Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Symbols so many Symbols

Odd Night :)

Not done a dream re-entry into such an old dream 'Time Ren' Yeh Ok then a flashback of when I went back to child me and was as real as being there. Jump from house? Now or later? 'Come Here/ NOW' Hahah ok. So jumped to Room.

Woken confused by cat's having sex πŸ˜† Cleared the litter tray and lay down, confused.

I'd been formless but was odd and my blue centre felt like a big ball of wool 'Yep, Bitch Wisdome Inc' lol Inka you said that at 111! Hahah 
'Yes, now come back'.

I'd been in the room in the house first, spoke with Illeth, Kaylo and Leon who are still there. Apologised to Kaylo, he will sleep there while I journey too. Leon tells me 'You don't have to go Ren'.  I tell him I know, but I want to so leave there and jump bk to Leon & Malico.  


There was a portal/tunnel that was locked round made of perfect sandstone blocks... Oh the key??  'Yes'  The beginning?  'Time now Ren, End also'  Oh. I was splitting and fraying we had gone threw the stone round portal thing wired through symbols/shapes/colours we are formless and one awareness. Blobs of colours like paint splats and it felt like it was raining black socks or streaks of colour 

I need to learn the tarot better... 'You are Ren you're dreaming your way threw it over and over.. now shhhhh and come back here'   3+4 = 7 and infinity sign. My recall was wired so tried to split but not room to write and sleep on sofa and told to just go bk. 

Slept again next wake at 313.. πŸ‘€ all symbols strange vast like eating info. My blue centre felt wired 'Hard to bring threw to waking Ren, stay watch & feel' 
It's like being inside you... 
'No, we are inside you😏 come bk fast'  Oh lol ok. I know I'd also given permission for something again while there in the strange space.

Next time I wake I have lots of jumbled images/scenes/symbols all disjoined.  

A house and a tax return/rebate on all weddings.   

In a building with 2 lots of cats, one lot is wild the other domesticated we were leaving and the cats were fighting we needed to separate them before we went as the domesticated ones were at a disadvantage. Some of the wild ones had some serious wounds but they were fine. 

An old wooden greenhouse pain flaking it's a lean-to against a red brick wall... white paint flaking from the red bricks.  It's Harvest, the greenhouse is hung with bunches of drying herbs attached to the roof beams.  Nails in the brick walk with brown twine and colours beads hole what look little like hops but smaller the berries from some tree bundled and drying and in between them are colourful beads on the same string hanging in patterns.  

A surgical theatre assisting or a runner.  

Was also jumbled. 'keep dreaming Ren, Come πŸ’œ' bk to sleep again'.

Next, I was walking a path of broken piano keys winding threw countryside, cracked and some smashed or taken.

The headteacher of the infant school, very very angry yelling.  I'm hearing her.

Creations with other 'spectrums' the colours/vibrations different. Higher lower or some colours missing. 

Inka had a hand on the area where he attacked me when I was going to take responsability for the cow's?   What's with the ballons?   Is it Helio/Sun?  'Not telling yet'   Pffffff  Elements?  'lol Ren, both neither symbols... read them' 😈

Waiting on the return of people... Waiting for someone I know all their teeth have been broken they are hurt.

Ballons in the distance floating above a distant shore all colours.  

Kids playground there is a camper van and a climbing frame... It's a schools end and we have gone to meet/collect people.  

We are waiting for the classes to be over and watching waiting. The people with me are odd, I climb up to the top bit of the camper for a better view a guy is glaring at me he had brown eyes 2 different sizes one large one small. Others are waiting on top of the climbing frame, we are a bunch of weirdos! Under the climbing frame is a blue membrane this is where the returning people will pass from. 

Another version / Life of Ian he's been in a cave/squat. Making and drinking Cider this year the harvest of apples is missing or taken and there will be less cider.

With Fay & Dot, I'm taking them to someone they want piercings and haircuts :P I know the woman doing it and she has had surgery to her hand there is still a drain in. We telepathically share what was up with her hand.... she's had foreign bodies and her body had encapsulated them like it often doses but this had been all of them together in a blue capsule, there was 2 puppy teeth, some plant seeds a twig and other bits and bobs. I commented on how clever of her body/cells to migrate them together and encapsulate them as one. 

She cuts the kids hair and they get the piercings as they request.

I'd woken at 707.   'Jump to the room fast now Ren then sleep again asap' 

Jumped bk, Kaylo was very asleep and I had another astral form there too... was looking at myself it was transparent and lacked cohesion. Had to get up for kids/school work.  

'Your Splitting Ren, nap fast now need to put you bk together a bit till later' :P ' lol ok omw.  

Wow thanks tinitis stopped again .. 'lol, NP, Orange to balance the Blue' Haha. 

Wondering about Guy? 


'Bitch, you are as distant to him as the texts he holds to'


 'Can't reach anyone till they want it'.


