Friday, 28 June 2024

Lost yet Trapped


601 in 105 shoes? 
Fast stuff.  Swap & Change

My dreams very hazy but involved still with Malico.
I'd woken up in the bed in the hotel again alone in the dark, he was sitting by an open window.
He's reluctant to let me leave the space but his intention is sound.  Inka came to me in one of my dreams.

The fire alarm here at around 1am.  Malico was also not letting my bring awareness back to waking state till free of here.  More shoes... Soul coverings.
I was drifting into old memories and recalls, playing in the arcade when I was a kid on the bubble bobble game on a break from working at the cafe.

My dog and games with balls.


'Keep it up Ren?'  lol Malico... The football games I made as a challenge?  Lol, nah, I'll leave that 2 the players for now.... I know what I'm fucking good at.

'We do too'  I'd been again in the arcade in my old dream space, I was back with Mel before she killed herself.

Revolving..  A revolving door,  Click, Click, good night - come in.

'We're here for you Ren, your recalls are being stored'

Then a journey south..  Red Carpet (Shirly's all and stairs)  The older woman from the lane, the lay lines and energy's that flow down and threw the lane there. 

My elderly neighbors there who used to ask things of me in dreams.
I'd channeled it all from conflict into a game to avoid more of the same fall out for families - but had ended up putting myself in the way/Wey.

'Ren?'  Mmmmmmm?  'It starts and stops with you too'  ?  Hu? 

Kellogg's and cereal choc pillows.  Repeats  'Just stay in it for now Ren'  kk

Then I was bk at Shirley's again, her x partner blacksmith I never met..   But was Inka in the role...   A black leather apron and I had on a green plastic pinny I had as a kid 'Holly Hobby??'   'Hey Bitch'   Hey Inka  'I'm coming to you and Malico'  If you say so. 

So much crazy Inka?  I ended up in a mental hospital as I didn't have the money to walk away from a situation I should have with my kids...  To end up forced in a hospital where I can't walk away from a situation I don't want to be in! Lol 

'You knew exactly what you were doing witch, you still do when you trust and flow'  

Lol my eye man, accidental eyeballing vape juice was not a smart move 😂


Last dream I was seeing what was like a large black & sliver lighter.. The flit was being flicked and I was watching the sparks.

I've asked about 6 different people and the ward manager today to speak to the Dr in charge of the unit.. as my RC been off since Tuesday.  
Nothing...... might as well be fucking invisible

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Soft Like Silk


Can we all dream share? 'Not advisable without Malico'  Ok, Why? 'Ask him to share, and tell you why Ren.  His balance and support would only benefit your situation'  Ok  'You can ask Inka to stay Ren'  He makes me comfortable.

'We know Ren, you are what you are and we love you for it'  Just as well really.

'That doesn't mean we don't find you irritating'  Hahah, yeh, that I gathered.  'If you stay apart from Inka your life would be easier'  .....   I get that from the many probabilities, still I just follow my feelings and intuition.

'Find Malico and talk to him, we will wait.'  Ok


I found Malico in a posh hotel, Italy somewhere I assume as he spoke Italian to the room service. 

He was busy where I arrived and he asked me to wait, I watched the sun setting over a town from his window then he ran me a bath and gave me the black n gold PJ top that matched the bottoms he had on.
What I'd been wearing was covered in Inka's blood.
He ordered us coffee and some soft cakey things...
He wanted to dream with me there while he watched over me.. We would go bk to the others, but not yet.

Was jumbled Eminem  Em & Me  M&M's!  Music and choc.. 
I was weaving much.. Below the collective consciousness the structural points and nodes that support and project.


Over watch & Over Mop..   Magenta pink..    Others black & Gold like the song & Seth & Anubis.

Did we make it to Inka?   'I took you Ren, but your awarness is still merged with mine'


Silk worm and thread, the spice trail..  The fabric of reality .. Hard too 'I know Ren, it's a weave, it's hard to linear the multi-dimensional perspective in your mind, lay again please' 

Thanks Malico, 'You know I always look out for you Ren'  Mmm I know our past, I'm sorry.  'We both made our choices Ren, it makes little sense to regret'  We must have made other probable choices too?  'But of course, but from your perspective it was long in the past and far in the future were our paths entwine.  It's why I can offer a much wider perspective and balance to your NOW' 
How can you help?  'Stay merged partly with me for now please, you will have much more strength, stability and patients to navigate yourself from this situation'


It's when I stick to Inka I get locked up?  'Yes Ren'   But it's you guys that flip me first?  'Also true' 
Why?  'You ask you get Ren'  I need to understand more please 'Best done at night or in sleep, run and admin today, we will be around when you have time' 



Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Need Freedom


Afternoon - Hectic dream. 

Inka was chucking more and more stuff my way and I was trying to fend and sort it from here lol while stuck in a fucking mental hospital.

