Friday, 5 June 2020

Dream with people I don't know, but do in the dreams.


Dream of lockdown or at least people inside, but gardens are shared and people are all out the back of houses talking and looking at the sky which is dark.
We have sort of moved into space out the back, and broken fences to share veg and be together. 

Next dream is a long narrow space in main dream area it's on the seafront and I'm with an old friend Katy and also the girl I was with last night who I was wrapping in black fabric.  We also have a baby boy with us he looks Middler easter like his sister and he's very placid and cute - just in his nappy.  We are taking turns playing with him and chatting.  The space we are in is moving slowly almost train like.

Last dream was an outdoor market stall selling brown bags of sweets, it's low down to a cobbled street.  At one end on a folding seat sits a black guy similar age to me, he is British with a west indies hint in his accent.  With him are 2 dogs, one a collie cross and the other a staff/boxer he's telling me the collies not friendly but the bull breed/staff has moved round and is on it's back with it's tongue lolling out.  We laugh as I rub it's tummy, the bull breeds temperament is so different from the collie cross who is eying me warily as the guy holds him back. 

4th June

Strange town, set in a very modern building/lab perhaps a research park, there are forests and gardens around it.

It's hazy as to who I was in this dream - not me :P  Or this me, I was female and I have a room with a rug overlooking a valley of trees. 

The building is very modern and respectable but we are not what we seem and we are creating edible psychedelics which in this dream world was either illegal or we didn't have the correct license - I'm not sure which.     The edibles are like the most perfect looking large gummy bears - lovely colours and clear as cut glass. 

Our business has a legit reason too but this isn't our main focus.  I'm watching from a white balcony the reception area when a small beautiful female enters, she's Asian and with a smart tailored looking card and bag and I clock her as 'control/official' and realise we are in the shit.

I quickly tell the 2 'managers by telepathy I'm first out of the building and into the forest but then I'm also observing the 2 men leaving behind me (No body just like a floating sky view)  One male tall has a very unusual tailored suit, it's a bright royal blue he wares with highly polished shoes.  His hair is red curled/wavey.   He seemed to be my main focus as I'm watching from behind them as they walk quickly from the building and into the forest. 

We have a vehicle hidden in the forest to getaway.  There was a feeling of emergency/urgency when I woke all my energy was in my tummy & lower.  

Next a wired vision.   A shadow of a person standing in a small tunnel of bright light. 


Last dream again I'm female but not this body.  I have short straight dark hair and I'm printing flowers onto my hair with a sponge and white paint.  I have on a small lol it looked like a fairy/party outfit in blue/green/turquoise, my skin was olive.  I have wings too, looked a little like a festival or carnival outfit. 
Once the flowers had been painted on my hair I was painting the centre of each flower turquoise too.  A guy was helping me do the back...   I can remember my hair, and the tube of paint I dropped.  The guy I don't know but did in the dream (I think he was same as last night with the 2 dogs and sweet stall) is helping me to do the back.    It's odd though as I was looking in a mirror and I can't at all remember my face. 

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Portals, Implants and Robot Skins.

Pre 1am a really strange and busy dream back in main dream area but above ground again.

In main dream house but the dividing wall has gone upstairs with the neighbour and the 2 guys who lived there when I was a teenager are upstairs with me and we are discussing a portal that has opened with a really fast spin it's almost like a washing machine. We are also discussing shifting, genetic manipulation, implants and robots.  

I'm trying to reassure people but also asking them to help.... and am still doing stuff alone while they decide.  There were other me's too some in some out of the portal.

I awoke still feeling 'spinny'  I had a wired feeling/sensation on my side low down.   -  Oh,  It's the same place as this DC grabbed me back in 2016...    How wired that that page mentions the cables, that was another one of the recurrent visions I had as a child.  Hummmmmmm.....

Anyhooo I'm fast to go back to sleep and I was in the hippygoogly stage when I heard a loud audible 'click' from Ian's side of the bed, also felt low down close to the left kidney area. 


The second dream I'm going to camp, I look round the first field the pitches are wide and each has a space to make a fire and a water stand that marks them as pitches.   The grass is ankle hight and yin/yang ferns are growing, they are sort of half white/black.  I look round but the pitches won't get any sunlight as they are on the wrong side of a large hill so I keep walking. 

Next I seem to be in a long corridor people are still pitching tents but inside.  I see families setting up and I think how strange it is to camp inside.   It has the feel of a hotel/pub.   When I look outside all the pitches have been filled now and the same at a door at the front.  I decide I'll sleep on the floor inside if it gets damp but spend my time outdoors. 

