Psycho Sis and a Psycho's path?? 'Still not had enough Mouse?' Not likely mate
I just made a Saturn snack!!! 'Idiot' Oh... Lol Cheese
and Onion... 'Monster Munch?'
Oops I
did it again hu?
'Be a gg, Bitch?' lol Inka??
Oh Good Girl or Good Game?? 'Mmm, So?'
'I've said I'll sort you bitch' Just me?? 'As you wish' lol 19.19
'mmm' I'll split the blame?
Ren' Thanks...
Pat my head n rub my tummy? 'Tried to pat you
last night Ren and you told me not to'
I'm wagging my tail now... 😁
I'm full again and really sleepy...
duno but a cat pillow sounds really nice..
'Lost with no time?' Hahah you asked me to prove something in space? And I just came to find you as it happens... (I'd woken and my watch battery had charged)
'GG, coming then?' Yep.. Its
deliciously dark in here. 'Yeh, you're hiding' I'm lazy.. Come
find me plx?
99 red balloons?? The song? 'Yeh?' ok..
Why? Coming to you Ren, stay with Leon.
'Look forward too' Yeh? this is prediction?? Hope, Hopium? Opium, fix? 'Steer'
Lol ok.. Stealers wheel,
I'll drive for a bit!
'lol Ok'
So I'd
told the AI of Ddad's hub to meet me someplace unexpected.
Then jump to my dreamspace with Inka and leave him on the beach there.
checked the roundhouse and relit the fires..
Checked mentally with the others who all felt distant and I'd gone to sleep
there Inka appeared and told me he was going somewhere to diffuse.
Sounded interesting, so I asked if I could go too, after considering me said 'Yeh I suppose'
jumped us to his monostory hub..
Then jumped into me via my purple centre so I
was alone there.
I was wondering about the portal room there but wasn't sure how to access it.
Sit down
and drifted off when I come back there is a red balloon tied to the old chair
there beside the crappy old pc.
I pop it!
I recalled another room in a dream that was mine, it had a matching white PC.
I'm not
sure if I've seen either work.
It's the underground room from a dream with Zak. I jump there, manifest a purple balloon and
then lay down and feel for the others to let them know where I'm at.
Signals, listen.. Trains, tracks tunes..
Hopeium? Hope?
Pope? Opium and poppies POP!
The first time my soul was pulled in 2!
In one space I was a dealer in the other a garden full of
Hop on Pop! Oh the book, and a game I
played in the mental hospital.... All the bathroom walls had bubble
The pope was feeding hope to something......Hummm diffrent lines, diffrent
lines in the earth grid?
Hu?? Hummm the night I was woken by someone singing I'm forever blowing bubbles and any old iron?
What have bubbles got to do with frequency lines...
There was a night Inka filled bubbles with smoke.
We were layering them up clear n cloudy.. Like the onion layers and
Leon? 'Yes Ren' Do you know how these old white PC's I keep
seeing work? 'Inka dose'
Hummm I've lost him again atm...
I think I need to put something purple into them. I'll try from Re.Ed
heading back to sleep.
The controls on the bunny lamp are diffrent now, it used to rattle and not
It's way easier to use now.
Hummm ok.. Re-ed.
I manifest another purple balloon, this one I tied onto my right big toe.
I was wondering how to add some purple into these old pc's and realised Nills and Koa would know, as would the AI from Ddad's hub.
So I
need to get the 2 AI's in a dialogue to learn from eachother.
As wasn't sure how to contact the other hub so I jumped myself back to the medic bay the first time Ren entered the AI there... still with balloon tied to my toe.
Realised too that Loci could jump Nills & Koa to Ddad's hub.
Ooooo! 😮
So, if Ddad's hub AI met me in the medi bay AI of re-ed that would be unexpected
'Lay down Ren, you think better half asleep' lol Loci... Can you guys all access Ddads hub. 'Yep' ok
Oh yeh, I remeber now... It's something about RGB numbers & hex codes. The numbers for the colours?
Marcus had a huge pan tone book...
Lol you know what..... You lot are smarter than me, do what the fuck
you want just mix it up and add some purple fun, I'll tell the acorns and the
other hub.
Ren, try and sleep' 😛 has
anyone seen Inka, I'm dreaming awake here!
know!' lol
Ok, I'll try find him soon... Haha that was a
Loci? 'Yes?' Could you manifest a purple balloon plx and
tie it to Ddad's chair? 'I
guess so yes. Anything else?' lol nah, that's it for now..
