First dream was funny. I was back with Poseidon and Inka, I don't recall well now but I think Malico came to and merged with me to help my symbology.
I'd been having a competition or bet with a shepherd friend with a sheep dog. (Inka was being the Shepperd but staying in role) and we were arguing about the human herd.
Me and Em were sure we could sort it out and our stupid attempts were making us all laugh.
The proclaimers song. 500miles, they wanted us to go further. For some reason we. Em & Me, who I was with had decide the best way to fix stuff was by having a gay party in a big old enamel bath tub.
We were filling it with bubbles and having a bubble fight.
We had decided that the best way to deal with religious people was being as crude and offensive as possible in an attempt to pop their heads off 🤣
The shepherd had decided I think that we were just ridiculous.
Em's birthday is just into Pisces - Malico was showing me sheep and Aries, they are all trying to show me teamwork... Why the different ages/houses approaches work together.
It creates structure and pattern to stop entity's getting lost.
We had a long chat on the nature of reality how from our perspective time ripples out from Now and that's why we use future and past to navigate.
Anyone can do it but few have learnt to listen.. They just don't see/hear or they haven't learnt the pattern recognition?
I was swapping round some numbers and colours.
Odd dream of a fountain with a strange swamp dragon in. Oh yeh, we had some strange dirty bubbles and had wafted one into the fountain and it had contaminated everything and made the swamp dragon. I quite liked it, but other people were not so keen.
A hearse arrives and I'm told to get in. I'd told them but I'm not dead? They'd asked me if I was sure and I'd admitted after thinking for a bit 'Not entirely if I'm honest' 😆
Apparently I'd taken something and it would be 20mins before I'd know if I was alive or dead... So I'd told them I wasn't in a rush and I'd hang about and wait.
Next was crazy! 'Like you Ren' Was that goat-fish from here. Capricorn but it was in discourse with centaur no that's a horse man, this was a bull man... Oh they were in that Aquarius dream from ages ago, when they tried to give me a jug.. But I'd picked water pistols!
Anyhow I was in the mental flow between them.. I was seeing mental images of the info they were sending. It was a negotiation?
'Sleep Ren' Mmm
Eh? Short dream I'd
posted up an empty bottle to my dad and he'd called to ask if I'd sent him a
gift told me he hadn't opened it yet.
Then I felt shit cause there was nothing in it!
Inka who was with me told me
'Be nice and I will fill it' while showing me a fish fillet ??
He was also showing me the speed/heart racing thing from last night and back in
2016 my DL speed.
I was always in a hurry to wrap up a reality! It was going to be the last chapter in my
story but then.. You guys came and it changed.
Grave racing, instead of racing to the end I was bringing the end here? 'You're always impatient
Then I was back again on the psych ward... I was conversing with them so fast
the voice was just one. Like we all
merge again but it was very fast a lot, I was interfacing with reality and it
kept making me laugh!
Oh I'd also been looking into a round bowl of water... It was the moon. Oh yeh it's full moon in Leo, I'd not enjoyed
last year I'd gone out in a storm and it was really muddy.
I'd called to the others and we all met at my roundhouse as there is lots of
room there and some of them just merged into my awareness completely.
I'd jumped back to the Lion Headed serpent dream, I'd not known the gnostic thing then.
Someone posted the image of what I'd seen the next
They were showing me when they all merge into me we can make it threw the
maze.. It's astrology too Leo and
something else? Hummm??
Ren' My tummy feels funny... 'Follow it'
The red checks, blue checks. This is the
Red / Blue energy flow. That barber pole
spiral. All the spirals we needed to
twist them now... The fighting/surrender?
to show Ren'
I'd jumped to Inka who was just in a white space he's holding 2 red casino
coins in his hand and I'd tried to snatch them 😛.. He was faster, grabbed my hand and rolled his eyes... Then
laughing shoved me into a dream.
It was a dream of being lost I was changing stuff making patterns and leaving
clues to remind me how to find myself.
I'd gone threw to the lounge were my Dad was cleaning up and he'd grabbed me by the arm and started spaying pledge furniture polish all over me.
It had pissed me right off! lol that was when I was dreaming with Leon?
'Yeh Ren you always lose your shit with him' Haha
He was spraying it all over me despite my protests it was covering me in fine white foam
When he
let go it had soaked a t-shirt I was wearing.
It had a picture of kids on, it had been hand made with coloured glitter fabric
markers and the spray was making the glitter smudge and come off.
My aunty was in the room too, it was her space we were leaving (Oh she's also
Aquarius.. As is my Dad)
Anyhow I'd taken the top off and had a black dress underneath.
She'd told me she would wash it for me but it wouldn't be dry Intime to leave.
She had shelves full of old fabric in this strange stone laundry.
We could see a storm coming in.
I was annoyed with my Dad who had also trapped flies in larger and wasn't
helping to pack the car up.
I'd gone back threw and on the floor were toys I'd still to
Humm it's the green fisher price boat
that sits on top of the camper van.
I kind of get some of symbology of this... The fisher price.
This is to do with that dream of my Dad being pissed of with the people at the
church and starting some ongoing feud.
They warned me then about the shitty fall out.
So bubbles?? 'Find the night when someone woke you
Errr I'm forever blowing bubbles ..
Here, Oh that was the night me and Joel made a Mandela Effect!
Oh and I started mapping stuff into my energy body to try and sort myself out.
Foam bubble, seeds this is the female reality architecture? My heads all over....
The shit bubbles night....
Oh yeh, we use red n blue to make purple. And the metal
Oh that was a big night too... Hummm what is the link with Ink and newspapers?? I need bringing up again, not lucid enough to
recall this all at once! 'Say please'
Hahah plx!! ☺
Oh I just recalled another dream. I was with a guy we were watching stuff change before our eyes. Watching a car be white driving up a hill but red in reverse. Was like a toy car.... we were passing it back n forth trying to work out what was going on.
Celtic chakra spiral - We do this...
'Both Ren, sorry depends if I'm
in you or your in me'
Well that's not confusing at all!