At this point male me is with me, it's Jack.  We are going to play a game, it's a new one and combat/puzzle-based.  We are in a room filled with posters and glass cases.  The cases are displaying  'packages' these are like drops/gear you get to start off with (They are like a small plastic box you get in the VR Game when you enter and then they expand with you into a usable kit)

We are looking around at the cases each case has a theme/colour scheme and the poster behind it echoes this.   The colours and items are beautiful.  Some schemes I'm considering are teal and cream, another that is purple, pink, blue.  The items are also amazing, intricate crystals, beautiful crystal inlaid silver carved weapons.   Woven and beaded bracers and cuffs.   The detail and care were amazing.
Next dream, or follow on still with male me and we are in a vast art design complex.  We are looking at incredible robotics designs and skins.  I'm hugging male me and crying, we are parting/saying goodbye again. 

Next thing I'm robotic myself like an android, I'm soft fluid metal - Head but no face curved form more feminine than male. 

I'm wrapping a body in coloured silks, First red closest to the skin, the silk is thin and bandaged shaped. I'm wrapping all over including the face - it felt almost like mummification, but the body was still alive and breathing, the silk is fine.   After the red layer orange, then yellow... I have a pile of all the colours and need to cover the body completely in each colour in turn.

The last dream...(I think this was in the same complex)

I'm with a female (In the dream I know her well and we have a close and loving relationship almost like sisters)  Again I'm wrapping her, this time though it's black silk squares. 

I'm wrapping her tightly arms to the side and with slight pressure, she's going to meditate and the pressure on the skin is important for what we are doing its cocoon-like.   I wrap her mouth but her eyes aren't covered - they are very expressive, dark brown and I can see her love and amusement when I hold up a mirror for her to examine herself.  Once I've covered her top I lower her carefully onto a low fabric-covered camp style bed frame bed to wrap her feet and legs.   I'm to stay and watch over her while she meditates and then we will change places.  I settle beside her and can see/sense hummm  waves of zombies!  They pass by just out of our flicker rate (She may have been dreaming them)   They are not aware of her body or mine.

Monday, 1 June 2020

Art and Beds


Was like my college dorm room at first but I was in a uniform sort of like police.  Also a pond.

1st June

Before 2pm

A long and detailed dream that was hard to 'pin' down.  It was astral conversations, a plan, 'time' unfolding.  Like a film/  watching.    Can go back and forth in it.

The second dream is that wired sort of Astral Alnwick, (Same place as a few dreams from last month.
This one and the pizza/Bank dream)  Few others too.   Anyhoo it's set in the same area as the pizza dream and mainly outside on the sandstone flags.  Zak is with me, others I recognise too it's has a wired 'astrally' type vibe with the purple sky.   It's not dreamlike.  Marcus was there and another artist, there was a mix of oil and other mixed media canvases lined up outside one of the buildings with people admiring them.

There are also 2 sections of around 6 hospital beds ICU's with staff.  Nurses are trying to save dying people suffering from various things.   They are sort of set just slightly lower than the pavement with railings around them and they are almost like a 'performance'   The nurses tired and stressed and the patients passing or bearly clinging to life.   Zak is with me, but he's younger 3 meby and he goes up to one of the sick people on a bed with a cup of water and picks up the unconscious mans head and pours a little into his mouth...     Zak cries and the male nurse cries too.   It was about empathy. 

Also Sa Ra.  (Not English)

- Another dream.

I've followed a pack of dogs into a castle on a hill, our dog is with them and I call him and he comes back.

There is a city below, crowded small homes a friend is there Holly' and she's moving but the town's roads have no vehicles - she has arranged for a family to come with a cart they have to pile things onto.  It might have been Asia someplace/time ...The walls in her home were thin and almost transparent

The car and owners arrive.   The family ware old fashioned colourful and beautifully embroidered clothes a warm light brown skin tone they are friendly and I help them fill the cart and then we walk together on the sandy paths with my friend's belongings... felt like going from an old Asia to an old Malta.  The place we were headed to was small square buildings carved from cliffs or made from sandstone.

At one point I find myself in a trash shoot... there are all kinds of thrown away creative stuff.   There is the head of an old statue.   Beelzebub Was what it was... it was a little like a massive wired Punch and Judy doll. Just a head with no body.