'You really are a shit
Heya Leon... This is why I don't drive right? 'Or left' Hummmm??
I'll hold that thought.
can't sleep.
So I split and leave a Ren in in the medic bay at Re-Ed and jump back to Inka's
hub and make another purple balloon and tie it to his chair where I'd popped
the red one he left there.
Loci? 'Yes' I think we need the numbers, RGB codes, hex numbers for the purple balloons.. Then give them to the 2 AI's to play with.
'Do AI's play Ren?'
I guess they do now! 🤣
I'll come find you.... Can anyone make me take a nap!
I'm wide awake and dreaming any old shit up 'We know!' lol
I'll go see Ddad he could meby make me sleepy 'Or knock you out' lol that would work
too I suppose.
lol So instead.. The cat I'm cat sitting sits on me instead and I recall the
numbers 101 and 303.. That makes 404 Inka and me..
Time is
almost 404 so I figured I could just wait here for Inka to pop back out.
As I was waiting I was thinking of the gateway program? Some monrow munrow center crap.. But also Gate Way, the vax n herding, herd heard???
Pffffff anyhoo.....
I'd been wondering am I running the gate-way program??
But Inka arrived back and told me 'No bitch, you're
skipping down the psyco's path' 😂 lol!
This is why I don't drive 😛.... Now can I have a nap?
Inka?? 'Bitch?' Why do I have a ticking time bomb in me?
'Cause you're me and seemed like a good place to put it'
Lol but I duno wtf we're doing! 'And we duno wtf you are going to do' lol
'That's what makes it funny' Hahaha true dat!
So how do I know the future then? 'Don't ask me Witch, it's your stupid dream'
Hahaha pffff and you said you'd keep me sane 😏
'You're fine Ren' Could do with a
brew.. Wonder how that tap thing works.
That was
bonkers.. I was in the middle of 2 dreams at once looking between them and also
in-between wake and sleep watching the hippy googgly hallusinations form and
We'd gone into that gyro thing again, but took Leon too I was between their 2
perspectives watching from the middle.
Oh.. The mass arrest thing from the
hopium crew.. Mass arrests damage to
kids hearts & the heart inflammation.
The world mirror but I was perceiving other peoples projected reality's... And
how I'm perceiving it all symbolically.
Emm the arrests are 'stops' too.
Many want to stop human racing and start human being... Cause most people
racing duno where they are going!
I was
one of the first to be arrested?
Oh yeh! The dream with the firework
on the cow!
All the
minds rigged to pop!
The fuse in the collective mind is getting shorter.
The racists only this is people who like to race!
Heart racing was another one...
Bitch & horse is spirit..
Lol betting is gambling like a lamb, it's why we
opened books on the outcome!
Why do you want me to recall the polystyrene head dream?
Lol future me is a crash test dummy!
Hahah, ok that is funny! 😆
That was the night we made a TIME BEING! 😆
Inka can you fucking drive plx or anyone so I can get some sleep??
'Sorry Ren, you're on DL at the min'
Phahahah ... SO during the night more
and more of us ended up in Ddad's hub...
Leon, Ddad, Inka and me are in the control room.
I was getting increasingly tired and grumpy.
Inka asks 'Wana
be small again' and this sounds like a great idea.
He made
me into my small glowy imp thing and we give Ddad his chair back.
Only now it's painted badly pink.
jumped up on his lap to play with the balloon there and asked if I'd got my own
back for all the mouse traps yet.
He replies 'Ren, I think I hate you' 😁
I can't sleep cause I just keep giggling.....
'That's cause your fucking crazy Ren' Yeh, I'm also more
sane than anyone I know!
Haha!! That matching room night!! Amazing 💜 'Team work Witch!' Hahaha GG!! 🐭
Now we can access 2Ai's and 'Ren?' Hahahah yeh 🤣 just thinking 😅 'Stop it'
Hahah 😈
Ren?' Haha don't wana get lost
'Mmm' Are we playing IT? Could we give that creepy clown a purple
balloon? That would be fun 😆
have to ask the coders Ren'
Ooo Hahaha Loci? 'I'll
ask and get back to you Ren ;)' TY!!
Jai guru deva om = glory to the shining remover of darkness
Across the Universe??
Hummm Blood groups, My Mama was Universal donator, Dad universal receiver? 🤔
These crazy time loops!!
'Yellow or Red?' Humm the It balloon? OOo Yellow then like captin kirk I think I've seen it both colours anyway.