Thursday, 26 October 2023

Trains, Horns and Hooves.

24th Oct

First dream I was castle grounds, a beautiful castle in the middle and rolling fields planted with veg, pools and spaces to play.
A gorgeous train station went into the castle.

It was a station just for the castle, the station had a tunnel threw stained glass and been voted the UK's best station though few people knew of it.
I was traveling on it for the experience.
A party or festival was being held in the castle grounds, with tents and things... It was a fun dream.

Go bk into the same dream, we are having games and competitions.  
Oh there was a huge sofa too, I had to climb down off it.... But a guy on the ground showed me it was a reclining sofa and moved it around while I was balanced on it trying not to fall off.

Next up I'd been left in charge of a huge industrial kitchen, it was outdoors and I needed to cook a Sunday roast for 26 people.

Some of the veg had been prepped. 
I realised I'd not cooked any meat... The large freezers were odd tower things with doors on each side.

The meat was huge blocks of frozen stuff and I didn't see how I'd be able to cut portions I needed or cook them in time. 
I'd gone threw to the prep area and the usual chef gave me a large tray of some flat rolled meat thing, she told me this was what I needed to cook.
It looked like chicken meat, but it was more like a flat rolled joint.

A long walk with kittens..   Everyone seemed to be carrying kittens!

Last dream was a new halls of Res, I'd picked a room next to the common room.   I was intrigued by another room though.
Room 4 that had a large double bed, no windows and was split into 3 rooms... It had pictures of eyes all over the walls and smelt like shit.
I meant to go check if the toilet in it needed flushing as I was considering swapping to it.
When I go in someone else had moved in, I didn't see them... Just their stuff laying around so I left again.

Kef was with me, I kept him in a freezer between walks. 


2 huge crafts/ships.   One was a cube 50miles a side.   It was partly buried, another was more of a large floating disk.   Both were filled with people, I was in the huge cube.

Other dream was my main dream space, tropical trees blowing in a gale of wind.


first dream was long, a team game.   Groups, a female was being held captive in the top floor of a ultra modern building.   We'd found her using lift shafts.

We were trying to get her out. 
One of her team mates was there and was going to help us, but it was a trap.  

Their boss wanted to shoot the female with a laser weapon that were the norm and I'd gone and hugged her, shielding her. 
At that point my guardian arrived in a sort of non corporeal form... Unusually looking, a very slim very old androgynes male, it was hard to tell the sex, apart from the small goatee beard.  They were dressed in a dark red long coat/gown.   I didn't recognise them at all...  But they'd arrived in a protective capacity for me and I was using myself as a shield for the other female.
The guy who wanted to shoot the conceded and let us all leave.  It was a long game that continued between lives. 


Next I'm in Sheila's dream space but it's a jumble of places I've worked vet's/care. 
I had an attic room, the building was several stories tall.   It's morning but still dark. 
All the dreams were dark, deep night skys.
I'd got up and was washing my hair, sand was coming out and I recalled I'd been swimming in the sea earlier in the dream.
Down stairs I find the vet Ann, Hilla and Zak in the kitchen, a washing machine is making waves of water that slosh down a drain, and Hilla is dancing in the water on the floor.
A meeting was being held in the front room and I was grabbing some food and a hula hoop before I went to listen.  Abbi was in their singing. 
Loads of cakes too, the meeting included a cake tasting! :D 

A surreal part where I'd gone out into the dark and was surprised by the people around. 
A guy runs past me with hooves instead of feet, he's dressed in modern clothes and looks human from above the knee but incredibly fast.
A massive glowing train on raised tracks, allso futuristic, I'd stopped to watch it.

I'm seeing shadows of things with satyr like horns too.  It was puzzling as I wasn't sure if it was my own shadow with the horns, they were long and curved...
There was a strange vibe too that brought very close to full lucidity but not wanting to wake I stayed with the dream too.
I found myself behind an amazing white HGV but it's so futuristic it's tires are like white trainer treads, it was pristine and amazing looking but I was stuck behind the back wheels.  The vehicle is reversing slowly and I'm backed against a wall. 

Moving slowly and hoping not to get squashed. 


