Sunday, 9 October 2022

Day Dreams



At work.  Lots of HH while meditating, chilling and a visual effect coming back that I could see in the room.
An orange red pulsating geometric shape.


'I told you not to trust him Ren'   I trust him to be what he is.   I still feel him.

How come you are being so nice?  'I feel you too Ren'   I know.
Thanks for keeping me company.  'You're welcome idiot'   lol 



Dreaming with Kaylo, Malico and the Red babe that's now bigger.


First dream very detailed.... They all were considering it's my second day of nights. 

Bell had been hit by a car and I could tell her back leg was broken.  

I was taking her to a vets but Ian and mark were there and in a heated argument about spirit/religion.  

Mark was crying and trying to get away from Ian...  I was aware of the other dreams I'd had with Mark and what the possible issue might be.

Mark had left into an underground bunkhouse and bouncers were stopping Ian from following.


We'd gone into an adjoining building like a bar to chat to people.   I was recognised by someone who wanted to know how I was.....  I couldn't really remember them though, they new my name.

As we were talking on of his bottom front teeth became wobbly and lose and another friend pulled it out. 

The last part of the dream was crawling up a stupidly steep red brick path with 3 other females.   We needed it to get to the high road.

2 of them were Asian, 1 had dropped some stuff.   I'd accidently crawled over some of it so I'd stopped to help them pick it up aware my cat was waiting with a broken limb.

Next dream had been long, set in what I think was pinnacles.  It's been a while since I dreamt of here.

It's been a while since I was in this dream space...

Lol....  The first line...   'He even told you himself Ren'   You don't need to trust something to love it.   
Anyhooo..   I had to learn to trust 'He was teaching you ultimate surrender Ren'  That was to Air though....   'Yeh'  ???

Anyhoo 'Read that after'   Ok..


The space was abstract, a large room like a club or dance hall, with deep wells that fell threw the floor and a high ceiling.
The wells were tiled inside, with a pattern of flowers at the bottom.  The water level very low.

We had a herd of cattle... We needed to herd them into an area where they wouldn't be in the rising sun.

I had the babe of a friend too, cute kid with light brown skin and afro hair.   I was dancing with it to give the Mama a break and chatting to a table of people, a guy there was remembering his son.
The queen was in my dream too.... But merged with my Aunty ann in some way.  Or it was the queen but felt like an aunt.  She had a room, but it wasn't the queens one.

I kept falling down the wells too.
I was getting good at landing though.    Flipping in the air to slow my fall.

Last dream was a bit like work but I was with Andrea's family and Glen... It was funny.
There was some wind storm... I was crawling in threw some glass doors were people were scared spreading laughter on my way.  
The people thought it was coming from the kids I'd amused, but I didn't care as it was working anyway. 

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