 'If you want to ride the dawn get used to being the first bird in the sky'




 'I'm serious bitch and you know it'


 'Moon soon'  2 in Oct πŸ’œ !!!


 'Play in the upside-down world witch, we got you and you're in a good place... We will help your dark moon too😏'  Hahahah what you saying??  'You know, Ren' 


'You can only jump those onboard with your ride and right now bitch very few are' 

lol   'DW you'll dive bk for them, that's what Valks do'  lol Inka....  'Don't make me go Odin on you Ren'   

Pfffff πŸ’š Got ya... 

How do you do that?    

 'Come bk later.'

We're walking the long way home 🌎 'Sure are bitch, why hurry?'

Monday, 28 September 2020

Wonder what am I agreeing to now?

Dreams were very low lucidity - also woken lots by stuff.  

I'd jumped back to the house - We are still waiting there and just chilling.   

Hardly any dream the one I recall best was I'd been with Male me who was Jack and we were testing our understanding of each other. We both had paper pad and pen and we were writing words/meanings to check we understood each other ok now.  

In another, I had a sheep who had had lambs I was sheering the sheep but my clippers were old and blunt, so I just focused on dirty and knotty bits.

Have had wired symbols synchronicity today... reminding me all is symbolic. Lunchtime I power napped 15 mins was in the House again and shown a dream from ages ago... 2013 with a suggested dream re-entry. lol this was one of my first soul retrievals 'Possessions bitch😈' lol Inka, same shit different arse hole.  😏

So many dreams of the same stuff πŸ‘€ Going back years.... So dream re-entry from the room? Ok Yeh why not.     Blugh need a better handle on all the symbols...  'Should have gone to class, Witch 😈'  FU πŸ’œ  

So that was first one...lol I can put them in Linear order now.  'Or you could just fix it from now'. 

I like playing too πŸ˜†   Blugh there are so many even without the other Knights Templar ones.  Just the blood ritual ones...What is the symbology then? ......  'You want to play Ren'    Haha truth. 

Knights Templar Dream...from 2013.

Cafe/Restaurant/Vets type of building... it's dark with stacks and stacks of old plates.  It's a little like an old fashioned school canteen/sanatorium. 
The building is crumbling down and very old fashioned, all the staff are leaving.   Boss is upset as they are saying that they will get paid more at MacDonald's.  There are piles of dirty plates and dishes all over...... I stay to work.

The back of the cafe is very strange like an antique shop, filled with many strange artefacts, I go below to a room, there is Latin writing over the door and I can read it.   It leads to many underground tunnels that go on for miles and miles, they are furnished with old red runner carpet and occasional bits of furniture and old fashioned sofas.
I enter a room of the corridor and as I walk in I get possessed of something, something flyes fast into my neck on the left and I float up to the ceiling of the room ranting and raving.... the room changes and I'm watching a Knights Templar Blood Ritual..... they can't see me and after the all leave via the door into the long corridor.

Hahah  Ok first one...
I've not re-read this but Intention!!   'You don't need Seth bitch we've been telling you this shit all your life'  Hahahah IKR sorry πŸ˜‚

Then Jan 2017 - I need to look up the templar dreams but pffff  'Just dream Ren'

Then Nov 2017   - Blugh I wish I knew how all the Inka/Templars and Male DNA fitted properly πŸ˜›  'Symbolically and non-linear ofc' 😏

Sep 2018  - It bugs me I don't have my sleep perspective on this....   'IKR, your learning trust bitch, it's fun though? '  Hahaha 

Oct 2018 - lol BUGS... parasite infestation 😁 Ok, yeh it is fun πŸ˜‹ OMG the hive mind and symbiosis battle you told me to add to the story!!    

Ok Inka, your a punny pucker - πŸ’œ It is fun, I'm all in.     

Sunday, 27 September 2020

No need to destroy the old stories to tell new ones.

'You don't need to be sorry Witch come and play... We all fuck up, you just more than most.. But it's ok'  TY 😏Where? 'You pick'  

Didn't wake till 2.45

First the 'dream' was very very cool. 

Like being sky and movement but with such energy, sensation colour and depth too. The best description is it felt like I am wave made of dark black blue purple horses rolling in and out of each other like giant wave headed for a shore you will never reach.. galloping and rolling in a line across the sky - It felt like we were bringing something....   

Then the wind and storm picked up shortly after this. Reminded me of being a kid and my Dad would tell me to look at the white horses in the waves when it was windy. Only this was a huge stamped stretching the sky 😁 

The dream I'd been having was a sort of game world, I had areas I was visiting and I was looking for the lave of the 6 spot burnet moth :P I had designated areas to check and once there just connect with the grass and feel for them. I was swimming up rivers and around shorelines climbing too there had been an earthquake and as the landmasses had moved different groups had been pushed together enemies had become friends due to proximity. I was again unpopular but this was irrelevant to me :P as I was disliked for what I was rather than what I did.  

