Sunday, 16 October 2022

A Strange War

Lots of nursing dreams, not ness work... But other places I've played that role.




Really tired so dream recall not great, dreams were long and involved.  A city hospital, medication rounds.  Nurse roles..  Lots of them like I was taping my collective experience.
An acting role too...

Lots of info and data sorting.

Second dream was long,  Marcus and Ian were in it - it was odd as they were fighting for my affection.  




Big uni it was at the end of the year and we had all been taking exams.   I was also on shift there to keep an eye on people.

Back into the same dream,  Outdoors now, a huge orange moon.

Next dream was really long, a dark version of stone close... The house was elongated front to back.
There was a war, and co ordinates were marked on the walls.   I could see glowing vectors too.
The fire was going to the house were the other Andrea lived.   There were soldiers out the front window with strange launchers, firing over the house. 

They would with time come in and fire from my room, another went round to the back garden and was firing from there.

They sky was vast. 

A huge convoy of military robot dino's too.   A little like horizon zero dawn in size and style, but they were military camo colours and covered with guns. 

They were walking down the side of the house.
I had infant clothes, and people were coming to collect them....   At some point the dream changed so I was in Em's house... The other way round.  

Sorting some more clothes and also baby food for people in need.
It was sad... The destruction, and inevitability of it.

last dream was also long and surreal. 

Set underground in a very old style hub,  wood clad walls painted in yellowed white paint.

2 law enforcement guys.... They didn't get on.  At first one had a prosthetic arm. 

A white door with a post box, people were passing me messages.

A female changed the arm of one of the guys...  It was odd too, with the feel of barbi and ken dolls. 

At the end of the dream I found myself in a sort of gameshow competition.


In the first round I didn't have a clue about the rules,  I had a chopping board with a selection of foods. 

I lost the first round... And then told them I didn't understand the game objectives.

It turned we were to write a recipe using what we'd been given.   It was easier now I understood.


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