Wednesday, 5 October 2022

CPL & Layers

4th Oct.

Many long dreams but recall not great.


Outdoor work place, groups and teams.  I was collecting a crew and we were listening to a radio interview.  Had bunkbeds too, a nice sunrise.


City.  I was looking for a bunk space, some people I know were in a shared space where people had sleeping cupboards along a wall.

The manager offered me a space but it was a square shelf space.  

I'd told her I'd need to sleep like a pretzel to fit and I'd stay in a B&B, to let me have first shout on a space were I could lay out. 

She was strange looking, deformed skull, ginger curly hair.  She'd agreed and took the key fob I had for the space and put an updated code onto it. 


Last dream was in the rain in the dark, a loft or barn.. And then below a series of paddling pools and buckets filled with warm water.  We were sitting in them in the rain chatting.   We were various sizes too, the smaller entities in the buckets. 




A 3 story house I lived in with 2 old fashioned grandparents (Not mine)  We had a rotor of meals we would prepare.


Next up a lucid dream, I was in my living room looking into a mirror the images were changing.  First it was a baby like Josh or Zak, then more surreal stuff like reptilians and morphing images.   I was trying to decide what to do so I tried to 'roll' out of my dream body.  I nearly succeeded and thought I'd woke myself up in bed, but soon realised that was another layer and became lucid there instead. 


I was in the air viewing a freight distribution service called CPL.  It had blue and orange HGV's.

Seems this is a thing.... Also blue and orange.   Only the branding I was seeing was different, the cabs were white - This was odd as I was familiar with it from other dreams too.

I was seeing the joker in a car, dogs herding sheep.  

It was a street in the dark.   
When I was lucid in my room...  I'd wanted to be outside so I'd set my intention to go to the street.   The street wasn't this one.  

I'd dropped to all 4's to feel the damp road.   It was very real.
3 tabby cat's all different breed and shape, walking with a pigeon.

A guy I was with, taken by the police...  He was also medicated with something that made him out of it.


I'd woken then WILD into another long lucid dream.   Again the detail was amazing and real, I knew the environment and knew I'd been there earlier in the week in another dream.

Marie was with me and I was telling her about the space and how there was 3 versions of the same space.

It was a medieval costal village. 

One version had a castle on the cliffs at the shore, another was a walled market town and the 3rd more of a village. 

Oh yeh, I'd WILDED from another dream, were I'd been meditating at sunset.

It was fun to chat to Marie and I was telling her about layers of dream.


I'd lost a bit of lucidity as the dream unfolded and we headed into the market square. 

A strange metal machine was there, like an industrial clothes drier - only it was a transport devise with 2 guys inside.   One of them tried to pull Marie in and she'd attacked them, with one getting stuck under the devise.

After that we wandered about and explored.   I found an odd deli with open sandwiches and asked them for a bit of quiche I could see they didn't seem to know the name so I'd just pointed to it.


Last dream was 3rd person almost.   A female, part of an experiment in a strange futuristic lab... She was waiting on recall. 

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