Sunday, 6 November 2022

4th-7th Nov.




I was following an old railway line.. Over crossings and I could see crossing where a line had been decommissioned.   The tracks taken away but the old crossing and signposts still in place.

A young girl on her way home from school goes into my bag where my wallet is and takes it,  I see her and stop her make her put it back.
As she's in uniform I decide I should tell her head teacher about her intent to steal so I walk her to the school... On they way there the girl ages a bit and I realise she has a school tie on, so must be at the middle school.

We change directions to go there instead, the kid takes of a few times but I can run faster with longer legs so I catch her up easily.

We get on ok and she wants me to drop it.  
I tell her she needs to realise actions have repercussions.

At the middle school we go into the secretaries office, the head has left already but she will find the deputy.

There is a strange filling cabinet with what looks like folded up raffle tickets inside... They are tipping it up and the white numbers out onto the floor.


I inform the deputy about the girls attempted theft and he askes me what I want done.  I told him it wasn't my concern then woke up.

Next dream I was with Inka in a large stairwell, he was sitting on the floor in the corner smoking and I was dreaming next to him.

A metal ball and cube, the metal is a dark colour the objects are made of many bits together and look like puzzles.
He tells me....  

'Squaring the directive - the directive squared' 


5th Nov
An amazing small town, large village. 

It was very abstract and old.

The changes could be seen,  seen in the various architecture.

I was staying in an old cottage belonging to an acquaintance, a lovely wood burner and a giant monkey / human hybrid was comforting a small baby.  

They had curled up to sleep together.
I was taking images to share with some friends and I'd decided to go to the oldest part of the settlement that had an ancient burnt out oak tree, and mainly derelict buildings.  

6th Nov


Odd false4 awakening while at work...

I was only half asleep as listening out for buzzers and alarms.
So was a false awakening thing. I was dreaming of sitting in the chair with 2 strange priests of different religions. A woman and man, both with lipstick on and odd robes. But every time I looked down my uniform was unzipped and my bra was round my neck!

Work dream.  

I was doing care work but in a city, I kept getting lost on the way to houses.

Some of the people I was caring for were exceptionally beautiful.

Like marble statues, they were telling me their stories.


Last dream was more abstract...  East enders again.  Sol's Sis...   Streets paved with newspapers that I was flying over. 

There had been a long story too, a roadmap to the sun. 


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