Last dream was of a school/uni with Em.  It was mainly residential areas, felt like Bristol for some reason.   Em had a thing for the chemistry teacher, but he was a bit wired and creepy.  I didn't say anything though and he wanted me to stay in a cupboard while he came onto her :P  I agreed, there were more people in the cupboard too and we sat and chatted. 

Thursday, 28 May 2020


28th May

First a forest. Plants, Ferns in water with plants, swaying, growing.

Then a collage.  It's self-contained (nothing beyond the grounds) reachable by a single train track the platform is in a beautiful vaulted ceiling room.  Ornate sandstone walls the tracks are sunk into the ground again like tram tracks.  One wall is set with huge floor to celing leaded window pains looking out onto a beautiful perfectly manicured bright green lawn. 

All around the lawn are neat flower beds and then beyond them, sandstone paths and small intermate classrooms, also with the ground to floor celing windows facing the central lawns. 

I'm there for a levitation class with a teacher and 5 or 6 others.  ... we start of levitating standing on a small board, then a sheet of paper and then silk.  The 'material' is there to help us focus our attention on the molecules directly below is.... it's not necessary but it's an aid to people who are new and it's easier when starting out than just trying to match the air.

I'm not really paying attention but instead looking out the windows at the space we are in.

In a classroom over the lawn is a group of women all in the most beautifully hand-embroidered clothing. Lots of rainbow colours, I watch them come out of the class and sit together on the lawn talking and laughing and I want class to be done so I can go meet them.  

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Aliens and Tunnles.

First dream is set in sunny unfamiliar countryside. Fields, lanes with wild hedgerows and patches of woodland.

There are hummm ...... things!  I thought of them as 'alien' in terms of they were alien to me. 

Some of them are like birdlike leaf creatures these are large like the size of a buzzards and they are shaped like green leaves no face or head but a body and wings - they fly fast.  There are also glowing lights moving fast and then also just 'distortions/glitches '  rushing threw the countryside rustling leaves.  A little like that old school 'Predator' film.   

It's not scary - it was exciting.   I wasn't sure if it was a psychic thing that just I was seeing or if everyone could so I'd taken a video of it to share and ask and other people had seen the same thing....   They had and also shared.     There are also many falling stars. 

The second dream is in my main dream area but underneath in a series of dark wide tunnle like caves.

I'm with male me or my bro and he's gone on ahead and I'm following. 

The caves I'm walkign threw alone are wide and dark and I meet a kind of familiar guide floating.  (He has a feel of Morpheus from the Matrix) - and he stops me by holding up his hand.

I look up at him and he nods ahead knowingly where a wide train track is suddenly dissecting the tunnel we are in. I hear a train coming and sure enough, there is a large freight train with a long line of empty flatbed carriages ratting threw the cavern across my tunnel. I wait until it passes and then I am surprised to see beyond it now are many other train lines with trains/cars tracks moving on them at different intervals. It's like a frogger/crossy-road puzzle game but also tied to my childhood nightmares & train symbology.

I look up at the guide and then grow 2 large wings, I don't use them to fly but I float up easily to join him a meter or so of the ground. I grin at him and then float up and over the tracks/trains and cars and hear him jokingly yell 'Cheater' from behind which makes me laugh out loud.

I wake but go back into the same underground tunnel space.

This time there is a concert/music event on and there are thousands of people trying to see the show. Huge crowds of pushing people and a turnstile type of gate with security on like bag checking or something.   There are 2 shows each day and they are the same time.... I'm going into the second one but the people pushing back after the first show means the tunnels are rammed full of people.

Also another hazy dream..
There is also a kitten who is a mix of 2 breeds, but like Frankinstine stitched together type of mix. Legs and head and tail are from a long-haired ginger cat and the tummy is currently like a Rex. Someones knitted it a jumper and then someone else has sewen a tag/laundry label onto its leg saying 'Damaged' - The cat could talk and it's breeder had wanted it Euthanaised as it was a wired mix of 2 breeds... but the cat was sweet and wanted a mate to have his own kittens now.

A second-hand clothing shop that has been refurbed and has Christmas decorations up it's very busy with wooden benches along one wall where people come to chat and socialise. I'd left and was trying to find my way to the bus station and bike rental.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Group Intention.

Sat 24th May

The first dream very hazy... 

Recipe, remembering long -dream... impossible design, Now bake the new  - Can see unseen. 

In time the hidden factions come to the table... we need to bake together.

A forest and a city, games... rope bridges between the two.  Gaming aspect... fun/play and competition. 

Then I have a broken leg... it's a wired setting a group and I'm annoyed my leg is broken.   I need to have it set will take 6 weeks.   

