Thursday, 20 October 2022

Mining and Explosions.


Dreaming with Kaylo - Inka is watching us but not dream sharing.


First dream was long and visually brilliant.
My Gran and Grandad was there... It's set on the cliffs in front of there old house. 

They are both dying in the house. 


The cliffs are incredible, they are glowing rocks that are being mined into rippled tile shapes.  They are black flecked with an orange, gold metal.   The sky is black filled with shooting stars. 

Of shore is a mining rig on a small island, it's using explosions to break up the rocks on the sea bed and flames are burning on the sea. 

The rocky shore is lit by came fires, there are 2 distinct groups of people.   The miners in hard hats and overalls and then hippy types with dreadlocks and layers of clothes.


I had that VW camper I often have when I'm in this place, Wolfy was in it sleeping. 

I kept going to check on my dying grandparents.  

I was looking into a dark rock pool filled with fossils and shells, ancient shell fish still alive.

A huge craft flys overhead too, it's space capable.   It drops in my arms what is like a ventriloquist puppet of a US president.... It was like a mix of Kennedy and errrr Clinton... Or what Kennedy might have looked like older, he had white hair.


Next dream was a bus stop.  I was with a group of friends, I didn't know them but the smell of us as a group was familiar.   We were an odd group of ages and styles.

House maintenance and repair.   An old bed base with legs and casters and a dirty mattress.  I was repairing a wall, it was the old style of wooden batting with plaster on top. 

Yet another group of unusual people, they were also friends.  We were playing a game with a bar of chocolate, letting it melt onto bits of our body then licking it off.

Next dream was similar too,  groups of people who knew each other.  
Old wood furniture including a grand old wardrobe, it had been painted I was considering if I could restore the faded paintwork.
But Dot had started sanding it and the design was almost gone. 

Large hornet sized wasps that were transparent like glass. 
2 of them, one kept landing on me.

More groups of people, I was moving around alot.  Again, people I don't know but in the dreams they were familiar to me.

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