Last dream I'm in the spare room at Christine's watching an amazing moon rise, the moon is huge low and full the craters highly visible in amazing contrast. 


Friday, 20 October 2023

Helping & Animals


First dreams I had a lot of strange rodents they were like fat mice with curly hair. 
Then I had a small bat too called Basil. 

I was feeding them, needed to go get more food.

Next dream I had lots of babies. 
2 lots of quadruplets.  I was caring for all of them.

I had an odd home, the back of a HGV and also a small flat boat, like a working barge.


Next a strange dream about levitation.  A square stone pond.  I was levitating into it and floating on the surface without breaking the water tension.
Others were watching me.  It was harder to levitate from the surface of the water back up.  Was to do with the different states of the molecules. 


Last dream was very odd.   Mayfield in my main dream space but the buildings were being transformed into crazy temples. 
It had started with one and others were following, they were kind of occult looking with amazing stone statues and architecture. 

Large stately home.  I was 'help' there.  The building was being closed off from the outer walls inwards. 

I kept going back into the same dream.  Taking food to yachts and drivers coming and going.

Huge wardrobes and big suites.  I was part of a food service team. 

Odd surreal stuff too a fighter, and then an odd mapping overlay onto the points of articulation in his body.  A robot kind of suit.  Another fighter would be joining him using this connection feedbk so they could fight as one.

There was a birthday party too, a bar and lots of crystals and gems.  Again, I was serving people.


Last dream had Soly in, he was in my Nana's dream space.

20th Oct
First dream was of an amazing clothes shop.
All kinds of fabrics and colours.  Male & female...  Elf like people. 

2 factions with boats and meeting places.


Long dream with Em and her family.   A large party they were having in a big house with large open plan downstairs.
I'd been cooking for the party and had made lots of specially prepared dishes then was cleaning the kitchen afterwards.
Sweeping, and hoovering taking our rugs and cleaning surfaces.
Marcus was there too.

Last dream was a strange spiritual group,  psychics and people with unusual gifts. 

It was linked to the other dream, in that many of us had been at the party.
We took a trip together to some unusual South American ruins that were being used again and dwelling places.
A burning tree on strange sacred ground.

I was finding old toys that were looking for the people who'd loved them when they were kids.
I was helping reunite the toys with the adults. 

Friday, 13 October 2023

Week 2 Oct 23

6th Oct
Odd dreams... Quite violent but not unpleasant.  Started in a strange wooden funfair with small rooms.

Then an odd time travel dream.  We were trying to pull off a big con job stealing a vast quantity of money.   We'd already rest the timeline once when it went wrong.

I was part of a shady group working together.

We get caught in the process, we'd been set up from the future and weren't able to jump again, or change the timeline in time.. So ended up captured and charged.

It was obvious we were guilty.

Then dreams in my main dream area, a big parade on the main street.  Tables and chairs had been set up café style along the sides of the streets.  I knew my extended family were all further up the street on the other side of the road but I was sat alone at a table with spare chairs.
I had an odd small wooden alter with incense sticks.  When lit they turned into huge charcoal blocks.  There was a draw filled with various gems too.
Some strangers joined me.  I left my stuff with them, and go to check on a cave down by the harbour, it housed a nuclear reactor. 

I'd walked down a dark alleyway.. Dark like night with no moon,  I could see the outline of crows sitting on the walls and on one wall was the shape of a male with dreadlocks, he was dancing to music he was banging on a drum.

Last dream main dream area again, this time Inka was with me.   More violence we were fighting for fun.
The group from the first part of the night arrived, they were angry with me for the fucked up job...  We had a train to catch and I'd got caught under a rockfall.  One of them reluctantly agreed to drag me out by my arms so we could continue on. 


London with friends.  Kill a boss thing for a crown I needed. Bus driver a log den & willow weaving. 
A large house with mosque floor, I knew people who'd lived there before. 

A sandy beach, nice spot for a picnic, over ripe bananas as a snack.


11 Oct

First night's sleep after 4 night shifts.

Laying the same lino we have in our bathroom.  It was over a large area, the old lino was being removed.

I was with a Indian family there, they ran a shop.  They'd taken on a friends daughter Ceris when her fam had moved bk to the Netherlands. 