I'm reluctant but accepting... and as it's set I have wings... one black one white like bird wings, feathered and big.  As I accept my broken legs and 6 weeks out of game my wings wizz into a ball and then I'm a Ying - Yang type spiral ball.  

Then there is a wired thing in my main dream area with music and money and the money is strange the £10 notes are thin and I realise it's like the golden ration.   £50, £20, £10, £5

Tuesday 26th  May

I know I'm dreaming alot but it's hard to pin down when awake. 

Hybrid moving spiders.. 

Watching, singing waiting web-like lines.  - Creations and growth.

A long dream of a house/home we want to rent.   At first, I'm in the gardens of the house -  Moving threw times seasons fast... plants grow then go backwards and watch them shrink.  A shed is built and then over years crumbles and decays, trees grow up.   Time was stretchy here back & forward at once. 

The house that we are trying to rent, it has a strange vibe in it.

The house is alive though and we need to be impeccable with our intentions and emotions.   The house 'knows' 

There is a big cat there and we are having a meeting to see if we can stay.... it's a group thing, we all need to hold the same intention and outcome to stabilise it - but we keep messing up. 


but hard to put into words :) 

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Neon Orange & Black

I found this lovely vid today on my next play.  It so fits with my dreams of the night before last and all the geometry lately, lol and all dreams and well... hehe it fits with everything obviously 😃 


First dream I'm with local friends, All-female, Roz, Kelly and others we have bikes and are in woodland very green.  Spring green I've been to a 'shop' it was almost closing time, but I'd got in before it shut and I had got stuff to share.

I was sharing, seeds, plants, veg - ferns.   We were all going to grow something different and then share.

Next up is energy flow again, I'm seeing it in the forest in growing seeds people, plants all the same... but there is energy escaping at the middle - and like a leak in a bag, I can put my thumb on - I'm wondering if I should 'Dam' it?


Next is a wired dream long with Vet Ann at the start.  (Wonder what archetype she is?  She's often tied with DNA and mother/Home)   Anyhoo this time she's being a vet in a church it's a strange church, it also has seeds, plants, animals and all kinds of eggs. POTENTIAL

Ann is giving a strange guy who arrives a 'job offer'  - The job is to be a dancer at a club and be 'seen'  and while they are talking I jump up on a table and start dancing to music in my head and it's instantly decided I have the job too.   I wasn't trying to get it, but I liked dancing and so it was decided I'd go with him.  

We are to head to a strange city to 'promote/advertise' and into night clubs around the city.  We are to put up as many flyers as possible (These are small and cryptic black and neon orange paper flyers we can staple and stick to things.)  Our other job is to be 'seen'   We ourselves aren't totally sure what we are promoting  - It was a 'different'  dance to the usual one I think.   It wasn't like a venue, or a brand it was all just cryptic. 

Once in the city, we walk streets putting up the orange flyers with patterns and quotes on them and then we head to the venue we have been given.  We are to tell the doormen our names and we will get our clothes there. 

Once inside a small woman who enjoys drink and drugs to excess meets us and takes us to the side to offer outfits.  The male gets a choice of 2 te-shirts and me 2 tank dresses.  We pick black with orange neon strips on.  I can hear the bass and am keen to start dancing once changed we head in. 

It's like an old school warehouse party or an underground car-park venue.  It's still early and the crowds are yet to arrive I follow the bass to the Soundsystem and we are surprised that the other factions are there already.... we are instantly sussed as 'promoters'

I join dancing in their midst - while not welcomed our common love of the dance wins over any animosity and we lose ourselves in the music. 

When I leave the trance I'm surprised to see the male I arrived with is not around and I see some old friends from London Dom & James and others... - they are surprised to find me there too.  I greet them and look around for the male I arrive with.  When I don't find him I bump into Dom walking back to the dance floor and he motions to a VIP room, he has access and I enter with him.

Inside the room is black I can hear but there is no light in the room at all and I can't see a thing and I slowly circle on the spot allowing my eyes time to adjust to the darkness.  First into focus comes a pattern and I as I circle I realise it's a wall concrete and the damp is the pattern I'm seeing - as I begin to make out the boundaries and walls of the room I can see the outlines of people sitting in groups on the ground around the walls.   Dom motions to the far corner and I follow him there to join a group - I'm aware that his current partner is there and that the night will be interesting.... 

Kid wakes me here. 

So Other Ann dreams...   They are often quite long detailed dreams, interesting DNA stuff. 

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...