Thursday, 9 February 2023

Dream Vortex



Clearing out a collage room.. It was large with a single window and only an old mattress on the floor, 2 infant boys and a bunch of plastic toys.

Washing the shower section too, with an old grey curtain.


Holly shit!   Crazy erotic dream, but not like human sex.  I was jumping multiple realities and also a sort of vortex in underground waterways.
I duno how it started but it got crazy fast.

It was a dream share of sorts but the others I was with were trying to take advantage of me sexually - but I was recalling more and more.
I was in way over my head, but I couldn't stop - it was so real too.

Like being raped in multiple dream layers, but I duno.... Also being in control. 

I was like something they had smuggled in to take use... But I was taking control of them and warping their reality like a drug, the more I did it the better it got.

It was odd as I wasn't a body as such I felt more like a vortex running threw stuff and connecting it together.


On another layer I was talking about rape with some females... Viewing and sharing perceptions of gang rape.  I'm fairly sure I bit someone's finger off too!

'Would you please lay bk down and STFU' lol Inka?  'Ren 🙄'  lol

'No bitch, I won't ask again, sleep plx'  😆


Next dream was long, like an 80's film.  Plots and pirates a strange mermaid like woman with golden hair that glowed and a drown man that popped out gold coins like a jackpot machine.  Vampires again too,  we were all inside this large old fashioned American style house.
Police outside... it was like a raid.  The house had an underwater cavern below.
The drowned man had landed there and the gold glowing woman brought him back to life.
Although it was jumbled the details were very clear, an old mug filled with sugar and some tea bags, and making a choc and peanut butter milk shake in a small grubby glass.


Last dream was also surreal and violent, marshland, I'd taken a dog there to pee.
I needed to step over a shingle bank were some blue suits were in a pile on the ground.
An aggressive guy with a silver kitchen knife at my neck. 


Another guy who'd been attacked, I was helping him bath.. Washing blood and dirt off.
He had on a strange superhero fancy dress, with odd sticking out hair.  
He wanted to cut the hair off, but I'd suggested to wait until he was clean again.


I'd given the silver knife to a woman asking her to get rid of it, but she'd given it back to the aggressive guy....   I didn't really mind, though it was being heled at my neck again to make me do stuff.

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