A journey by car, then another.   Walking along the road by the Shottermill club with Em & Daryl.  Daryl was chucking rocks at some people and I was trying to stop him and calm him down.

A longer dream of Ashington... Or that's were it was in my dream.  We'd arrived at a bus station.  The bus' were all brushed steal, the bus station was a depot too and there was a bus wash they went threw before picking up again.
We'd walked around after leaving the bus station and I realised the place we were in was Ashington, but it was so clean.   Spotless and cared for, a mix of people from all over the world.

Children playing alone on the streets.  It felt a loved and safe place. 
I was with Dom who'd got a take away and left the rapper on the street, annoyed with him I picked up his rubbish and took it to a bin. 


Last dream was more surreal, an odd robot vr thing.  It's battery was flat and I was plugging it in to recharge for the next day. 


A very odd long dream.
I'd flown with 2 of our residents to a massive hotel attached to an airport somewhere in the south of the USA.
We had a huge room/suite.  In the dream both residents could walk... And kept walking off.  The layout of the place made them very difficult to keep an eye on.

We were leaving the next morning via a plane from the hotel we were staying in.
It had huge windows and balconies and the rooms were all open, connected by ramps and lifts.
Outside was a sunny lake with a sand shore were people were bathing.
I was hungry but the food was very expensive.  The meals looked good but I couldn't afford anything.
I'd lost Freda once and relocated her bringing her back... But trying to watch 2 people at once was difficult and she'd wandered off yet again.
Looking for her I made my way threw large kitchens, I became lucid here while looking at a guy.. His eyes were orange, the more I looked at him the stranger he got.
I'd set the intention to go somewhere else.

I ended up in the basement of the same place in an odd space of prehistoric waters.  Flying over the waterfilled rooms I was being squirted with water from strange shellfish.
I allowed myself to go back into the dream state as I'd not woken while lucid and picked up the story again.
I was asking people who might have noticed Freda if they had seen her, and sure enough some had.. Passing 20 mins before me she'd left the building into a local town.

I kept tracking her threw a shopping mall and then along a road.
Another guy had seen her too, he was repairing the path with a barrow of tarmac and he pointed me in the direction she'd gone.
This time over a huge old stone bridge.  I was aware we only had 2hrs left before our flight and would unlikely to be bk in time for boarding.

When I catch up with her, she's laying on her back next to a large manmade pond. 
I wonder if she's dead as she's motionless but she wakes when I blow into her face.
I'd managed to get the women back for there flight.. But didn't have time to find my own stuff and was left behind.

13th Oct

A strange dream, I had a long caravan Kelly was with me.  A fire inside that doesn't go out. 

It was a school of sorts our lesson in a swimming pool.   I'd turned up to early, my lesson was to be wed evening but I'd gone on a Monday and was to early.
We shared an industrial laundry room.
large washers and driers.
We did laundry at the weekends.
I had a strange pair of plastic glasses with a spider over one eye.
The pool and caravan was set in an enchanted forest.

We could watch TV on the laundry machines too and a football match was playing, we were all inside watching it while waiting on stuff cleaning and drying.

I kept going into the same dream, another old forest with bare dry roots on the ground. 

I was running round and round.
I've been set a mate there who I was kissing.
People with fleas too, or large lice.  I was tying to remove them from their hair and clothes.


Thursday, 5 October 2023

Start of Oct Dreams

1st Oct

An odd false awakening dream at work.
I was in the room I was in on top floor. Kids were playing on the floor and a group of friends had come to a memorial on one of the residents that passed recently. 
I'd looked at my watch in the dream and realised it was time to start...
So I'd got up n done everything I needed too, then looked at my watch and realised it was now only 5am.
I looked at the clock outside and got up as I'd thought it was 5 and started, then wondered where my college was.... When I checked the clock again, it was only 4am and I was starting to early.

2nd Oct

Really odd dream, I'd been getting acupuncture in my face but the needles were huge and they were being pushed threw to the bone. 
I looked like Pinhead.  Winnie was there too in some wyrd dominatrix roll! 


Day sleep, been having a dream with Em was my main dreamscape but rough.  We were kids hanging out on the streets, sleeping in a canvas tent.   She had a crack pipe and we were going to get high, but I was woken by a neighbour clearing the street with a space before I got to take a hit.