'Sorry Ren, I am helping too'  Mmmmm  Inka, your help is often like a hole in the head.


Busy day... Outside in the sun lots.

Sleep was disturbed by staff putting light on in room
I'm dreaming so much... 'We swapping Ren, I'm keeping and eye on who and what is going on' 


Then dreaming of lock in, and odd uniform and access codes..  Haha that was 303  'It was mouse, cards & moves in your court' 
I'd been dreaming b4 I woke of power/moves/mover/turns.

You've been with me all night Inka?  'Yeh Ren, 2 close for the comfort of many'
Oh yeh, I was sad about having to leave my building, kids, home, job so much I've built and worked for and loved and done.

Inka had come here to keep me company while I was sad

'Like I showed you last night Ren, for now. We move on'  Mmmm   'Sleep again while it's still Dark'

333 was a bathroom and port departures.  'Bk, B4 you're on shit list'  lol


Ddad was pissed at Inka and I this morning.... Started cause Inka refused to stop smoking in his kitchen.
Then he was just ranting at Inka for encouraging my shit and us both being a fucking nightmare to manage.

We listened quietly amused, but did agree to sort our shit out for a bit.


Inka and I merged awarness, jumping and sorting.  Blending some stuff to flow better and removing some of the glitches we'd created.

'Best behaviour till Ward Round Mouse'  lol Ok... 

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Curtain Down

Leave.... Sleeping threw a storm 'Train wreck Mouse'   Got pins and needles in my head!


'Come here'  Why?  'Cause THERE NOW, be not pretty' 

Amazing dream!!!

Incredible halls deep below ground,  vast ceiling's like them sacred geometry temples.
Looked like being in an epic vid game.
It was a play and stage set to, but also my home.

I had a personalised tarot set with my name on and beautiful painted pictures, one of the suits were green apples with a bite out of them. 
I was picking place on the floor to lay and look up staring,  at the vast beauty of the space.
I was a hybrid species part fawn/deer part human/pixi
A thing/person/being friend.. Could have been Inka - we had that kind of familiarity.
It was huge, almost made from tree roots :)

I was curled up on it as we spoke together.
He was the protector and creator of the space.  I was his good friend.... I'd been in his lair with a couple of others, one was a croc/alligator hybrid.
We were trying to come up with a plan to save the space.
There was a sense of love, peace, sadness and resignation.

I'd been laying on the protector he was big.  We'd been talking, I was in awe of the place and sad we'd have to leave
He's told me us, not to return without him.... With him not there it was a nexus - would be over-run and not safe.

Someone was still trying to save the space, but I like the protector was resigned to the change.

Then it was like a play set/movie a massive theater old yet modern... Full.
I'd entered at the end of the show I enter at the back of the tired seating, and was trying to get bk down onto the set to grab a could of things I'd forgotten to bring.  Following another we went down the isles and then slid fell way down to the set below - again following the other out.

We wind up entering a very modern privet jet. 

A single male is in a cockpit type thing with only an ear set to control the flight.. He was listening and ignored us as we passed, yelling to the ground crew not to shut the back hatch till we were out.
We climb out and the 2 guys in a hanger are holding onto black plastic to avoid being blown away as the jet takes off.   We climb easily up this to their amazement and land in the hanger... Walking threw.

That was amazing Inka... Sad and epic!  Familiar and comfortable.  We were the last 3 left, aside from a changing superhero type entity who would be the one who would fight for the space till the last.

'Come bk to me again Ren, you can stay here and dream'  We were still at Ddad's Rome hub.. They guys were eating pasta Ddad had just brought me wine, olives and fruit.

Inka you were... 'Keeping you at arms length'  Mmm well not 'Just be careful Ren OK?'  ?

'We want you out - I'm fuel to your Jet - so please.  Let me give you the space' ok, it's hard.

'I know Ren, curtain down - we all moving on.... You too, but before we jump you again U need to tidy up there - Not long, but it won't take much for you to flip into the thing they are afraid of again'

Ok.... I'll be good.


Ooooooo   @ 25th Antimony the holy grenade.


Can't read my writing for the next bit.... But we'd smuggled Antimony  the holy bomb. 

The metal antimony symbolizes the animal nature or wild spirit of man 
and nature, and it was often symbolized by the wolf. Explore all 
alchemical elements.

I'd been woken by staff putting my fucking light on!  Was almost 1am.

Fun lovers and thrill seekers.  Long dreams again.


Oh Racists... But the ones who love racing.

This Is Special (feat. L. Mathís)




Everyone had finished eating and I went to dream with Ddad & Leon for the rest of the night.  Laying in the middle of them.

 Was a mad relay with a unicorn and other crazy stuff - humans in dress up.
It had been set in the playp ark of my main dreams space.  I was sitting up on the old wooden monkey bar.. The head of a kids gang.  People coming to me to hear.. I was devising and sharing a plan.


Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...