something wired happening at the school, a grooming/cult/ weirdness that I've agreed to check out. I'm 'watching, collecting evidence' but am to take part to observe.
I'm multiple ages and people have astral type skills. I observe and then befriend the girl representative of this group and then eventually get invited to the group. She's powerful and manipulative. They are all following some other person, the girl is the recruiter for them. I watch and join in with there practises, they don't seem to realise they are being groomed. After a while, they introduce me to the 'leader' - I know him - we know each other from other places.
He's playing a sort of devil archetype to the cult. We have worked/played together many times. Once I've found him we 'share this is like a telepathic archived info exchange. We play 'catalyst games... felt biological almost like enzymes; Me female, him Male. An attraction in a magnetic way.
We flick fast threw dream word experiences we have shared, we have 'loose ends' and we jump as one. We change ages to blend or vanish completely into the dream spaces we port too so we are visible to each other but not the other dream characters. There are many but only a few I remembered.
One is a wired version of my main dream area. It's my infant school playing field (but not) Evidence was left here and we are cleaning up as we go.
Again, this felt chemical enzymatic... Not really describable. Then we seem to go to a few places at once. One that I recalled best is an elderly female fetish prostitute. Me and the male are there, I'm a young girl 2-3years and he's invisible. We both have stuff to do here and we watch a man arrive in the woman's flat. It's a plain room, white with a worn 70's carpet badly glossed wooden doorframes and very little furniture. The guy who arrives is a regular, he's also in his 60's - We watch the interaction - the Male's awareness is in the room, I'm sat in the corner. The punter has arranged to stay all evening and has been taken to the bedroom - when another regular knock at the door and the woman goes and answers it. She lets the second man into the living room.
I'm now in more of an astral form and invisible and the male also still astral is with me and we are in the small kitchen of the strange flat.
I'm washing a few dishes in plastic bowl in the tiny kitchen with a window that looks out onto more windows.. the male is touching me on the shoulders and our awareness is joined we are watching several scenes playing out at once. An interaction in the bedroom, and one in the lounge and also the woman in a small shower washing herself. This was wired, as there was the same feeling of 'catalyst enzyme' at play.
Friday, 24 April 2020
Black & White Fruit
A train is carrying a male to be executed. He's in a tiny compartment with only standing space alone - I teleport into the compartment and hug him, I'm not totally solid
(This reminded me of the dream when I was waiting to be sacrificed chained to a rock by a natural stone circular pool) and I was cold and lonely and something appeared beside me and hugged me threw the night to keep me warm)
Anyway, we are in the carriage he's sort of alone, but not as I'm there but not completely real. At this point, something rips the roof open of the small compartment and there is another man on the roof of the train. He's come with a sort of helicopter and winch (this bit got all weirdly James Bond) We attach the guy I was hugging to the winch/lift and he's flown up and to safety. I stay with the other guy, we jump to the roof of the train and then off it into dark warm jungly/forest. We are going to hide there as a diversion so the other person can get away.
We know we will be found as there it's lots of high-tec tracing stuff and we can already hear more flying vehicles. We climb up to the lower branches of a big tree where we wedge ourselves in hugging and fall asleep.
- Next was like an astral conversation with India?? D W and a car crash/car filling with water.
24th April
Wake at 2.22 after very strange astral/dream.
Head was all tingly numb on one side like sometimes happens when I'm 'away'
I was deep inside looking for codes/bits/puzzles, it was a game children had played in what would have been ancient past bits had been hidden deep and some of the children had got lost/forgotten got stuck in traps there. (a little like I imagen Jumanji to be) It's non-temporal though so it didn't matter than they'd been there for 'Ages' - We were finding each other again.
I have found a wired wired fruit/food.
It's black and white, intricately patterned and round and hard outside like a black and white watermelon/coconut - inside is a light liquid that's kind of pearlescent with floating black and white flowers and smaller black/white cubes that are soft like cubes of melon they part of the fruit also black and white stippled pattern. It was old too, very old and the people I was with were worried it wouldn't be good to eat anymore as it was also 'ancient' It looked amazing and I was eating it anyway even though it was so old. I seem to recall they tasted better fresh but it was still good.