4th Oct

First night in bed after 4 night shifts.   Didn't dream till gone 3 then a deep long involved dream I wake from at 555.

All set in Berwick.  It had started with Chris n Sandra who were retaking there wedding vows in an outdoor ball court. 
A market stand was selling children's clothes and a large bell with ribbons stood on top of a pole.  I was a guest seeing at the ceremony.  The bell ontop of the pole rang and that was our q to go see them off in the car.   The ballcourt seemed to be were the garages are in the estate that they live.

I'd popped into their house before going to watch them leave.

After that I was with this strange rich family.  3 brothers and two of their wives and a bunch of their children lived in a large open plan modern house.

At first they were friendly, welcoming us in.  

There was a celebration of sorts for one of the guys, he was making an announcement about his success in a outdoor space.
I'd borrowed a book from a local library that involved a sort of health test.
It had a probe like a pulse oximeter that gave a detailed bio read out.. And I was using a pinprick test for blood gluc.

Me n Zak who was with me were using it, and the others wanted me to check them out.
After a while of being nice, the rich family became unkind, I realised we'd outstayed our welcome.  
I'd left their house with Zak and we were heading into town when he wandered off.
lost in the crowd Ian appeared and wanted to look for him.  I'd decided to call the police as someone would have likely found him and told them.
The first phone I found in my bag was an old handset from a house phone and didn't work.

Stopping outside a church there is a bench by the old stone wall.  One it someone has created an alter of bamboo animals with strange tusks.  
2 huge strange cats are fighting on the street near me.  Puma size but with unusual markings on their fur.
I create a small alter of my own next to it, with random bits of stuff I found.
Looking threw my other bag I find my normal phone n call the police, they have Zak and arrange to meet me.
The place we meet Ian is there fighting with some other guys and they run off as the police 4x4 approaches, I meet Zak n thank the police.
I recall I'd left the library test kit at the rich house and have a feeling they won't return it and leave me with a fine I don't have credit for so I head bk there with Zak to pick it up. 
They still have the book, and request me to test there blood before I leave.
While testing there blood gluc as they'd asked.  I pricked all the guys fingers collecting a drop of blood.
One of them called me 'Warlock' from across the room.


What was that about?  'You had to ask....   '   I get an odd download.   Pressure test, god mode game...   It's alot at once  

Eh?  'Lay down n shut up'  lol

Too much stuff, Chris n Sandra family lines, blame, slain and game.  'Lay' 

I knew it would be better unpacked in a dream,  but I have an appointment early this morning.
Did go into another dream were I'm back once again in Berwick, this time on a bus with Jithin.  We'd gone up there to meet some Indian friends we both knew.   But was woken by my alarm.   


5th Oct
In a place like a halls of residence with Martha and Claire, we were studying there and looking for shared accommodation for the following year. 

Last dream was odd.  I was with an Indian guy in his lab.  Loads of strange equipment I was a lab assistant of sorts.  The setting was very futuristic with bullet trains connecting city's. 
I'd been beaten up and was a mess so he was keeping me out of site doing lab work for a time.  I didn't mind as the other thing I was made to do was sex work and I was happy to skip that. 

Something had happed to my eyes too and I was finding it hard to focus both eyes the same way.   One was pointing of to the side.  I was using a mirror to try bring them back to pointing the same way.


Friday, 29 September 2023

Moving house n Biscuts on Head


Tick-Tock - Mind Stop

Full Stop - Heart Block

Too hot to know not

Need Room Need Space

Get out -Into Air

And Spread into Place


Moon rise, Surprise

Night glow, soul show

Dark ways, games played

Things done, Webs spun.





Too & frow, breath that flows

Leaves behind the galax trees
Home heart, a dark art

Of creative potential that's inconsequential


Mind Dart - Idea to Start

Potentiate the formless state


Emotion winds about a projection,
like a vine,

Twisting n growing a perspective of mine


Mine Sweeper - Stealth Attack

Target Feeling - Blow it VAST!


Expansive sensation


A Focused Objective

A falling apart...




Balance n resting, we meet and we part.



A mind and a heart.


