Sunday, 20 November 2022

Scribbles Bum

18th Nov

Wake 313


An odd abstract dream...  With Inka I think, it was a dark place a bit seedy.   Cuban cigar only it was 2 a larger with a smaller inside...  Inside them was a golden soft resin and a gold scarab.


A choice of 2 uniforms one blue white striped the other green and white.   Stars and aliens. 


404 wake.    Harpers and queen?  Is that a magazine?   Anyhoo I'd been in a crazy haunted house with a forge, I was the blacksmith there. 

A veg garden and people with very pale eyes, the reinter hardly visible. 




Dino's a fishing picnic and a breathing kit.




A funny dream, with Jithin and Bincy.  We were in a sort of B&B type place, just me Jithin and Scribble at first.   
We'd ordered take away pizza only it came with a block of French cheese and an engraved cheese knife...  

The knife was the chefs and shouldn't have been included so I was going to call the place and return it.
Jithin's friend arrived, a blond nurse in a black uniform, then Bincy. We were all going to share the food.
Then I noticed Jithin had shoved pink and white tissue paper up scribbles bum

I was gently pulling it out when he started to poop....   Lol was like a sausage machine, and I was having to catch it in my hand.


I was grumpy saying.....  Blugh! I'm catching poop in my hand!


Next dream was a big old falling down house with lots of different rooms.  
One was sky room, another earth..  They all had different windows and vibes. 


There was an area where clay and stone was being carved and moulded, all kinds of patterns and designs, had no room, was a crumbled room.    There was a big heap were stuff had gone wrong, cracked or broken... Crumbling, so many colours of stone. 

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