Next up is the weaving thing, like tieing/zooming and I'm going to different people fast one of them is Dr Downing again, Exley and Trump all the people were Male and I was just a thread weaving and binding.
Next is a big old shared house and we are leaving, we have been there for ages and the place is a state, carpets are trashed and dirty and there are bugs and rodents that we need to clear out to leave the place as we found it.
I'm pulling up old carpets there are bugs/parasites in them and we need to clear them out too - a friend gives me Honey and shows me how to use it. (Reminded me of the 'you catch more flys with Honey than Vinigar'
Outside the building are 'workmen' they all have the same uniform and are wearing matching masks. They are superhero-ish but also clown-like. Black and white - they were going to remove and reuse the stuff we were clearing out. Oddly Trump was in the house too - I bow to him, but it's not like a subservient bow.... It's like the end of a performance or show and you're on the stage and you bow at the end sort of a flourish before departing.
A train is carrying a male to be executed. He's in a tiny compartment with only standing space alone - I teleport into the compartment and hug him, I'm not totally solid
(This reminded me of the dream when I was waiting to be sacrificed chained to a rock by a natural stone circular pool) and I was cold and lonely and something appeared beside me and hugged me threw the night to keep me warm)
Anyway, we are in the carriage he's sort of alone, but not as I'm there but not completely real. At this point, something rips the roof open of the small compartment and there is another man on the roof of the train. He's come with a sort of helicopter and winch (this bit got all weirdly James Bond) We attach the guy I was hugging to the winch/lift and he's flown up and to safety. I stay with the other guy, we jump to the roof of the train and then off it into dark warm jungly/forest. We are going to hide there as a diversion so the other person can get away.
We know we will be found as there it's lots of high-tec tracing stuff and we can already hear more flying vehicles. We climb up to the lower branches of a big tree where we wedge ourselves in hugging and fall asleep.
- Next was like an astral conversation with India?? D W and a car crash/car filling with water.
24th April
Wake at 2.22 after very strange astral/dream.
Head was all tingly numb on one side like sometimes happens when I'm 'away'
I was deep inside looking for codes/bits/puzzles, it was a game children had played in what would have been ancient past bits had been hidden deep and some of the children had got lost/forgotten got stuck in traps there. (a little like I imagen Jumanji to be) It's non-temporal though so it didn't matter than they'd been there for 'Ages' - We were finding each other again.
I have found a wired wired fruit/food.
It's black and white, intricately patterned and round and hard outside like a black and white watermelon/coconut - inside is a light liquid that's kind of pearlescent with floating black and white flowers and smaller black/white cubes that are soft like cubes of melon they part of the fruit also black and white stippled pattern. It was old too, very old and the people I was with were worried it wouldn't be good to eat anymore as it was also 'ancient' It looked amazing and I was eating it anyway even though it was so old. I seem to recall they tasted better fresh but it was still good.
Next up is the weaving thing, like tieing/zooming and I'm going to different people fast one of them is Dr Downing again, Exley and Trump all the people were Male and I was just a thread weaving and binding.
Next is a big old shared house and we are leaving, we have been there for ages and the place is a state, carpets are trashed and dirty and there are bugs and rodents that we need to clear out to leave the place as we found it.
I'm pulling up old carpets there are bugs/parasites in them and we need to clear them out too - a friend gives me Honey and shows me how to use it. (Reminded me of the 'you catch more flys with Honey than Vinigar'
Outside the building are 'workmen' they all have the same uniform and are wearing matching masks. They are superhero-ish but also clown-like. Black and white - they were going to remove and reuse the stuff we were clearing out. Oddly Trump was in the house too - I bow to him, but it's not like a subservient bow.... It's like the end of a performance or show and you're on the stage and you bow at the end sort of a flourish before departing.
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