28th Sept


Didn't think I'd dream as I'd not slept in bed for 2 nights... Inka bet me I would and I took him on.  


First dream was an odd cook off.  Again we were all kids in a school uniform I don't recognise.   Chef's, writers and artists...
We were making an omelette like folded pizza thing   filling in,  folded like a pasty shape.

Wake at 404 I'd been in a strange matriarchal world, men were kept as slaves.
It was a forest world..  I was a reporter of sorts.

Last dream we were leaving for a new home.
Only it wasn't any house I know we were packing up from.
It's full of stuff, in a right mess.


We have a large white van we are shoving stuff in. 

A strange photocopier was in the bathroom.   It jammed and came apparat... Was showing a fan issue but then I recalled I'd accidentally unplugged it's water supply.

When I looked in, it's ink was to thick, it needed water to print correctly.
When I reattached it, it was more like an IV line and I was plugging it into a stoma in a body inside the printing/copier machine.

We reassembled the bits that had popped out when it had overheated.

It was large and going to be difficult to load onto the truck for the new house.

I was moving between the 2 places, our packing totally disordered. 
Filling a few bags with random stuff then dumping them on the floors in the new house.

I'd gone to look around, I knew my family wouldn't like it here.  It was a poor area with lots of kids in Adidas,    oddly I found myself wearing the old Adidas bottoms I had when young.
The kids were confrontational, but I wasn't the kind to back down and felt ok there.
Later on in the dream I'd found out they all mainly lived in a young peoples care home.

A large train track ran close to the new house, a metal gantry bridge took me to the local store where I met more of the people in the new place. 

Morning rise enterprises. 


29th Sep


A bed of fluff 'You tired enough?'  Tired enough for what?  'What do you want?'

Mmm  you know me well enough, I'd like to sleep n have some fun.
'I think I won last nights bet'  lol So should I have a rest?  'WHO knows what's best?' 

Errrr I duno, I should sleep as I'm working 4 nights in a row.
I'll miss being comfy in bed and alone.

'You are rarely alone Ren, in body soul or mind' 

Mmm I guess I have company around and inside.

Got lots to do and lots to be...  'Close your eyes n target me.


Wake at 1.11


A work dream but with family and other dream characters.  The place I was working was more like a village & Aunty Betty & Aunty Sheila was there.
Ann the vet too. 

Rodica too,  she was selling holiday lets in the hotels on the sea front in my main dream space. 

Before that I'd been in an odd space with Inka or Jack.. Playing a game but the recall was hazy.

Go bk into the same dream, or very similar it's around Irean's house this time.. And someone keeps poring biscuit crumbs on my head while I sleep.   It's confusing me that I keep waking up in a mess.

Ann (vet) had returned from a archaeological dig in an oil field.  She's brought with her an odd game it was sunglasses and a child's foot made into a gun.. Like an odd VR.  
The foot was bothering me, it was warm and pulsing like it was in pain.   I could feel the foots pain just touching it.

I'd found the person who'd been putting biscuits on my head.  I'd gone to investigate with a large owl.  It was flying around following me round.
I met Rachel H.. She was kissing me.  I wasn't keen but didn't want to upset her.
I'd left her at the entry to a restricted section.   She didn't have a staff pass to follow me in.
Once inside I could tell a female was the one responsible for the biscuits by the way she was looking at me.  As I'd challenged her she confessed.   But said I'd deserved it for making a mess n nearly causing a fire.   (I didn't recall any of this, but she'd don't it cause she was annoyed with me)


Monday, 25 September 2023

Dreaming In Laundry

Burning like fire

'I'll smother your flame'

I'll keep combusting

'I'll drive you in sane'

In sane feels better I know who I am

'There, I'll always meet you and hold your hand'

When the world is falling

'I'll pull the rug from your feet'

I'll sleep on the floor

'And I'll mess with your dreams'


When I dive into darkness

'I'll be the void that you fill'

When I shatter apart

'I'll hold your still'

You drive me crazy

'At your own request'

Yet your a home for my heart, my being my nest.