Back to sleep and I'd had a dream I couldn't recall but what I did recall was that if the dream had been a song it would have sounded something like PULP from the early 90's! Oh I'd woken to distant thunder.  

And the wind was really picking up. Then I was sort of lower astral here but it was all slightly reversed like it sometimes is. My black cat who has orange eyes was white with blue eyes and I was bathing him and the queen had moved all her kittens to the sofa.  

Wake and it's stormy... 

'Jump House, Ren' Err ok.  

Dream of house, the same room I was in with Malico were fighting for fun, it's bigger now and has a long wide-open fireplace and an old fashioned dark red wooden sofa with red velvet. Only Kaylo and me there he's in dark clothes we are waiting for a formal meal apparently and I meditate and dream there while we are waiting.   


A large frozen lake in a forest I step on the ice to crack it below is beautiful deep dark cold and sill I float looking down into it. 

I wake back in the house between dreams. Inka and Leon ask me to come and I ask them why.  It's because me and Kaylo agreed to the house rules set by Malico and they haven't and won't... so I need to invite them!!  Hahah, sure whatever,  jump bring Illeth too  😏 So the 3 of them join us there.

I'm a mix between grey alien Ren & The one Malico recalls so almost like a hybrid elder tall very pale I have on a long formal fitted white dress with cap sleeves... wired.

Sleep from there into a long dream.

It's a school but another of the long metal spaces I'm in of late, more like a ferry or boat. I'm cleaning and taking out the rubbish, I have a bag of rubbish it's to heavy for the bag it's in. None of the branding or labels is familiar it's filled with nappies and shit too and stinks. Was hard to move... but I got it out eventually getting in a mess while doing it. Next, I had to meet someone I went to check in they were having a name search their name was Jewish and the de

st was helping them with ancestry records I was in the room waiting looking at some second plastic salt and pepper pots like the old 70's Tupperware I take a set with me and escort the Jewish couple to there destination. After that, I'm chatting to a female outreach worker I'm still moving rubbish around too. The woman wants to know the best way to contact parents in need I tell her 'calls' to parents of younger children as busy. Inka was on the ship too but busy with other stuff.  

Awake back in the house same room.

Sit by the fire in the room with them Illeth is on the sofa staring into the fire and I watch a grey bloated tick walk across ancient dark wood floorboards. Then fall asleep again!

In this dream I'm seeing 2 females from above they are like 2 blond curled hair shepherdesses singing and herding chickens and farm animals they are telling people not to eat the farmed animals. I'd been watching them from above when I manifest into the dreamscape too it changes... Magical creatures and fairies are visible to pixie's strange butterflies and a small fast cat-like predator that stays close and watches me. It chases the winged imps but doesn't hurt them - it just likes the chase.  

Wake back into the house again 'Preditors like you Ren' Inka tells me laughing.     

I'm curious as to WTF is going on but its fun and wired we decide to play along. Inka is in the station brown reg outfit, Illeth in an orange dress Leon looked like a fairytale coach groom πŸ˜† Was amusing. Inak was smoking chilling on the bed and I keep falling asleep. I had the key round my neck again. 

I was still cold Leon gets me a strange cloak from a big dark wardrobe in the room, it's furr trimmed with silk we all look really wired! Kaylo puts more wood on the fire and Leon shows me a vision of a poster being ripped by the wind and then a book massive old tome.
He tells me 'No need to destroy the old stories to tell new ones'.


Apart from the sleeping dream sharing and visions. We are just chilling waiting for this formal 'Meal'. Malico arrives at the door at one point knocks , I open it.

He looks in seeing the others and tells me.

'Three house transgressions. Smoking, Guests in the room and not informing him there will me more for the meal'. 

His speech is formal but eyes and intention deeply playful and we are informed the meal will be delayed now also my fault.  We all laugh as he leaves again wondering what the heck he's up too.

Next up another vision Leon shares.

I'm in a ballroom with Leon, we are in a classroom.
Leon is teaching to a group and I'm at the back he's stood in front of a beautiful tall fine art painting and is telling the gathering we grow threw beauty and wonder.
Inka's voice whispers in my ear 
'What do YOU think Bitch?'  I answer out loud   'I don't agree, there is growth to be experienced in all directions'
Leon turns around and winks at me and we arrive back in the room the 3 of us laughing.  
'You got it Ren'πŸ’œ That was funny!

As I was writing all this up I remembered one other dream... Was on our street or a wired version of it. A HGV reversing and Zak just running round and round it.... me yelling for him to come and stand with me - but it's like he's deaf/sleepwalking.     

I eventually manage to yank him out the way but he's totally oblivious to the fact he was close to getting squished or that I'd been shouting.

Oh Gnostic dream??  'Yep Ren'

I found this on my feed today too...Image has been removed...    But Thursdays dreams!!!  πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’£


Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...