Friday, 7 October 2022

Space Bird

2 nights with DarthD & Inka.    They have been ignoring me mainly as I lay on the floor dreaming in Ddad's hub. 

6th Oct

Lots of dreams... My recalls ok, but it's hard to bring the detail threw to waking as they are such long dreams.

A hospital dream, I was nursing or care staff bringing stuff for people, towels and washing.


A futuristic hub, was like a university hospital or something.  It was a vast complex with a football team too.
We had dorms and I had a sign on my door.  I was a nurse and a sex worker, a couple arrived that I knew.  But we all just lay around on the floor talking...  The female was a version of a girl I knew in school, the guy was similar to Simon I first did LSD with. 

I was in trouble with the school authorities but there was an election due there too and  the leadership would change. 

Last dream we were caring for a baby girl, but we had all forgotten her name. 

It was a surreal place, I was with a bunch of hippy males.  We had found a meteor it was an unusual shape, almost like art.
The guy who had reached for it was grinding it slightly and as it split open there was an amazing stone/petrified creature inside.


At first it looked like a dragonfly type creature but as I turned it round it had feathers and turned into a bird.   It's feathers had pictures of puffins on, round it's collar... It was small like a sparrow but greys and blues. 

We were calling it a space bird.  

Oddly when we tried to show it to some other people it had morphed yet again into a model of a red and white lighthouse with small LED lights.  


An odd little shop, glass spiral stairs.  I was making a meal with tinned hotdogs and instant mash.

Very long dream.

A lovely big old cottage with a large garden at the back that connected to other lawns and gardens from surounding propertys.

Unusual plants, that moved like eyes on stalks.   They could see and feel and followed movment.
I was gardening and looking at the plants, showing them to others.

Then a large vet surgery where I'd been taken on as staff,  I'd lived there once then left.
I'd come back but the place had been expanded and changed and I was struggling to find my way around.
It was shift change and I'd lost my coat, was looking for it to leave but kept getting lost.

Odd rooms like tea rooms, and 2 open dwellings..  I was confused as I'd known the layout diffrent.
A woman had a room with puppies and kittens, and then tiny horses and chickens.
They were all the same size, lining up and then ebbing and flowing like the tide.

Wadering round the detail gets more sureal untill I'm in a futuristic operating suite.   Small gass and dry ice bottles are in a metal carosel that can be wheeled around and there are rows of stainless steal chairs.

It looks like it's set up for humans rather than animals.   The place has been steralised and I'm not supposed to be there, but I can't find my coat or a way out so need to keep exploring.

Next was an underground water way.   The water was special and pure, we were not supposed to contaminat it and there were stone walk ways to pass.
More people were there too, also using the walk ways and walls to clamber around the water flow.

There had been info on a twinning experiment too.  I'd been paired with someone on a magenta&yellow. 
They had been various outcomes.   'Intergral enemys'  I think was my outcome.  
The pairings had had various results with the intergration of the twin aspects....    I'd been one of the less harmonious results, I recall thinking I'd kinda fucked it up.  It was easy to understand there but hard to bring the awarness threw to waking. 
Some groups had ended up as one androgenous entity,  but I was an aspect with 2 in one. 

In the morning, Leon arrived and jumped me to Kaylo.  He was angry with Inka, wanted me to stay away from him.   Inka arrived after still ignorning me but arguing with Kaylo.

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