Inside a chemist warehouse packing up an order in a small oval basket.. It was strange as it was my order.  It wasn't medication just other bits n bobs... I'd wanted to see the size of something.  I dropped the basket and got sent out.
An odd dream, a city cannel or water flow well 2 but they are flowing in opposite directions and I'm on some concrete structure in the middle. 
The water levels were rising and falling as water locks were used.


I'd taken a crap on a bit of paper and dropped it down on one side were the water was.. It missed the flow as the water level was low and I watched it splat onto some concrete steps 😆


Back at a school too, in a uniform and standing on a mountain top at sundown.

Last dream was also odd.  I was at a strange children's farm.  I'd been trying to make my way to see some animals but the layout was odd, lots of locked metal gates.
The path seemed to lead threw a work shed where a complicated vehicle was being worked on by a small team of guys. 

I'd apologise I was lost and one of the mechanics gave me a small card that would act as a pass and put his authorisation on it.

Next I'd ended up in an old cart full of freshly washed guys underwear!  I'd taken a nap in a pile of pants and socks.

Kept walking till I reached an unusual town square, with small independent shops.  Stopped and had a look about. 


Sunday, 24 September 2023

Full Deck?

I'm meeting friends in a pub before we take a flight to the USA New York Niki, Jack & Marie.  We are all excited, we were going to see a show.
They ask me if I've remembered everything...  I haven't.
Think I can go bk and get my passport and book a ticket on line but when I look there are no flights left, on their flight or any to meet them up.
I'm sad and upset and they are disappointed in me for not sorting it out.  

I realise it's that aspect of me that just expects stuff to happen automatically so I'd not bothered to plan ahead.

I stay with them in the pub and we chat before they have to go.

Jack dose a card trick.  
He'd handed me a card, the 7 of hearts...  
But when I take it, it changes into a folded birthday card with the 1 of hearts... The 1 was for the 1st my birthday.  It's an old card, more of a folded bit of paper that looked really old it had been written long ago. 

It was a feeling of him returning something, the letter/card had moving photos of children playing together and I recalled our childhood as good friends. 

He takes me and hugs me, it was odd.   He was old hair white and skin soft in the way old skin is with muscle loss.
Smelt odd too, but not unpleasant - it was very real... At the same time I knew he wasn't old and was the same age as me living happily with his wife n kids. 


I'd left them to take the flight and wandered off home alone.  

When I get home there is a call for me from Dixson (the regional manager at the place I work-someone I've never met)  It was broken up and I couldn't understand what he was saying.  He was calling on a remote control and I was trying to tell him to use a phone, then I might be able to understand. 


After I work n went to the loo I was considering the first dream and how real it had felt. 

I'd asked Inka to help me understand and he'd warned me of the violence that comes with only interacting with him - so I'd reached out to Malico. 

My dream dust was strange and the stuff surreal, I was being shown stuff in a symbolic way. 

I'm told 'Something to hide in the Annals of Time'   I wasn't sure what that ment but I knew the link with Inka and time.  I gave the something to a large black crow. 


Old plants.... They needed NOW food to bring them back to life.
I had that sensation of being pinched on the bridge of my nose and realised I needed to find that dream when I got up.


Hummm... From the 2nd of Feb, the day after my Birthday.  -- Humm, that fits also with the face trauma I have atm too & what Inka was telling me.  'Mmmmmm'  😏

Took me a long time to learn how to shut up...  'You're getting there'  😆

What about the cards then 
 'Playing with a full deck?'    Hummm I duno?





hummm...  I'd recalled writing this too as a kid, I don't normally recall it in full.

Up Down, Round & Round,
Living in life's playground.
First it's your go then it's mine,

What have we learnt after all this time.

Live for now
And lighten up,

Give up the searching for the cup.
The grails inside just stop and feel,

Allow your conscience time to heal.


Shed a tear, smile a smile.

Stop and think a little while.

Our time is NOW it's what we've got,

We need no more

We hold the lot.

The cards dreams remind me of this time..


Hummm... now I get the Katy x3!

What dose the name mean?? 🤔

Pure.. 🤣   '😈'  Yeh, I'm no Katy 😏

 lol your so rude!  

 'Punny Though'  I'll give you that 😛

This site is intreasting...

I'm a Jack :P  'Shame you don't stay in your box'  lol

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...